Resolution 4352 RESOLUTION NO. 4352 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 5-B-b of the Pension and Retirement Plan Ordinance No. 498, the members of the Employees Retirement System of the City of Miami Beach are hereby classified in three groups, as follows : GROUP 1. POLICEMEN, FIREMEN AND LIFE GUARDS. Adkins, E. H. , Jr. Martin, W. M. Albury, E. W. Mathewson, J. H. Andrews, C. B. Melton, J. Armstrong, A. W. Miller, Wayne Askew, J. W. Miller, W. M. Mottayaw, J. H. Baber, B. Bowers, B. Brennan, Joe McCarter, J. Brown, George McCoy, Thomas McGee, A. T. Cameron, D. B. Carpenter, E. D. Norris, G. V. Chrisman, V. C. Norris, Ted Cosper, J. W. Nunn, E. T. Craig, A. J. Osborn, F. S. Dabney, R. E. Dayhoff, E. R. Page, G. R. Diciacco, M. Park, H. L. Dillard, A. R. Peoples, I. S. Pierce, C. W. Etzler, W. H. Pinder, Earl Faulkner, J. W. Redules, A. Flemming, J. A. Riggs, H. L. Fontanella, G. J. Roberts, G. W. Root, C. A. Gateley, J. J. Rose, B. C. Green, Geo. J. Sacher, Paul Hakam,Al Seiler, C. E. Hamilton, D. W. Selby, J. Hamilton, W. F. Shepard, R. J. Handberry, J. E. Short, P. R. Herrick, J. E. Simpson, A. W. High, P. Stephenson, J. S. Hoover, J. L. Stevenson, T. 0. House, E. K. Stewart, P. Hovelsrud, J. Stewart, R. B. Huckle, J. Stokes, A. E. Jackson, R. R. Taylor, J. D. Tinsley, J. D. Kennett, D. C. Turnpaugh, C. E. Kerrigan, J. Knight, B. C. Wade, J. C. Kotzbauer, J. Wichman, W. C. Wiese, Ernest S. Levin, Nathan Wilbanks, F. F. Loveland, R. B. _ Willis, J. Y. Wills, W. C. Magee, A. Wood, S. 0. Marshall, A. Marshall, David Yocum, H. V. L GROUP 2. MEMBERS HOLDING CLERICAL OP. EXECUTIVE POSITIONS Alderdice, Frances Leddy, W. B. Askew, Newton Lemon, J. B. Lipp, M. N. Baker, W. W. Locke, James W. Bennett, Clara Brasda, Mary MacKay, Margaret Brown, Dorothy C. Mauch, Charles W. Brown, Lincoln Miller, Ray S. Brown, Martha J. McCarron, Katherine Childers, Doris McKee, C. J. Cleary, David J. McKeon, Rose Cobb, Chas. A. Crossland, Pete Nunez, Paul Deegan, Helen Pohzehl, Lurana Dougherty, Elizabeth Doyle, Ethel Quigley, Mrs. F. V. Early, Lois Renshaw, C. A. Eleener, Warren Roberts, W. M. Erskine, Barbara Robillard, J. Harvey Roth, Dan Farrey, J. J. Roth, J. D. Flook, Janet Russell, T. E. Gleason, Arthur Sculthorpe, Mildred Green, Mrs. Frances Sills, V. W. Greene, Arthur Smith, Ruth Spitzer, A. W. Hamilton, James Stegeman, Otto Hancock, E. M. Sutherlin, Roy Harwood, W. H. Hickland, Al Thompson, Kenneth Hills, R. W. Tomlinson, C. W. Horn, H. H. Howe, Kenneth Valentine, George Inman, H. C. Wagstaff, V. E. Weiss, Mrs. Rose James, Phil Wheeler, Byron B. Johnson, R. W. White, Rose E. Whitlock, Kathryn Wood, Marion GROUP 3. ALL OTHER MEMBERS OF RETIREMENT SYSTEM Adams, E. L. Burmester, E. Albury, Eric Burt, Jack Allen, H. M. Busch, Leroy R. Ambrose, Clinton Butler, Alfred Anderson, C. A. Burchett, Elmer Ashe, Berlin Caldwell, J. B. Call, H. F. Baker, L. S. Cameron, James Barron, Robert Canaday, W. L. Barry, William Carpenter, W. J. Belote, E. C. Cash, E. C. Bennett, John Chabot, William Benson, Charles • Chaffin, E. C. Bird, E. H. Chapman, Oscar