1674-11 Carl FisherCopy t� •
Viz. 1. A. Collins
Mr. Parks C. Haynes
iuy tith 1,Z1
Mr, C. U. Novi,
39 Brodway,
Nol? ?or City,'
?ear Clcce;
• 1 helve yews of the lot, and nm kenay intszc-
ostod end hope your ndlitional nagetiltions on heals will cot
throueb this week, 1 am giving you e ochednle hors of
our operations so far, which will onsily ox?lain the general
conditions ot. Asmi end Yismi Docch.
Golf Courso
Boulevard notal
FlnAngo Cos
liautilus Cottee
rang Cols Cotteoso
Lincoln Hotel
1030-/3. /031.1931
t24,55Z.00 42,415,C0
11,000.00 4,97440
believe as mnsy people ere here as wore
ever here, but thny are scattered all over tha country, nnd
many people who formorly otoppd at our Boulevard.
King Colo !Iota, and Lincoln Rotel are nouout In Cowes.
You C33 net c som71 nnd bath here in vary good hotels both In
N'llead and :land Beach for a dollar n dnyt cad with the enormous
quantity of vsp.aUbles ms4 fruits wo Ilvo this yr, it in very
easy to 1L oa 0140 a day for to -A* ,
1 roalizo what you ha7a to WV regard/ad tho
osis or bends to a recoiverships• mai 1 hays eonsids7od onmn .
very olrofuly for tia. pat fsw months. 1 hive b,.,= 017i:lod
that it is bot'er to prpere for a racalvorshdp than to be
forced into ono by nunsPous oults.
Our bank bAnnee hero thia norAng le lona
than 444000 In ell or our accounts. We have may q rel bills
to take care of for the balInce or Zamary, sad hopa-wo
hIndlo-tham, but 1 will not knew dofiwtely just bow far we
can co until I hear from Xry Collins who Is expected hero
on Fidy,
As 1 have explained In previna lott-ers we
have more than half n mAllion dollars worth of dlp)la that sr,:,
halving fire, and have inert hftnOng fire for the past year,
and or c'Amso a fop of theso if-conmaciatod would relieve to
situation tremendously,
C ;Kayo o 00
havti triod to koop Parka Hoynee activoly
on 'oho lookout for ono pocolbilitioo ot 'Oontouk, ond 1 no doing
tho owe horco but oe Goon to bo oontinuolly runing into o
to no roll, vith pooplo who orOinarllY uould bo very much
inter in tloatnuA property.
To ohow you !too far 1 am going in oo moo
to rn:',am soma nonny, 1 hove oToerod throe imported rugo which
1 hovo in my hole bore for solo, witbout any interest of oug
mon, althoogh 2 hove ofterod to take twenty fivo coots on too
dollso oo t1206) ruga. '1 Onankthg arrots to novo
out of ay home boot) at Mind B000h into a eonllor how°
whom tho gcaorolomponoes rill not be eo groat, arra also
to gimer. ohm= to hove tho houses cloaaeo up on4 ootten
roa3y for a quick vie. .
Vo rondo a nO,CDO solo on ntturda Ibich
eters,o US not a dlmo in cntlo but it docs!holp gencrally
toward° a finishing ooint.
In toillto or them Eenoro1 conditions, you •
will notthat Creator Mond is only exceoded•by four cities
in tho Unitod notes in building polo:its lost month, and w
«1y locOca u vory small noount or boing in third piece.
A voro lergo motor of cottngea ert beiag built -at Moat. Booch
nnel noo ones or, etartino evory dOy, but thea o hougoo aro all •
a lon pricod type, run,Ang froC4,000 to 0.00pol eocO.
Thi lo n wry hoolthy constructioo period, as many wealthy
Poole fro; the north aro building th000 homes.
You may dop,old upon it 1 or doing ovooythino
possible to koop afloat, owl I ao trying to anticipote future
troubles oolcoby Cottino your opialon, es well so our lawyer's
opinion in Nwo York. Thoy odviso otronglY a8oinot a
rocolvornhip at this timo, if It Cin be avoided. Thaw woo
to bo big difr000nce In opinion sato Piet Coot le best to do,
but nines receiving your loot letter of the let, 1 Ga sang to
hang O to the loot minuto.
1 Betio adviood Haynes to consult with you
on ovary oava, nod yoo and fool froto aek hie coopleto
cooporotioa. Ir it is, st all posolblo to work out such an
orgonioation ao you baro In mind at Vontouko this Compnoy
bot will. take car* of ell ioontouk liabilities, and also
fiv3 considorablo protection to tho stockholdoro.
. V