1674-76 Carl Fisher or '
nib New Warnings ' : t ,ti r , in wasntn on 8
m ,,
ST TEE ASSOCIATED to � Fight Abandoned As the
act _47_ : Leaders of Two Parties
of .'�',�, 1, Democratic and Republian
°` FEAR AUGUST COUP •r.•f� 4 • leaden In the.mate conferred Tell Roosevelt Action
at the White House with Presl-
-._ � dent Roosevelt and Secretary Ta Impossible `
i„. null on pending neutrality leg- ST Tis ASSOCIATED mass •
Ftlehrer Expected To :01,y, , lelation, WASHINGTON, July•18.-Preatl-
I• set" dent Roosevelt and Secretary Hull
[• I .,.a-^:j ►w^� pe"tv*/1".i :�-,l+' a';'' abandoned their persistent efforts
Proclaitn Free City �-^y ,ti.'�E v Ati.,.„ rf' Senator Vandenberg, Repqb-
1-:_•':_.y7,, ' ' •''* i•1" ,,: .• to get action on neutrality legisla.
v�•- ''+•' ,z?a. Ban of Michigan,Introduced a lion at this, session of congress
19 Par of Reich �' `s ,� :f,; on
,..7.,,.; 1` ••.e C'�t`r. , resolution urging formal dieso- Tuesday night after a discussion 91
•' tr wn AY article *'••'��G� s•t" "t 1 J' lotion•of this country's 1911 the situation with both Republican
IaNn•l e IN.. Sarah*seer wale 7•- ti•I'{ ....•.1 ,+.,:"okr';ri�'- and Democratic leaders of the
v je 14 ♦.,e., 1 z,! treaty of amity and commerce senate-
, LONDON, July. 18.-Amid Cu- , _ < r _if'S ! ' .4',...,...•. -4-41.,a•- , with Japan. The meeting In the President's
thoritative advice. that Chancellor -,:y.• !". +47 r
: t, /,t,( r+s e.....,.: �{y oval study,was attended by Vice
tad Hitler plane to proclaim the people • 7."..e�"> f yM �*1+ ' Secretary Morgenthau told President Garner,Senator Barkley,
of Danzig citizens of Germany in ; Z .,-d'� .f?••? ,: the senate banking committee majority leader, Chairman Pittman
August,Leslie Hore•Belisha,British a ,..,,a'':".0-,s`...(;-:7.'•:e.
r.4,T t�'.,),..„,..3,,,,,,.„-J�. tit of the senate foreign relations corn-
war minister, warned Tuesday 1 « .1-.0 ris-, he favored the administration'. mittee; Senator McNary, minority
night that an"unceasing watch" is A { . 12.800,1100,000 lending bill. leader,Senator Austin,assistant mi.
being kept night and day by Brit- ^�_ nority leader, and Senator Borah,
co- ■tn's anti-aircraft guns and search. ,President Roosevelt said that ranking Republican of the foreign
,•Ity lights. relations committee.
far ;;oro-Bellaha's announcement of government agencies had been The,group went over the situ*lay*
Britain's emergency vigilance of { asked to put some of their tion,which finds the neutrality leg-
ex• against a possible sudden air at-
.<; newly appropriated tench' into rellationa°taco committee,tree, with ed in the foreign
a so-called reserve in the hope
the -- Barkley,ind McNary insisting that
.so- Back round of effecting economic,. action at this session was impos-
8 "TEENY HANGOVER"resulted from the visit of Miss Michigan alble.
or- • As sugeated by Hors-Belisha'. Aviation to a World's Fair'bar In New York.Wino Sheridan Mr. Roosevelt said amend-.
Fear Wakened Leadership
m• warning, England expects the is shown drinking, smoking and crossing her knees in her
war to start by air and possibly menta to the wage hour act The President and Secretary HuII
ry without warning. To meet that search for the "hellish brink" which frightened Luren D. ro ed byCon the White House announced,
p poo gressman Bar- reiterated their
,elf possibility England has increased Dickinson,Michigan's 80-year-old governor, on a recent trip den, Democrat of North Caro- to act would"weaken the leadership
to her anti-aircraft army in three East--International News Sound Photo, line, would exempt the 2,000; of the United States" in its effort
ed, years from 6,000 men to 112,000.