Bird, W. T. Chase, W. S. Black, P. F. Child, H. E. Bornstein, Sigmund Christmas, W. H. Brauer, S. Cicone, Galen Brinkman, Geo. Clark, S. Buckhalt, W. E. Clarke, D. W. Burbridge, Farber Cobb, M. E. Burke, Vincent Collins, Leo F. Collins, Wm. A. Hoban, E. Collison, C. L. Hoban, Frank Combs, William Hostetter, G. E. Converse, C. H. Howe, C. H. Cooke, B. E. Huddleston, C. Cosper, J. H. Humphreys, Frank Cosper, Thomas Hyamson, James Cox, 0. G. Hyle, J. Crossman, Thomas Hyman. B nn Crouse, Pete manner, Louis Cunningham, J. Jackson, K. L. Jacobsen, Oscar Davis, E. A. James Fred Davis, F. E. Jeffoott, Robert Devine, George Jeffries, Pat DiGhilini, A. E. Jennings, T. J. Dixon, R. W. Jenny, Victor Dodge, R. E. Johnson, Marshall Dodson, C. J. Johnson, W. B. Donaldson, J. A. Johnstone, R. H. Dorsett, Tom Jones, Elwood Dozier, N. C. Jones, Harry Duffy, Don Duffy, Joseph Kelpsh, A. E. Kendzior, John Egnor, John Kent, Mrs. B. M. Eisenhour, C. King, Guy Elias, Frank Knox, Robert Ellis, E. S. Kotch, John D. Erickson, D. M. Etzler, Frank Lamb, Remer Evans, Geo. W. Landis, J. M. Evans, J. 0. Larimer, B. H. Latour, Harry Farley, John Leitz, H. R. Fisher, W. H. Lewis, Edward Florence, S. , Jr. Lightener, B. F. Florence, S. , Sr. Lister, James Flowers, Ben Lloyd, M. J. Frederick, S. Lockaby, Doyle Frey, Robert Fuller, F. D. MacKennedy, R. J. MacKey, Clifford Gabler, Geo. E. MacKey, E. Gardner, Albert MacKnight, E. S. Carey, W. D. Magill, William Garry, Phil Margolis, Arthur Gauvin, Leonard Margolis, J. L. Georges, Robert Marks, Aaron Goodson, J. C. Marshall, Bert Green, Alfred Marshall, Harry Green, Elmer O. Marshall, Kenneth Green, S. B. Metzler, Harry Grigley, Willie Miller, V. C. Gueth, Joe Miner, Arthur Mizell, Earl Hale, H. I. Mizell, W. K. Hanson, Henry Morris, Carl E. Hantman, Max Morrison, F. R. Harbin, Tom Morrison, Henry Hardee, Walter Murphy, James P. Harrison, E. Murphy, Paul T. Hart, Joseph Murray, Wm. Harvey, Wm. McCann, Glenn Hayes, H. McCarthy, C. M. Hayes, M. C. McClellan, J. M. Heil, Clyde McCool, James Heimach, F. A. McCormick, D. Helms, Phil McDermott, R. E. Heyl, F. W. McGrath, Robert Hill, J. F. MCInvale, Charles Hill, S. R. McKinsey, A. F. McKinsey, Smith Shandloff, Arthur McMullen, H. W. Shaw, Harvey B. Sheffield, James Nagel, Paul Shippy, W. W. Nixon, Alton Siegendorf, N. J. Noffo, Joseph Simmons, Bruce Norris, Albert Simmons, R. C. Norris, Charles Slauson, Edgar Norris, Fred Smith, Thirlee Nuce, E. H. Soutar, Jack Nunn, Thomas Spell, H. L. Osborne, Ellis Spring, R. E. Peerless, J. Staub, Harry Petrie, H. C. Steele, Ted Pickhardt, Charles Stockton. Thomas Pierce, Walter Stricklin, Carl Pottmire, G. J. Sullivan, Gene Prather, Fred Switzer, W. J. Price, Leland Schenck, Frank___ Shaw, Walter M. Price, 0. F. Talley, L. T. Pridgen, J. V. Thorpe, Roland Pursely, Frank Tisch, Sam Pushkin, James Putnam, G. L. Vermeulen, V. Reese, C. B. Wade, Jimmie Rexford, Albert Ward, Ed Reynolds, L. D. Warren, Osmund Richards, J. M. Warren, Roy Richardson, W. G. Waters, E. D. Rigsby, Otis Webb, J. F. Riley, Charles Wells, Guy G. Riley, Tom Wheeler, J. L. Ristvedt, Harold Whitnall, Douglas Rivers, M. E. Wilkinson, Craig