1674-3 Richard Carney n. .
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td talked to the'chlld: e ?' j�y rs-'�5 • . beam of their lion Ign o a ace . 1•A. —..,.. ,1,.1Z, .J,na res.....,, Ulla:
m her lips'.that the L ct` A. ' !` at l�
or "moxa,-.'and tsar "• " a'�5••rv"l'� Giant 'Earth-Freezing Plant 1
so conferred with the r. • -^--....,-�...... " biles
me withdraw lof rO- — Will Prevent Sand Slides tl"'"
d•withdrawal of pro- - to .
roported ,Doth aides MAY WE PRESENT —
s a postponement,the t� O nut
acted to face another r /-• l� I l8Y TN[ ASSOCIATED P1850.l
'atonal charges and t7,��41fr VIRGIN ISLAND>)UDGE GRAND COULEE DAM.Wash.,Aug.
. Joseph Andeson, CAPT. RICHARD CARNEY 1 � 2.—A gigantic earth-freezing plant—
Or the father, said he
at least six Hollywood large enough to freeze 50 pounds of
1 inquire into.their Dr PAULINE COLLEY `.� TZ'. ASSIGNED TO CAP T la dally for 4.000 families—will
v.lnSu. 'Ff k
��Astor. . Staff Welter tees 7a• H•r►la •.•? ,t, ��'�� create • frozen auxiliary "dam" at
RICHARD CARNEY was one p 84R' A the Grand Coulee project.
' �,4- / the'group which planted co- ) '' Oji, Controversy Climaxed }3y Ap• The bureau of reclamation report-
se �K+s+}'f(�rd conutei In Miami Beach in 1882 and 3 '' ed the system hid been approved
i i pointment of Jurist To So-
cin tell that famous story from per- '`.`+' by Its Denver office, The mammoth
`' ' 4 licitor General's Office plant will beestablished to freeze a
&anal recollection, He had a small ,.1"A. •
THE PRICEler THE •A%8 CIATID Nauss.) sand barrier at the east side Colum•
Interest In the project of E. T.Plaid �°. y. 9
and Ezra Osborn, who were going t0 .;,�� •,„,,,s,` 4•, ""-g. 4°"'`�': WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.—A second bra river excavation operations. nand
make a fortune from the planting ;a , � �'"...,,,,,(,,A ,.„7„,,,,•• controversy in 13 months over ad- slides have Interfered continually
A l" GED, of 330,000 coconuts along the Florida S .t e . . "`4.1/4.,:-...:,„1.,1,,,L,4
ministration of the Virgin islands war with excavation to bedrock.
thorn. It seams.that soma person did i^°s 1,. vve rs`` i climaxed yesterday by the transfer Of Engineers said the refrigeration
suggest that they start with lt)D 000 a , 'dP Federal Jlldge Albert Levitt. outfit will be the largest ever used
.�, 4 but the idea war quickly overruled. • S +-"Y. Thejustice department announcedin
It Way could make money on 100.000, J D re such • task. It will have • rated
• +• ,•� a, R i that,by direction of President Rooee- refrigeration capacity of 100 tons sat
/: ° they could,become wealthy oq 990,- inti �+
e 000 t aY -coat, Attorney General Cummings ac- Ice dally.
�.'.• :' Richard Carney want to Trinidad ';t'*t: oepted Levitt'■ resignation and ap- Three-Inch pipes, called points.
..9 with the schooner which brought t . 4 r �;, ,' pointed him to Cummings' staff of will be suns at regular intervals In
the nuts and helped with the un- aa••
• "`fit • loading and planting. The young • :t.'47....8.-:;. .� special assistants here,►ulgned to the the earth above the present ama11
�,. + office of the solicitor general, concrete re all nfng wall, built In the
• plants came up, tender and Juicy. `.• ••,2",4I-
• ' and the rabbits and rata descended1 ' - Levitt submitted his resignation to
• 1,Y„q,� [ first attempts to halt the slides.Two
- !, the President • month ago, charging ammonia pipes will be run down the
Upon them in great hordes and crop-
ped them down to the sand before !r 1;A'
the horrified eyes of the investors. ry "interference” with his court by OOr, points, engineers explained, to carry
f They sent North for corn, dosed it +J. •, - Lawrence W. Cramer and interior de- heat away to a cooling unit. just u
with strychlne and spread It among ..-�• partment of lldate. in ordinary refrigeration.
