1674-113 Carl Fisher J..' "T', a- ,•r: 6♦ .„TA s ^;c ,_;i'r ,.yr .n;l
hitt f _ THE.HERALDMIAMI,FLORIDA,WEDNIZDAY, MARCH 21GE.FOUR ____�_ -4r-rr+ r►; Iy — *
tortiatptl ( AvTD '
�+oi-+— - 7'. ��i..�_-�-.w. a•.w. sl«sav as •
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)I r. and klrs� Arthur Newcomb left s
"Shore Acre.**WIII Re Initial Number of yeolerduy morning for SI. Ancoetine More Than *1.01 aeroerd•wt Drllahllel
t Oriental Gardens • and New York after sevnI I week.'slay I asertt.hesl MI"”"
Serle of Week-Day Entertainments at the Dude comb la i
al the Miami 'Beach Church, Mn. Newcomb 1■ Internationally School Laws 91gh1. I.
known professionally as Dr.Katherine More than 1100 was added to tel
More Tea to Be Given Sat- The initial week-night moving picture
N.II.Blackford,cbaracler analyst and piano fund of the Miami Beach public ic` ',,
day Will.Conclude SUC- program will be shown in the Miami employer. adviser. She, In collabora- school as a result of the staging of
Beech Congregational ehureh Friday tion with Mr. Newcomb, in the author "The Gardener'" Bream."at the school §y
ce•sful Season. night when "Shore Acres,' a six-reel of several books and treatise's on e - building Inst evening by the Minna An
' film of New England life,starring Alice PioYinent. character and analysts and auction was held In connection with
more bright scene of summery Lake, selected by the'.Rev. E. A. King, t°PuDonul guidance. Se Is retained by the play the proceeds of which were
:in frocks,man hued flower and will be shown. Duero will open at T D• tunny large rorno rrllo ii In•n•dvlsory oleo added' to the piano fund, and
g Y- pt rapacity end organisation and for so- Ur,g,1;. t of tile,0r ruck oneer, The
msie will be pictured at the Orlon- m.;and the program.Will.start at 7;30, leering executive and teohpleul men a humori•t of the highest order, The
.rdon■ before the curtain falls on Me, King will,offer a few introductory for them.
big oke, given I.y )1 ren. 11. li If. era,
rims of evecebfal tea parties this remarks concerning the community.pro- Dr.Newcomb lea wrltevert employ-SwaseasF.It to Miss Dean for the teachers
,:• By special vaguest, Manager L.devoted to the play. - general business topic... He I. mayor of the school. A souvenir program.
Kram'has agreed to have one More •Indications of the popularity of the of Alpine. N. J. containing many photograph"and pre-I,
,trday afternoon. Already reser- picture programs was demonstrated Anxloue to remain unknown while pared by the children, was bought by
e are coming In. night,The church was-filled, even.to here so that they could have a real Mn. Joseph Merely, and a card of
terday's tea, which was to have standing room; when ithe.motion Pic- vacation, Mr. and kir.. Newcomb kept paper doll., made by Rowena Gould,
he last,saw two w;dely contrasting tare machine was first used. -+ their identity covered until after they wan sold to Mine McKee. �'!E
e. One was the•birthday party "Shore Acres" is the screen•ver•lon had left. They enjoyed golf and swim- Kenneth Berry.old the most ticket
by Mrs.Newton Chapin,in honor of James A. Herne's.''immortal stage ming while here. a to the play and will receive a••Mlle Ti
r little gas, Ross,'who woe sight drama of New England folk.The,Inca-
II weeks of lesson" In dancing from Florid.
old,that day. The other was • tion ie the Coast.of Maine,where there MIAMI BEACH BOYS Sherman Hammett, teacher in the
given for Mrs.'Ann King by her Is'a famous lighthouse.The plot hinges dancing conservatory,who offered Uhf
is In honor of her ninety-second upon ■ real estate scheme that rail.• prise to the boy or [Irl selling the
lay. and the situation is saved at the crucial SET POOL RECORDS greaten(number of tickets. Mr.Ilam- ( A
haat esker resplendent with tiny moment. A beautiful love story with . malt also directed the Ploy.
