1674-3 Warren Harding Cloudy and sealer tedq.
• + rl 1'faTYiDAY'a T U1111111.2 -
• slaalr•rr
,Tit lr
alrsa.?4.�. t
yf�RICff'S BF.S7',I,O[;ED`�1CTOR ffER/: np�t(IIn�1�jm�S >���miO�j ,^
ERMaNS "�� ~`� - ��� � 7�` = � CONTINUES UNBROKEN
' r",rI Pigilla7.7 le. errs - j
J :•ti
' , • . • s. ,
:elft i'' .•:X ( t 1
is Wrecked' ILA `.tip;<'• `'a,,I I .;.•
;' Residents Here Help H. • -
'Bridge r.J4 •`'M•, •... .';lr,4,.444'! d1 • •) f't' Carry Out His Progra of
> Fired. 0/57'' -' c"• - Rest and Relaxation.
1 ,rf�r..r N•'. jiff *` •� ( ^___— ,,
AUT DOWN �,_'t, .�.�t ,'r .:i' TRIP NORTH STARTS TODAY ',
'yam;. ,..... ..1« . - --
Station of -•'• .l `t Bryan Pay$ Respects to Chief.
.on Total `rr�, . ' es * Executive; 100 Legion Mem- �'•'
1084. 7.', ' t~rt a bers are Greeted.
•i>t /N`••a, i ; - • n tel assounu rates `.
• h le.—One ''aj.i•.i ` • •i • President Harding will,coualudo,his '•
•d and thr.�I •`•I•(+ a silly et Miami Beach .today ...about
io ilroad men I ;i' • having taken part In any eouferruc.a,
h oop train I "'1 ; '.., 'r • Ir•neucled any important official •
in the Rhine- • burluese and wllheml having' deviated,•;••
of sabotage.i Ili`i►iC In any Itey from the three "It ,of his '1 a
serlou•cues I ;r -- _ i Florida vacation program—rest, relic-"-.,
the French. '•, T r. /. v _ :. i atiuu end recreation.
ram the mals 'et t ' `' >, Prior to his arrival at Miami Beach ,
:- W`a
thrown and ..•1 rA a •'' r ' iisY..•.1.10.,,,,,,,,,•,ar%" Wednesday It had been thought that ,<
.m, • -� > . hila. has vacutlon might be broken in upon
ace ease lila r}•�,,; �• a s ' E. ..Y:, during the visit because of the num-
d bridge over f l3` Vf; ., be of •.
••a Duisburg ' political leaders and public men ''7.
ra• the (Dot �, et,. u' ..A x living here or spending a vacation In •,t
Ate ha• bean 4447...:1.-M• r ,�, ' •` h,. I Lille ciclully• :e,erul of those weho
tills purpose. lr f)s »�
ng lila bridge `'1',AVM': ,a, -• Indicated they ryould like to confer
petrator■,but iN J � •`ase , t;y t /i , with the president,were seen by Beg. 1 t
injured. 4%. •+.. .. u r:?.; 0; "s ..c,�_„ Irelevy Christian, while ulnen, Include
elle■ of tele- �,5,f:,• •y I log William Jennings Bryan, have
,le, wklth In• 111 •
a recognized that the great desire of Mr.
Illtary wires, •-
yed. : ,,. ( .4. "Harding during his stay In Florida is
t lOa railroad �'� r"r'~ - •
'• ei •i • ` • Iles obtain II needed real.
only ■aunt s a.- '.� :'. Mr. dr
lit Iona' rein- I `h(E i e,f.r' ""/`;-0. Bryan Leaven Iib Pard. ,
. for the civil c; •. te�'E:rya`s •s\,S`s� , , \tr. Bryan. Iv hu new IN a full-fledged
arra lying. It I . v{>1 w.-• ,'w . eraidem of, Miami called Into rester-
that 15,000 '+ k. ...
troops were - 'r ,N - i day at the Flamingo cut rage where
• reports say •�**•.ITM J' f `� r • ° i the preolith...! sullied Mrs, Hardlag ;
ants replace- ♦• Yr';•• tY .' l f ,after return from Isis over-night fish '
total of•even �••• 'e [�, �jOY i u1g trip. The former secretes rS' of state
asides various h t•''±4 R" e''.d,�t-a� • ).,.
k,�ik vt ^ t ..a„ murals left has curd, saying that he
.else New. >1e, e'r`a • lr•, .0 •« „ 'ti .�., a� ' had no dealtc les break in on the 'areal - '
• • "� �„ - Teat ") ',ler.t'a reel air. 'larding was lying
[islet Quarters ",, �t•e . -I ;,4,,..;e
ly denied re- �,?• t't .J.� ,"iii" '.• .,tom., '; ;•.�4 -�3,,,,.,:, v'@' i down at the time. and 21 r. Bryan had
erlin or Ilse- oey., ...2.s.:.., 4� , ~` '1<.t .F>fsN�, , • driven away before he knew of the is
.. iD 1'4 UC .•• ...'.t:.^ all. 11.r. Bryan Germany had I'• Y previously had left
proposal• to fano.I. 41 ii.us, ..his ..J11 V,. IIIc managers ten• meso. Ile In 1113 card a. t110 hotel apartments of
,ted the initis, down I. meter, .. eke ..... else• now preeldent .oterllus at the :Attorney General Daugherty, and to
...eters` 14eulty. Mr. %lits.■ twonewspaper men Bald there was nosh• '''f
led Ike actor• out of Ike land of Ins he could say that would be news
eater■ It was )ear. was Nero In • revival of
attitude r•- boadagr'• and wrists. a• a - "a• it Ia too early yet to talk politics."
