LTC 270-2002
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No.~o- t\)()()d-.
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City Commission
Date: December 3,2002
From: Jorge M. Gonzalez
City Manager
During the 2002 session, the Florida Legislature approved and amendment to Chapter 163
(163-31777) of the State Statutes, requiring that the county and municipalities within a
school district enter into an interlocal agreement with the school board to coordinate plans
and processes of the school board and the local government. The due date for the
adoption of this interlocal agreement for Miami-Dade County and all the municipalities
within the county is March 1, 2003,
To this end, Planning Department staff have been working for several months with the
South Florida Regional Planning Council, Miami-Dade School Board, Miami-Dade Planners
Technical Committee and our City Attorney's office in adapting the model agreement
provided by the Florida Department of Community Affairs to the local needs. Florida
Statutes require that the interlocal agreement, at a minimum, must address the following
. A process by which each local government and the school board agreed and base their
plans on consistent projections of the amount, type and distribution of population
growth and student enrollment.
. A process to coordinate and share information relating to existing and planned public
school facilities and local government plans for development.
. Participation by the local government with the school board in the process of evaluating,
among other things, new site selection before land acquisition.
. A process for determining the need and timing of improvements to support new,
proposed expansion or redevelopment of existing schools.
. A process for the school board to inform local government regarding school capacity.
. Participation of the local government in the preparation of the annual update to the
school board's 5-year facilities work program and educational plant survey,
. A process for determining where and how joint use of either school board or local
government facilities can be shared for mutual benefit and efficiency.
Miami-Dade Public Schools Interlocal Agreement
December 3, 2002
Page 2 of 2
. A procedure for the resolution of disputes between the school board and the local
. An oversight process, including an opportunity for public participation for the
implementation of the interlocal agreement.
It is expected that the interlocal agreement will be approved by the Miami-Dade School
board on December 11, 2002 and execution of the agreement will be done individually by
each municipality within Miami-Dade County, The Administration will be presenting the
agreement at the Commission meeting of January 8, 2003 for your review and discussion
and will schedule a public hearing at the February 5, 2003, Commission meeting, after
which the agreement can be executed.
c: Jorge G. Gomez
Planning Director
IICH2\VOL 1\PLANI$PLB\CCMEMOS\L TCslschoollntertocal agreem,doc
Revised Draft/12/02/02
This agreement is entered into between Miami-Dade County, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "County"), the Cities
of City of Aventura, Town of Bay Harbor Islands, City of Coral Gables, Village of
EI Portal, City of Florida City, City of Hialeah, City of Hialeah Gardens, City of
Homestead, Village of Indian Creek, Village of Key Biscayne, City of Miami, City
of Miami Beach, Town of Miami Lakes, Village of Miami Shores, City of Miami
Springs, City of North Bay Village, City of North Miami, City of North Miami
Beach, City of Opa-Locka, Village of Pinecrest, City of South Miami, City of
Sunny Isles Beach, City of Sweetwater, and the City of West Miami (hereinafter
collectively referred to as "Cities"), and The School Board of Miami-Dade County,
Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as
"School Board").