Bto preserve world peace.
the Back of that army Is the govern- 1)1"1- 000 lowest and poorest paid ern-
After a three-hour conversation
,rk, meat air raid precaution organ]- .g��w • • M■•pQ yes • ployes in industry from the Stephen T. Earl
•as• zation, which has trained mil- l retry Michigan 1I1WJ EI[. • benefits of the act. press secretary, emer ed with two
on- lions of civilians what to do for joys g
,ra, their own safety and that of . �, • slips of pencilled paper In his hind
y, others duringsudden attack from and read the followingstatement
a the skids. itler's alleged.dream Manhattan Despite Governor SMD, n{, 1{�r I❑ V„n, to reporters:
of 1,000 planes an hour dropping ROOSEVELT E 1 ASI t E "Senator Barkley said the con
bombs over London might receive census of opinion on the part of
te a rude awakening. u
ET THE AssociAreD Pss ant wasmembtharst nooo the actionon ontepnturo
id- NEW YORK,July 18.-The most enlivening visitor New Yqrk's tlegislation can be obtainer
.ch tack came as new tension grew out had in many a day, "Miss Michigan Aviation," she's 23 and very in the senate at the present se■sior
el• of the critical Danzig problem, It ret[ merrily glassTuesday and that a majority of the senate
in coincided with a warning given Ger.
pretty,smiled over the brim of a water and President Says Winchell Stoll' j y
as many by Poland. said:"I'm afraid I may have just a teeny hangover." ry would concur in this view,
try The war minister, whose words She'd sipped only two highballs at a night club Monday night, In Same Category As Merry- "Senator McNary expressed the
'ey obviously were sanctioned by Prime eo the hangover was just a quip of Miss Willo Sheridan,good-will Merry-
same belief.
4y. Minister Chamberlain, declared 1Go-Round Report "Theyn agreed that a consider
majority a
ambaesadreae of the Michigan air-0 the senate would net;
•he a London speech that the anti-air- craft industry, who arrived in the in the Hotel New Yorker supper IT II/MID mass
craft arnfy guarding the British wake of a blast of criticism from hP trathe legislation at the beginntnt
las room, and her two or three whirls WASHINGTON, July 18.-Proal- of the next session-•'
`1"" Isles now has 112,000 trained men Gov,Luren D. Dickinson of Michi- on the dance floor seemed deco
compared with 8,000 in 1938. an about the evils he saw on a dent Roosevelt Tuesday laughingly Beads Beeosd statement
,rad g roux, Indeed. side-stepped another opportunity Earlywent on to read what to
er• Foenter Told of Move trip East. Of the governor, she said de- PP PP y termea "second statement"' a
ad- The urgent reasons for the prey But the opposing views of the merely, "I respect his view,and I to tell the nation whether he would n
80-year-old and titian- think he's a veryfine man." seek a third term. parentiy to be dfirst,t11ly difftren
'he encs In Warsaw of Maj. Gen. Sir
governorbated from the first. It said:
en Edmund Ironside, commander of haired Witlo about the perils that Still Feels Safe He did It at his bi-weekly press "The President and the seeretar;
do British Overseas Forces, were di.' beset "unprotected girls In any She had seen quite a bit, she conference when a reporter In- of state maintained the deflnita
closed by a mt.authoritative thing•:smattering of high life"- said,since she arrived for week's
awung.into wider divergence Tues- visit-and she atilt felt safe. qulred about the authenticity of a anon that(allure by the Sane*L
of Chancellor Hitler, according to day, with Willo donning her pret• Willo's night clubbing evoked no ne4rspaper dispatch by Walter take action now would weaken tis•
Ian this source,Informed Danzig's"Lit' (lest evening gown for another eoitment o Governor Dickin• Winchell, New York columnist, exleadership itsof thepUnited States It
'he tie Fuehrer,"Albert Foerster, tlfat whirl In some gar night spots. sos, ad taue
a statement uotin a "reliable source" to the thercWnt ppr st vninflgenpece hq 6 the gaothuse' of prnstin th evenry some time in August-and before Dreeeed !n billowy bl that afart st to the annual effect that Mr. Roosevelt stated to among ether natloru In the even
an the Nuremberg Nazi convention- matched her bright eyes, e e oaferen ofvernors warning a friend that he would seek re-dee- of a new crisis in Detentes
only a sip of chem e e e� tion in 1940, and preferred Paul now and next January.' '
Please Tart To Page 4-A toasted Shep Fields n h a, t rad Please Turn To Page r A V. McNutt, federal security admin. To make things definite, a re ":.,
//'���) aJf Istrator, as his running mate, porter asked Early U the tin
OM Report:
e rt• r He said the Winchell dispatch statements meant that no further 3
tie St PROBING INCOME �° CARL Ge FISHER RITES was in the same category as the attempt would be made to revive
Looks Arou d one printed Tuesday in the Wash- the neutrality legislation at thl,
ington column "Merry•Go-Round," session. Early's reply was an em