Yire,lnle. oar of kin must nacre.- Another who called to leave his card
r outlined by earns Is one •f the best ka•wr
elchateg; that tel pi, sae fullo..lae a isle during the afternoon was former,
ling the path -and best toted scion, Ie Ilse Coon- In New 1 ork took Ike play. Senator T. Coleman DuPont of Dela-1 '
t formal die- try today. I. at Ike F'laoiago on the road, t•hrrr II ram for more "'ale. The president last evening re-
to Germany betel •■ b4 fist ctNll to Miami. 1 a■ ■ seised several callers, including a del.
any duress or 1• year. Is ■ddlfle. In being egutiun front the Harvey Seale Post,
lily of right•. * Yr- WItsea was Ike first president an •cl.r Mr. Wilson Is else a American Legion, of Miami, all of the
. Stinnes, the .t the Acton' F:eell• As.elalloa, playwriclt and t.elarer,--Taa(.- visits being merely to pay respcots. J'
"Gating with and It was oriel) tkra.gh Isis ef- graph by Erie t'uillas of TM Thomism,Logien Members. '-'s
,'.. �•
ustrWlete ales
adfnaMeee of feet. Ileal Ike urea[ fight against Herald lila[[. The American Lugte n delegallon•,-1.•
• •tsled, now_ - _. ._r_ rcr _. --c numbered itboul 100, and man received
had been me- yy the (resident and Mrs. Marling on "
. Interests, to BISCAYNE BAY IS SCENE FARIIQNARS Ile steps of their cottage.:alta tions must
. BOARD NE !t wan the Ilrel reception tendered
.11 Leg& I by Mrs. (Jard•eg since her Illness, and
OF BIG REGA'I"TA TODAY 150 CLEMENCY PLEAS►...hen (h(: preeldent called attention
—Tenon• de-
d area est ahs! It In Ululating the legionnaires for call
1,01 t, accord. TheIng, there was loud nti se.
The Preeldcnt and Mrs. Ilarding
I trate German Races Will Start and Finiah off Concludes Hearings on Appli- greetmeiemember
oia ,tthe
re sent out or Flamingo Dock; Many En- cations Which Extended with one veteran who said he was a
and yesterd■y. native of Bucyrus, O., and ellen Judge -
ram being pea_ ter Various Events, Over Past Four Days. J. L, Billingsley, Miami attorney, men_ . .
nal official.. Honed he was "a deserving eat,"
Mr, Harding remarked thatat -there t
•u Leag>•i• Eland's annual mid-winter ,peed- ev art ASSOC./CO PAESI rests to Du a number of them down
The occupation boat regatta will he staged'on the TALI.AHASSIdE, Flu., Ma ch 10.— here."
•Ing in Bavaria famous Biscayne bay course this after. Tile state board of pardons concluded Miami 1'1.11 it I.
'rench plan for noon, ■tartlug at 2:70 o'clock with a today Its oD'vn hearings on clemency Miami has done its part in aiding
.tat League of number pt the world's Deet-kpown application.. that have extended over the, president In obtaining the rest if,
domination' of Yachtsmen having entries In the eev- the past tour days. that he needs. There basrbeen a no• ,
the Muencher eral events. In addition to the applicallons on ticeable absence of crowds here s.
Itch makes the Gar Wood of Detroit, the most out- the regular docket' the board today compared' with eomo of the other
Atli the arrest standing figure of the motorboat studied several cases presented by. Places along the east coast that the
teeter Fuch. a World. ham two entries, hie Oar. Jr., II Commissioner of Agriculture Mcitae, president nae vlVted. When the chief
..acMachan•, a Ing.entered In the express cruiser .vho is ex-officio prison commW•loner. executive leaves-here today,'it In safe
upleiou of These were cases of person, ..vho have to say that less than one out of a hun•
•yenta and he will ileo enter a runs- served a considerable part of their arid of the inhabitants of Miami will
r It has received boat in the rue for that type of craft. term., detailed record of which I. kept lav• seen him during his stay here. "-.i
prospectus for TDs r}cer will start and finish at the ln'the prison division of the agricul- The.fishing trip down to Cocolobo
le provided for iotel PPtlamlego dock. There will be lural department. Altogether the Cay,-from which the president re•
Italy,the Little no admission charges this year, and it board reviewed approximately120 turned
several parts of a, L o'clock yesterday tee•
.0 menoral p its Is expected that the races will be wit- esteem. i noon was productive of rent fo tat
No mei, Ilicb.by missed by thousands from the shore,of The nest step is the consideration I even though It produced no fish. gh
ole el, Richert.
Miami Beach, the causeway and islands of the applications in executive •e..1 wind* which lashed the ocean ) to
-h and Motions In Biscayne hey. ■ton, following which the decision will,(paining whitecap, prevented I be
Commodore J. P. 8tolts of New'Tork, be handed down, each accumetnled by presidential fishing party from • en
to have Rot 1n ohalrms of the entry committee. has a rtatonient. This will not come, how- dropping a lin. although en attempt I
.sham the Fnnoh extended an Invitation to the public to ever, it is believed, for several days. was made under the leadership of
witness the race. (rots-him tract of • Captain Charles S. Thompson, de• '
rn re■Istance In land so tit of the Talbott home, with scribed D Miami people a• "the
:• advocated . a [renew .of a00 tact on Biscayne bay. MISSOURI"BANK IS ROBBED world's grrttest,fleltermatl:' The ex-
tr independence ,)`he program, starting •with the
,any In order to 0 praise nrul.er Seahorae on whluh lila
chance race, open to all types of craft' BY 6 BANDITS IN DAYLIGHT
.e front of the IND to.C000loDo was mad• eats toned
to the canoe races. paddle and aril, ,
ental will close the afternoon's enter- .
about unmercifully the mfnpte II got
Uprtalag• tainment, follows: CONTINUED ON PA(lIC 1:1.1CVEN
" Richert i. said 2:30 p•"-m.—Chance race, six mile.. Armee Mee Line Ue klakl It pteyr. - t t
and Machan•• 5.20 p. in.—Eaprres cruiser race, 10 ssd Tara. 1ot.r•rN, (:at f,,,,,,,,f,,,,,,,,mileer. N.d a:ae•p• to Twe lrlaule• ARTHUR PRYOR'S BAND
sill have no In. t D m—Free for all runabunt race,
y longer. This 10 muse. PROGRAM FOR TODAY
bring about the 4:70 p. M.—Ilandloap exDre,. cruleer It•Cwt aliOClana rens '
government and raoe, g mile'. .•8T- •.OU , March Ii.--els handl..■ Aft - '
a 'red' govern- g p. tn.—Canoe races, paddle and today held up lila !Hale mink of ,.,PART I. • •., ."
.•aid. -atulrn"..poems.
.P' y• - t`� .r<.Y _yt ew7 J< s .T'. , - L• +F-
QUIET DAY IN COTTAGE gale n:aa{r.eel.-en. -�IreAI STATE BARON ENT[ON "ut•Iae Oa keys sed the attempt FOR NEW LEVY PLANImen ••"a w
'front Intens village•in ln•path u(the siva.p.
