1674-83 Carl Fisher little children and-to the phydwlly" 5 t
weak. He loved.dogs and horses -_ . __,_
and never;weuled-ot the simple, ould know b•
of hissymFishepathy
wonders of nature. From boyhood for those in real distress and of his
on an humble Indiana farm he was unfailing response to such calls in --
Q)..jj.\ a great reader of books and was 1 giving generously, yet so secretly, ,,i
( ever fascinated by the new worlds to many worthy causes- Many a
boy in bumble circumstances did
discovered in science and by ex,. ; not know where the money came-
, ploratioa. . • from that enabled him to go.to a...
When good roads,and distance good school. or college and thus
highways were practically un- 1;9otain for life's battle a sound*du-
• known in the Midwest and South!!cation which the giver, himself,'
outside of the cities and towns, 1 through force of circumstance* hi'
when state and county roads forhis early life had not enjoyed.
the most part were rutted quag- f His love of country was bound .4
mires during the rainy season; or less, as was his devotion to his : -
deep in summer dust, Carl Fisher 1mother.
awakened,to the nation-wide need What more can one say ,of' a '
of their betterment for both the �tziend-',
farmer and'the city dweller who !
yearned to move their crops to I
market with reasonable speed, or
SUNDAY,JULY 16,.1939 to travel from state to state in 1
comfort. -
It was Carl Fisher who first con-
FIS�HER DEEDS coast the idea of the ohis In-
coast Lincoln highway. By his in- I
defatigable courage, sincerity and 'I
DRAWPRAISES ability to persuade others tok join ,
In the epochal idea, together they i
found the millions and likewiu
i fired the public interest near and
•Ie FROM LA GORCE l far so nee pro to complete such a
�' tar-flung project. He personally
1 contributed thousands of dollars
} . and gave'unlimited time to the
,r ! effort'that brought into reality,.
:America' s first modern transconti--
Editor Tells.Of'Courage, nental highway. .
' When the Lincoln road was an
Generosity_Of Late assured success it was the same
i Carl Fisher who originated and 1
' - Developer • I Yelped bring into being the Dixie t
highway, by which example the
57 JOHN LIVER LA GORCE I South was inspired in later years
(Anacleto Editor at Netloaal 6eocraPale ;o build good roads in many direc-
uasasla`) (Ons and so opened up the lure of
' .A courageous and generous heart ' Dixieland to the thousands of
is stilled. A creative,-pioneering • nesters.
' brain sleeps. Eyes that seemed to ' It was this same tireless man of
look through mountains and far /Won and practical accomplish-
across space to his objective, are ment who first thought of and
,,hen, with other friends he had
closed. nterested. built the great speed-
Carl Graham Fisher is at rest, way at Indianapolis to which the
I Not alone Florida,but the nation. automotive industry owes a great ,b
itself has reason to honor his mem- debt for he made it available as
a practical laboratory for testing ..
ory and to be saddened by his pass- and finding the weak links of con-
ing, for he contributed outstand- struction and material, thus im-.
ingly to both. , proving the safety factor,of the
What can one say In simple parts of cars and tires-in use'}
words of a man who, starting at ,...It was this same man who,'with
the bottom of the ladder, won to !his boyhood friend, •started and
the very top of'that which the 'buildeO-Lite worldof-wAmericaide
uccasPrest- that
world calls success, through sheer equipped automobiles with acety-
courage, ability, 'hard work, and lene headlights to replace the dim
integrity of purpose? rolamps of early automobile
Through the years of brilliant tikemes.sene
success in, whatever he turned to But most important to Florida,
this remarkable Hoosier,coming by
Iin a creative way,many were wont chance to Miami less than 30 years
to eulogize him as a "genius with ago and meeting that sterling old 1
amazing vision and accomplish- pioneer of beloved memory, John
ment upon whose broad shoulders t e Collins.firstwooden aided him
bride-to complete
good luck nestled." Those who Gyne bay. Then,with his
across extraor •
(knew him well have seen him dinary imagination picturing what
(frown and quickly turn away from ! could be created from an area of
such encomiums, for the true Carl mangrove swamp and sand, he
threw his heart and wealth into his ,
Fisher was Innately modest in per- idea that is today our unparalleled
sonal achievement and sought al- , Miami Beach.
ways to give the fullest credit to i That in later years he sank his
others. fortune In still another project,.or A
- developing a northern area of \
He had the confidence and charm and beauty at Montauk, `—y\
esteem of men in high places Long Island, was no fault of his
throughout the nation, but he also planning but was due to unforeseen `
greatly, valued the good opinion economic conditions of the times
and kindly regard of those in every that he could not controlHe took
this defeat without- whimper,like
walk of life who.lived by the hoc- .the true sportsman he wan. One
test work at,thelr hands and minds, day that northern dream also will
Hue;heart Qui want out to ! come true.
i ce ----'-- FyOnlY the few who are privileged