•sndfee and m f flower gave Alice Lake as Helen Berry and Robert Many beautiful stage effect were
hday app he tables et Walker•s Sam Warren runs throughout Jab. awe Toler Watford F.wiwhliak achieved by Frank Lawrence, who
Ross Chapin,neatly dressed In• the flint.One of the greatest scenes Is New Mark.While Alienalrg salver created • fairy garden of palms and at. ,
sailor suit,acted as host. All sort a shipwreck,said to be the moat resale- Mllltary A,vde+r, pinna,with little beds of 1114111Y colored ., p.
It were favors to delight the boys tic and .dramatis over screened. flowers and oprinklad nee and terve
Iris. were members of done- The nett picture.shown on a Friday Miami Beach youths are not slow In over the
"tugs. and +
gwill be"Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.' • Twen•
lass oaf Mies Katherine Stafford. starring Mary Pickford.Mr.King is now garnering the I. In the north, o• NORMAL FOR MEXICANS by n
enjoyed the marble floor, and negotiatingfor "The Stream of Life," proven In tie c of John scud Tatem
ed at alta with the more expert- Wolford, who are attending Culver .chi
D James K.Shield's famous new film,to be mllll•ry academy. TO'FIGHT, SAYS VISITOR'"'
dancers. Mies Stafford was one run some time soon. - John Wolford la a member of the -- roll c
e guests. No tickets are'to be sold for the Fri- school's swimming relay team which ",Ve're kind to be from. rather than
on the boy• and girls who came day night affairs since the showing of recently set the world's Interecholaetle going to Meek., I. l'
* aald J. lllilps, Dm
Ross' brothers, John A. Bell and the pictures is nota commercial proposi- record. Ile In at present at Prince- who hes arrived from Atlanta, at the for h.
in,Jr.;Alexandra Hasbrouck,Dean, tion. however, every adult will be ex• ton, where the team Imo been sent to Wofford with hie wife for a short luny.
-rine and Clarence Brown, MontePaY
,rd. Pauline and Anson Brooks, pected give.meet cents and every childumeet the university In team. Sig• and Mrs. I,, the
'epubli y wrest
15 cent to the expenses of getting During his May in Culver, records
f teeight months In the re Pu Dllc ucroan inch.
Humes, Katherina andyArmstrong,.Betty An- the film+. ford hu" lowered five the IIID Creed... day
Jean,Frank and Mary • Pool recorJs of Mr. Phillip. In manager of the Oko-
rend Mildred Meagher, Martha and 1 the "dere-50, 100• 220 and 400 yards olio nom which handles idle.
l� and the relay lie will be graduuled In company of Atlanta, fico.
del•Simian, LIIUan Van Camp. About Miami Beach insulated wlree •and cablew. lie went
Det , Harold, Dorothy and Merritt Jin•' fir'
latae Wof ford recently won the ti' )lex leo for ,aIle..• a,i. ee, bol
y. tint, Merlon hand Sonny Snow- junior charnpion"hip of Indiana in div_ found condition. there bail. Meth
,F'cleric Bannerppt, Ed and Law- The assessed valuation of Miami Beach Ing, Ills eahlbltlone here at rho time "The climate of )fexlco City is dc• Cleat
fh,C 3teerne,Mary and for 1921 is given■■15,540,112.Last year of the Chrlalmra holiday, will be re• ligl'tful• however, In the summer be-1 the
ilia.Drake, Courtland Martindale• it was $9,988,700, and the year before membered by those who attended the "000 the city has an elevation of!hand
Harrington. $2,679,600. The big Jump taken in the •purl"at the]roman 7,500 feet. However,the unsettled con•'l.'e 1
.Anna King,pre ident of the Car- pools. woe hlag'
last three yeah Is shown by Lhe fact • Jltlo ns are terrible there. Mexico
e.club, watched�he dancer■ with that the assessment for 1918 was given only abnormal during Dln:'e weal- Th
enjoyment. Herrrrn"''gown was • soft as $832.746.Unimproved property i•as- Miami Beach Personals dency. for It in normal for the coon- iro o.
and her genuine chinchilla scarf, se"sed ■t one-fourth its value,and im- try to be revolutionary and not nor- -.fin•
her by her husband,70 years ago, proved assesembe at one-tenth. nasal for It to be Peaceful.' "..erten w.
Japed gracefully about'her should.