WHEREAS, the County, Cities and the School Board recognize their mutual
obligation and responsibility for the education, nurturing and general well-being of
the children within their respective communities; and,
WHEREAS, the County, Cities, and School Board recognize the benefits that will
flow to the citizens and students of their communities by more closely
coordinating their comprehensive land use and school facilities planning
programs: namely (1) better coordination of new schools in time and place with
land development, (2) greater efficiency for the school board and local
governments by placing schools to take advantage of existing and planned
roads, water, sewer, and parks, (3) improved student access and safety by
coordinating the construction of new and expanded schools with the road and
sidewalk construction programs of the local governments, (4) better defined
urban form by locating and designing schools to serve as community focal points,
(5) greater efficiency and convenience by co-locating schools with parks, ball
fields, libraries, and other community facilities to take advantage of joint use
opportunities, (6) reduction of pressures contributing to urban sprawl and
support of existing neighborhoods by appropriately locating new schools and
expanding and renovating existing schools, and (7) improving the quality of
education in existing, renovated and proposed schools; and,
WHEREAS, Section 1013.33, Florida Statutes, requires that the location of public
educational facilities must be consistent with the comprehensive plan and
implementing land development regulations of the appropriate local governing
body; and,
WHEREAS, Sections 163.3177(6)(h) 1 and 2, Florida Statutes, require each local
government to adopt an intergovernmental coordination element as part of their
comprehensive plan that states principles and guidelines to be used in the
accomplishment of coordination of the adopted comprehensive plan with the
plans of the school boards, and describes the processes for collaborative
planning and decision-making on population projections and public school siting;
WHEREAS, Sections 163,31777 and 1013.33, Florida Statutes, further require
each county and the non-exempt municipalities within that county to enter into an
interlocal agreement with the district school board to establish jointly the specific
ways in which the plans and processes of the district school board and the local
governments are to be coordinated; and,
WHEREAS, By entering into this agreement the School Board, County, and the
Cities are fulfilling their statutory obligations and requirements recognizing the
benefits that will accrue to their citizens and students described above;
NOW THEREFORE, be it mutually agreed between the School Board, the 8oar-d
of COl::lAty CommissionOFs of County and the City Commissions or City
Counoils of Cities that the following procedures will be followed in
coordinating land use and public school facilities planning:
Section 1. Joint Meetinas
1 .1 A staff working group comprised of the County Mayor/Manager
and/or designee, School Board Superintendent and/or
designee, and City Mayor/Manager and/or their designees will
meet at least on a semi-annual basis to discuss issues and
formulate recommendations regarding public education in the
School District. and coordination of land use and school facilities
planning, including such issues as population and student
projections, development trends, fivo yoar ~ work program for
five. ten and twenty year intervals and its relationship to the
local aovernment comprehensive plans. particularly as it relates
to identification of potential school sites in the comprehensive
plan's future land use map series. school needs (school
capacity and school funding), co-location and joint use
opportunities, and ancillary infrastructure improvements needed
to support the school and ensure safe student access.
Representatives from the Regional Planning Council will also be
invited to attend. The initial meeting of the working group shall
be held within 60 days of the date of execution of the interlocal
agreement, upon at least 30 days written advance notice, and
shall be coordinated by the School Board Superintendent, or
1.2 One or more representatives of the County Commission or
their designee~ the governing body of each City or their
designees, and the School Board or their designee (s) will meet
annually in a joint workshop sessions. A representative of the
Regional Planning Council will also be invited to attend. The
joint workshop sessions provide opportunities for the County
Commission, the City Commissions or Councils, and the School
Board to hear reports, discuss policy, set direction, and reach
understandings concerning issues of mutual concern regarding
cublic education. and coordination of land use and school
facilities planning, including population and student growth,
development trends, school needs, off-site improvements,
school capacity, school funding, options to reduce the need for
additional permanent student stations, and joint use
opportunities. The School Board Superintendent and/or
designee shall coordinate the meeting and provide at least 30
days advance notice of such meeting.
Section 2. Student Enrollment and Poculation Proiections
2.1 In fulfillment of their respective planning duties, the County,
Cities, and School Board agree to coordinate their plans upon
consistent projections of the amount, type, and distribution of
population growth and student enrollment. Countywide five-year
population and student enrollment projections shall be updated
annually by the County. School District five-year student
enrollment projections shall be updated annually based on Florida
Department of Education data. Updated County and School District
data shall be provided annually for review at the staff working group
meeting described at subsection 1,1.
2.2 The School Board shall utilize student population projections
based on information produced by the demographic, revenue, and
education estimating conferences pursuant to Section 216.136,
Florida Statutes, where available, as modified by the School Board
based on development data and agreement with the local
governments and the Office of Educational Facilities and SMART
Schools Clearinghouse. The School Board may request adjustment
to the estimating conferences' projections to reflect actual
enrollment and development trends. In formulating such a request,
the School Board will coordinate with the Cities and County
regarding development trends and future population projections.
