1674-24 Warren Harding C December 6, 1920. My dear Senator: Miami Beach has become the real garden spot of the sub-tropics and is es- pecially attractive to lovers of outdoors because the bathing, in the surf or in the great Roman Pools nearby, the eighteen and nine-hole golf courses, the polo, tennis, and, last, but not least, the splendid sport-fishing, all make for health and a thorough enjoyment of every hour. Our new hotel, The Flamingo, is now finished and has been pronounced the most completely equipped and charmingly located hotel in all the South. The Flamingo will open on January let, and I desire to extend to Mrs. Harding and your- self a cordial invitation to visit Miami Beach for as long as your engagements and duties will permit. As guests of Mrs. Fisher and myself at The Flamingo, where a suite will be at your disposal, I assure you that every possible privacy and comfort will be yours, and no overdraft on your time and good nature permitted. In short, your visit will be looked upon as a desire for rest and recreation during the January recess of Congress or during February before taking up the arduous duties of the coming year. There are six hundred varieties of fish in the Gulf Stream adjacent to Miami Beach, and our large express cruiser together with competent guides and ev- erything necessary will be at your service. Leaving Washington over the Atlantic Coast Line at midnight, you arrive in Miami the second morning -- a really enjoyable journey. I trust you will understand the spirit of this informal invitation, and Mrs. Fisher joins me in the hope that Mrs. Harding end yourself with your personal staff will find it possible to come to us. Sincerely yours, (Signed) Carl G. Fisher. ' Senator rarren G. Harding, Washington, D. C.