Rogers, H. S. Wilkinson, N. C. Roig, Reynold Williams, C. A. Rosenberg, Bob Williams, J. Rosselle, William Williamson, A. Roth, Adolph Wilson, Geo. S. Rouse, Harvey Wingard, John Ruppel, W. H. Wollner, C. E. Wollner, George Sammons, H. L. Wright, Ralph Sampson, Ralph Wynn, M. A. Schaeffer, Henry Walsh, John Schellenberger, F. YoungC. J. Schleicher, W. F. Schmidt, Austin Zadorin, Alex Schuyler, Mike Zoller, George Scott, James Zumsteg, Bernard Seymour, George SECTION 2. That, further pursuing said provisions of said Ordinance No. +98, a Primary and an Election is hereby called to be held, in each of the above named groups, between the hours of 3:00 P. M. and 7:00 P. M. on July 29th, 1938 and August 5th, 1938, respectively, for the purpose of nominating and electing, within each of the three said groups, a Trustee to represent each of said groups of members on the Board of Trustees, and SECTION 3. That, for the purpose of holding and conducting said Primary and Election, the following members are hereby appointed to serve as Inspectors and Clerks in the membership groups as indicated: Group 1. Group 2. Group 3. Clerks W. M. Martin Clara Bennett Earl Mizell Inspectors J. C. Wade C. A. Cobb H. L. Sammons Inspectors E. S. Osborn E. M. Hancock W. W. Shippy and, SECTION 4. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby appointed as Supervisor of said Primary and Election, and is hereby further instructed to provide ballots and all necessary paraphernalia .to the Inspectors and Clerks hereinabove appointed, to enable them to properly hold and conduct said Primary and Election, and SECTION 5. That the two members within each group receiving the highest number of votes cast at the Primary on July 29th, 1938, shall be the only candidates for Trustee at the Election on August 5th, 1938, provided, however, that should any member receive a majority of the votes cast, within one of the membership groups, at the Primary, he will be thereby declared elected as- a Trustee and the Election as herein planned be omitted within said membership group. SECTION 6. That immediately after the polls are closed in the Primary and in the Election herein called, the Inspectors and Clerks, in their respective membership groups, shall proceed to open the ballot box and count the ballots cast, tabulating the result, and upon completion of said count they shall promptly certify the result of said Primary or Election, as the case may be, to the City Clerk, in duplicate, on forms to be supplied them by the said City Clerk, and SECTION 7. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to present to the City Council, at their first meeting follow- ing the holding of said Election, the certificates of said Inspectors and Clerks, as to the result of said Election, whereupon this Body shall declare the three Trustees elected as they are indicated in said certificates. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July, A. D. , 1938. 40" / c Jayor CliATTEST: `',,s. t/'-__.%_7"."7:e7-3- ----- � . — dity Clerk O N A ,r 111 H' 1`el 41•C W O H 0 ft 0 o w z so: a`o DoH El( o ma , t D 0 zw: ,