by Drew bra edn and chiefRob- phatic simply mean `
art Allen. It portrayed the "It means,"he said.'the'
_,_,,-_ executive as flying into a rage the senators are faced by chance. ^"-
-•--. when the senate foreign relations of a prolonged debate or filibuster
NEW YORK,July 18. (n•-The
Its Federal' Agents Also Delving following advertisement appeared Famed Builder of Resort City committee voted to defer action on if you wish to call it that, ant e
in The New York Post Tuesdayhis neutrality program,and how he would prefer to•go home now am "-'
Into Possible "Hot Oil" Eulogized At Simple, •Im- was reportedly quieted by Cardinal risk the chance of a new crisis it`-
under"Situations wanted-male": Mundelein, who was with him at Europewith no
Violations Newspaper man of thirty-one pressive Services congress on land F�
years' experience is desirous of the time. Differ O■ Crisis v
job.Has worked as reporter,copy- Herald wart Writer Again Evades Question ''There seems to be • difference
Raj NEW ORLEANS, July 18-Fed- reader, rewrite, book reviews, Another attempt to draw the of t dev l on whether such a erialu
re oral agents elved Tuesday into dramatis critic, war correspond- A rivet gun symbolically sounded president Into a discussion of the w Ili develop.The secretary of auk
,e income tax turns and possible ent, sports writer,columnist and taps for Carl G. Fisher Tuesday political problem created by Mo- and the President.'on the basis C
un- "hot oil" vlo salons In Louisiana, briefly as publisher. Of neat ap- during the hush preceding his Nutt's acceptance of the federal their information, think then L s
in- amid persistent reports the week pearance,although labor agitator. funeral. • post, at a time when friends were that
possibility that 1t will and thlg,
do- would bring ora sensational In- Not sure of recommendation from From a distant constructionjob activelythat if they gids get the d lrth.
pushing his candidacy for booksped off e r
dl"Just t. • present post. No reasonable of- Its muffled staccato beat•came as the 1940 Democratic presidential neutrality legislation wiped
the "Just the beginning" was Ass's- fer will be refused. Address Mr, a hymn replacing organ notes and nomination, met with no success. books It would strengthen their
or` tent Attorney General 0. John X., P. 0. Box 521, Stamford, choir to mark the passi ug of a man Asked if McNutt would be allowed position.,"
Flo- But that seerna to be • legisla
f(t Rogge's provocative description of Conn. of vision and a builder. to keep apealting engagements Uve impossibility. e6y
Monday's malt fraud indictments The Post said It had telephoned As they listened to the riveting, which he had made before he was pO36 blllt> So there yob
nes against five prominent Loufsian• Heywood Broun, the colunytlst, mixed with the ocean breeze sigh- appointed to the security post, the ale."
`as ans, includinghotel man Seymour at his Stamford home and hadIt also was stated that an ad
YIng through the coconut palm President referred his questioner to journment date for co ss war
Weiss, once financial rlghthand been rewarded with a chuckling fronds,hundreds of his friends and McNutt. egre
ho no comment" not discussed at the meeting
ant man to the late.Huey P. Long, a former associates who had gathered Then he dismissed an inquiry conference lasted from 8:30 p.me
ed "We've Just begun here," Rogge to pay their last respects felt It whether he would speak before the until almost midnight. Before 1:
was fitting music for the 65-year- national convention of Young Demo- opened President Roosevelt told re
era said in a press conference."We will
investigate every report which old developer who left Miami crate in Pittsburgh.Pa..next month porters that he hoped for progress.
om1 g
may,involve violation of federal _ m a r Beach and its fabulous growth as a with the statement•that he had no Holvever,both senate factions .
an laws and we shall go to the very Y. monument to his foresight. - plans of any kind. He turned aside dicated that they were prepared tc
bottom to'arrive at the truth re- of Today's Nowa Final Rita Simple questions concerning the Louisiana inform the chief executive that the
gardlees of how long it takes. and FaQtulea Those friends,many of them nota- political scandal by saying that he administration bill could be gotten
, •Hint At Charges bleu from over the nation, knew had not followed the case. He had before the senate and acted upon
,Intelligence agents of the United METROPOLITAN MIAMI that Fisher would not have had it not considered successors to Mc- only after a controversy of unusual
-A States Internal Revenue bureau Fisher services held. Page 1•A otherwise as they sat in the open Nutt as high commissioner of the bitterness which might prolong the
Oil continued questioning of witnesses Fisher's note hushes port plan flagged terrace in front.of the Philippines,or to the late Secretary session indefinitely.