Mrs. Charles E.Farris and daughter, Mr.Phillipe. "The place wan nettled un
Mrs.E.A.Boner has given the follow. Mary Cage Farris, of New York, were by continent and ever eines there ha stun
and the table.were Mrs.King,Dr. Int books to the library of the Miami visitors at the Casino St,John Tuesday. been fighting." 510
Mrs.E.S.Vail;Mrs.Mathew Else*, Beach Congregstionel church: Van Miss Farris•ie one of this eason'• kir. and Wu. Phillips were MU;unl a
Simon Seemed,Mrs.J.R.'Anthony, Dykes "How to Judge of a Picture;" debutante"and she and her mother have Beach vInllor"lust winter.They.Iayr,t rot
B.F.Tobin,Mr..Carl B.Pipp.Miss Crane's"God and Democracy;"Fowler's been very prominent at the Hotel Royal at the Breaker., '
cc McCracken, Mies Anna Belle "Cupid's Garden;"Tuekley'a"Under the Poinciana at Fain, Beach •'this prat. • Ing.
.rd;Mrs.C K.Palmer,Mitchell Queen;"Dr.Hayes'"The Lund of Isola- week. LIFE GUARD AT CASINO anon
Mn.Harriet Been,Mrs.Frances tion;",Ruhl's Antwerp to Gallipoli:" Mr.and Mra.Thorns.J.Pancoast left SAVES WOMAN FROM SURF t•ert°
no.and Miss Wile, n M.Sewers. Mrs. George Wal Crooks has pre- the
:•. E. R. entertained Mn, this morning for Savannah to attend the
stored Connors Him That Math. state
k Van Arden, Mrs.F.E.Demurias. grad Mr•. Theotore Dlekin•on, Mrry Rotary convention. A tragedy on the bathing beach
Florence Hume and Mrs. Willies Robert Rinehart's"More Tish." --- Monday morning was averted by the 'T)'
cell. Dir. and Mrs. Burton Hooker, M. D. qulek setae of M. H. Smith, w life- kilu0
e guest. of Mr. and Mrs. George The cascade of the Casino St. John Swisher and his daughter and Joseph' guard at Hurdle's coition. when lie I with
ireuell were Mr.. Carl G. Fisher, have been dismantled for the .anon.All Eleener took•cruise down the bay yes- pulled )Ira Dolly Lee out of the wit- and
. Locke T. Highleyman, Mia Jose- the.parties are held on the-first floor. terday. Mr. Hooker is building a home ter In an u"conoclous condition ash{ and
•Hartford,Harold Cantnor•Captain - - on the corner of Lincoln and Bay road• applied Oral al, treatment. Mian l.ee Tore
ander and Mr. Welsh,. More signs•have been taken down by and Mr. Swisher recently bought • and Aaron Goldston• were brthlug at
r.and Mn.Archibald Stebbins enter- the night riders,but the identity of the bungalow on Wed avenue. Sola Bath hone and-ventured out too Ti•
cMr. and Mrs.John Hamilton. men remains a mystery. --• far. Neither could swim and they .tote
• Mrs.John T. Power. and son and were not able to call for help when meta,
TEST'ARR}VAL AT THE- Dorothy Cray,facial expert,and Mise daughter,who have been visiting at'the wager en ,tnrr,i their id" klln• Lee tent.,
Goodwin,hairdresser,will return to the kenwsy apartments for the past nix was brought to by reaucit°tio" Th.
.AQUARIUM'IS A SQUID Wofford next ssason to open up shops. months,will leave today for their home methods and was soon fully recovered., i2:i:.
.:.ue.''•+.a�.- ifi,#Pgo4..ji1.J. •„ Shut
squid,•firse.eouda tee-the,octopus, `D19Nelt AT CIIUI1Cj({CO-,:(•- '- MOVIES HELP.THE CHURCH,
added to the colteetten. at the 1w"tae r. Calael•y• •hod Ealher M.. Th
clops yesterdajr•mbra(ngrhyo•o• k CeagregatIonal Ladies Plan Appetising A•igQeYr' 1 troll.-i(k)t•.i;will spend, KING TELLS BROTHERHOOD isdi.
ap Thompson sad.W.A.'.Owens,who - Men..,. .. , '.: ,;the rest.df the season at the Fenway. gani.
