1674-22 Warren Harding .O r
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••• ,Sw: ..•_' , "1 v— •6,s� !!..._Q HENRY W.LAWRENCE.
L„,3. �,�,�fed.3i-) + '�'• � PRESIDENT OIMANA6ER
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tip, /ndianapo/is,
Dear Mr. Fisher : - •
I wired you the result of my Marion trip.
I am sorry that I failed in what we wanted to do -
but of course I realized before going that it was not
a matter for persuasion. I could only offer him what
we had - etc - and he would accept if it met his require-
Sunday I had a long distance call from Senator
Miller saying he had made arrangements for me to meet
Mr. Daugherty (the man who ran Harding's campaign and
is still running a good many parts of it now) on Monday.
He informed me he had a room reservation for me at the
Seneca Hotel - it being a difficult matter to get reser-
vations of any kind on account of the inauguration of •
Governor Davis. I saw LIr. Daugherty ,.ionday afternoon
and he made an appointment for me to see ;r. Harding
Tuesday morning - saying, however, that he was afzaid
the fact that Mrs. Harding's Mother had a Minter home.
at Daytona might interfere. Monday evening I went .
with Senator and Mrs. Miller to the Reception for the
new uovernor at the Senate Chamber and to the Inaugural
Ball afterwards.
Tuesday we arrived at Mr. Harding's at eleven
thirty and found a dozen or so committees, individuals
numbering about eight or ten on missions of all kinds,
waiting to see Mr. Harding. I was much surprised to
be taken in away ahead of everyone else - this meant 1
Senator Miller also. He gave us a full half hoRse .hour
in the midst of his rush, was most courteous, asked me all
about the Beach, talked about Senator Cummins, etc. He
• was much interested in the Beach pictures, said the cottage
plan at the Flamingo came nearer meeting his seclusion
requirements than any of the places offered so far, but
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added that he would be very frank and tell me just what
the situation was : briefiy as follows :
Miami is too far from Washington. He will
be sending for hundreds of big and busy men to confer
with him during his southern trip and in most cases
time will be a great factor in their trip. He must,
therefore, in deciding upon a place to stay for any length
of time, locate within 24 or 30 keeeee hours of Washington.
He leaves for the South within the next ten days and will
be in Miami probably two days on this house boat - but in
that time he will surely visit the Beach, play (Alf, and
make your acquaintance. He was much impressed with the
now Hotel and felt that the cottage would give him the .
seclusion he wanted and needed, if it were not for the
distance feature. He, of course, laid stress upon
the fact that neither he nor ::irs Hardin; would .
consider social events of any kind - and I advised him
emphatically that it was not our wish to subject him
tc anything of the kind.
I know I handled the matter as well as
possible - but realize, as your telegram suggested, that
it was practically all set before. He is to write
you direct and thank you. Personally, I feel, under
the circumstances, than it is something to have him
promise to come over to the :leach and play golf - and
feel, further, that this personal call, personal touch,
or whatever you want to call it, my not be without
Believe I will be thru here by Friday night.
Will wire you when I leave.
Is turning very cold re now and I Sk�tS6e �
michty glad to be back.