2.3 The School Board, working with the County and Cities via the
staff working group~ will use the information described in subsection
3.3 and any other relevant information provided as part of the
requirements of this Interlocal Agreement, to allocate projected
student enrollment into sub-county planning sectors. The planning
sectors will be established by mutual consent of the School Board
and local government staff. The allocation of projected student
enrollment and identification of planning sectors will be determined
at the first staff meeting described in subsection 1.1, The planning
sectors shall be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure relevancy
and may be modified, if needed, by mutual consent of the School
Board. Countv and Cities.
The staff working group shall also provide input and comment, as
desired, on the planning of new facilities, additions or renovations,
for consideration by School Board staff in its formulation of the
tentative Five-Year plan. Likewise, the staff working group shall
also provide input and comment, as desired, on the update of the
Five-Year Educational Plant Survey. for review and consideration.
Section 3. Coordinatina and Sharina of Information
3.1 Tentative District Educational Facilities Plan: By June 30th of
each year, the School Board shall submit to the County and each
City the tentative district educational facilities plan prior to adoption
by the Board. The plan will be consistent with the requirements of
Section 1013.35, Florida Statutes, and include projected student
populations geographically, an inventory of existing school facilities,
projections of facility space needs, information on relocatables,
general locations of new schools for the 5-, 10-, and 20-year time
periods, and options to reduce the need for additional permanent
student stations. The plan will also include a financially feasible
district facilities work program for a 5-year period. The Cities and
County shall review and evaluate the plan and comment to the
School Board within 60 days on the consistency of the plan with the
local comprehensive plan. includina its compatibilitv with the
comprehensive plan's future land use map series, and whether a
comprehensive plan amendment will be necessary for any
proposed educational facility.
3.2 Educational Plant Survey: At least one year prior to preparation
of the Educational Plant Survey update, the staff working groups
established in subsection 1.1 will assist the School Board in the
preparation of the update, The School Board will remain
responsible for reporting and submission of updates. The
Educational Plant Survey shall be consistent with the requirements
of Section 1013.31, Florida Statutes, and include at least an
inventory of existing educational facilities, recommendations for
new and existing facilities, and the general location of each in
coordination with existing land use plans. The staff working group
will evaluate and make recommendations regarding the location
and need for new, significant renovation or expansion, closures of
educational facilities, and the consistency of such plans with the
local government comprehensive plans and relevant issues listed in
subsections 4.3,7.6,7.7 and 8.1ofthis agreement.
3.3 The Countv and the School Board shall periodicallv review
the Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance to strive to ensure
that the full eliaible capital costs associated with the development of
public school capacitv are identified when updatina the impact fee
3.4 Growth and Development Trends: By January 31st of each
year, local governments will provide the School Board with a report
on growth and development trends within their jurisdiction, based
on the previous calendar year. This report will be in tabular,
graphic, and/or textual formats and will include the following:
(a) The type, number, and location of residential units,
which have received zoning approval or site plan
(b) Information regarding adopted future land use
map amendments, which may have an impact on
school facilities;
(c) Residential building permit applications within their
jurisdictional limits requiring school impact fee
payments for the preceding year and their addresses:
(d) Information regarding the conversion or
redevelopment of non-residential structures into
residential units that are likely to generate new
students, and conversely information on the number
of residential units converted to non-residential uses;
(e) The identification of any development orders
issued that contains a requirement for the provision of
a school site as a condition of development approval.
Section 4. School Site Selection. Sianificant Renovations. and Potential School
4.1 The School Board, through its standing School Site Planning
and Construction Committee (SSPCC), shall provide a vehicle for
the review of potential sites for new schools and proposals for
significant renovation, the location of portables, or additions to
existing buildings, and potential closure of existing schools by
hosting an informational forum on an annual basis or more often as
may be needed. For purposes of this forum. the SSPCC shall
invite a representative fr-om eaoh of the impaotod l:lnits of
govornment to include a representative desianated bv the impacted
units of local aovernment to serve in an advisory support capacitv
to the SSPCC for the purpose of participatina in the proceedinas
and to provide input and comments. for consideration bv the
SSPCC in its deliberations. The forum will review the School
Board's acquisition schedule and include appropriate staff
members of the Schools Board, at least one staff member of the
County and a representative from each of the affected Cities.
Based on information gathered during the review, the Committee
will submit recommendations to the Superintendent or designee.