urea it with'a•aet,ln the bay. - Mn. W,.H. O'Connor,ot'Hoeton, and An enlhusiastic meeting• of the fdcal
M/squid belongs,to;Ne cuttlefish '1 Popularity of home-made take has ) men's brotherhood of the Pres by lerlrn•Y•M
caused it to be put on the d t ltd frs. K. T.°Berry, of Brookline, Ma"s.,
ily-and Is noted for.the fact that left last rel church, preceded by an appetleing fn 11
jest• great amount bf Inky black every Thursday noon when the Woman's homes.During
for their' respective dinner, was held In the r'ha Dei of the o'clu•
d when atartled..Along the northern. aft°elation serves it! lunches In the [their'felt here they have Presbyterian church lent night. •
+t e(the United Steps It i■especial- cloisters of the Miami Beach Congrega- bean the guests of Mn. W. S. Lucy An interesting address-on the adapt- TI'
D Hood church. ■t the Toledo apartments. e( n,
sought for,use as,belt and it i■ ability of moving plcluren of the right
•needles•food.In shape,the squid The menu tomorrow noon will include sort •an ■n asset In church work was and
p q hot beef loaf with brown gravy,hot rolls, J.J. Craig has returned from.bud- buei�
long and roead, having ten arms nese tri to Washington, D.(C., and elven by the Rev. E. A. King, pastor
trvdin from its bead.It has unusual• coffee, cabbage sslad, lee cream an . D of the Congregational church in MI- hohd•
g cake. The Price i■ 80 cents. Minneapolis. He says that the inorthern
large Ayes end•keen sense of hear- • pert of the country is still very cold and amt Reach. Ile contended that lira.- ever:
and.( quicker than • Duh •t the TAXES UCLINQUE4T AI•Ills t, he is glad d to get back to June weather much o re "cls rare shows illat 85 Der TO
:hpat hint of danger. 1 creat r•II ken wledge le gnlned •through
towline by mune of fie crowing Pro ter ow.rmn are A"4M l„ 1•y age n.Mr.emit and family are living at the eye, the.church cannot neglect the °I p
pr• the Fenw+y,
ng the site of the body.Some have w..reur.ta drtar Thnl aero value of the moving picture as an In- and
n known to reach the sine of a human W.J.McCune is spendinga few da nrumenf for the religious Influences.
of re- st 1
ng,ebut the data on its growth is Abtenllon of taxpayer, le.called to y- Ilglon and Influthuee. at 1
t m • visit wife,
his family st the Feral Other "praker were Arthur Candy, t+P1
y .terse, owing th the fact that it the fart Wet on_April 1'all uopa1.1the more.His wife,dahe and sister will B0Y Scout rex.callus of Mi. I. who to vin
stets to the bottom of the ocean tare" arodeclared delinquent/0110h.Lf lee benese
here'lhrough the summer but bush- urged a creat er Intcreel In the boy. of in
on it J.partly grown and very rarely loot day there Is always a long:Ilse nese takes Mr. McCune back to Wuh- of the emnmnnlly; Alexander Orr. Jr., Mg
Me(Its appearance after that. The waiting at the city hall and those who ington in a short time.
std leas•very shortlifei uptirity would avoid this unpleanantnesr are chairman of the boy's committee of the
{t anteds constant change of,water. urge) to make Da3'men1 Immediately. Mise Josephine Hartford who has been brotherhood• •who endorsed Mr.Gundy', )ii
p remarks and Fred Cubneriy, United Dr•
' r the guest of Alin Locke T.Highleymann State" attorney for the northern die- and,
_ on Palm Island for several weeks ill trio of- Ftorld•• of Ca tnenvilie, who .11'.
„�,�._,��_ - return to New York Thursday. Min Desist a[truer rooll.ati0n on rhr purl Carl
r llartford he.been much entertained Aur• of citizen. of their resp°nelbilitlea high
r. ' Inc. Mr sty here. • rano
4OORE S •S H O P y Il/ I Frederick R.Stubbies will arrive from BURNED TO DEATH BY WOODS FIRE
4r}+ Jf" + Indianep°li■ the middle of chi+ eek Charred Brady of Nashua Resident •Is1burn
4• .SO�IlBeaClt�s New, Distinctive RgtatRant to be the guest of Mr,and Itis.Artkl• Found Near Home. 1than