1674-1 Warren Harding 'ct"r`Vex"^ :7t .ire. _. i t sa vk ..�. n ^r.• •w�.v w.. _
.. .
etra. tb air eter
Matthew. Tar Mlalese, aa,
IRNING, MARCH 15, 1923. y -- _ r811ar1' PAt,k, TODAY PRICE
C FIVE CEN'T3•..k ,
/et •
Lred _ •. ' < • President Slips Quietly Into
`red i • :,t `, Biscayne Bay; Steps Ashore •
J%'�' �,a h.
at The Flamingo Dock. `
or Re- tt A J Fishing Trip Down Coast is on +,
Now 1 ' ` . -� .ay. .1.. Program for Today; Also
x i, �+
' + ssa %i',07i 1"
Golf Round.
•,-'fir • ■'+•t.rtoaaco r.r»
•r kaeg'1 e \ •
-•,,S / 1're■Ident }turd ins slipped �,�
'•� `r+- quietly
tar add the
Into Biscayne Jay yeeterday. After ,
1 a�++w / landing'he rad a round of golf, was ea-
tolted& �• �y /// / r tertained at luncheon by Carl O. Fish- b
•ate tau 1 • i ` .///��' • •"/ ' \ •r, formerly of In lianaDolle, but now
_ t one of Miami Beach's leading citizens,"-•'
eke... the �. -, �' and thea ■pent the late afternoon land f
rue gOn• •t - �, night aboard the houseboat Pioneer •.
'ua«'ad a anchored oaf the Flamingo hotel dock. .'�•
tatty 'as ' 1 t , � Thus what had been expected to pis�'+,' ,
r' / •�• j one of the homiest days the President tl'p`
Jai pro- - - - l bee had since beginning his vacation
of the '/ trip a week ago turned out to M one °
general r m
expiate of the ore quieter. It wan largely ..general .
ear via. due to a general rr'ngnition by the-':<1,,,
!'. agree tees - _ -- / President's friend■ that he desires rest. ':
• declar-
,[ about -et------'��_-' 'f! .-- ItemTalk With I)aagkerYy, '
°`n eo
tn° Pcliticat center.°d '
.d' me�quartersoccurred to-
And 1Ow' day and the only thing approaching a
ral- uu HE- WISHED ON ARRIVAL HERE conference was a talk the President
-get [kat had with Attorney general Daugherty
net. Re- after luncheon. Even it• was under.
g°1 ort Met by Carl Fisher in Shadow VI, He Leaves Pioneer and Arriver stood to have been wnoliy informal -
e in Advance of Party; Mrs. Harding is Cheerful and En- and to have ranged about the health ^ '
+►la eke 1 of the Attorney General, who left the •e
alae- of joying Sunshine and Happy Atmosphere. Presidential p,.rty leaf week at Ormond r "
Idtag its I'reall/+ant Hardin!'+) request for would remain over night on the and cam• here to convalesce from his
elegrm Peace and quiet during his vacation Pioneer, but that In the morning Mrs, reset t lilacs■
a .
;.any to 1° Florida wastrantr4 tie ye•t•rday, Harding and Mn. McLean would oc- LIltie Opportunity for conference s, f•
•' Union. his first day at Miami Beach. IJnostrn- cup,. Cottage A •t the hotel. The
either pollUcal or nun.[>olltleal, 1■ of- '• 1
'aa and tatlowlr and without any kind of die- presldentiei party two year■•ago stayed (nred by the tentative peeoaram mapped
•laeands out fur Jar. Harding today, ,y
tis•tele; Play, the President arrived at the FI►• at one of the Flamingo cottages. -
.laaed at minae dock Just before noon on the A flshlnFiekiag• Tele Today.
Belling partye to the Codwlobo Cay The Presidential foursome plane aa- •b•�'
thea-I tibadow VI, with Carl G. Fisher, who club, aboard the Seahorse with Mr.
bad met the houseboat Pioneer a ours- Allison ea host, hes been planned for other round on the Miami Beach course +
r. where yesterday's Suing was played, _
siderable dletanc• ep'th• Inside water- today. Quests Invited are Mr. Hard-
e way and thee bad proceeded swiftly Ing, Senator Frederick hale o( Maine, and then for departure of ln• men Of ,;•.
+ et the - th•pull on a is cruise down Hie_'' ''.