4.2 When the need for a new school is identified and funded in the
district educational facilities plan, the SSPCC will develop a list of
potential sites in the area of need, The list of potential sites for new
schools and the list of schools identified and funded in the district
educational facilities plan for significant renovation, the location of
portables, or additions to existing buildings and potential closure
will be submitted to the local govemment with jurisdiction over the
use of the land for an informal assessment regarding consistency
with the local government comprehensive plan.
4.3 The evaluation of new school sites or significant expansion of
student stations at existing schools shall be in accordance with
School Board Rule 6Gx13-2C-1.083, as may be amended from
time to time and attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Any proposed
amendments to sale this rule, which may impact upon the terms of
this Interlocal Agreement, shall be submitted to the affected local
units of government prior to submission to the SSPCC and to the
School Board.
4.4 Pursuant to Section 1013.33 (11), Florida Statutes, at least 60
days prior to acquiring or leasing property that may be used for a
new public educational facility, the School Board shall provide
written notice to the local government with jurisdiction over the use
of the land. The local government, upon receipt of this notice, shall
notify the School Board within 45 days if the proposed new school
site is consistent with the land use categories as depicted in the
future land use map series. as well as the aM policies of the local
government's comprehensive plan. If the site is not consistent. it
shall not be used as a school site until and unless otherwise
approved bv the local oovernment. This preliminary notice does
not constitute the local government's determination of consistency
pursuant to section 1013.33 (12), Florida Statutes,
Section 5. Supportino Infrastructure
5.1 In conjunction with the preliminary consistency determination
described at subsection 4.4 of this agreement, the School Board
and affected local governments will jointly determine the need for
and timing of on-site and off-site improvements necessary to
support each new school or the proposed significant renovation of
an existing school, where significant shall include construction
improvements that encompass over 50% of the existing facility, the
location of portables, or additions to existing buildings and will enter
into a letter of agreement as to the timing, location, and the party or
parties responsible for constructing, operating and maintaining the
required on-site and off-site improvements, respectively.
This section shall not be construed that the affected local unit of
oovernment shall bear any costs of infrastructure improvements
related to said school improvements.
Section 6. Public Education Facilities Site Plan Review
6.1 The School Board and the County will continue to coordinate
any and all proposed construction or expansion of public
educational facilities, including the general location of new
schools in unincorporated Miami-Dade County, with the
County's Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP)
and local land development regulations in accordance with
the review procedures outlined in Miami-Dade County
Resolution R-535-92, as adopted on May 5, 1992,
6,2 The School Board will coordinate any and all proposed
construction or expansion of public educational facilities,
including the location of new schools, within any City's
jurisdiction with that City's adopted comprehensive plan and
land development regulations. The School Board will submit
a site plan for its proposed construction or expansion
projects to that City's staff for review and comment. The
affected City shall provide all of these comments to the
School Board as expeditiously as feasible, and not later than
sixty (60) days after receipt of the complete site plan and to
the extent possible, adjustments to the site plan shall be
made to address the stated concerns,
Section 7. Local Plannina AQencv. Comprehensive Plan
Amendments. Rezoninas. and Development Approvals
7.1 The County and Cities will invite a nonvoting staff
representative appointed by the School Board to attend tAase
meetings of the their local planning agencies, or equivalent
agencies, at which tRey such aaencies will consider comprehensive
plan amendments and rezonings that would, if approved, increase
residential density. The County and Cities may, at their sole
discretion, appoint such School Board representative to the
planning agency, and grant voting status to the School Board
7.2 The School Board will designate a staff representative to serve
in an advisory support capacity on the County's staff development
review committee, or equivalent body. In addition, the School Board
representative will be invited to participate at the meetings of the
Cities' staff development review committees, or equivalent body, as
appropriate, when development and redevelopment proposals are
proposed that would create an increase in the number of residential
units. It shall be the responsibilitv of School Board staff to
determine whether or not proposed (re) development could have a
sianificant impact on public school facilities based on current
Florida Inventorv of School Houses (FISH) capacitv (both
permanent and relocatables) and be prepared to convev this
information in writina to the local staff development review
committees for their consideration. For purposes of this Interlocal
Agreement, significant shall mean -WQ.!Vo 115% of Florida Inventory
of School Houses (FISH) capacity (permanent and relocatables), A
copy of the redevelopment plans shall be delivered to the School
Board representative at least 15 working days prior to the proposed
meeting date, or on the date the agenda is distributed,
7.3 The County and the Cities agree to notify the School Board of
proposed land use applications and development proposals
pending before them that may affect student enrollment, enrollment
projections, or school facilities. Such notice will be provided in the
same manner that notices are provided for land use applications
under the provisions of the County Code or City Ordinances. This
notice requirement applies to amendments to the comprehensive
plan future land use map, rezonings, developments of regional
impact, and other major residential or mixed-use developmentlprojects.