'17. and examination of records of In debate. Page 3-A Miami Beach public library and of the Navy'Claude A.Swanson. The conference came upon the
come tax payments by,leading Wilcox seeks park support. art center and listened to the final • eve of the next scheduled meeting
Louisiana politicians In recent Page s-A rites, simple, yet solemn and Lm- ACCIDENTS KILL FIVE of the senate foreign relations com-
mittee.ma ars, with a broad hint from Speakeasy days recalled by Cr. Presatve. This,together with the fact
ank W. Lohn, agent In charge, rest. Page 3-A Tall oleander bushes and tower- BRITISH ARMY FLIERS that Borah was among the con•
• ,• at charges might follow: • Zoning board has meeting. Mg palm trees fringing the terrace LONDON, July 19. (,Pt-Four teres,gave rise[o reports that tAs
i Clifford Rowland,special love-Mi.
Page 6B made It a natural ampitheater far- Royal Air Force fliers on a cross-
•• verse atrstion might seek to by
i gator sent here by Secetary of In• Hartnett asks Investigation of ing the library entrance where the country flight were piled in the verse the 12.11 vote lae.st week
Sea tenor Ickes to investigate possible charges- Page 8-B bronze casket lay on a stand in crash of a bombing plane in fog whichd the h 'sa'nee lastweek poet
tths violation ofsfederal oil regulations, Wealthy widow adopts girl. front of the steps. A myraid of near Corby, Lincolnshire, early posed further •[tion on neutrality
fps. was reported on the way to Shreve- Page SB flowers of all varieties and hues Wednesday. A fifth military flier until next seaafon-
Kon port to open his investigations"on NATIONAL died In another plane accident In There was much speculation,too,
the ground." - Patent medicine heiress seeks Please Turn To Page 1•B Westmoreland. that the administration might se
fourth divorce. Page 7,A prepared to propose a compromise
e Rural sheriff uses ruse to take . of some kind. On this point, how-
p 1 at. murder suspect. Page AB ever, Earlysaid he could only
,Dige • Collegian given death' sentence Facing Dangerous,Operation, +.y that te chief executive was double k ling. Page 8•B "entirely behind and was su
Stockyard blaze loss reaches Wealth Widow Adopts Girl porting" the prOgr-am as pr-e
ng WPA Workers $100,000. Page 13-A Y seated by Secretary Hull. Ca111ng
'df• President rejects AFL views on the program a "peace move," he
• WPA. Page 8-B •
'aY aotwIT•APPtaas oft,Aus•s-s FOREIGN Kindly,buxom Mrs. Mary E. Adamson, 66-year-old widow,of ° 'TOPage II.A
re Mr HMSO os'ttrtot s Japanese leaden seek accord. 244 Fluvia avenue, Coral Gables, will leave for Asheville, N. C.,
- Page 13-A todayto undergopP •
1g:.Virtually complete returns from Famed Soviet star Is found mer- a dangerous operation,but she has assured ha 1- The Mlam,i Herald
Itinlent on the WPA strike issue indi- dered. Page ISA.ness for one child.
,can voters approve the action of F.C. la Da grab by Hitler l Auugu,t- Tuesday she signed adoption papers before Judge Paul D. HAS PUIIIILINID
commissioner, in removing strikers Poland nlevels grim warning at Harm in Circuit court,•which made her the legal guardian of 15-
Germany, A !'n
• Page 4-A ye r-old Nancy Cooper Kennickell0 •
362 e•wa•wQ
is throughout the country were asked Danzig leader defies English Of Fairview, N. C. who will to child's Interest'in the.suss pro- .a s.�llil J
"blustering." ' pace 4.A heir to a'1100,000 fortune left by tected. Under Florida law sn PAID Q-ASSIPIED ADyE�SE-
NPt.ivA improved the dlsmt••.1 of strikers, SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS Mrs. Adamsoo's father 60 years adopted child has the same status MINTS 50-FAA THIS YEAR
'I`b• while the other half disapproved. Amuse. 12-A Markets 23•B age. •as a natural child, ,, _
Beh'd F.Page M Radio 1a•A A widow for nearly 20 years The trust-fund-was established ��o`+�f�.ae�
,e os,a•In explaining reasons for their'Classified 468 Society 6A without Immediate family. Mrs. by Mn.Ademson's father April 19, S 'eaeaa+v-
iltUtude,..voteta who.approved the Comics 7-B Sports 14.11i,A Adamson has been living oh'the 1879. sod he died two years later ~ i• •
•eat' firing of WPA strikers say,chiefly. Editorial .._. 44,t..., ,!n,-..e•,..,-,..,the trust fund. r•..