W re. and•
quietly through Biscayne Dsy former senator Joseph S. Yt'.11 laDuy- Doul to Cocololw Car. Vie'Prseldept•?
cess is CrOwde that had gathered at the sen of New Jersey, Mr. Dawes, Mr. has been told of the •all fish and bah ^:,,..
cep Ilia- aquarium and
w d onthe viaduct allowed Smith, John Oliver La (lore•, E. C. racuda fishing In those waters slid° i.
•Inters of _ to Dass_by without Itomfh. .Mr. McLean and Mr. Fisher. was said to be ulxiou■ to try his luck.....`
ttlreet•r .peelai comment. Not until the flee Probabilities are that the'party will The fleeing trip, if made, probably -;.+••
the on the Victoria II. the yacht of former remain over night at Cocolobo. The wilt be in a fast motor launch so Milt .
inged,,, Senator Joseph is, Vrellagbuysq, on yielt-bf the Preeldent and his party to the return could be made this eventing.' 'fate
'thigh the Preeldent'.waa enteskained Miami Beach-will eatend to-the end etre; Ilarding'doesn't'filen tv take Di* a'
>1:11-: daring his Florida trip;two yeah ■Ito, of the week. • . . trip wad undoubtedly- '}
y r iru1,.•eettut6
IrIA role.% 'sedate as the_Ahadoir'VI tp- ..Take Metter All We/. ale.ard the Pioneer with her hostasi;^+
CX, 7vgsleked the Flamingo'dock'did any- .,Moving Pictures of the presidential Mee. Edward B. McLean. ,e"
ore-realise that tk• President had trip aboard the Pioneer from blustery Arrives •a Flake.+■ Speed Beet. • .F•
arrltad-.'• - Washington to sunny Miami were Although Miami and Mtsnti Beam 14,--D•- ,s 'mo '
•-Iwr'etiident -Harding was taken Im- taken °li the way down by Mrs. Ed. bad been looking forward to and i •t."i
1 "Da- edlatelT to the alleged Beach Gulf ward B. Mchran, host. to the tercel- Paring for the arrival of the resiMdt- -'i
eopne by
course'where,he played 11 holes of deutlal tarty. The 1100 feet of film pro- for several days, when be did reach
.d a the golf. 'ben Mr. Fisher took him to the duced will he developed at the Itlaleeh here it was through the force of cle.' '•.•t'
Malloy. Flamingo hotel where•a stag lunch- Studio* by David 'Nark Griffith, noted cumstance rather unexpected" tt'o'd
•erf."sad lata eqa wawsernd in..Mr,;Flaher's private Producer. . , was received early In the day that the•' "•-
w k •elle.'-,IWn in.the,President'■ party Mrs. McLean. tit an expert amateur i'.oneer had won her final battle with --w-
qday+ who hal arrived on the•Pioneer end et the moving picture camera, and Fast Coast Canal Sandbars and was .-:''1',
charged Nverat, yrominent• loch men were possesses on° of the best machines. proceeding slowly into Blsd.•e 'ne Ui
enforce• Y y.:•- u
> Ilit•ln-'pren04tt. '' In her Washington home ah• has a Seeking to hasten the President'.,-••''
'Mei:`Plardlage Greeting, laboratory,'preferring to do her own ereivat Mr. Fleher went.up the bt1,. ,,
' allywid _ Showing a- pure whit* against a developing, and a little theater and to meet the exeeu'ive in his speed boar .LT
ted after - projecting room. r:hadow VI, the winner Of a. number
r may_ blue pea the honaeboat Pioneer tit-rived
y•r then at'!Jr p. rn.'it 'rhe Flalnlnro,pier.
When Mn. McLean first became In- of races bald'in Miami waters. 'I'lio_,�
could re- Mrs, 7tarding:accompanied by Mr. and tensely Interested In•the moving plc• It'tsldent readily cuusented to return.,'Y+,
would ao - - [tv-
tura, she started to send all her plc- with Dl r. nether and within a few ei•
raesaed a Mrs. Melee' in; came out on deck, +
art H• Ing a''amiling greeting to all on the (urea to itfr.she
Griffith,erand coned th do• rr`leetes he and Mi' golf et•rnpyndogs •'"'''
.Ulan H. leg so until she herself learned the art v+ue'put on the fittest here white fhb +:.
dock. • Discovering P'oneer was being tabu:). towed down
'earth of •Mrs: Harding appeared fresh and In of developing. that Mr. '++',;
eirif(ltb was in Miami, Mrs.'McLean the bay by the motor ywcitt Tarragon, 'J:.
