1674-5 Richard Carney • no–411m (mance tnere aim-ma ►► - . _TK --- -- -
- _ ' '-'`r 'v'' free French were reported Y TO FIND
- that Miami's Own Capt. Jack p ted advent• be life aboard the 23-year-old rub •
Price, who is on leave of ab- fag slowly on Beirut, and it was mersible, INSIDE FEATURES
Pence from his job as city Pula- said that British planes bombed
rgwthe French outpostA brief message from the rescue
Uncle director la now commanding Where a French garrison Wasebe- ship Falcon, veteran of the Squalus Books ants
disaster, said diving operations had 6, 7-
a flying squadron at Langley leaved to be surrounded by Jebel been resumed. NavyBooks g.
Field. Incidentally, it is no longer Druz tribesmen friendly to the officials the Cables 6-
allies, petted no further word from the Camera Clicks
Captain Price but Major Price. Falcon before morning. 8-
It also disclosed that strungClassified 6 7 8 9
PHONEY DE(:IMION•-As pow- allied motorized force, advancing Although hope dwindled rapidly- Crosswords 7.
erful as ii the U. S. district at- in Syria from Iraq were headed that anyone had been able rtoe sur- Garde Editorials 8.
torney'■'office, it hasn't enough toward Palmyra, important air vivo under the per square inch,pressure Garden Time g.
prestige to convince even the base site on the oil pipeline In of 200 pounds square Rear Happy Page fourth assistant postmaster gen- central Syria, Admiral Richard Edwards, corn- Kilgallen g.
eral of the U. S. that the nature Palmyra is about 100 miles from mending the Atlantic operations would
Markets 5
and importance of its work ne- the Iraq border and is about 140 fleet, said rescue would Miami Muse 8.
cessitates a private telephone miles east of Tripoli. terminus of OOntlnue "as long as feasible." Miami Story 1-
line. The fourth assistant post- the Syrian branch of the pipeline The name of the diver making Movie Time Table 7
master general has steadfastly from the Mosul oil fields. How the second descent was not die• Music g.
refused to okay the private line, far the British column had pene- closed. Earlier, George Crocker, 27, Phillips 9.
which means that all telephone trated toward Palmyra was not a crack diver from Seattle, Wash., Radio 7.
disclosed, had failed by 70 feet to reach the Real Estate
calls for the district attorney 4
must go through the federal Damascus is believed to be the blue mud bottom of the Atlantic Ripley 4.
building telephone board, which oldest inhabited city in the world. floor to determine whether salvage Serial Story 4, 5-
is often busy. It was the scene of bloody orgies operations could be carried out. Society 1, 2 g 4.
connected with the worship of It became increasingly apparent Guy Butler's Topics 1-
"NORTH"MIAMI—"Spend your Astarte, goddess of reproduction. that the hull of the 0-9 may be- Sports 1,'2, 3
summer in Miami, amid the cool In recent centuries it had he- come a permanent tomb for its Travel Pages 6, 7
highlands and lakes of Mani- come a Moslem shrine, and both crew of 33 men. Travel Time Table 7''
toba." This is the inviation Her- the British and French, appar- Official naval pessimism was re- Trends of the Times 8
man Fultz, Miami business man, ently, were loath to loose the de- fleeted in a statement issued by Weather 6
had been asked to broadcast to atructive forces of war upon it. mars to Psse s-A; NORMARII ) Woman's Page S-
tour-minded Miamians in Flori-
da. It comes from one of his
three sisters
ea in Canada. She lives Is
Of The Waterfront AN INVITATION
in the listlr town Miami, ov-
ince of Manitoba, a community TO VACATION IN
waichrt des over-su7,000b byd its Mourn Capt. Dick CarneyGREATER MIAMI
0 0. fund quota of a ho nt1or000. Canadinna are hoping for "The Nation's vacation lam
a big tourist season this sum-
mer and the early trek into the
By CECIL WARREN for days to come, the news willinvites you" is the theme o
Dominion already has brought Along Miami's waterfront the travel to that great fraternity of 'this week's Daily New(
many American dollars to help
word sped Saturday: sea rovers who have, at ono time roto rection.. It t was designer
finance Canada's war effort. o "Cap'n Dick Carney has passed or another, tied up at Miami docks, alforinvitationou to etosyour perso your friends
ALL LAND PLANES--All Fan for Capt. Richard Carney was relatives and business alumUp the Miami river the news known and liked wherever boat- elates to enjoy the beauties
Americ►n Airways plane service traveled to echo in the big shed* men foregather. He will be re- and wonders of this tropical
to Cuba will be by land planes of Miami's boat building industry, called from the most northern port
from Municipal field instead of Men imparted it to one another in in Maine to the southern tip of playground.
