84-17627 Reso _ JMEJLrAS, the 'Clef CoimtilLou of the CLay of M~mul leech he f~ m~ deCe~n~ Chat ~he promllit~ of certain s~eifL~ ~lee, ~ldel/neo ~ ~o_.~, ~,.~1 ~T ~ ~ aha CXn7 ~XaeX~ of the CX~ of . of ~ch of the eff:--s .-J ~_~r ~n~ pro~r e~uc~ a~ Iffem~e of the ---- ~ vawL~m ~ ~reo a~ ao~Cceee of the boards a~ c~tteea to hep, or cause ~o be kept, ~ce f~ ~ceo or oum~ Memo of the p~e~lnp of each a~ ~e~ Metals of said -- .k. -&6 ~aazoAe pr~czcuae Co C~ CAty Cle~ for distrihciu, 2. That at the orlanlsaeloual eestXnls o! each-of tho laid M)erda'-or coillttlii: resolution or ordLu~e ereac~s such board or c~Ctee, ~opt, pr~lssce inter.rate hca Lis records a etatemc of ch p~per a~ duly authorized seals and objectives of eu~ ~ard or c~tctee. ~ac Ln the ~C of dXealremuc ~8 the ~er8 of ~hi particular ~ard or emt~tee es ~o c~CL~uCeo a p~r ~ nchorLz~ seal or ob]e~Lve of ~h particular ~ard or emiCCee, the ex,ogive of tho ioneo ~ ~he specific u~ure thereof. be certified by the ~ or c~CCee ~o the CLcy Clerk for grano~ga~ou the CLeF ~soL~, ~h ~11 ~erufCer p~eed pT~CZ7 ~o resolve ~ decs~ the saM. - 3. Zc shall be ~be du~y ~ ob].c of the ~t~n or prestdtaj officer each of ~be ~arde or e~C~eeo co cal~, or cause co be ealld, the roll of M~re, a~ the ~n~eo o~ ~ no,es of .ch Meting of e~h board or of each ~r of ~ch hrd or emLcCee, 4. Et %0 hereby mdt Cb ~le ~ ~Xou of a~Lac~c ~ aonc~ N~er ohXp of each 8~ ffe~ ~r of e~b of the offtral ~ardo 8~ c~fcceeo Chac ~hree su~cebo/ve che~es (uless the foveuLn8 resolution or proves oche~oe) by au7 ~eF of au7 board or c~ccee fr~ said ~er of duly held or called meCLnp of said ~ard or ~C~ee, ~e S~ and c/eno cause therefor, fhll be de~ ~ a~ ~ffie/euc cause for the of such m~er frs cbt ~erchip of a~ board or cmLcc~ by the ~cy ~ ~oe/on or ~ividual ~sstooer skins such ep~LncMnc, aM nth re.vel ohall create a vacancy in the ~erohLp ~Lch shall be filled ~ the em ~. ~e failure of a~ ~y ~eo~ boa~ or e~c~H C0 me~ ~ch sufficient fraquency ~o ~Xy eTa~ae~ ~be hawse of eafd ~ord or e~CCH, or ~e~ 4 ~ of ~e ~r ~l~8r qurcer, 8~11 re~l~ ~ ~he au~o~ie dissolution of the ~a~ ~ or e~eteee aa*my be 7. hc bfolutLfl b. 13248, ~p~ ~FXX 7, 1971, be ~ abe o~ is hereby re~aZd. PASSED and LDOPTED chis tach da~ of Janu4ry 198&. FOR.',". /'.PFT.;.','. )-;5 L~...'.'~ ".:,. ~', F 4.8