- - good spirits• looking better than hadtong
lost no time In locating hies, and A. used; during the t+ulre Ly arse ItQeret •'
NSER been expected-because of,her illness: banlshew, Mr. Griffith'■ expert' lab- rvlce. • -4.:
QCLrNY`rise wore,•one•pleoe ■prtrgti a frock oratory man, will do the developing. • sire. Hardisg Rewire Aaeard. 4.7.''
• _ of le y.nder printed silk and a chic Some of the films will be sent to the- Mr. Harding set foot on the dock'
black hat I studio today for developing. No one!here at 11:30 o'clock, but it was after '
- speaking Informally from the roll
d Wtede- _ will see the completed pictures,. ex-i 1 o'clock before the Pioneer was draMli';1.
h• yoga* of•the.Plopeer,)4 resp nee to lnuulr- , ,
Q sept. the developer, as they are Strictly I In, the Tarragon having btrucl. a buoy s
.k.'whleh tee, Mrs• Harding said.''t'am quite .'.
e� , _ a private attain. It Is believed that and dams[et1 surae of her super-sense-
d the Sur• I dhatl'be a new,womaa If.1 Can the movie will be shown aboard the I turn. Mrs. Harding etc'-ted to remain on
with lar, stay in Florida's'sunshine and happy Pioneer which has a screen and ap- board for lunch and spent-a halt hone
,Ilt.yoted atmosphere.'• ' - ., paratu■ for moving picture,. in Wash- or so on sleek before the showers hp-
•Mrs, 1fcLean'■ frock yeas an Indian ,ppeared to hav•i sateen In ••
h' ' In[ It will dAubtle■■ only h• used for San Una t
once hon im print. bright In shades of red, black private showing. In.the McLean man- strength 'Ince the hest stop Sunday at •r
.nod $10,v him and white, and she wore a red hat end ■ton. - - - Palm Beach. .. . .'••
the Har- slippers 'She stood at Mrs. Harding• Mr. and Mrs. Mr1.e•- •,1 Mr Grif• Mr. Fisher -,•f,rrniu.h the President ~'t
-Pilch his side/ +rolling her'greetings.. .nn, •, • . -
ase o • uer duos iii Now •
if1 +y ,J ; y� Program •for Today; Also ee•
r� r
Beim Sought. I. • . - .. 4 yj.
%s;�� � ) Golf Round.
VT ret a;iocufte►.tea •t �•�• e. e � ''..??.%01./ ar ret.ftoa.rto ra ;�•• e'+'.
la's BERLIN. March 1/.='Thend•r hsotV 1 C1:ee \ •:.`/ 1'rssldent Harding siiVUrd qulelly
our 1 In the air b•tweea the'Lippe and tit, .p ��• .-t e!'. i� Into Biscayne BayAfter'
el[I Ruhr,v w/'ite. the F4b.rfeld oorrwponl yesterday. "r
1 .rr / er ,f f• landing he had a round of loll,was•s-
eat,dent of . the Allgemetee teltaag, t f' ...� a tertaln•d St lurcbeon by Carl O. Flail- -!•Y
Is. 'and 1t It eras bfMk, woo t• the ''V •r, for nest
to. Fr•11,b and woe to+ala Europa. ,'���I P ,• \ Y ur 1nAlanepolls, but ntJry -`�.'M
Do- �• � T one of hflaml Beach'. leadln
of The Inhabitants of lb. Rehr, the / " I r'If. g citlx•ns.
'..f., / / /, and then spent the late afternoon lnd ..
ca- oorr.epogdent declares, Mn even gone - �, / night discard the house boa[ Plonser.<
.ese as far as three + / . -
ts, which b evidenced anohorad off the Flamingo hotel dock. ~
at by til' IaNQMt which h•' relates -as ' !• ,
, �' • y .� �/ Thus what had been expected to be.r..
as. fNlewat one of the Lusleal days the Prestdeat 'f'a.
re- "'Tim. labor Valois st Bochum , /
., //
pro- has had since beginning his vacattou'.,•h'-
aid tested against the sharpening of trot '/ • trip a week ago turned out to be'oa,
;_ apt•t.. of Mega. Th• Y'r.neh general
tau . m theto the city hall to •apiata of •
the more quieter. It wu•larg0lY
'.sly their mace• to him and to hear vie- due to • general recognition b "•`•`•
►t 1. dkisthey it of els meahim ser theta aper• ,�� / I'reald.nt's friend■ that he desires restt '••i
they interrupted him abruptly !lacier- r.
lag they did net care anything about —�. _ '�- .'_-.4_�—�. r_==__=c--'?___ _ __._ glad Talk With Deagt►•rt,.