• Verson. not •
President and His Wife Re- `"rote"' rratdal I. a•1• TOd•s• He tared t
Daugherty,Cox and Bryan Will r),,„ Dawson Wou d Apportionlathed had b.
eau. C May et... [ lh•Vreslden Cs •basal rrom I Sums W 4.
deice American Legion Mem- ellICAtIO. March U • Lawyers
,-Th• nor • Address Florida at lU•toi the Louaebnal Planner.on which
I Against Counties According ,,.r.]rorD.arw.•n.
hers in Evening. •••twee MA,h of the two •larna n.masa the sept..down from Ormond.'
g• Their Annual Banquet. I to Ability to Pay. 1•l<kford •,
Crum 1h• west,oust from the northern left fur Palm !leach so a to be reads visited the
Tb• quietest day irk. •ruving to Rocky mountain region •" lbs ollrrr Allnrney General Uen[heel Y. dente, to take the Vrraidentlal party •board I II• •1 •roue
Mesal Iaae1, era •Vint yesterdayby, front thewul tarter Rocky meynluln., there tonight or tomorrow and to be• .r tat ail«pelt.rely effete-to to
lira W•re•n O.Harding.who ramaln•d left Kau, NrOraska, low,, ill .10 lice, farmer :It. Riddell
of f thlo, •"A I tin the UIp n°rinw•"• Th. V"... TAIg attention
t:, Fla, ronin 10.- to the trend
rPily •t t0• HIO•...Meer, the noel mai Hieauurl V•rltall wverel Juel ire WHIN,.;1{. Ilidd ll of the •Y•I 1's.IIInC•Ilenllgn Io the"growing• • de•trre.
the row f FI•mingu bungalow•, Y eby u dent and Ma. Harding with Other. •"- w]I r. ,Burke •
h thee YurOa bougainvillea cl het Dln "w Drrme r ort "f Ontario.and usher na.I me llmeot ,mon[ the thoughtful People Iha ramlrl<au
8 •11 y tlunall known will b•speak- n,Lrr• o[ the party will Ie>v• here
riotous) ver hh•wall In the r•• and
In I.en• rpYml Kan••I. Ina ...ow Y pers...lb. I In Flyr to and •mon[ scorn. of Oa teaks t!
y" • w •Id to be two fee d•ep while era Sind.)'night at the Lan. I" teal" lata today for faith Hr,a'D • n •n4.
the Luse tr.".•••"•acro••the w+y. +• • tact of the;The premalent Tae y I liner ,alae ("tieing • dlff<w<,l Da,1 I w
far...tough distant to keep tiny nuts• Irl'roe•e •,,a Hooll Cu., N•nsu. ••<- •••lorlaia Har •e•o.l•tl"n In the Huttll Pro LI will ,nate method for providing the salols r jolt. It soul.
from Jatu..Dint the ecu P.na pearled 1 and 10 Inches testierilvtl Y. tauten rl talo, Hench HunJxY ,no.„. eve-Durr.
accompanied byllair)'un, the chief social function f tnl end the elute northward will I, nus than now used In our•let•;' L,-
• Mr• 11•rdh,g and Mr•. Edeard 11, uw. cu + hlgb wind.
° i
Mclean r.d a quiet luncheon, enter-I retie fur••noel Ho.In Chaco ..tgAey lb..•n"u•I convention of the ottani.,•Rafted late Hunal.Y. I tion ]. Ila•sen, ants tai equalized'.l Twa
l•I•Ing o friend•, ]Ir•, 11•rseY 5�.n.l more •,s yr<J leteat by tho iso,. Dinner Will he serve- At 11 Uo< of Oa (1x1 questions •.ked by In the flet blennlal re Dort of his of. I•t for [0 11
P ire,lan•of A4ron.O.,who came Juwln •ether bureau. - o'clock. Ilse i. ictal on r•turning from the I fleet••..reale
frau a•-tlno.J•n *sato, and Why
Teaper•lur• dropped 1• A In I(lehl0g IrIV w II when lite i'lon vet fire, mrd• mane t"•Y. commends • Iry ln[. Th.,
lYro,H.K(.0„..of Pblladeltihla,why NI, Paul, follow log a light anew full A*maker Tal Elks'hall Tureday night aft. Irrdlc.l l,te that nu didn't relish a •rant ...looted In usher D'etat•+ 4f
I Iter• will Le 1,,,,,ral Ly ele,tIon of officers repetition or Oda week's oods of ]t,
drote ...odd tn• n..........2. tram the yea•rAt V. }:.Ply IuA•y the experiences 'a Pporlluning the amount of rcrenue wood dblrl I
Curtis Hebt.10•I•y dynla. thermometer rrClsl<d [ de.aes shove the •ueel•Uun ane abort •V<ecnes when ILe •••••"•‘ int hyoall necessary to runthe slue sut'ern.
President r,••taF atfr.. ata..•time on amlbat• between hart' ..reeled Ill t
The president ort vJ •t the F'lent• Frresag leo"Derlures and wlby than. well-known Jurist•. and Paint 11e+cin. '1'lle fiat an ong the counties or groups. a n w
William Jennings Itryan 111•d Atees Vuesllurn ' tare. m
Into Jock •t 1.1°1 p, o strut w•• flouts• were general over °Malagl. during the Lennart. and will have for eskad by ]a. 1 Ix'-1••. however, was: •ohne•In Proportion to their ability i a la llepaa
greets- be Met.Jame• Y. Witatun of Southeastern )Monnet shad tin(lard- his topic "The Lawyer.- Huprem•I"Ifet I• lir•. Herding! Ira aider to D.Y.the amount In each ease to be Louis Ile De ns.
Hwton It• onto ii..•o a.u.••4 1h• at Talo In Tat'. )ter. and rivers. i ort Josue.William 11. tone or Tel. w,•t .i rlr+l time Tar Aad lett her overt lecl•d•galn•t IM r un 0 IMms<Ive• Alao*net.
Flamingo lawn to the cott.ge,accent- Inial ...cu.. tt a al flood noes. The lob..... will ulkn t since her lithe.a•t Hrtitem Ice and nut •Bonet the pro [
paled by Brf[•eler Ueasr•1 hew rspeak in "-ran Alriefr• •.one I pe.y - Uull<Y acid
hew) Missouri-elver ar Jefferson City. Ma Hyatt-to stent of the 1'ou ria under the Arne rl• •"w of the lunsal Perim..the found bonded
and M( Chrl•E•n. se riling. ca t ror Iwo have Leen •s eat roll."