kl il
the young trees, but Florida rodents -i• f Officials were silent on Levitt's re- Engineers of the company building
never had seen any corn and it rotted •o, quest to President Roosevelt for an the Grand Coulee darn estimated
untouched.Then they tried the same
thing with apples with the same re- Investigation of his charges against 1.000.000 yards of earth would have
suit. They built a protecting barrier Cramer and other officials. to be removed as an alternative to
with chicken wire and palmetto An earlier aeries of r' 'f lculltes over' the freezing plan. The frozen "dam"
leaves and the wind blew it away. - administration of the Caribbean will be arched back 100 Leet into the
t S H E I M By that time, all their own money • with their population of elide area, 23 Icer high and 25 fact
was gone, as well as all they' had than 25,000 resulted In a congressional thick.
�.O ES ` been able to borrow, and they gave experience In civil engineering. He inquiry last year and the transfer of The trsating system war adoptad
up and Went back North. Tho.wan was 10 years old when he firlt carne Doth GOY,Paul M.Pearson and Judge after futile attempts to atop the
';✓..''•-• in a$45,... ,r. •r 1'.Webber Wllaon.
;i ,.,;. Plorlda.He married Miss Basil Full ' tides by realopd g, Engineers said
Ralph,sg_.ManraL plannitig:'Lo SadieRettbllis :rigaldla� his C12rQgls the freezing could be done at a small
•- •aoepe South OA his-yacht•asked 1c5- ler and their son and daughter are Levitt`came to,the capital to con- .fraction of the uuvating cost. puce
ard Carney to'Join him and the two Elizabeth (Mrs. J. Edward llambley) ler with Justice Officials, and left the concrete is poured, It will hold
," �t' worked along the Florida coast,doing and Landon F. Carney.The first Mn, on a vacation for his home at Redding, back the slide area.
freighting,or whatever came to hand.
Carney died some years ago and he
Conn.. yesterday. A native of Mary-
Later Captain Carney had a small married Miss Elizabeth Casey 1n]928, land, he was appointed to the Virgin
" boat.of his own, In which be Carried Captain Carney Is a life member islands post last October,when he was CI-IURCI-I DISPUTE
the mail'and passengers from Port and the only surviving charter mem- an assistant to Cummings.
�'*4988 Lauderdale to Miami,and from Miami bar'of'Biscayne Bay Yacht club, or- Levitt's difficulties with Cramer IS STARTED ANEW
`' a to Coconut Grove. ganfud in 1800 with 11 members, lie reached a climax In June when the
.hv: -L- Tor'20 years Captain.Carney Com- also is a charter member of the James fovgrnor notified four court attaches •
iss.this chance • . minded Andrew Mellon's yacht.Vaga- Cornell lodge of the Masons. their services were no longer required. Aunee McPherson Offers To
bond's. Pour different vessels have _ Levitt, then In the United States, dl- Release Miss Crawford
on Tlorsheim borne this name and When the final
one was built in Kiel,Germany, Cap- NOISE CAMPAIGN rected them to remain at their posts. LOS ANGHLFS, Aug. . Uf—The
In March,he cited acting Gov.Rob- B
r talo Carneyspent almost • year • ert Herrick for contempt for ignoring
long-smoldering dispute at Angelus
°,'quality. we re pr&ng,the work. Snce STIRS NEW YORK a summons.The citatl n was quashed Temple between Al mea Semple Mc-
ellr his retirement• his son-in-law, Capt. when Herrick •ppe■red. Pherson and Hheba Crawford oma
'regret it. into the open today,
O J. Edward H•Drbley, Is' In command, Mayor Finite Citizens Irked By Levitt was named to his 17.500-a-issecHitherto each has
b • Captain Carney has a home In S. y y year poet by Cummings, but his nuc- politely denied
U Ioda Ba shore drive, high on the bluff censor,under a new organic act which any differences of opinion. but Mrs.