Non• of the •�
""~ thatmadeno
°add dn" to PRESIpENT IS GRANTED QUIETpoliticallarter. ccur•ed to.
r•- then. they told brag and •da•d: loosen in some'quart•r• occurred to•'
ala ' • have tom It long enough now: day and the only thing ■ 'r
It wila el sr mach loaou,ger. Arad oIs HE WISHED ON ARRIVAL, HERE pDroare.id. a •
Jct. thing la certain: for you, aenersJ. it is conference wee a talk the ['resident
a•- ,turning oat badly. Do not forget that had with Attorney General Daugherty `
tee w• have lyeasalte le our mines. R•- V atter luncheon. Elven it was under- ..
ut. �d-r bthat, and if lt. mer coca our Met by Carl Fisher in Shadow VI, He Leaves Pioneer and Arriver stood to have bean wholly Informal '1i",
to raga iaterve■tl.e veldt in Advance of Party; Mrs. Harding is Cheerful and En-
to have ranged about the health
Foreign intervention to ubteln the of the Attorney general, who left tD•
joying Sunshine and Happy Atmosphere. Presidential party last week at OrmOttA
' release of Lord Mayor Zimmerman. of
au.r. whom the French are holding as President 1(arding'S request torwould remain over night on the and tame here to convalesce from his
a hostage. 11 sought in a telegram Peace and quiet dor Nryf nl■ vacation'i'lune•r, but that In tn• morning Mr. recent Illucer. t ,
(1I(� from the *Orman democratic party to in Florida was granted'hlm yesterday, llarding and hire. McLean would or- l,llr i oppurlunity fur. cun[ar(a oer, ' •;�1
IIV•16 the Pr. 11ah t.er. to of Nations' Linton. hie first dayat Miami Beach. Vno•ten- either y thecte or non-political, I■ of-[ copy <'ollag• A at the notes. The • �;}
'Tits unprecedented, inhuman and latlou.iy and without any kind of din- f«red LY tenlative V u[ram mq
most crazy breach of Justice daroands presidential party two yeah ago stayed f DDed
PIaY, the President arrived at the Fla• at one of the Flamingo cottages. out fur \f r, Harding today.
tmm W4t•W.
ntlr a es7■ the at, [ [
al� gram. "W• hope for action aimed at rningo dock Just before noon on the A fishing party to the Coaolobo Cay FI•►lei Trip T•l•7,
the released'et this innocent thea•1 Shadow VI, with Carl O. Fisher, who
The 1'residunll•1 foursome plan• an- •A
v( caned O•rnuD.- I'
club, aboard the Seahorse with Mr. other round on lh• Miami Reach moire•. :' '.
1 had met the houseboat Pioneer ■ con- Allison as host, baa been planned ford where yesterd• '
Soso rfet ter r•aareay. aldereble distance up the Ines.• water- today. Guests Invited are Mr. Hard- y a gtre wile played,
LYDIANAPOLIIe, Ind, March 14—A way and then had proceeded swiftly tog, Senator Frederick Hale of Maine,
and then for deparlur• of the men Of.
nrobtlo• t the restoration of the ant the party on-a fishing cruise down the .�'r
Teaeelea ase`Ic,lby, Including. the re• Valetly through nl.carn• bey. former Senator Joseph S. Fr.linghur- codec to Cocolobo Cay. Tb'. Pnddent
ta•tatemeot of the t rohenzollerna, Is t7owds that had [atneryd ■t the ren of Nen gauss 7, Ur. Dawes, err. has been'told of the ■all tlsb and Doi- .,
'x- aquarium and on the viaduct sllow,d Smith. John Oliver La (lore., E. (7. racud• fishing In those waters Sod ` �'4
,to impending In Germany under Von Iiln• the Sna4uw \'I io
pass by without Rumfh. Mr. McLean and Mr. /either.