Mr.Harding look along nap of two w n H)..... of 1, a nvnl'• wile lion. se Ve..•led. It w s>la, o of r...Jan ng
• ('.os.le, of ii1miles an hour •wept tar hi. at Mh leulon of Naau will hthai In tet Pal yes merit
plan nes been Conn.very.•t• were making
hour• In {h• afternoon. Ile had eu- err•••a portion of ea. • .1 carried for hie a4b)eel "The Influence or the. -- a -- wile sut.dt
• Juyed the trip to the picturesque Coco- the •evNest ell,aarA of the sear Illlu lana of Coyr, ohne 1b• 1'r,ethe a f 1l�'11t1 11ft'1 afaciur)'. •o far • 1 neve been able
I:: Cay club DOuse, though r.agD 111<,,7 0J1b 1's.llfuralu,whipped 4y 4xw In the Itrlllatn eldOl,les.'• read. \;'.�EVERCLADES ,IILDIJATS Ij a derlan..ns.stet+InlY dt..r ..Ir' �+�gentrtlj
pr•cludevd any noon, A•••food bleb winds, reported fair weulher 10- N"xuY of Jack...vine will talk on' mr MOVlmuu, rrful and 11neuCDUu1 aInery was r
dottier, for hien Cyeolu Lo a Inns ue, east "'rhe lntfl Ifiluon of the United Nola r•Ider"H"n."<the report Mute. were arr<.a.
• dal Ca club house,.Luncheon Much colder weather aa• predirl•A aa,. a 'Embodiment of American ` Larrrl• of I
eaken b)' Ib• p•rIY o 1h• Sa for the..thio vIIrY.Tennessee and eu.l CDM-. Uswaoi• report pra.rtied f1.-
Il ..Jgrmt 1h.tether, Ictal..'. HOME IN JAIL CORRIDOR I.deal-e go.
gulf elates today. he Work of Our Florida Hu 1 ores to ,hw 1Lal Pur than 1Y10,- 110
T. Plone•r, on which 111•pre..- Yve•41•a•a,. 1. New YI.k. �• Preme cr u*
deallai lastly LW come dew n. 1rr•uul NEW T'r1I K./March Id- Cepa"will be the aide of kali.,Jet- 000,000 wail,Ir of tamable Dru Oerty es• found the s.
•a thee Plantago dock,upon Mr,llard- -Freakish In fetl'•n H, llruw n•of K \pear. ('air D y• su••,,, 1•I>"•large a
la vrl•tlnn• from [ala velodatY to I).lbwen of Miami x111 a'•De•the a u•11>'. quo..: Inst
Int'•return.h•v6.[•HDped'•tcaY•l 1 Greaves of barely 1Y agile an Moir,thepeak on the Untamed Felines, Slated for If•recum"r t•a•rthat us.*sialine•r 11
Tne Vlr tort•.the Yleling nu).en Y •1,Dlee 1, "TMs FloridaFl - star Aesocl•lan. from Nan }'r
•)ie.on which tn•president w••en. edge or one or Iha ae vest wind .Tad 4s. Nun-ry�llcal u'Nenartlun fur Tee Fight Keep Prisoners Awake ..ung to proV•wly alone 4e so Vr to neat Inln[, who.
‘.,....,...3 iwa p.:e: go.and whlclr h.. rain .bents tti,t M1a• .writ the rant- H•rorrn." Fortner ....area l'"a will
,d 1r to tasks a n.d.mea e:t for fall- to easel III.
Lein lying ,Ions see of,tM1• Pioneer.
ern part of the crest Lek. region tau on"The kcLLLlone of the Pres,to After Arrest. I u to rt,. Abw
• Iyd departed Tbund•I night. Isvuns In Ye•r•, •truck Nrw lbrk today. (the Administration or Juauc..•• Alta- re to return an Itemised arh<dula urs with 'ulomu
Maly Derwn•w rs In)ured hen al• n•Y General Uau[berrY wul dt•er14• Two honest-lu•suodnre• rlldcal.r, hold In•• by April 1 of ach )'e• Yleata.
Attorney General Calla. though only reported • -1the work of the'department of Bodice re•peeled and feared member. of the to make •fuse return. nett. lie staled
' fa ,fed•In 141••freruoon Attorney Gen• Mealy hurt. uIi ywI iurrlsa suffered t In his talk, Ti" e:M'u'te and I atlas-,Eves glades •olur:tI 11[r. orad life Ile pa,l els out that they t•
•.rel D•ugh•rtr. er mpeel•d by Oer fractured sVln• when •Iruck by •Ilion ur the Department of Ju•lice." ,n Isere ble old alum Mer Ira inetutu. Vruvalon Pur Iha ae..orb: JMd•u ane 1
VwsiLl• lea
Naw ens Ga n Ire• f fou ,county tai• cola.
Phl Yet a •Pal Dawes. cot P • coping Moen from •• alt•.Jolles Riddell will nave for bl,sub- tutbt and esr1Y 11x1•m tell lett fur lanae rat ut•aaant rg Y binned.1.)' J.
•heated to the Dasoeara detla[e.11 r, town leg.ma Others •usiai• on, led., "CrlltivUun of t'u rAiai Nrl•11u„• Ill w t ,e un(o flu lisle a• Ip be lu•
dna re I muds Iha ,,p ser code•by ,nJ •V
Uaagnerty tell so neon. th.t he broken legs and cul, rrom iUetwrelt Nng1aM-Siva Lllrg leen Vles.,. mates u(elMe c ur t nulled sof IbY the I. testy of(10121V In ,,,err.....l
,' watked 1 aero• a I/ I<al Stales Uatri rl ('earl Jua) ° t Y)•11.