7.4 Within 30 days after receipt of notification by the local
government, which notification shall include development plans, the
School Board will advise the local government, of the school
enrollment impacts anticipated to result from the proposed land use
application or development proposal, and whether sufficient
capacity exists or is planned to accommodate the impacts, School
capacity will be reported consistent with State Requirements for
Educational Facilities, and shall be based on current FISH capacity
at impacted schools (including permanent and relocatable
satisfactory student stations), as well as any proposed student
station additions in the area of impact.
7.5 If sufficient capacity is not available or planned to serve the
development at the time of impact, the School Board will determine
and specify the options available to it to meet the anticipated
student enrollment demand; alternatively, the School Board, local
government, and developer will collaborate to find means to ensure
sufficient capacity will exist to accommodate the development, such
as, but not limited to, creation of new community develooment
districts oursuant to Chaoter 190. Florida Statutes. other available
broad-based fundina mechanisms to fund school caoital
construction. developer contributions in the form of land donation
set asides, monetary contributions, project phasing, or developer
provided facility improvements, and other School Board approved
measures such as oublic charter schools or a combination of any of
This Section shall not be construed to obliaate a Citv to imoose.
assess or collect a school imoact fee. unless orovided bv aeneral
law, As it relates to the collection of imoact fees this orovision
shall not be subiect to disoute resolution under Section 9 of this
7.6 In the review and consideration of comprehensive plan
amendments, rezonings, and development proposals, and their
respective potential school impacts, the County and Cities should
consider the following issues:
a. School Board comments, which may include
available school capacity or planned improvements to
increase school capacity and operational constraints,
(e.g., establishment of or modifications to attendance
boundaries and controlled choice zones), if any that
may impact school capacity within an area;
b. The provision of school sites and facilities within
planned neighborhoods;
c. Compatibility of land uses adjacent to existing
schools and reserved or proposed school sites;
d. The potential for co-location of parks, recreation
and neighborhood facilities with school sites;
e. The potential for linkage of schools, parks, libraries
and other public facilities with bikeways, trails, and
sidewalks for safe access;
f. Traffic circulation plans that serve schools and the
surrounding neighborhood, including off-site
signalization, signage, and access improvements.
7.7 In formulating community development plans and programs, the
County and Cities should consider the following issues:
a, Giving priority to scheduling capital improvements
that are coordinated with and meet the capital needs
identified in the School Board District Educational
Facilities Plan;
b. Providing incentives that promote collaborative
efforts between the School Board and the private
sector to develop adequate school facilities in
residential developments;
c. Targeting community development improvements
in older and distressed neighborhoods near existing
or proposed School Board owned and operated public
schools; and
d. Coordinate as necessary with neighboring
jurisdictions to address public school issues of mutual
Section 8. Collocation and Shared Use
8,1 Collocation and shared use of facilities are important to both the
School Board and local governments. The School Board and Cities
and County will work together, via the staff working group and the
SSPCC, to look for opportunities to collocate and share use of
school facilities and civic facilities when preparing the District
Educational Facilities Plan. Likewise, collocation and shared use
opportunities will be considered by the local governments when
preparing the annual update to the comprehensive plan's schedule
of capital improvements and when planning and designing new, or
renovating existing, community facilities, For example, potential
opportunities for collocation and shared use with public schools will
be considered where compatible for existing or planned libraries,
parks, recreation facilities, community centers, auditoriums,
learning centers, museums, performing arts centers, and stadiums,
In addition, the potential for collocation and shared use of school
and governmental facilities for joint use by the community will also
be considered.