by sea planes from Dinner Key harbor offices, in the pilot houses Florida and around the coast toIt will cost you edition
n have
base after July 1. Whiny is in- of tugs, in bobbing sailboats out in California and Seattle by those thiso mail-away ed U. S. sent
formed by some one who should the bay. Dusky stevedores' and who have known him not only as to any ourathe
know. Flying time will be cut roustabouts broke the news to each asebtant dockmaster in Miami, See youra Miami Daily Nowt
to about three-quarters of an - other. asalesman or call de-
from the cut�j'rent two-and- With every boat that "ups art- but as mf ter of:the four yVfor, Daily News a 3-1191.a-quarter-hour serlice. p bondlas of the Mellon family for, partmen
chor" to sail from Biscayne bay t, phone 8-1191,
('hers to lase 1-AI CAENLY)
(op:II ' t
Of\ 4 1071
IVil • 4 ,
_ .. -
PAGE TWO—A "--— --
Germany Declares F� k. _ �,1 ON OF�SOCIALIST SOMI
} WHEAT, from Europe's ' ,�Ta]� breadbake4he Ukrain f �'> � wile.•4°'ainst Soviet a .: � w� � �� E 1
whose plains are Meal t s es� �04 ., x
for mechanized conquest. ; ;
(CONTTNFEn FROM PAOT, ONE) .... Y k<si 3
counselling with the British and she will fulfill them, .
the We -are ' t'; io 4: .
Americans on plans for at- neither Englishmen or Jews. ,,: < 3 ( OIL, i
tacking Germany. ' o•+g V. #ikAiN 5.. rich s
"I asked Molotov (Foreign Com- 3 (ii(a���
'Today," asserted the note read missar Viacheslav Molotov) to • ��
by Ribbentrop, "not leu than 160 come to Berlin, and he asked for a < r
divisions are massed against Ger- # `
( clarification of the situation. He
many on the Russian side. This
asked, 'Is the guarantee for Ru- f e
shows that the Russian supreme mania directed also against Rue- s � .)1.1,710,-,r.
command can at any time under- spa?' I replied, 'Against everyone.' '"
Russia never informed us that4she RUMANIA .N s..--
take aggressive action against the had even more far- hi hien- Black Seel e....„00:1
German frontier. tions agalnrrt Rumania, g i!
"The news from England and IA °"
the negotiation, of (Sir Stafford) Molotov asked further, "Is Ger- xK s
Cri many prepared not to assist Fln- 4 4 �* �4
Cripps. (British ambassador), as land, who was again threatening ox 5 <z
well as the appeal8 �•
of the former Russia?' My reply was that Ger- • TURKISH CAPITULATION,
Soviet enemy, Lord Beaverbrook, many has no political Interests in a e, to be gPlead by forcing a
and the attitude of the United Finland, but another attack on
States, prove clearly what fateI ar'e M • Soviet squeeze on Ankara, or
they want to mete out to Ger- Finland could not be tolerated, x,s ' , by Nash surrounding Turkey
many." tif� s y '}A' thatespelly as do not believe
that Finland is threateningnot
Ribbentrop then read the final Rus- Y. 3� f' �c�� rae '� ,.!�"
narae'rn h r•I els." '
SOVIET sEPu. CICS.: esa1e«Mune Submarine
e, Peacock Inn, Coconut Grove, theta
{f the only hostelry in the area-
ti ''lx t ! +}'' • sea (CONnrorn mom ?AGE ONE) 21 After the U. S. war with-Spain, '
-••�' z• _ �Ou Secretary of Navy Frank Knox • Captain Carney purchased a small
pipelines! upon his return to Portsmouth steamer, the "fake Worth," and
2 Navy Yard from the scene of the $� 4sSssasise was engaged for several yeah In
sinking this afternoon. }le said: carrying mail and passengers be-
OIL, from Russia's "( nbbllllle they are all Bund. We 1 ,+ tween Fort Lauderdale and Miami'
Y.�` ea%
rich Caucasus fields
r r,05, wt,
have not given lip hope entirely,
anti Mlarnl end Coconut (trove.
blit from the depth of the water in HA lie became captain of the Mel-
$ •„ 2
which the submarine Iles I would t s'•-- Ion family's first yacht to be
{ .e Caspian any there was everyy „et.