.urrout u V tsar _
During the peak of .. �` 3w• * • ,
g boom at Miami ,� . :: d"- t �6 '"I ,.,fir .+. • '•+,._ Corona
.•r stored wlnd�w •
T Jt!1t.ve., r ,' `ttv r"
other'building < ' 3 fan J'lie`', 1,•A iR;! '1444111'.4',:k.'11°f:. t r Tru
v dot lot near the w �� ✓� _•f` ,
Out ridinglon hies , pr ••,.... Vy
one morning Flame ,�, A9,pv. .• 9
an elderly man load- ,ea"•- cc«"� yl �t` v, dblt fore tl
me, Into • broken •�; '" tl
' , � ' � ole y a t
tom which were _ • f ,0 p` •
Ir of mules `.•t Na { y t' @n r i and co ;
«a days. 1 } t
gipped beside the * - cu n tom.
asked,the elderly a P ' • y`+ ,,,.a, held T
•was tiding .; Ja �' .a' •S` • by L
Ung some of thea .*1%I ,Tal ' �:I 9 w1Mer - __._____ ___.-._ __ owned hr.
r a house l•m build. criminal
``'was.w. a.• r L t 01'7444. Inc,11'24
Id) old Fisher will .___-_.--. s,IV ' '' .14.1".. k. the drlv..
Kh1r .Pbher la sup- ^— ,leT—_ — • -.__. -.._ ._—__- _. __..__--_____._. « W01.lM to
•replied,ae heTi 4'•�Ig.•,' stvf
d helped the n «earSi - :. .Ion,wdW
,y ,' JY tqp wlu23 miles
❑la automobllea as - t '' W o�uWonIs must end,under (((( >
Mir$nodded down ,bY I ( $ wR 7 4.11P 1 two nth,
tp1�; ,,••lS Berges
eynolds,safety di.
�-'�ai� �t . tr 1 ,`' r - a+i°"�' of to
/� « ! et; , a ,9: J411)1.„.
'v'4ir /s testified
n,�t: been grout LN' ,', y_ 1 , 'h,. 1 n,' 4c-r° be wee.
IWugpnd akingte y •a., dl'_ #,la
A but that
Ask and asking t• ffi� In the I
lared k ear to their •T- A ,bony.
d'up.That would .. • < Sutmr.
t 00�� rvlce during �. ' - old b
tlmeneeded to pick ,w ...... compare_
,detective,Officers I 11 "'f Vat •'µ '' 1�n
,wn to ephonscome tohead.a. 4Iq '@, IlU�/
telephone th9 opera- :.� `-•. - _-_.DR. IaGO*CZ 'I'f
me instructoneold W 4
l by D dq ten }4 n - .._
Innme. • } µ, , , ?OR I
aDlb Nre been tar ,� �'
s•mean,of cheap 1
deportation while o^ 1 -; m + s« -i s,°
<h negro quartan m Y <+,y: J940.14'. r - ' k F. E.
its—end constables •� z •L 1 +' ..
mileage allowance- �', - Grow
for use o(telrown � n eJ�y,' >^,, jt,
nen rein Continue to ,�r�lA_ R gulf t
ne eu[omobiles only III"-
KS' - Nn In t
h trip•do not entail Jua(t t
trot can out of dery f , u ants w.
e` _`p Scott M
Ui K .�p•� •;{ - • Florida
I' can't get away tip t' 1 I I �. action
No matter if you a il
In aaoorq
0d trying to gets v C Rt .. �: l W.
Two men found • •w: le&C
n the were picked had to
• •
the they
liceru• N Ile,
motorvehicles r �
ad mall business 1
t.na a,n.fured m. r , t
a to another truck `_�. U, , ith'r.
.int one broke down. >`et- •
Iereot model truck - - '
g license plate was ,•" .....--» ,„;• 'y,,,,y,.._. sr,,. pant t:
.k order.The other • _ ,_ ,ANDERSON e1Re.PIBNER GEN.TYNDALL throng
ng a Bctrue for • 7 •Into G
.elle on•small one, 111F111s11',(A`�11i 1�1T1111/ -- --- -- . . �s�uses;O u end took off their(tats while ,
CARL G. 1 IY�L� poured forth that dynamic energy to cars pard.
was spotted by o/- .'" and enthwl•am that was his Polkeeas PayTishah.
e uWmobtie Inert rp,, "But few people, even among On through Miami the cortege Ri
n N•man were yin • those he called friend,know of the went without stopping,down Ma-
ccarmua /lnancea, /,�1}t'�1 111)I ,/t1 HELD .. many human and generous things uyne boulevard, up S. E. First
not taken Into can `il.�Il l II ry 11�11 .f;✓ {,,; w u' that he has done.and I count myself street, out Brlckell avenue and
the state motor r. uLil�l I it 11ll ll ,,i, fortunate In that I wn privileged eat on B. W. Eighth street to L.
