1674-19 Arthur Godfrey •
mc..1 Act i q7cA
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"Dear Paul: nery has Lust sent4 a.copy
of the Sun teporter for '0-4 in which I,have read for
the`first.tine the nice things you printed about this
lowdown on..the Anti-Semite crap.
"May belat l: he rara tfa antis, Paul...I do hope
we've heard the end of it.Stay well.;(Signed) Arthur."
I wish that it were so: I hope that'Arthur B. God
frey's wish that we have heard the end of the Anti-
Semetic business were so,but I have my misgivings,
• for I know,some of Jewish people who prey on the
• unfortwidte with a.persecution complex, and then
there are always the hatemongers who will continue
. harping,op this subject,just as Ions as they have a
listening audience. " '
Unfortunately,Arthur;some of the objectors to your
' name, (who_would probably object to any gentile's
name), weren't around when you were beating your
.brainsout.trying to promote"Beautiful.Miami Beach,,
and most of these dissenters I daresay, are citizens
who have contributed little or nothing to our city.They
;are primarily.tr(ilble-bakers.