named the Vagabondia when it
i probability
• ar ,a' there la no one aboard alive.' .. . wt. completed by the Merrlll •
I"i4 t 'Phar tho43•9'° dead might rest • `f.�%t• 8tever�a boat yard■ In Jacksonville,
• •
forever In the broken hull was in •
,•405.' In 1904. He also nerved as cap-
(heated by Knox's statement that - rain of two later Vngabondla, and
he thought "it highly improbable • 1•r when the fourth was built by Lie
1 ��r that salvage operations will be D Krupp Host Works in Kiel, Ger-
�'9y continued because of the Yemen• •t k e�
► done depth." ! many, he remained a year in Ger-
V 111111 ..,•-• 0 Vialbly moved by the tragedy, >. ,�-',• -ai p • many to supervise its construction
r,.,� �l Knox described the O-9't, crew as n"0`' N . tame M. Bernie. Cameron and brought It to thin country in ,
OIL,from Inn, havingCAPT. RICHARD CARNEY. 1926. He retired as captain of the
I,...- :::••i. r "died in the line of duty, Vagabondia in 1930.
eek;k' and outlet to Just as If they had been struck by
syr--'�"4 V.
Fenian Gulf an enemy submarine." For a short period, he remained
r! /r'' Yd Far East More than 30 hours had elapsed Carne idle, but Inaction palled upon bins
s4 �, Jjt�. p, " �t since the 0-9, one of the smallest y and he obtained the position of
041:41••• --,.
..{{..it/t(� :•:::t::::.,.. and oldest submersibles in the navy IC0xTtxvcn rao^t rave ons! assistant Mlarnl time of ter,which
r, 41: .,� �'- and only recently recommissioned,
he held et the of his death.
s felled to surface afterfrom the time he took over corn-
A favorite with children and
:, a; a routineadults alike, Captain Carney was
a 3. ., test dive yesterday. Built to with- mend of the first of the Mellon
/may, stand preeeure at maximum depthI notedasfor a stories l the sea. He
P boats in 1304 until he nought to "as also a principal In many of
of 200 feet, there was every in-
t fRAQ. 1 (Icatlon that the 179-foot craft retire In 1930, he captained them.
the hunts for pirate treasure made
'�4 cracked up like an egg shell when Captain Carney died early Sat- In Florida. None of the searches
CHANCE it nook to more duan twice that urdey at Jaeknmt Memorial hoe- mere euccesa tela
TO 8TRIKE depth. Captain Carney Ilrst married
All 27 ex pital after it appeared to phy,l- Miss Sadie Fuller,who died several
from behind at Persian pert navy divert. flown share and others he would recover 1'.are a o.
British In Syria Gulf here from Washington volunteered ^ s Their children are Mn,
`� �" eta
to make the dangerous descent to from operntlnns not 'teemed amt. J. Edwin (Elizabeth) Hambley,
the hint, only bottom that held heat ous. He had been ill but About
whose husband is now first offleer
/OULD NET NAZIS the 0-9, hut the first assignment two weeks. of the Vagabondia, and Landon
went to Crocker, a deep-sea vet-
F. Carney, of Homestead, agrlcul-
} for a dish of conquest. Map shows arae, regularly attached to the res- Ca tel ith that's hinter Is In- tura)
,., er troops across southern Russia. cur ship Falcon. y products broker. Iia married
terwoven with of Dade county Miss Elizabeth Casey in 192x,
eines the days when Dade was Mrs. Carney and his two children
Crocker was forced to return to
•not wont little more than wilderness, for he survive
• • the surface when he reported, "1 him. Mrs, plane y fey
rte in con- WashiI1 Ston dont think I'm getting enough called Dadh,his home for about 59 hurrying to Miami by plane.aatur-
nent with b prenaure." Immediately, naval o(- year° of the 79 years he Itved, day, and his son, in Georgia at the
t Russia ith uvvrlNnan PROM rant ONE) facers supervising the dive leaned Born In Middletown, N. J., on time of his (cath, was speeding to
far Cor- alliance, the sensational diplomatic n 'yank him up" order. March 1, 1862,Captain Carney first Miami by automobile.
