1674-2 Estes Kefauver fib '-`4',•.,-.4"-1 ,..0,„..:'''t..4',.- , ....__. _-..,..�.__.,.__y...,,....
2A MIAMI DAILY NEWS, Frida , Jul 15, 1955 Y
By . ,
- MIAnAnd ' G
, ,
F', }
„'. 2-Year Terms Suspended
.X , , For Levitt And Friedman
t ,,§„ Federal Judge Emett C. Choate imposed modest
mr fines for income tax evasion today on two formen,S and
t, i, G gambling synicate leaders after conceding that their g ,.
$<� , illegal enterprise received official encouragement at Mi-
,, Jules Levitt, •de of the five looked upon certain matters with
• S and G, was favor.,
,T t, fined $5,000 and Safi Friedman, The attorney pointed out that
4, v who shared in thelorofits of his the Beach government, in the S
C:, broth , e late Charles "Fried- and G heyday, based its budget
man, was fined$4,0p, on the returns in fines and for-
feitures from the gambling syndi-
The j uspetjded two-year
'. prison sent:aces for both men tate. Cohen said Levitt' looked
V. >, and placed item on prob ',,.;gor upon the gambling as a quasi-
1,. three years „illation� . on le al
g enterprise.
,'t that they wo r, : '.gt federal au- "He never has been engaged
JULES LEVITY thorities in determining what in anything except gambling
Stili •in taxes they actually owe, which is against the law," Co
101.P1 -
hen said.
Judge Choate
Levitt pleaded guilty to a crim- in passing sen-
inal charge of evading payment fence; agreed with Cohen that
on $79,064 in 19.44 but the gov- was a "good man, and
ernment still has a civil claim added:
against him for $1,098,510 in un- "The business of bookmaking
% paid taxes, penalties and•inter- has largely flourished in some
est. sections of South Florida. It
r� The government`claims Fried wrongfully flourished, but never-
owes $455,175, theless, it was encouraged."
,,,a - Judge Choate allowed both Good To His Family
men to delay payment of the Cohen argued that Levitt had
fines until the government allows sent his children to college and
, them to sell assets which have had been an asset to the corn-
,' , been,impounded by court order., munity, and Judge Choate re-
plied that the accused tax dodg-
F Attorney Ben ;Cohen, counsel
" for the syndicate in the clays er had been good to his family-
when its" gambling profits Cohen said all the arguments
` • amounted to millions of dollars he used for Levitt applied equal-
Y �„ a. year, pleaded that both men ly to Friedman,
were the victims'of a local gov- Levitt and "Lucky Eddie" Ros-
ernment policy which counten- enbaum are the only survivors
anted gambling. among the five original syndi-
`k � € Fines Budgeted ca_te partners, although several
others, including Friedman, were
+ /� > Levitt, he said; was an instru- cut in for shares of the huge
F•IEDMAN men- of a law enforcement poji• take.
$4,000. Fine cy at Miami "Beach "which The syndicate went out of busi-
ness after_a Chicago racketeer
muscled in for a share and the
situation was exposed by Miami
newspapers and Sen. Estes Ke-
fauver's c7tp18, .v •,,
committee. ; t - ;