1674-25 Warren Harding WARREN HARDING TRIP TO MIAMI AREA 1921 Jan. 28 (Friday) --papers report harding due in Miami on Saturday, no later than noon. Coming from Palm Beach aboard the Victoria. It ' s called a houseboat, looks like a yacht to me. In letter written to Warren A. Myers, winter resident who is officer of Robbin-Myers Company, manu of elect equip in Springfield 0, winter home in Miami, and a friend, says he wants "no deonstration; no public function; no parties of any kind. " Only city plans are flotilla to leave resolution of welcome at president ' s yacht when it enters biscayne bay. Herald, Jan. 28, 1921 . Harding in Fort Lauderdale where he received same sort of greeting. Herlad, Jan. 29. Jan. 29 (Saturday) -- Harding' s yacht arrived at 2 p.m. Had lunch at Lincoln Hotel . Docked at Flamamingo but went to Lincoln for lunch; Fisher attended. Then he went to golf course and played 18 holes. Dinner at Royal Palm Hotel. Pretty much left alone. Spent night at Flamingo cottage. MH Jan. 30 Jan. 30 (Sunday) -- Occupied Spanish villa Emanulita (4 bedrooms, 4 baths) Shaved by barber, breakfast, newspapers, mail. Given driven tour of Beach by Fisher, went to aquarium. , Star Island. Then Harding went to Miami Beach Baths. (Roman Pools) After plunge in pool, went into ocean. Press conference: "Your own people here have not yet awakened to the possibilities of this playground of America. The only fault I find with it is that more people haven't time for winter play. Beach of the attractiveness of Miami and Miami Beach, I hope to come here again. Thjis beach is wonderful. It is developing like magic. " MM Jan. 31. (harding had been going to NFla for 20 years. ) Left Sunday afternoon for cocolobo on Shadow VI, Fisher' s new express cruiser. Jan. 31 (Monday) -- Stays at Cocolobo for fishing. Fisher ' s private island 38 miles south of Miami. Club organized in 1915 . MM Feb. 1. Feb. 1 (Tuesday) -- Harding returns at 3 p.m. , goes to golf course. His catch: 2 sail, several wahoo,grouper, jack, cuda,harpooned 600 lb turtle, brought in alive: largest of its species ever caught these waters. Taken to aquarium and put on exhibition. Charlie Thompson. (Jane Fisher version) Washington Star version. Plays 9 holes . Litlte notice that he would attend at dinner at Royal Palm Hotel. Ovation, Star Spangled Banner. At conclusion of night returned to Flamingo villa. MH Feb. 2. Feb. 2 -- Visited early at aquarium.MH Feb. 3 . Harding leaves 9 : 30 a.m. by auto for Ft. Lauderdale. Headed for regular vacation spot in St. Augustine. MM Feb. 2 . Victoria runs aground 10 miles north of Miami. President was playing golf in Lauderdale. Jim Allison' s L'Apache comes up to rescue; Harding joins Victoria before coming off mud.MH Feb. 3 .