tncelvahl^ Navy men Indl,atnil list Crocker worked on him Ltthar'■ farm, then Funeral arrangements
development which lacked thy,open had suffered only slightly as result an practical civil engineer. When made byare being
1 ever old eastern door to Germany and per- of the descent and reported that he the Philbrick
Germanybut 20 years old, he came to Floe- home. Funeral
mitts( her to smash into Poland Ida with E. T. Field and Ezra A. Carne
any riot' In the first of the blitzkrieg cam-
wax Immediately,
from its effects y was Dade county's
that na• pnlgnn• tonight. Osborne interested in a venture, sheriff, appointedy not
aid will which was unsuccessful, of reaping in 1886. Later, forby the governor
The new development augurs WIn Icy under extreme preasu reP Rea time, he car-
well for both and Amer. fl°d In Icy cold water's,hs had gone a fortune by planting coconut tied the mail between Juno, then
d with a Ica, George said.Britain believed that down 370 feet from the aide of the areae along the Florida shore line. the Dade county seat, and warm.
attack in war in the eastern theater of tear- rescue ■hip Falcon, only to find Some of the old trees, grown from 'l do this he walked along the
the Cent-
rope would delay 's long- that further descent was impossible Lha 330,000 plantings imported beach,used rowboats to cronlnlsU, •
.anal 7301• promised htvadela of England. Lt because for some reason he found from Trinidad, can still be seen In d e f I e d alligator. Insecta any event, lie maid, it will give the It hard to breathe. 'Though expert- Mlam! Beach, Cape Florida end at
storms. and
United States the vital few addl.
trental dives of 500 feet have been other pointe along the Florida Once Nle prank-loving nature led
Ronal months needed for full pre- made here and at Pearl Harbor,his coat. him to perpetrate a baby-changing
Vnrednesi and was the deepest working diving The party, which Included be- trick that sent a laugh around Use
gearing the Amer-
made In the Atlantic.
sides Field, Osborne and Carney, world. Mothers attendinga
lean Britain.Industrial machine for full aid dance
Il O to - Two years ago Crocker made 18 came from New York to Key West at the old Peacock Inn
Should the German attack stall dives during the salvaging of the by the Mallory line, and chartered babies together in put their
submarine Squalus ga room. While
or even hesitate along the broad q which sank the schooner, Beach, for what the mothers danced,Carney slipped
1,800-mile frontier from the White three miles from where the 0-9
is now Miami Beach. Captain upstairs, switched the babies
•rte 21.— sea to the Black sea,some military
rests on the blue mud bottom off Carney was one of the crew of the around sed changed their clothing.
3. Perrin observers here anticipate that Bell the Isles of Shoals. Since then, he schooner which transported the co- Aller t e
nd A. J. sin might find it possible to spring had been found the tenet Harr,- conuts to Florida, equipment, actin mothers stooks the echildr•n
tibia in"bend."of any diver In the including mule the a til pre- P R
aircraft et the st and the
ralern Germans e and a small re- home.There mother of girls found
Saturday frontier—and the French invasion navy in anew system of altitude fabricated building which still can they had boy children on their
-motored const, teat+. be seen doing service at, a tool- hands, and vice verse. Parents of
i accept- ---_ Contrary to the usual practice of house in the rear of the Carney fair-haired youngsters found they
GERMAN CRUISER allowing a diver to set h n own home, 2935 S. Hlacnyne drive, were had dark-haired strangers. Pan-
at Car- pace In descending, navy officials tossed into the ocean off Miami Pan-
demonium reigned.
lea south decided this afternoon to regulate Beach and brought to shore, for Carney left on a three-day sail-
Crocker'^ descent by lowering him there were no landing facilities at IHR trip. When he returned, the/
Der had REtilde
by means of three lines at- Miami Beach in those days. mixup had been straightened out
!day by PORTED DAMAGED lashed to his 200-pound diving Rabbits ate upand laughs had supplanted threats.
ors and equipment. most of the R
J. T. LONDON, June 21.—(UP)--Tia Interviste en young coconuts for the sAven• The story swept the country,(vas
Halted at 50-foot tuners, although they tried poison retold overseas and became the
ay vice Sunday dlapatrh said Saturday route to the bottom, Crocker had and moat every known device to irate for an incident In the novel.
vers re- that the 10,000-ton German cruiser assured those on the Falcon by do away with the rodents. "The Virginian."
ly stage, Prinz F,ugene wan "badly dam- telephone that all was going well. After the arrival of the party in
normal, aged" In lb. naval battle in which however,when he reached 870 feet 1882, the three men lived in the
eleld re- the 35,000-ton German battleship and Chief Electrician's Mate Clar-
little house theybed brought with Smokeless Buses Ordered
suddenly Bismarck wan sunk May 27. coca F. Pew queried him, Crocker I
trst into The Bismarck was sunk 400 failed to answer Immediately. A them from New York, a structure Hecauae carbon monoxide from
miles west of Brest after a three- few second later he said: erectingsly 12 by 22 feet in dimensions, bungee• had become so offensive
,s repro- day chase in Atlantic water. "I don't think I'm getting enough It at Lummus Park, during rush hours, Rio de Janeiro
lant for which started when a "lucky shot" Pressure." Miami Beach.The land they under- has ruled that all new vehicles
had from the Bismarck sank the Instantly, Crocker was hauled took to develop Into n coconut must be smokeless.