8.2 A separate agreement or an amendment to a master
agreement between the School Board and the appropriate local
government will be developed for each instance of co location
collocation and shared use, which addresses legal liability,
operating and maintenance costs, scheduling of use, and facility
supervision or any other issues that may arise from 00 looation
collocation and shared use,
Section 9. Resolution of Disputes
9.1 If the parties to this agreement are unable to resolve any issue
in which they may be in disagreement covered in this agreement,
the applicable parties to the dispute will employ dispute resolution
procedures suoh dispute ,,':i11 Be r-osolved in aooor<lanoo with
govornmental oonfliot rClsolution prooedures follov.'od by the South
Florida Rogional Planning Counoil pursuant to Chapter 164 or
Chapter 186, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, or
any other mutually acceptable means of alternative dispute
resolution. Each party shall bear their own attorney's fees.
Section 10. Oversiaht Process
10.1 The School Board, the County and the Dade League of Cities
shall each appoint up to fiye citizen members to serve on ~
committee to monitor implementation of the interlocal agreement.
The School Board shall organize and staff the meetings of this
Committee, calling on the staff working group for assistance as
needed. It shall provide thirty (30) days written notice of any
meeting to the members of the Committee, the staff working group,
the SSPCC, County. Cities and to the public. Committee members
shall be invited to attend all meetings referenced in Sections 1 and
4 by the School Board and shall receive copies of all reports and
documents produced pursuant to this interlocal agreement. The
Committee shall appoint a chairperson, meet at least annually, and
report to participating local governments, the School Board and the
general public on the effectiveness with which the interlocal
agreement is being implemented. Meetings of the Committee shall
be conducted as public meetings, and provide opportunities for
public participation,
Section 11. Effective Date and Term
This Agreement shall become effective upon the signatures of the
School Board and Countv. last party, and shall remain in full force
and effect for a period of five (5) years from the effective date. The
ioinder bv each Citv shall make the aareement effective as to that
Citv. provided. however. that failure of the local aovernment to
execute the Interlocal Aareement bv the March 1. 2003. mav
subiect that local unit of aovernment to penalties as mav be
imposed bv the State of Florida. Department of Communitv Affairs.
, unless This Aareement mav be earlier cancelled by mutual
agreement of individual Cities or Countv the oanoeling City and the
School Board, 9F unless earlier otherwise cancelled as provided or
allowed by law. This Agreement may be extended upon the mutual
consent of a# the parties to this Agreement for an additional five (5)
years, on the same terms and conditions as provided herein,
provided that the party seeking an extension gives written notice to
the other f3Qfty parties of such intent to extend no later than one (1)
year prior to the expiration of the then current term, and the other
f3Qfty parties agrees in writing to such extension. Extensions shall
be valid as to those parties consentina in writina thereto. even if not
all parties hereto so consent.
Section 12. Severabilitv
If any item or provision of this Agreement may be is held invalid or
unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be
affected and every other term and provision of this Agreement shall
be deemed valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by law.
