Resolution 4332 7
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Miami Beach,
Florida, have been petitioned to consider the amending, supple-
menting, changing, modifying and/or repealing of the regulations,
restrictions , and/or boundaries as provided in Ordinance No. 289,
commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance of Miami Beach, Florida, as
hereinafter set forth, to-wit :
That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 289, as amended,
be amended by revising paragraph entitled "Use
District" to read as follows:
1. RAA, RA, RB and RC Estate Districts.
2. RD single-Family District.
3. RDD Modified Single-Family District.
14.. RDE Restricted Multiple-Family District.
5. RE Multiple Family District.
6. BAAA, BAA, BA, BB, BC, BD, BE, BF and BG
Business Districts.
That Section 2 of said Ordinance No. 289, as
amended, be amended by revising the following
paragraph "Area Districts numbered 1 to 31, in-
clusive", being the first paragraph under title
"Area Districts" , to read as follows :
"Area Districts as hereinafter set forth.
That Section 4-B be added to said Ordinance No.
289, as amended, immediately following Section 4-A
and immediately preceeding Section 5, to read as
follows :
"In the "RDE" Restricted Multiple-Family District
no building nor land shall be used and no building
shall be hereafter erected, constructed, recon-
structed or structurally altered which is designed,
arranged, or intended to be used or occupied for
any purpose unless otherwise provided for, excepting
for one or more of the following uses:
(1) Any use_permitted in the "RDD" Modified Single-
Family istrict.
(2) Apartment buildings containing not more than
four (4) single-family housekeeping units.
(3) Bungalow or house courts.
That Section 5 of said Ordinance No. 289, as amended,
he amended by revising item (1) to read as follows:
"(1) Any use permitted in the "RDE" Restricted Multi-
ple Family istrict. "
and by eliminating item designated "(6) Bungalow or
house courts" and by renumbering items (7) to (13)
inclusive, to (6) to (12) inclusive.
That Section 15 of said Ordinance No. 289, as amended,
be amended by adding a new item (7) immediately follow-
ing item (6) and immediately preceeding present item
(7) as follows:
"(7) "RDE" Restricted Multiple-Family District:
a. Single-Family Dwellings shall provide
twenty-eight hundred (2$00) sq. ft. of lot
area per family. No such dwelling shall have
less than four hundred (400) sq. ft. of floor
b. Two-FamilyDwellings shall provide sixteen
hundred (160sq. ft. of lot area per family;
and there shall in no case be less than ten
(10) feet between buildings . No such dwellings
shall have less than four hundred (400) sq. ft.
of floor area for each family unit.
c. Apartment Buildings shall provide a floor
area of not less than four hundred (400) sq.
ft. within the limiting walls of any family unit.
d. Bungalow or House Courts shall provide not
less than twenty-eight hundred (2800) sq. ft.
of lot area per family unit, and there shall be
not less than ten (10) feet between buildings.
No family unit shall provide less than four
hundred (400) sq. ft. of floor area. There
shall be an outer court with a minimum width
of ten (10) feet and a minimum area of thirty
(30) percent of the gross lot area, so arranged •
as to provide ingress and egress to and from
all units. "
and that present items (7) and (8) under Section
15 be renumbered to (8) and (9) , respectively.
That Section 16 of said Ordinance No. 289, as amended,
be amended by adding District No. 37 immediately fol-
lowing the present District No. 36, to read as follows :
"District No. 37 . There shall be a yard having
a depth of not less than twenty (20) feet when
measured from any waterway, bay or ocean. There
shall be a yard having a depth of not less than
twenty (20) feet when measured from the street
line. There shall be a side yard having a width
of not less then five (5) feet on either side of
a building. "
That Section 17 of said Ordinance No. 259, as amended,
be amended by revising paragraph designated "e" under
TIONS; " , now reading as follows:
"e. In the "RAA, "RA" , "RB" , "RC" and "RD"
Single-Family Districts, "RDD" Modified
Single-Family District and in the "RE"
Multiple-family District, no accessory build-
ing shall be constructed, except concurrently
with or subsequent to the construction of the
main building. "
to read as follows:
"e. In the "RAA" , "RA" "RB" , "RC" , "RD" single-
family districts "RDD" Modified Single-Family
District, "RDE" Restricted Multiple-Family Dis-
trict, and in the "RE" Multiple-family district,
no accessory building shall be constructed, ex-
cept concurrently with or subsequent to the con-
struction of the main building.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing
be called for the 6th 1.ay of July, A. D. , 1935, at 10:00
o'clock A. M. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall,
Miami Beach, Florida, for the purposes as above set forth.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the time, place
and object of such hearing be published as is provided by
said Ordinance No. 259.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of June, A. D. ,
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City Clerk
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