1674-59 Carl Fisher Lecer per 7th, 1921«
Judge I1. Lis Allisou,
T mnton. Niational. Ba Building, 4 _ .
Chattanooga, Tennessee.' ' .
• _ Dear tae s . . '
I have yours of the 1st z , „y changes you want to • 0
mabl in the location of the Light .y will be, I am sure, much
better controlled from Cia:ttandioga. You are mors in touch
with the different local conditions than anybody I kna:7.of
and your judgeTient is tbound. to be better then: the Judgement
0 outsider s. i8
It ,seems to iye that it mould be-quite easy, to have a ,
' very effective propa a just mora i ', for instance, a battleship , ,
• could,be traded for either 3.000 or 10,000 miles of good. :hig .y*
Some'of the up-state be.ttle;hips cost fifty to 4e7enty=-five million • .1
doll:els' - so that one good one would be e ou h to bzild a first
class highway clear across the United. States: Thii.sort of . r f`
propa1 nd , right take vary well with the fanners ,. and if we ,
could once get the _eyes of the Nation concentrated on a Borth r
and South Ilicirmy mil an East and+West xi hw r, it would be a
"i thing, - - ,
It doesn't seen to me that it is praOtic�3 to s a • •
any(P disc`Loop in the Floridapart of the Iii,g y. "iii ,
Eighmay is crooked Well*. as it is now, If you lave a_map 1
corr,�9teted, it seems to me that the best thing to do i� to •
stip' to it. Jo'z liar, 2s I stated, I craggeot leaving the •
xtt for up to you as you must be better Io at ed tip ,any of the
rest of us,
Yours very truly, .,