Resolution 5199 Urns NO.. 5199 s A W'$CWTIOK AUTSORIMO ?ltiE A ; i : rz- X TAXOBNT DONOR PARK t3"ru 3 i ,i3 CP 'ice girluin tib"' 1t111I�Ex BZACH FLEA OV Th PCO• A r�� ? &(IBTD Zt T1'its ID.1 wHSR7.48, the City siounoil of the City of Mimi Beach, proposes to sake a ok in amid City which is to include the following described property. toiwtt$ Lot One (1) in Block One Hundred ? S3.ve (112), of omn BUM &MAT= no. 4, acwording to the Plat thereof, reeordod in elat leek 3, at page 1551, of t,. ?ublio ''cords of Dade County, Florida; And • it it; necessary that the abode and foregoing property show be acquired by the cur s! gteri Beach for park purposess et MOMS. it is nsoesaary to institute condaistien pro- seedirfge ter the purpose et acquiring std property; ?Hit, le IT MOOLVD by the City wounc it of the said City of Miami doh that said land hereinafter described and set forth in this Resolution is neoeseary and should be so- quired for the purpose of a public park, and that the City Attor- ney of this City be, and be is, hereby authorised and directed to institute the neoeseary legal pl+teeedinge in-the name of the City of Miami Rea& for the soquireiest by said City by eminent of the following cleseribei property, to-mit' r Lot One (1) in Block One Hundred Twelve ( 112), of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION No. 4, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 3, at page 151, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED this / 9 day of Masi, A. D. 1341. OF - Preeiitent of the City Council. ATTEST: Oily Clerk. 4 1 . dog H 1-3 2 �JF� tri0 H"ed Zai o i-3 H Z rN d H 0009 O rPrZt+J H o iV yO � 0,,„ 0 N 0 Oivx 0 N ' • tdrorijLO w 0 tv En I-4 tri 131100 lm0110 IMO 'NV W 1V31 la s e� ,a+.vr7 l��Q •3 "O •X3 s,3.313.uIa �`� c\ '''14 `6t •a ` .x-,�`yN3p\ Nq°`y