>• d•aberg's leadership. In the opinion of
was old to be ■uxluus to try his )ick. J;;
Garland W. Powell, national director .pealal commentie Not until the flag Prob•hilltles •are that the'party will The fishing trip, if made, probably ••
'er on the Victoria 11, the yacht of former remain over night •t Cocofobo. The will be in a feat motor launch'eo kbit
er of the American commission et the I Senator Joseph Y. Frelln hu se ,
Amerlmaa 1.11114 wko todayIssued • i 7 p. on yislt-of the Preeldent and his made•this•venli r '. `e
iib Darty to the return could Le�
which the Prenldent we. rnfelkatn•d Miami Beach will extend to- the end ]Ice; lis rding`doean't'plan EO utak• t i- �
•-.... SONTINuLD oN PAOF, YOUR, . 'daring hi■ Florida trip,two year■ :KO, of the week. i
;O. - •
_ trip and yn4oubteQllr ,i11q,;:yptnat�i r
AGAR INDIdNA,OFFICIALS role In salute as the Shadow VI an- Take Movie. All Way. . aboard the Pioneer with her'host•►!,• .••
r ptn•ehed the Flamingo,•dock did any- Meting picture■ of the presidential tire. Edward D. r.
' • one' realize that the Prertdent hitt trip aboard the Pioneer from blustery Arrives •■ Mls►es+s Speed Beat. • '•�•(
'f■ arrived. • Washington to sunny Miami were Althotigh Miami and Miami Beach4
•et sr t asaoCfarts Peul • President /larding wee taken lin. taken all the way down by Mr.. EdDfp•C
. had been looking forward to and ' ew..V
Ce /MDI NAPO1:.Ta Ihtl_ March Il.-1)11- rssedlately to the Miami Bunch Golf ward B. McLean, hostess to the prem. Paring for the arrival o[ the Preaid.at',I"`.'
tails of alleged I.. officer practice• by tour" where,t e party. The 100 feet of film pro- for several dr
\ played IS holes o[ dentia)
ice certain Gary, Ind., officials In ronn•c- days, when be did rsacll , `i.
is. Uoa with Neuer caws were told on the gulf. Theo Mr. Fisher took bin, to tho diced will he developed at the Iilaleah here it was through the force of off.. ,,,v
or- 'Fitness stand today by Dan Malloy,'Flamingo hotel where. a stag lunch- studios by David Work Griffith, noted camatance rather unexpected. •word •"'
.ad former d•paty constant.• of Gary, Snd1 .'.�
,p- a gen eramemt wltaees In the Iake p° was'erred In SI f..F'I■Ler'i private Producer. was received early In the day that �6•
•w. county liquor conspiracy use, w)llth suite. _Man In the l'resi.ient'a party Mrs. McLean 1■ an expert amateur I'loueer had won her final 4iltic with i '
la oprwl in federal court her• today, who had arrived on the Pioneer and at the moving picture camera, and East Coast Canal sandbars and wu 1_.
.as Sixty-three defendants are charged s I prominent local Men were possess., one of the hest machines. proceeding slowly into Blse-sync Uay,....��'u•
as with oonepiracy to obstruct enforce- In her Washington home •D• has a t to hasten the Presldeat'e,
t of the Voiktead ■nt the list in-'present. ( :Seeking
•v_ eluding oily officials of Gary. lar.. Nardieg's Ureetlag. laboratory, preferring to do her own urlvak Mr. Fisher went,tip the lsei>,
►• - Malloy testified.that.De wu,al lowed Showing a pure wells against a developing. and • little theater and t, meet the execut ice"Iq hi,speed boaE, '���
le fig bonds of persona arrested after 1
by paying Deputy Prosecutor Fred Sea- blue pea the houseboat Pioneer arrived projecting room. r:hado r V[. the winner Of a number ;`.•1
nd bright a fee o['{2G. ' A 1•vey•r then at 1:16"p, en. at .the F'Iahtingo pier.
Nihon Mrs. McI.eun first became In- of tares held in Miami waters. Tb'0
nd would b• given the case and would re-�Mrs. 'larding, accompanied by Mr. and tensely interested In the moving pie. Ir(sidont readily- tumenthl to return_
Delve a Yee•°t SW Th• case would go lure, Mae started to send all her with Mr. Flsher and within a few i.�• '
and is trial and the Attendant assessed a Mrs. McLean, came out on deck, glv- Dlo.