part of lbs vy 1 the broken eln•.and m Tar r Injuries. "l 8t Tltey w .•lea+l all automobile area that thorough property uD' Int actor n•I
• law". Aeolb•r visitor was General T. ('1< and much �ua•r weather. Julal w. Duck of Chicago to and Judge truck DY donate officers herr the di- Vralar ale 111 xan b•made. .•f obtained
re Velem. DuPont. Witham Janata with lira wind veering front the south "moth) T. Anaberry of thio will L•� + • ehl•Uled• U
Nryan ante at sunset time,kava[hi to nurtbwe,l, wvs a,ta t Tyro Io.11be principal •sake tee al ole-am bk eel rection of Urvuly Sheriff Rolfe prior I BISCA YNE BAY IS SCENE •rl"1nC Pk*
tare rrj11•dar nidal a s Nclock In tag:n.u. 10 their intended combat with two
cart night and arty tomorrow. Hlorm tilt bulldog., cages •t Jun 1• I,n n. Uol�' actin,
Daher w a Vula •rear m e •.saga bac. Leen hafted .li •long other. why ww gar snarl talk.ar<:�a War i ,Tann of Bland Deitch a OF BIG REGATTA TODAY Fed ala,,.
prsideuuU ooU1 The aulre of the IL• Atlaull caul. Iter Rushton.Montgomery: M.H.'(ear• lh• Ocean Drive. Acw dl t° can', rkled w
• Pate I•for r muco ns.dna a urn err a*sa I•Cela.. nJCAae I, \Peat Paint Bench: John CI • ` e g. -- Uun Ibn •• ,
all Tar as po aalble. Oener•I Her > f a r CONTINUED FROM PAW':ONE. Vora
reported lnai Ln. totem r<r trop. d•m,as from 1n<ass.nen desmon[,waren:Wilbur I_Tilden.Tae aaet. d o Year . sae a owe had i Clo,I I dlhl
[ w'at ver Judge C. C. Andrew. Orlando: }1.
I. Cohered to•linos We contest. moa Uwnrrs of urs run,L0u1• en- lar rum Ind.
•low, Pert ofenvve atY unP:r N•w •Astec Jacksonville: R.•L Anden°n, •
w President
re • Mn. A• Y• MYe r s, I offs ccs of Int tern e e lase \Vnd Of Dr Hearted
D4 Iicks.rI :
York arbor he enveloped I t sena
Yreal de Tat•nti Mr.Harding•t nett fog. w which
the vas
fatted to dapsi Ocala.Judge Panic A.Smith. nater J: I,•Seco oclurt. who i It r• et Intended
Jay Cal of thio ml, end Victor ticerla or Monne Ys,vitt,
colt•.• Wt night received n,A m.,. and which was followed D • heavy Jude•U.K,Ilertrrs,7-s.h ob Senator J.I b.Second be ort,hard u the I lit,and Palm Hench and Atlantic City. .t,un I
of the H y Seeds post,No.41.Amer-
The of{Tato, making Y•vleallon I1..Juh•sun, Ll ve flak; IWLert H. An.I battle to stag"of Jungle.rut•nJ Roe to nano
- Ica. ,•lion, through ,«cal •..ran rs n dere n, Jac4•unellle; Lout• F. Hnedl• intuit-tied Justice of the Peace GeorgeTlav FlYnre.'rya club.wIn Vell enter[Ice to I
mat•made urs In the afternoon. ba urduus fur s Pal nous. Ti,,' " sa111nC , .e 1n tA• sa111nr be explain how
ear, Mlaml heath; James M. .'arson hI.Wall. Inter In the•rtiie.l ground eat.Intse being"Halo Luw:' manned be In the p.
In front oft the cotta.• they •too. only •r•'•••• reported res•sol ll•lon and A J. Ilo•e, Miami;Jack J, Said• w•1 revel red that the contest ground by L. Hingle on and North Munroe: I aw. The r
• I Cl the door told shook ban.• with lA• at leo ferryb....
neither or whlc.n Ins,Adana;GeerCe V. IIenrY.Tampa; had been shifted to Coconut Grove. _ r
arloual don "Northern W[hts:' manned byria Eu 11The rt.
mamD<ve a,lbef Davit, by. Dole the r•. Y rat". Edward M. Haar. Chicago: d •H.
Deputy Sheriff Rolfe Conaiable• E with<oaplr.
R executive,ane bis wife had • smile.
The •t eamsM1lD ',alleluia. .us. this Wideman,Weal 1••Im 11 <b'Juaje M. F. Perry and R•lmona WIdln. and .one and Earl Albury; ''Mlr•mur:' prohibition I
of relcuml lM yb.,ry word, ue •rlarnnon with 1,171 passenger. front 1•-. Atkinson, Mlaml. •nr(\W. (Mac-1 1100 menwho were de mooned by Nark AILu.. d Alby
Hu Vlllam Vton •ns. Cherbourg. • r e Ian,. s• tone l'ut lor1. "Illus Devil. m•nne oy Londa each.
[nrllnj fur •ach of ln• 00.,l alres. C. r s da- William..NI.Augustine. ala Ol es, went Ig Jungle Imo t •Lout [
•Fra BaNiys First Mtes►t4a, IaY�e LY Ins tot, She le expected to - I'.)0 o'clock Inst I Tal. LA. Ms:y..7. N'e snick •n- Urban Albur Y.
j',Zr. der. •fid "Loki,. with alert /Singleton and MN.•,TI II'Y.
Ma. 1l stain appeared to be in • `"t qu•r•nll"• tumor ror mgrnlol[. dna Tarr party motored III 1'uron ul ACHUM
.ry Weepy od, .Tad declared the A. ib, rel! .w.pl over the northern POLICE ARE NOW CONVINCED Gr'gre. Lr. Rolfe fgpne all In reWl• If. Lewis. Thin race will follow the
the climate ere hu n•nef/e•d her part of_11.• sale, one person . T lett W �T <u for the contest but there were no aVrae cruise handicap ectal.
greatly. 'Te•'members of the local 3•111" at gyre•••one saes Pal lnhvea,,ARTISTS''MODEL:WAS SLAIN wilae•t• present-"r bull dogs. Il. The following pear.far the nK.Ha •r,
post Or tl• American Logien Aed hbe there•nA •t oder points.e here been announced ST. PETE!
res Informed the contest would D< Chance raced-Flat. }•..mina° Ma. Katheri
- honor of being treated the Ura re•
in Syracuse the First H•puat church held In Conant l:roc.