for two 42,100-ton British battle cruiser slowly to the surface niter being plantation was acquired at from
Hood. decompressed part 1 a 1 l y under 25 cents to 75 cents an acre, and
- The Sunday dispatch said that water. Then he wan taken to a re- comprised most of what la now
one salvo from the 35,000-tort Brit• compression chamber aboard the
Miami Beach. � ,;t,4 y
!eh battleship Prince of Wales hit Falcon and later was sent back to The Ilttls building was taken IfQ %r�
the Prins Eileen and set it on drop water tinder oxygen where he down In January, 1883, and erected
fire. The Prince of Wales was remained until experts were sella• again at the site of the old His-
hit, the newspaper said, Out cot fled he was beyond the danger of eayne life saving station at N. E
rs one of Its guns was put out of "bends." 79th at., Miami Beach, •and In the
It was decided that because of fall of 1883 was taken down again 1/ �� W..commission '\ t _
e Tribee. Fthe extreme depth Crocker's air and moved about 17 miles distant. � •
` ttt��aassss
.n 1 r Dr R•
mixture of 20 per cent ox It was later returned to Lummus ;"`j ;�I
William . Money oxygen and
Power 80 per cent helium was "too high." park, which was its final stand t s !
sing the Knox said that "appropriateuntil Captain Carne moved it to a �/
fire an ser- P y �,
vices" would be held for the 0-9't. the rear of his home at 2930 9. `� - J aY►
id war, Called" 'Essential! dead at a time to be announced B^Y+hoe• drive, where It now CD
cerebral The memorial service probably stands. -'�
tRl. � ,e •
will be conducted at the Porta- When It was seen the venture
o p. m. WASHINGTON, June 21.—(TJP) mouth navy yard, as in the case was a failure, Captain Carney ac-
be the The aerate banking and currency of the 8qualue disaster. companled the party hack North, We specialize in accurate
by an committee reported Saturday that Discovery of large quantities M but several years later came to
three- extension of the administration's rock, oil and decking floating on Coconut Grove with the late Corn- WATCH REPAIRS
trued at power to devalue the dollar and the surface, and air bubbles rising modnre Ralph Middleton Munroe,
luarters operate a $2,000,000,000 currency from the depths, had aided sal- Commodore Munroe frequently
stabilization fund It. "essential to vage °hips !n locating the 0.9 mention Captain Carney Id his Clock Repairs
meet the present monetary emer- early today. Bite of cork insula- book, "The Story of the Commo- • Jewelry
The committee recommended
that the senate follow the lead of lion and oil slick late tat night (ore." While associated with Com-
gave the first indication that the modore Munroe, Captain Carney4. Restringing
0-9 had buckled. Joined with him In several corn- Bead Restrng
All bless leiniersirnging
the house, which voted Friday to '1'h• 0-9 wan equipped with two nterclal ventures, principally re-
Estimates Madly Oho
gas extend these powers until June 30, escapehatches and 'nommen lungs trleving stranded vessels and
1943, which might have enabled the freighting. The two lived aboard WATCH SECOND FLOOR STORE,
The legislation would enable crew to reach safety had the Commodore Munroe's boat and at
ne 21.— President Roosevelt, if he deemed submarine gone down in shallower
tcludIng it necessary, to devalue the dollar water. -- —
1 arrested to 50 per cent of its gold content Navy officials said that if the '
pounced prior to 1934. Mr. Roosevelt has O-9 crew had attempted to escape PRICELESS!
arge of established the gold value of the with Momsen lunge, the reamer(-
siminal dollar et 59 per cent of its previous °0t, water pressure would have
content, caused their bodies to burst. That's what your old pictures
`Old rob Probe Demandedora,priceless. Wore they
WASHINGTON, June 21.--(UP) lost forever,fol us copy •
s To Kccp Members the house navel them on lovely,lasting Nora •
� l
fain committee Saturday night de- Miniatures.Free consultation,
C • mended en investigetien to deter- w /
'31�����1(e� mine whether the. r . a ...a _ F•
�6 rt.- rr,„ree+a.., r•,,,