.ad fine.witkoat appearing .in court Ile ing a smiling greeting to ale on the tures to she(IM ).th,and continued do_ 'rte- ■ he and MS,golf e(•tnp;antoq%
:s• testified that City Judge William H. dock. 1^g so until she herself learned the art t•,ateVuf. on the t1'dOSt'Itert whtlo lhti
ate Duan elGaryreceived one-fourth of ' of developing. Discovering that Mr. P'oneer was being slowly to*.e-ed dowtr
•as the proceeds of the ca s•. Mre. /larding appeared fresh and In the
good spirits, looking better than had Griffith was in Miami, Mrs.'McLean bay by the motor yacht Tarragon,, ':.•
in locating blip, aid A. ) %ks
`he INDICT CHICAGO BANKER been expected because of her Illness: lost no llm•. woo: during the rnulre L' the Becrct`.
•r•, Ab• wore a one•Dleo• springtime frock
Z)•nlshew, Mr. 6rtfflth'■ expert' lab- r vice.
,la ON CHARGE OF LARCENY of lavender printed silk and a chic oratory man, will do the developing, • Mr■. llerdlag Remade* Aboard,
Some of tb• films will be sent to the• Mr. /carding set foot on the dock `,r...,•
~' n Tie aisocurn ops black
Speaking Informa117 from the rail i studio today for 'developing. No one(berg at 11'10 o'clock, but It was affil: `',vt:
CHICAGO. March 11.—David Wled•- l will see the completed pictures,. ex- I o'clock before the Pioneer was dra* •.'. .
MAIM Jr., vice president of the Logan of the Pioneer, In resp ns• to Inputs- I , • •,-.
Q rept the developer, as they are strictly I in, the Terngtm having &Attic). a buoy_.
t'a /ware Trust a Savings blank,' which I tee, Mrs. Harding said, ''I am quite a prlvgte affair. It is believed that and damaged some of her super-•true
ear has seen upder Investigation since the mire I shall b• a new woman if 1 can ,t''.
suicide, several days age, of Fred W. the movie will-be shown aDoird the lura. Mrs. Hardingunchelected to remain on `)' '
°•' stay In Florida's sunshine and happy D .'•j,..
la Popp, preatl•nt was charged with ler. atmosphere.': Pioneer which baa a screen and ap- board for lunch ands spent,* halt hour
517 Nay or forgery.In a true bell voted paratus for moving pictures. In Wash- or so on deck before the shower• b'-
�. today by the grand Jury. Mr■. Sf clw:an'■ frock Was •n Indian Int It will doubtless only be used for gen She appeared to ha•.-. galr.eu iIq
a., Wiedemann was indicted on three print, bright In shades of red, black private showings in the McLean man- strength since the last stopSunday at "l,-'
counts, tD•ebl•f of which ■cct4sea him t
gat and white, and she wore a red hat ■nd - - ��
of having iraadutenUr obtained 110,. ■Ion. • Palm Beach. ":�-t
Ni,by forging a note tl ion the }tar• slippers. Sn• stood at Mrs. lrardlug'■ Mr. and Mrs. McLean had Mr. Crlf- Mr. Fisher entertained the President ,t'a
t icy, Ill., State. bank, of which his side, smiling her greetings. fllh •• their 'guest ye.ieruay for die-I and the men of the party ut a luncheon
IA fath•r.ls president. II•1s also charge4 Rain in the afternoon caused the en- ner on the house boatI'loneer. Mam.l
• wall obtaining)nonny under false pre- 1,81 oneof rho I'Inmin it hotel verandas, _-., `.
tenses ■nd operating a confidence party to remain •board ■hip, with Len of the presidential party were the and after luncheon Mr llarding.went ,_
aee game. A rapists warrant for Wiede- the exception of visiting across be- only others present. -
•at .11111'11 arrest was issued and bonds tween the Victoria II and the Pioneer ♦-- coNTINCED ON PAnK Fours.
tge tern flked at {16,00 D, whi• ch lay parali.l at the dock. An CANADIAN 011. tVi•:I.I. iiU1t NJV(l.