r who had Doth man - shyness Woodlawn Park cemetery, There
to lift the yell of hieand
re Ronda. _ . i '+ through the years come to better the police escort•topped and etood Hon'
caatl••ed Prom Page 1 .• know the heart underneath this at attention at the gates while the mora
1'S expect a lot of 'I b I buelnesa genius" can entered and proceeded to the the int
with their parking were banked against the building. 'kiby -° Dn LaGlead roe described how mausoleum. week
1i k'
There were .mall b.mches and f •••.19, •{ _ - t,f - Flatter had contributed money to The casket then was taken inside in JCI,
ulo• f the Moottt fan mammoth wreathes Florists cell- . , „,,,•••,..•
L' S? nanciallnend ly raided churs to chro, plchool and ft- a unall mausd.eTh chapel and charge
p mated their value al 13.Wo }, charitiesplaced eonn a eland.The widow and tiled f
n the meter Just to A blanket of flowers covering the • •` - and industrial Iwlitu«oa the friends of the family flied in Elgin
casket wan made up of tube roes, , • \ lelethey lee lathirs and took seats while soft organ the H.
Chester Eldredge, ',tither'. favorite flower, and ro. "r. «� While they were talking one music came from•hidden record .veno,
Ke of the traffic tins bream lilies with white streamer. w night, the magezlne editor sold, playing machine, avenu.
xplaln for the thou- of awaln•onia tad tea mare , Fisher told him."You know.there "We return nolo the earth the arena•
tat the extra nickel Mnsr•en Weer Whlta :I } one claim of people in this coon- body of Carl Graham Fisher.”said and S.
S.In tat It does In dteeping with the flowers,the F ' 111 try who want to travel more than the minister In his committal N W.
utomaucally, clear skies and the •u abide, the •- y 1 , any other,but they can't.I believe prayer."Ashes to ashes and dust The
t see why the pollee- mournersand the pallbearer• for r •r I they would find real interest In to duet and the spirit unto God .wells
turn the crank and the most rt wore while,some of (, your ma gave ll," five n.
eel Into the meter," them I Da # ` l magazine." the Father who
with band. of black about p, y - . _ When Dr.!.•Gorce Inquired who Then the mourners•lefty and the ed gut
motorist complain•. the arm. i?Q"� - these people were,Inmates
of replied. casket wan putm Into■crypt to the of gas
-Age has to go into Clothed-In a tuxedo.Fisher lay 0 . 't' i ate mean the Inmates of reform left of the mausoleum pe entrance, were r
lance about the city In his casket with hands folded In N t t .-rt' I _ school.,state and federal .mired• where It will be kept pending coma land a
et entitle. utomo• • chancterlstic pose. A rosebud h. Darks." pterion of proposed arrangements in
.15 In oda parking was In hi.lapel and he wore ha • 1 aherseards, Dr. La Gorce said. to bury Fisher at Miami Beach,in park
Ing the time it takes used horn-rimmed spectacle. 4 ��y J{ ' Fisher sent•check for$5,000etoto pay a park which he gave the city and at Alt.
work the meter. The body had lain In.ate Mon- J ej for sending the maguine to prison which; was named far him after he w
day and Tuesday at the W H reading rooms,stipulating that the his Fi.h Saturday. butler
slag I p Combo Funeral }Lome and alter p+ 1 • name of the donor should not be If Fisher's body is placed in the with.
being brought to the library •t - known and pit was ex to renew the
1IN IN CITY noon the duke[was kept open unC ? money when it was exhausted.How. (�
w shortly before the services Dry. gy` - ever,another way uses found to con- Ask The Miami H.
nib Vehicle. Witt eyed and yuledy to mnurnere •
' .•� thine the fund indefinitely,he said,
walked bye uA paused mamentsr• •, - 1 could recite•dozen other in- twa
To Tallahassee say for a last look at the titan doIA rets of our others,"1 generous de-
. M'r A Our I
�m T�Ibhanes Tuet veloper who spent and made a for. • I to help Dr.La Gorce
tune pumping sand out of Biscayne ,�.'K;>t'�- °� said. For ARtt�ers
tot Tn oslt Compa^Y nay to rusks•city tel of what had er' Then he added, "Carl Graham •...M Imams.w tare M
asp wen. , Fisher was but human and there. ir.w.r,,•..aar .�a...
,o be shipped to to been•stood of beach tea foam a' !rent [,which made elm s 1:1;747.—
a alb to operation gore swamp, HUNDREDS OF FRIENDS of Carl G.Fisher paid their last respects to Ute looser developer o perfect.