c p pr•ald•at•• wife •Inc• spit• was.:own oyer. Jewelry vsla.d •I 510,•♦•I, Mleaiagl Lr•nwhlle, Coariable• ferry and trophy, attest folding Ila[ aioa'k; ashore wa
• ll'p by SrraeuH Ilnlrresll and, cluck, (Near Maynard; third, president of
her recent Illness 'TTI. Is the tint Y. totaled on • Twee Yea'ori Naga la C'eaa..el tan Welaln had followed •n •uta truck •`a c1etI •t the
public reception which Crs. Harding
hill, w • •Imus. inaccessible and a- Dein In the titration of Nonny Isles 416 .oafSb,nalea order, E. B. Dania flat <elln,
leaa given." President (larding ala. taai Marcie.• for Chancellor James N'It4 M>atrry A►eel Orate. •tun[ the 1)ceen ['rive •ns. when the `om Pan Y: fourth. f10 th•rmo�.Eollle. The ..lot,
►requ•ni es.a lb•Drocs,lun d Iloteos y I war• shifted from lb• - truck halted they Immediately Valle)'-Mllam Ha rdw•re convene. •
1n lin• o Vasth unlvaltY to • down town church. aI.as.tUet. m `"r"- fifth and •lila. 1t. DOies of cigars, -tae 0(T. ,
• .rap n. nand• u( the In Roby aIg • Juan sheared the wild.,.•and took then.. tar seventh, order of tn• No h.
Yr*teas{ rd Mr. Harding. bulk portions were Deck to the•ate.-•n-securitym"or• Y•rson•; ton N«I.flea
god pleasantly on atone a"load by .true Dlowln.doth, Un• NEW YORK. Lerch ll.-ltepad at county Jth ) of the fur .hos, 15,l'ontmgace. Fsit.
route 'IF1!•wt Wen muck a attest der, medical eaaminer• who performed ce Poe
toter tedaY'ob•eM-war at Tber.Ina•un•rat♦j.e.Bd,Du a, ►..•yt t.HI<Fr
lin yl•Ijkla1t. K.neon cruisers.r, 10 mile•- poled I
llamas* 1• hell LII. Set/• ria Ce ftp. L1•mt neaea cham-'w'k11os,•°taw
•t to mea the•a•cutwe and La' Kh hY K•eas •Pus et. Poi n barn a.v tai •t
Bane,.reWrlea uc4t ata,i• in t.4�rp aTie!9 <4� ror r oRQ'um raa.recona NEgamroek Pal )
H a. vu Commana•r cn•nu w. P In nes � Flnr-Me Jidrn trynt tb[If"a'�t 6.�,j11'Qd•f,`t•t
•fid { rt..'
M •runt b.it Tlrlr pia. end µr L "► MI 1 Se, "jcl• ap1�"•••swa, )
®-Clea. rhe a. W.I. nail wu .Ira wl"0rs In downtown Bur der apartment tette ra.r'wltl•tgt emnry W.yrotrsllDg'TFlle• waw •••I ehoVL7171641%101, •�•. pr e7the le•a.<e
l'besls• A. Elia. Jr, hie sla•1ear-old era •m chloroform bottle vlrtuellY Droved the 'at the unkind' [ fat• which .yes: Iblrtl, b,rem.ter.}•,T.
an" • d four hon••• under BUJ a pa y. the le[lalatu
present"Mra H•aln[with construction reed de moll mea.
police theory that the young w' man °rept them from a(lora fight to the }arse-for-all run,bg Fi Flat. llanat 1•Ilon.
• bouquet of red iooe• and Mr.. Mc- Vortices of Geneva was under wee murdered and robbed of u her drab to 0 fairly comfortable bed 111 Ira set. Dllaml Ha•rn Firs. Nal Rano
Lean, her Donna on 1N Florid•trip,�water. jewel. • their cage ai the 1:•11 ,and threw tAe Ilank;second, golf outfit,a•r<II Broe. Pelr*[r,a
will • bench of plot roses. Com- T0. Buffalo •" Port Erie farrY- A enemleal •halt'aha of the balm atilt Inman• for •n•1-nour los, of tea ret den cruder r -First, silver cal varlegat,
sander Ellis .....cited eachmemberboat was carried down the river lo- •honed It to ba .alualra Ith 1h1 toe tranquil and ,see
s• pact usually ,« the Eel ane
h• pawed In Ila•. "Cora to lbs w anwlhetle and It w•• •1•o found In connedled with siun,0er, •<t. Robert /a4man: second. all- •tiling
era the Intarnetlonal bridge by ins .un •rd, Sinton a Gibson Jewel Tur3•<alMar
W11• House to se• me President wind•ns.Ice floes.Th•captain work" gs, Medical Esamin<r Nurrl. ♦ r ••w Jewelry
said the chloroform had been Inh•1•a, company.
Harding.aid a te•�utn; boy a h• the craft le toww�nd the American shore LONG ESTRANGED WIFE al
.stied araY. .•d .jc<esee •topYlnC It s.1 Ica Nrefi a taro fond on Cho face and c Flying peas-Pial,Mlml fnam0er �=r�-_pIt�p_I' I,
Nor 'each o[ lb• legionnaire. la pack, 400 feet from the bridge abut-
fnAlcallnK Ina u.• Wr.an .a• OF CLEMENCEAU DEAD °f ( blIlip• cup: esr°na. fishing Malin
president had • personal word, ex- menu. Tb• passengers were brought mints arta. the chloroform had Mel r". Pa HIVs Bros. ow
to - Canoe races-Double paddle, fleet M,
pressing his pl...In meeting them, •shore In row D°•t• nulled r•roe• the
Investlg•lore••Id they hoped l0 oh- .r la.•I ales•rs.se hauling suit• Nmlth•• rains •ns.I_
Ile greeted each with • D•ar*y land- Ica by volunteer Iife savers operating lain valuable Information from two MILWAUKEE.'WI,.,•March Ig.- Maml Beach etalno. Single paddle:
- snake, from Bird Wand Par. t Thr I
man, known Only •• "]/al lb." and death hi Yards of Mn,. M•r Flal. •Doer oxfua. W. M. BunVne',4=
Yen.1ng In Au trallt[ to ih• ray a►a•(Rant la tee. Y Plummer
-Wilson."who Aad called a the young Clemen a•u, rattan d )bas.
' mem Dan of the atlon, Ib• ST. JOHNS, N. Y.. Mu<A IS w, to etre u[ the '
• •lar.man l !wealthy.. Mar- niter, I of France and •teatime 1111- The following eat,•lM nave Dren'�
*bowed particular Waage In one of weather coneltl0 it In New Fou"ana Mali 1wa• laid to 0• r<aitbY; \\'soon ruler, I. •anon Tac" today by the 1711• ••mrd for the rrlroy.