Y Y t Y 8 Officers' RequestsMcPherson today adrnitted auch dit-
overlooking the watell. One cannot went into effect Juno M. must be
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. (A9—New ference• existed and that they were
• ,, • think °t/the sea blue eyes in his York'r rectae abatement campaign, appointed by the President and con- serious.
ruddy face being cut off from the firmed by the senate.
whereby rather Knickerbocker sought Mrs. McPherson. founder of the
eight of sails and guns and wind The new organic act gives the Islands
t• MQ to have his dally cacophony muted to temple.said of her co-pastor:
./(4 V"I `IJ ruffled waves. a government similar to Alaska's.
Richard Carney was Dorn YSarch 1,
a lullaby, has struck a sour note, "1f Mrs. Splivalo is unhappy in her
1861, in Middletown N. J. Prom the Mayor LaGuardia feels, work, ID the Interest of temple har-
F1t1gter St:- um.' was 14 he Nwarked' on hie Spokesmen at the summer city hall TWO FIREMEN DIE moray I am quite willing to give my
father's farm and had some practical intimated that his honor shortly consent for her to void her temple
will renew his war on noise and reap IN TEXAS BLAZE Contract."
harmony between the embarrassed To this Miss Crawford, who In pri-
• ' police and noise-making citizenry. vete life la Mrs. Ray Bpllvalo, replied
."Thg difficulty 1s this." explained BI 'Long Warehouse is De- that she la"very busy and totally un-
'• a spokesman, "the policeman goes up stroyed After Explosion concerned In the continual petty
i;.,ry_ I 'y to a citizen who 1s maybe banging
ORbattling that appear to distinguish
•LL LA EC I.P ES..'.M UST .r,ash can and tells him not to make KENVII.LE, Texas, Aug. 2. (IIS) Angelus Temple."
so much noise. Well, the-.citizen. A$80,�fire which burst forth after Religious doctrines and Miss Crav-
usually gets so angry at this that he as unexplalaed ezplwlon hers tut ford's radio speeches on po4ticel sub-
s makes twice as much noise holleringnight destroyed a block-long ware- acts were reported to be the bones
•BI N TONIGHT house and took the lives of two fire- J
at the officer," of contention. Mies Cnwford'e 11600
What the mayor plans to do,1t was men' bulidln housed works progressmonthly contract at the temple eats
AT THE;HERALD OFFICE t said, Is to charge every single police- g' has 18 months to run,
•'• man with the responsibility of mut- administration commodity stores for Mrs. McPherson returned yesterday
i fling nblees on his beat, this region, embracing seven coup- from a Your 8quars Ocepel Church
For(Thls`.A'eek s Contest On Th. .noise abatement ordinance ties. Records for the counties were convention In Portland, Ort.• and
i'5,. was passed on April 11. It provides destroyed. Three cars of flour were denied Implications In affidavits flied
:. } POtQto ReCfpes - for misdemeanor summons and small consuolL ed. It believed the explosion In connection with Miss Vivian Den-
'-r'. _N • • ' fines for flagrant offenders. ' may have been caused by'a spark ton's $300,000 sander stilt,,
'' Radios must be turnea. down after Igniting the flour dust. Miss Denton, a former temple Aub-
e. sy re'.to'sendn .you r .Potato 10 p. ., large chiming'clocks mat Two firemen,Roscoe Daugherty and licit), representative, charges the
not bong after the hour, and Rale can Earl Jenkins,were trapped and burned evangelist made slanderous remark..to death. / when she diamlased her.
recipe' in today. mesa ■re Instructed to use.more ten-
derness In the handling of their re- .
"One l° Molly Who? Mollycoddle!
� ` � r • One large milk'company shod Its '
our''maybe the winning one. horsed with rubber,
ir.„er;,.••.t)1.. M A PARENTS DEFEND THREE 'R'S' : ' T
irsf"prize;.$5.00 food order, ' PASADENA. Calif., Aug, 2. (UP)— Ho Hum& Its a New Game
AZL educational requirement commit-
Td�prize $3.00 food tee has reported to the board of edu-
call,•" "int modern .•'•.kation lacks
csAocfs,.n r..es.