.sit setup in that city Then the casket was dour%andlibrary
p p Pe Ili• more beloved by those who By YRSDiWO.J.H
here by an officer of wheeled ouume at to fool of the his funeral on the terrace of Miami Beach public Ilbra and earl center. Dr.John Oliver La- understood him.
-R.D.Freeman. The library alepe. A few minute. be-
eulogized the man whose vision and building ability combined to make a resort city IuDlrNlo•To Youth C—How early were cut trop has b
20• strip p f "greeting from the bottom with kettle*made In the United States? feet it
year franchise had fore the service started. the ed both a of Band and swam while Rev.lay A. Wttbeke delivered the prayers. At the only histar Innate qualities of Integrity,
I by GM Tallahassee deded widow,Mrs.Margaret Fish. top,D.LaGorce is speaking.The widow,Mrs. Margaret Fisher,With bowed head in the Industry,sincerity,love of country,
Ion to Jules T.Flan- r,arrived on the• of two of foreground is shown al the left on the casket 1a beingremoved alter the services.Leaning on and the unquenrhsble urge to build A.—A round bottom kettle was HO,
her ha,Nnd'a Id friends, (hens
Ise,accoeding to Fre. R. H.Tyndall of Indianapolle and the arms of two of her husband's old friends, W.T.Anderson of Macon,Ga.and Gen.R.H. dna con tits a as beat•"t
a roe knew cul m 1x42 a the lint Dust fur wit
ere to him on three W. T. Anderson, editor of The Tyndall of.Indianapolis,she is shown In the center leaving the mausoleum et Woodlawn Park a1^w•pmol bldg make lee wnrid nae. cried In Amerlr•at Lynn,
or it had once been Macon Telegraph, happier•nA better.tare to live. may, Ai AI
tenon Scher,operator Widow ore•tel I•Wklu cemetery where the body was temporarily interred. Standing, at the bottom,with heads r friend's aceonlpllah menu dm WA new,
real Tour.,and tater Mrs. Fisher was Amused In a bared while the casket is taken to the hearse le a group of the honorary pallbearers.They in- be •n inspiration to American tae 1;
nim. The Miami roma white ensemble consisting or a club s Claude A.Renshaw,C.W.Tomlinson,Claude Aehbrook, R C. Gardner, Alexander youth, G.—Wu Katharine Cornell horn not
cr,declined the from elmply-fuhloned Areas, hat and Orr.)r.,Fred W.Hosea,Mayor know to he N.been,and always In this counlryf-1r T.R. Amr
open meshed veil covering her _ E.G.Sewell and VolVal C.Cleary. will be to me. A.—Sha was Dorn of American roan
.1 Tnult Company b face Here a were -- a "God bless tad rest him always" Eon
iterated in the a fun. weeping and wa with len effort and
who J brought Ithe developer er dli crowd by foliage but In sight of the 'There 1•little that I cut say of Delivering the benediction.on t• Darenta In Bert'''.Germany. the
Masse*and no Miami that she held hacks her sobs g P cukel. Carl Graham Fisher that is not Rev.Wabek•until the shadows Lord..,u list[
here Iy and. tlltting In the front seats with atrasay known t you hl.friend.;' (p ,q.—µ•hat was the 1
.any buses wilt be sent Following her were T.S,"Pop" They and other elms friends sat the honorary pallbearer.w re the Dr, LaGores motes.,. ted length.
ration of lines in that Myers,manager of the Indiana • with Mrs. Fisher In separate a began. "But through en d lee evening contra and the largest num- the
n orated. Speedway notch Fisher created •Dara if), ffictah of Miarrel and Miami a close say I speakon of more than Ye Du ay world is hushed and the fever bar of t an.time soldiers serving in Drop
- De Y _ea group of seats•creeped from the Beach,The Mtaml (leach city hall years may I briefly of the Italy,t one during the V. vol
wee closed at 1 m.and the Miami life and gr atiover peace
tofh lea mercy
cityffices•t 4pPersonal American;
me ican;5ome. grant w,.•peace at the hal." wart—W, greatest M. twad
1- op.le out of respectlt this outstanding Amerin n; pore Hume Gard • A.—The number w
yos 8�K By George Matthew Adams to Fisher.streets
Hew at half malt thingquali of [now gentle, generous The acuvaicordedittorere n!Hied as w I
along to nreeta of the island resort quall4es of hart tad mind, and the ce.ket tad carried it to the wall.e'7ed In October,IBI. the.
pe p.learn too'late In'life the targe and hemlocks Ie elixir supreme. The dewy fields city.Laborers Cost/use Work of his quick sympathy for,and the ins hearse,while the honorary pall. roP.