- Iha lgtontaira• Cat! L', Kri....n, worse. <ceraing to weather bureau r•• was hl. •<<reh•ry. Marshall'• rale rata.Journal, Judge•--Cale►Bra
who to,on catch.. "/tow are Your- port,.then for 21 yarn.messages tell. wars c Y.Robert Oaltm,It
In[of L canthi In the Ice melds closet/guarded,•carman[to the Ems. t WI., eau native of J•me• A. Allison. J. J. McLeod. J. It.Is.
Mr,Harding asked symp•thelle•RY as Relator boy in Iha aDartmat hots.rata.
Wio Nh• was•71
on Iha coast poured into M.Johns lo- year. old Elne Tae r.
' n• deua•p 1A• wart In tla uw. a and ]Has I(.enat'y negro main They •nd has been •n Invalid In Pals for Harter- i=
cll.0 have y•1m VslD1:' ay. Government°Metals and the,of• *ala 'Allmon.the •.ret shays Stater-Commodore c W'. Botcher
neer•of tA•sl1•m•h.V doth Pohle•wee err. Ys• the let 10 Y•ea. Rasa committee-l`, F. ch•pmran, >=
4 K 1>C 11111 y.- r a^ delm I with pmehlp for a ie•wee•I meed the redden I N•L leIvinC hl Although•e V.r•ted from IDt'Tiger.- Webb Jay.O.J.Mulford,C.O.Fah.,I�
Dle you •s.1 Ulllin[si.). 11Iutas Ism Lola ted
points along the oast ler oleo In-coat
n his•utomublie.When In to Wacansin rel•tivea ane Tne"ore DIrklWoot, 7tarrY I'•reu nn,
the Dresldat u J. L Blllln sl1 un ` h• found 1n• •'o•at clear" Wilson denied e• lata a lea that they were Cheeks Krom
8 e. where,.bta a of food haver ou a' •18"•I to Lurshall to come In. • Prisecommittee-Commodore -
' former oat•commander.wu TH..,- •'rho,•team., 1tou11mL rrom New divorced. W.
<d. "(hes f my best friend•In Ohio York •n0 talk" for this Pur[, re- L•nnail. It was reported to In.In- NrwrP Der sketches covering the life KMrher. fay \Y. Llrin[alon. U. W.
• Is named llllar•a1." "A dam-vine ported by radio Ind•Y that she was 10 vaH valuable le was lb• donor of . by of Georges Ile me nreyu.make mention I'haar.Sr.
TJ Jewels to Miss Kasen,n,.Tne . .the"T` }'nlranc• eemmlllea-Cmmmod.rr
dam«rt." lir. Billltgsa7 said as M Mlles if Cep* Race.sour Ot In heavy Yount'wo •n'•laws*,rain"of{IO,• "Tiger-was adv Dffed/1 yarn e
. p.a.].';Ye.,that•a•ma to D.•gra' lee and unable to proceed. The treat- 000,h•v not bee found.Whether she tt"' Stolle t•nmmodore Parson, and eon,
meal of 15.1,coned this part or 10• 'n[ flat which put out yr • weak had than In the •Da rl meat, or In • • m"ore Felt.
nUcountry... the Dr••Idenr•reply. •as•le In similar plight orf the north- ,state deposit box,lh•police.were un•'MATTHEWS BUNGALOW The oasts. celebration .m clan
wee jail beet thee Reilly's:' Mr. •rt coat of N•w Yeundland able to learn, with•big ball,t the Holl Flamingo
Harding/altered •fter 00 r DN n[ alto- got 1.11••••a Mr rasa• Counsel for Albe•
rt (fulmar.;; e IS SOLD IN HOMESTEAD ,t s o'clock.
,a 'dueeatt• Ed Hailes..on• of the mem- Tb• .Lamen•ncoa M• Leen IC.- model's friend,who was•testas ear
ls - ..- 1=_
bare of the poet. bound al U'A rganl bay on lb.,wuttl lod.,when police found•pistol in hi. Ir,Uat to rat DIR•/TORY COM PII.EII OKAY)
M.mbto d( I►. le.lon ss.Dless" coo•t of.h•Island for na,`ly a month• hotel room.obtain"•writ of habeas (HOMESTEAD, Fla, March 1t-7. R. WEST PAI-l4 BEACH. Pia March a
g n us lmpror•ment or Lr.. lb• amt are.er(Argyle, t than In two
corPu• for hie rel ria• Wit.•fl ernoon ]t•Ilbews,old his hung•luw on Brom s 1/'-R. E. M•Yflrld, or Hornear. In-_
Harding.;*as plainly •anlb l i" Dar more •flet h•had been held without hall a• a to Mr.. )t.te• or Ja,4 sone 111 e. monger of the Florida Directory c __
gratitude for -had 1•h, ••I weeks. Hotly ars laden with Davis- a materiel •lines,ala m•f l,tr•i:• lire Hreas has•Iso bought the Coral• Deny.died here today. }•ora n mL.r
Lnow that I•m going 10 e('wall In • meal •etttemente •ton[ Ina eojrt. Tb• welt Is tela rteblo tomo..• g1 r,Iu
r cO•al rewb•r• Iha D•ODI• a• In sire fo M, lure and will lake pus sessIon Nein..day. car.he bas meta hie winter hurtle
Ihlo delightful lilt I•h• •new•red ad of Coos. TA••ta•m•r rYOrll•,uH Is Aer Int<p11on I° rake boraces. In sus city, uslnt 1111 tlq 4rarx,
so f these•apr•alona From her " n Oulmae•, under Indl<lmrnt In2,,,..; •J De Lallnews Cantil rill muv for Ala work. Ile nom DIIM Alrerlo rf r•
Iterons D•M.D.k• her int Dror•meal t•Intl tar err•"of merry was !ge of toe ror luc•ny from chat y • r"s0 (Tar revs
today l0 lana Drovlslons l lA1 edge of Drokeags Arm, now Dankru VL had the Woodbury•Da rt mens for the Dtes- ro Vales In }•lodes• Including o
was part lcal•rb noted. '•We are a.- rb• I<e floe at venous points In Pa- t� Nast Palm HesrA.FL Pierce.Fl.Lau-
IlrnteA a b• bar• and meet You. la tune bay. Lam•ought DY tn•.'tic. f Inst rlt- /1.alr II.. Den Young entertain" the.W. dera•le and Palatka.