Section 13. Notice and General Conditions
A. All notices or other Gommunioations which shall or may be given
pursuant to this Agreement, except notices for meetinas
provided for elsewhere in this Aareement, shall be in writing and
shall be delivered by personal service or by certified mail return
receipt requested addressed to the parties at their respective
addresses indicated below or as the same by mav be changed
in writing from time to time. Such notice shall be deemed given
on the day on which personally served, or if by mail, on the fifth
day after being posted or the date of actual receipt, whichever is
City Manager
City of Aventura
2999 N.e. 191 Street
Suite 55
19200 West Countrv Club Drive
Aventura, Florida 33180
Phone: (305) 446-8910
Fax: (305) 466-8919
Town Manager
Town of Bay Harbor Islands
9665 Bay Harbor Terrace
Bay Harbor Islands, Florida 33154
City Manager
City of Coral Gables
P,O, Box 141549
Coral Gables, Florida 33114-1549
Village of EI Portal
500 N.E. 87 Street
EI Portal, Florida 33138-3517
City of Florida City
P.O. Box 343570
Florida City, Florida 33034-0570
City of Hialeah
P.O. Box 110040
Hialeah, Florida 33011-0040
Chief Zoning Officer
City of Hialeah Gardens
10001 N.W. 87 Avenue
Hialeah, Gardens, Florida 33016
City Manager
City of Homestead
790 North Homestead Boulevard
Homestead, Florida 33030
Village Manager
Village of Indian Creek
9080 Bay Drive
Indian Creek Village, Florida 33154
Village Manager
Village of Key Biscayne
85 West Mcintyre Street
Key Biscayne, Florida 33149
City Manager
City of Miami
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
City Manager
City of Miami Beach
City Hall
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 3313901819
Town Manager
Town of Miami Lakes
6853 Main Street
Miami Lakes. Florida 33014
Village Manager
Village of Miami Shores
10050 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami Shores, Florida 33138
City of Miami Springs
201 Westward Drive
Miami Springs, Florida 33166-5259
City Manager
City of North Bay Village
7903 East Drive
North Bay Village, Florida 33141
City Manager
City of North Miami
776 N.E. 125 Street
North Miami, Florida 33161
City Manager
City of North Miami Beach
17011 N.E. 19 Avenue
North Miami Beach, Florida 33162
Director of Community Development and Planning
City of Opa-Locka
777 Sharazad Boulevard
Opa-Locka, Florida 33054
Planning Director
Village of Pinecrest
11551 S, Dixie Highway
Pinecrest, Florida 33156
City Manager
City of South Miami
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, Florida 33143
Deputy City Attorney
City of Sunny Isles Beach
17070 Collins Avenue
Sunny Isles Beach, Florida 33160
City of Sweetwater
500 S.w. 109 Avenue
Sweetwater, Florida 33174-1398
City Manager
City of West Miami
901 S.W. 62 Avenue
West Miami, Florida 33144
Miami-Dade County
Director Department of Planning & Zoning
111 N.W. First Street
Miami, Florida 33128
B. Title and Paragraph headings are for eon'/onionoe convenient
reference and are not intended to confer any rights or obligations upon
the parties to this Agreement.
Section 14. Meraer Clause
This Interlocal Agreement together with the Exhibits hereto sets forth the
entire agreement between the parties and that there are no promises or
understandings other than those stated therein. It is further agreed that no
modification, amendment or alteration of this Agreement shall be effective
unless contained in a written document executed with the same formality
and of equal dignity herein. The Exhibits to this contract Aoreement will
be deemed to be incorporated by reference as though set forth in full
herein. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this contract
Aoreement and the provisions in the incorporated Exhibits then this
cOFltFact Aqreement will prevail.
Section 15, Suoolementary Aqreements
All parties to this Interlocal Agreement stipulate that the School Board may
enter into Supplementary Agreements with individual municipalities to
address individual circumstances. Any such Supplementary Agreement
must not be inconsistent with this Interlocal Agreement.
Section 16. Favored Nations
Should the School Board enter into an agreement with another
municipality, separate or otherwise, which provides more beneficial terms
than those agreed to herein, the School Board shall offer the same terms
to all other signatur-os oarties to this Interlocal Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Interlocal Agreement has been executed by and
on behalf of Miami-Dade County, the Cities of City of Aventura. Town of Bav
Harbor Islands. City of Coral Gables. Villaqe of EI Portal. City of Florida City. City
of Hialeah. City of Hialeah Gardens. City of Homestead. Villaqe of Indian Creek.
Villaqe of Kev Biscavne. City of Miami. City of Miami Beach. Town of Miami
Lakes. Villaqe of Miami Shores. City of Miami Sorinqs. City of North Bav Villaqe.
City of North Miami. City of North Miami Beach. City of Ooa-Locka. Villaqe of
Pinecrest. City of South Miami. City of Sunny Isles Beach. City of Sweetwater.
and the City of West Miami, and the School Board of Miami-Dade County,
Florida, on this day of ,200_.
Chairman, School Board
Chairman, Board of County Commissioners
Mayor, City of
Mayor, City of
Mayor, City of