%potw aultnas—Monilial cur s and the atilt,grey break of dawn—the earl call of gee'help other,le••fortunate bearers stood bareheaded on either Q—How -much dam • hoem's
birds the n« g y g But the laborers o^ the eon- in life's struggle. These qualltlw side of the walkway as a guard of stomach hold[—L.G.
.y 1r n all Clamor and the noises of ma- a ge y rising mut,after the cool nl ht— rtructlon Jobs kept o working roe ever sought to hide through•
Alone among trees,or DNlde whispering achA•John•(ht UNDs an REDS Opartonce cold—wrapped w btay t0 making more quarter.for the toug genuine senor of modesty and er. The in
cur Anderson.Tat.
followed with 't'—APPraslmattly Is gwru- ,Na
• Y tau who will come here next win. ..soca.." In(her out Ina car,she placed her Fred
{{hams get lost in the world, But in nature we are in the ter,the tourists for whom Fisher Tracing Fisher's boyhood and his hand to her eyes as If to Mut out B—For whom u Bright's disease Way
triad lin the beautiful still ..of nature's lwhich of our
gvent eitoe w life and nhope. Earth
�the our firm built to attract to this srise thea dllway naw•developing butcher
the scans and hold back taaA—BrInamed?—T.C.Q
4444 De- of sun tad And in the Minds ofe to part be played to develo in Headed bya down Miamitiand t I'
A perfumer her r anent. f green gently Mother.Far away the grey-blue of the fond and theone workman•riveting machine highways and Dthe automobile.Dr. Miami Beach hmotorcycle police,the A.—Brl(hue..wo_was deaerlDed rye
cool winds Journey to and fro In the hills beyond,and friendly waren between.And then hommered an iron bolt, LaGorce told of his.building the funeral cortege Included only Mrs, Dr Dr.Richard Rrlgh4 an 112910•1 Du t
then nnosln der • there is the silent night under•starry sky.Mystery The quiet In the little Bower. Indianapolt•Speedway u•proving Fisher.the active pallbeaeta and Physician,m 1621. e(th
rel sky on a ful thorn
body of ng sunder
Each d wondlimider Intelligence.very•ingin aur sign locant—tar beyond framed terrace was broken by the;bund for automobile conetrucuen. close friend•.It proceeded IS Dade
each ripple of water an• ering voice. our In the selected iaces or beautiful•telln..w solcecia of Rev, t A. Werke,ear him
gr a vision the world . boulevard •del :Yen cruaaed the g.1.the first lhMterl piano Nana
that the uselessness of wis over- have time to a p • • I le patio of the Miami It reed hl •great debt."er hedeclared. Venetian cue w ^(
worryis appraise Ilfe'a valuta,end to mediate— Common?.Church.as he 00 lb. Very Haw•a prr.oa As it slowly passed the etch Mill In t l'.
s is
•yofith. One'stthoughts formoIn different there we think, • prayer from • raRum on the "All of you,know bow Carl homes on the verdant artificial A.—lt ta In the H•lch.Ford Nw1 (tree
among the in., when lone Tnere no doll moments in the life M John steps back of the casket Fisher came to MiamiIsland• made
.e.,or with an answering spirit,camping Muir,who lived an much alone in lbs mountains of Then Dr.John Oliver I.(lorce, and met that sterlingyon ago lovby fishermen
scum at Dearborn.Nlcn.
.1. California. Everydayhe readassociate. pioneer,Jaren were ho and vision, fl•errmen
Ries pages and pages from agraphic editor 01 the Yanonid 'a d ho thei speaker continued.the
holding bamboo Dohs out C.
.terad nerve and•restless brain there the t nook of naiad all about nim—and then Geographic agaalne and an old "and how his gDob the Jackdaw build a
Ike that of beautiful stillness,away from he enriched us all by what he left In written word., friend of Fisher, toeuttqtt grasp of the over the blue-green mid- waren, sed large
s spry to the potentialities les beloved in the Beach- there was•hot,mid-summer f comer isler. n A.
Di }{.M. Brim
f u}d.or Oelrter.The moll of the mossy Once you experience this beautiful aWlney you rostrum.and while visibly mored, opment of our beloved Miami Barn, new over ail. Two of the fisher. A-Di .oma ossa the stack of
...Ilan.divine, The aroma of the pines will seek It out often.
'read►soon eulogy. In the upbulldln(, of which M men .wing.the DroNntoq stood loose sticks upbyIN.
piled yackdswe
k, ,,
PAGE WO-4 r MURAL, rel.eeaoee 34411 THE HERALD, MI"'II, FLORIDA
.,,•a - ,...- 3-4411 • ..