ala or you to ante here." Mes. Thep vs,e, w',• unxbi•to'fora her Ira:••coat lY 1ur eo.1•ndt J.,e l"l In• A.tl,club a her home March/. •
H ..5,♦aelalm", way tbro urn the la to re,en harbor. and rings old ID D•vs been[Ivq him Lr. and Mr.iklamur•,from Tampa. VISITOR PROM ILLIVO1g DISI -
♦esepbll•g•t els T.M.C.A.mhort• Ta Newfoundland raiwilh today eta- Fla,all"on In•Uesr Jamil Y. They QT,PETERSBURG,Pls. March Ig-
le after 7:10 Valente,the post member• patched• by Miss Keenan. _ _ M H. 1. R Ilne. [•, Inter 1•Itor
optical Iran with••only of ars frond•or Mr,D uw,NP •naw 1 from reYln,111.,died• d
.r form •.store"• 0( bot• tA1n • Droa alone for a•train h•IP. Tat Ar- motoring down the tcoat. rr u orals of while
,r , dean •ut•mobllea They were led by hold'•Co. be •hurl •now •ns. I.
ALL-STATES EVENTS TO Yrsnk ut.ejn•t aapaetl to build • trouble ben tonight Al 4 o'clock•Alla
aaomebn• baring• leets Ame. m«kae•I There are a p...eng•r.of BE HELD MARCH 2I-24 home on.AN at•on Krems•••eau• a r•Ib In . Hoch e( TI a lee i la
r kn.flee and ul nn.t ena.In p01 stalled train. Tonight la tem- 1h. ear raipr., of the mgai<u.l viae. Tr.boar will L.
•!('ns. m my line or Dusine••,^ 1(r, ynture her•wa Tar.below. - - l'. 1t. McLean len for ha none In returned to min-la for burial. l
Huding attend y a reporter .hook mu..." h. rwupa.. At•• mating o the All-Saas r- I...sing. Mich.. Monday. •r ar • visit - ----= -_-
Ilia node, SAULT HTE MARIE, Mich., Starch elegy•t the chamber of<ammerce hail wit 1th.•talar,Mra Malts•HIII. HOW.I.ya GE?
OF Among tlaa who n.-The second bllaarI or lh• hursdar night comm wan •p- MLs gather Plank .Wal the wale- •`V (moi' RID 1
),• erg [rase ion Daly week swat over hurin.ra Clohiran to- posse ter�Ae handling of the Pru- end with her aunt, Mks titles Haat.
..d Hes. Hatelt[In1M legion part day par•. sing communication IIM• evens or the All-eats ulaytaa'le in Llan• IYlI11(
.wan:. 3,s.. . 2... ri E. Wu� g•1• De.hekt March IL tt and I/. Mrs. 11. Johnston•a•driving • new AND CATARRH
tray. of .n kind.. w w-nn•
chg.,.. N. Olaf, Cul -E. Erl<t•o n• accompanied Oa anowaiorm, puling . Harbert S. 8lralr,Robert C Booth Jaw•t1.Coto.
• .. J.�q•• Oran:John F. Nola, WIIHam drifts 1n highway, and 4ailway cats end 'J, J. Hubbard,wp• • - 1
}. •D..T.II•r dp'1 A.Currat, MM."J. m ..Dol ntd.
Wu•u�� Dart.. H. a uamlaL ore too a.•eel d.•v. only. r.w [•ata.wmmua.. .gtee•rbe B•04� FRUITANS)VEGETABLE. A.M�VI•r gaS '
•.oinaio A.'MIII.. A. J. CIs allroaa trains w•rable to move to- d Merberl B.Stre•ar Iro watt.1r ,C , .USPS Opt tba
A.1 Clary. R. P. day.Sasha..In nurneuVA village.was Mad a comrWttre Id'gi egp•or tpa REPORT ( Heal, Nose land Throat. I
Teres.E.1t.Singleton,D,B-Paeh•11, tonally •ua•ndea ted •ehoel._w•ra �w�.rrade-and Alatge-part>, •e tlhi~a 1 -
I. Hoberl•W. Neuman. 1< I. Sava*, ebe•d, pro dal of gni ql• Iloa.).' L '' •
l sorry A. aebtlsIne•r, W. T. Perry, Ol4•r earth Michigan.ell's ria Der l- Beach day 1w••rare M•.ent11,*•1711 J:t'E 11nNYI number •eaaecontain.'at Ther •are many psepl• ••.0 fferint
1.1,1. E. Wester, Nona McE1ya A. P. ane"pallier ll-u... TD following bar•aw•r. •
elven, G. Ra. Robert N. Wars, W. - • • eemmllll.M"alalnr ol.Dr. O, •':- from'chronle catarrh who weld Ilk•
Hehadd,J.J.Hubbard and W.L Hou• Ing Florida troll• d r[eases
L gun•. J. L Taen•r. N. W. t°.tasr. TESTIFY THEY BOUGHT. 1..04J.cb.rr.• T.•.:"...".....,.,1,1.• rorw•"•a rrom J•<aesnrule. Her a knew not the un step atehln[
r, a ..•,Victor C.a,sendlu,Will 11arch tl, h Haan E1n •, armee and H•mel0.ria l.r 01 ear. ala .ern ogle. ar ln•Y map r..n..
Irt-a•y, tar u• int 11 beam•naafi st • that • 1
': Wypp ily. Pilchard C. llowaa•ns. LIQUOR AT GARY, IND )•w M.<D•t A, Ralph Bullock, I. N. t"•1: Oe• oo.•r r lues this may b,d to
Peel K•11L tittles.moa C.L.Greene. onto. North deafness rAnec other..tions son Dl a.
�. • • • TIM motorcade.ender presal p of ss end,ror ror
WILL CHANGE i . ' " .vn[.•r001 rn.t w.� t aesl.., e ago.•. - .p.rlail
METHOD J VW te...In kat e r'the T.a1+idT1� •
1 .a e: t In
•OF DOTING U.S. BONDS vowel NRPOLIS, Ind. Maven Ig- •t r a m, March 77, Molar on • , Roland nal ?Meta VOW punt• u ae dlacovatr or . Dian -
. p ea•a le •s r luatne A{prm•.ease 44 1-B B.I.*l,who will rends• tits fleew:o e, ' •• alit dlr.% mernea that ..- • ,_
. .