1674-3 Julius Fleischmann t �r
.1... .,'3•7'•••••
Septerbor Otho 1921.
Lr. Julius Fleischrnnn,
New York City.
My dear Julius:
I lave your lettmr of the 28th and I think the house boat idea •
=ould to?-_e eare of the servants all right if you take the Arthur Pancoast house.
The Harry Pancoast house is very rrnoh better located the* the Arthur Pancoast
house, in ny estimation, but ell of the. houses that I know of down' there to be
had with the exception of the Seiberling hone, would be a little shy on servants
quarters. You blight be able to lease Mr. Seiberling's hone for the season at a
price of "`15,000. He has iutinated to rn that he rants to sell it but if tlnre
is no cranoe to sell this season, he right consider, a lease. -
We have a beautiful big patio house, of which I sent you a booklet, , ' `:i14,
but we are afraid to lease it as we night have, and probably will, a buyer in the < •;
riddle of the, season. In-fact, we are going to make strenziefforts to toll thin
large house this season. +i.
I expect to be in triami the 1st or 2nd. of Hovei^ber,to star the
balance of the year and if you could run clown any tire after the .1st 'ofitoverober,'
I could need you there and go over all of the houses in a. very shrt tjne. •
I l•
think you will have plenty of 'tire to ick ou • a house � " '-'•'',
p k any time after the let of� �._:
irovei;ber. I don't believe that you would be satisfied with the hotel bungalows.
They are just as es• erisive as Laving a house - not- so convienient and,not •so private•}`�,�;
I think I wrote you to tell Pars. Floischx'lann that we have the finest
dairy in the South now, with a herdor eighty jersey cattle. We also have the •
finest cold store
ge plant in the entire South, n�naged by t?r. Stanley irekoAP, of� ':�"'�:.=�;.'.
this city, forrer Food Administrator of Indiana. Lot season w, e the first 'season '
we have ever had thorouily first class foods at Miami botch. izr. Vtyokoff buys the
finest chickens, eggs, ducks, turkeys, har=t and cheese to be had in.this country and
ships through in solid refrigerated cars to our storage plant.
We will have enough pleyora''down in November to have sore polo, -
possibly, only three on a side during November. Oar now barns and new polo fields /
• are beautifully located and I an quite sura that one more season will give us the
,handsomest polo fields and barn equiprnnt to be found any plaeo in the country.
- Yours - 1�
CCF:Ti •