- TPWO BURN TO DEATH IN awning was stretched across. and Mrs. CALGARY. March 14.—The Illinois-,
t. llarding came over to the Victoria 11 Alberta oil well,14 mile,.south of here, ARTHUR PRYOR'S BAND
j[ATCH.FACTORY BLAZE duringpart of the afternoon was nn fire tonight. Th„ damage al-; 'I
ll'- w• the latter ready le estimated at $200,000, and the; PROGRAM FOR TODAY
- - for •n hour's visit. The President flame, were not underreon trot. Tbo-
A Mt aiaOC.aTas Pelee also came over later. A few visitor■, wail was producing from 40 to IS bar-
. ' )(EW TORS, March 1/—Two men Mr. and Mrd. Ilarvey S. Firestone and rets daily. Ateerasea.
inns nowise scheme Ina fifth wblrb Mfa Carl O. Plsher were given ao op- a • PART 1. h
�. destroie.s'Ike,Wetla Match.company. s ITh PAgillta MAD KIST. I. Overture, "noeamunde".....8ehubert ` ).
eltroetara nese the eastern end of the QOrtanity.to welcome the chief,execu• :. (a) '7raum.rel" trchutnagn
.,t Btroeklya.bt{gge,tonight. .The .the flue ■nd tn• first lady.o[ tb• land. SAND KEY, Fit., 'March Ia.—Passed (D)"Loan du Bel" 0111•t
�Itb'sttelt ex ight, rapidity estbound lith: L. J: Lrak e,'Beatrlee, 3. ••Fantalle }( tuagnole'".nemersseta[p` ?'"
spreal._ D D y Alas Abnountwmenf was made at the Flu C. A: Canfield, Bloomfield - (Br,), i. (a)maids Intermezzo, "L•Ar(esltnn•".Biett `'.
, to,aat off'all exits, and to emplo70o. yesterday' that'the party Oph•tla (Br.).
L' plant'_Witkt'eleWee 't1(•IDR pumped'mingo hotel _ - (b)"A.Rustle Patrol'' Pryor
trust tree-e•eoad floor of the structure. 1 b. Seeger front "The Wlzaro of the a
• .. - I • Nile"
- - Herbed �`i:
biller IPU TLIG letA1 Drams. , e PART 11. "'`
sr March ll—?he Right i. Grand Boenea, "Attila." Verdi
Rev. Daniel Tuttle, IS years old, A Clearing House for Real Estate (a)"Cupid's Patrol"..... htoret
- podding• •et . the Rollmops! (h)Fox Trot, "A Son[of..Boecelref•
e, church In the Untied States, was In a •z. ••hanc• o! the SorpOnts"..Butcalarlo •h,-
s. . elate of nom► this afternoon, It was
• rve■tas. ,�v�
announced at his home, and the open- HE Classified and Real Estate PART I.'
t_: pages of THE
don was expressed his death might 1. Overture, "Tannhaeuser"....Wagner - -�.
cam• at any hour. HERALD ,have become known as "the
L • • "A Southern lth►p■uAle" Ifoemsz
ty eta-TOOT WHALIG CAST A[HOlala, clearinghouse forN. Xylophone Solo, "Old Timers"..lake '
BROWNBVILLE. Tex., March 14.—A city and suburban Real Es- t. (a)"Valise from Faust" -Guunod
'a•I whale Si feet in length,cast up on the . tate," partly because of the great volume of i l r Humoresque, "Conti' Thro' ,
s• , beads flv•.mW■ below the mouth of in the Bye" }lelbtbert .t.,r
>p•' the•RIO grana• en theMexican rte• `. Real Estate advertising published-every day S. Scenes from"The(logy Olrl".Harbert,:b .,,
' ['ART It.
a_ by •gale Monday has been viewed by ••The Herald, but mostly because of the` large IS. Excerpt, "Madam Ituttcrfly^.Puccini,,,
many retddaata who ■aid it was the -
;�.. . (a)"Three O•('luck 1s the Morn- •
first whole-eyrie seen on this part of - •number of sales and rentals made through this ing" Robledo
•w ' the gulf 001st •advertising., r Ib)F'ox Trot, "The Sbelk"....tin)•der ;•WI
11. I A. S„prnuo Solo. •I Passed by Your
a•. -inmost, 111VIT{e.D, i Window” Bribe
t.- B. our waist any-day,.Come today II • • The Herald•has the largest circulation in Rachel Jane Ramnton,
for an ND•eLl •ntertahiment. Fres C - t^wee_- I . "The Star Spangled ttaan•t'_.'.1 t
boa ,---s•+Amr.ofloes at 10 a. M. sad l�llAlrll, IQ Dirge ountY soul ,,