1674-19 Warren Harding ' -14 _ •
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Black Caesar's . Haunts 'Yield
- Harding Fish . Yarn Repertoire
Miami Beach Vies With Island in Tales of Monsters of
Deep—Biggest-One Gets Away as President-Elect
�r ' Hooks Man-Eating Shark.
'Special Dispatch to The Q'--: ' are not all moonshine. Mr. Christian
MIAMI BEACH,Fla..'February 2.— had hooked a large mackerel and
was reeling him in when along
Warren G. Harding will carry back swoped a barracuda, the tiger of the
with him to the White House enough sea, and snapped half of the strug-
fishing yarns to last all of the corn- gling fish away. The next secretary
to the President, none the less
ing spring and .summer. Next win- daunted, reeled in the' better half.
• ter he will be back at the happy fish- . Fish Gobbled a Fish.
ing grounds where Black Caesar. the 'The story-is told hereabouts of one
blood-thirsty pirate, 'once held sway, member 'of the Cocolobo Club who
to collect another season's supply of baited his hook with a three-fogt fislr
and.caught thereon a six-foot fish.
' stories and sgme more experiences only to have fhe six-footer swallowed
with the wild fishes which make their by some other mammoth denizen of
headquarters in these romantic tho deep before the startled fisher-
waters. man could protect his line. When
The President-elect last November the last-named mammoth gobbled ,
thought that tarpon fishing at Point the six-foot baja and made off with
Isabel was fine sport, but the fishing the
line and,.sinker the fisherman
• bouts he had off Cocolobo bay Mon- could only stand and 'shout, "Run.
day and Tuesday with a lot of•sail you scoundrel, run; you may think
fish, barracudas, amberjacks andV–"--------c ,you are having fun, but I have had i
wahoos convinced him' that angling,my money's worth, too."
for tarpon is nothing more.than fish- Thp giore experienced fishermen at
',ing in its infancy. There is an old •Cocolobo 'know when a "hopeless"
wreck off the mouth of Caesars' creek, bite confronts them, and take a turn
where the big fighting fish of the.sea about a boat davit and let the fish go ;
seem to have a rendezvous. It was with the line and hOok, saving the ,
there that President-elect Harding rod and reel.
was taken. .When Mr. Harding hooked his first
From the tales that are told it would salt Soh T:Qday before breakfast he
appear that fishermen who have ha¢.ja sondatiolf*filch many a fisher-
never been to this wreck never have man has waited seven years to feel.
had any real fishing. The method of -'here is a sail fish club at Palm
angling is something like-this: First, Beach. and only catchers of sail fish ,
•you cut up a. good-sized fish, say one are eligible. It, I is supposed to be one.
about three or four•feet long, and of the most eclusive organizations
toss several chunks of him overboard. of the south, but Mr. Harding became
These chunks tempt 'the big fish end eligible
liiggible almost fish Is a membert of the sword
get them in an eating mood. Then
obaitfish family, co far as appearances are
onneeoyour hook with another fish,about four or five feet long, and concerned, fur among other things
cast 'your line, which can be env- he has a sharp wea-Pop for a nose.
where from a quarter of an inch to I The fish are long and slender and
half an inch in thickness. It must behave a fin which arises eighteen to
remembered that when you fish in the(twenty-Pour inches above their back
sea you must be prepared for any-. `and has a length of possibly three
thing. There is no telling what youwhen loafing
feet_ They use this sail
may get on the end of the big hook. ,alonr-.the top of the water. The sail
fish is one of the gamest of the big
He Brought in a Monster. • I varieties, and when he is hooked leaps
Capt. Charlie Thompson, who chap- from the water and wriggles in a
eroned the President-elect 'to the manner which makes it appear he is
standing on his tail. ,,
• fishing grounds, once caught a mon- Hardin¢ Honorary Member-stet weighing 32,000 pounds. •Nobody : In view,of a the foregoing it is
has -'ever classified the- sixteen-ton'v.
brute, but experienced hands with rod not•to be wondered that Mr. Harding
and reel in.,these waters like Carl before leaving Miami Beach accepted.
FIsher, who was Mr. Harding's host honorary membership in the•Cocolobo
here,and Jimmy.�"lllson,who runs the Club and accepted' an invitation to
Aqu#ium, andi 'en Young of Detroit, spend his next Christmas holidays in
who calls ail the big fish by,...their this locality. i' ' — 4
first na. i s, declared the monster was The large fish caught by the Presi-
a crag between a whale-and a devil tdent-elect here was turned over to
fish. . It took eighteen hours to kill a .taxidermist for preservation and
him. , : mounting. Some of the smaller fry
• Capt. Thompson harpooned the sea are to be tagged and placed in Jimmie
animal and something like 157 bullets Allison's aquarium here, the first per-
were fired into him before he would I sonally conducted aquarium in exist-
• give up the struggle. Once the I ence. One of the acquisitions of the
flsherfolk• induced the behemoth into aquarium is a deep sea turtle, esti-
shallow water near a dock, but he I mated to be a mere matter of athou`
gave a swish of his tail that knocked I{sand years old.
forty feet of the dock away, a bit No fist] story ends properly without
of playfulness that convinced the I the .biggest one getting away. This
fishing crew it would be best to deal fish story is no exception. 'Mr. Hard•
with the devil in the deep blue sea. ing hooked a man-eating shark, abets'
George Christian, jr., Mr. Harding's twelve feet long, but the brute broltt
secretary, had one experience which the tackle and still is roaming th'
convinced him that ' the tall fish deep.
yarns one hears in Florida waters Copyright, 1921.