1674-33 Carl FisherMr. LaFayette Page, Jr., 60 . Bast 42nd Street, .New York, N. Y. Peer fiatei- What veterinary collages is your "brother associated with? I understand he makes a specialty of livers and lights, and general internals. My liver don't work. The proper diagnosis of try case is that I feel Sine and em in very good health — all blood testa, urine tests, etc., are right up to the standard, but liquids I cannot handle, and every six days I have to • go to the hospital and they take Out between 18 and 19 pounds. This only takes an hour and I feel very well after the job is over. Ia there anything new in treatment of liver troubles of this kind? Of course, you 'don't kms► anything about livers, but you can ask your brother. Why don't you run down and I viii talk to yon about sone, 'insurance — on livers only. 1 have no property' to insure. MAU Yours, CARL 0. FISP i.