1674-11 Charles S. Krom 1/13 (l _
is ��� ����� ������� Along Somebody sagely remarked;
` THE FLAMINGO, C. S. Krom, Mgr.Rami Beach,each, Fl®rich With the Gondolier summer, when the trans(
I; _ ___ __ _ _ __ — nental invasion began, that
y; THE NAUTILUS, George Krom, Mgr. sibly our Semitic and econo,
I KING COLE, William Gale, Mgr.
CARD OF THANKS brothers had just realized
IPL THE LINCOLN, B. Lundberg, Mgr. This head does not refer to a Miami was closer than Jerusi
. — —
sudden demise, but merely indi- However, one enligh'
!i THE GONDOLIER cates the post mortem gratitude brother was heard to remal
fil of The Gondolier to Mr. Fiske, pub- he started his long trek back 1
Dorothy Parmer, Publisher and Editor lisher of The Call of Miami Beach, that it was a darn sight mor
Madelyn Horne, Business Manager who so kindly loaned us the cut pensive.
• of the inevitable palm appearing
The Gondolier last week on page eighteen of our
tiGlides forthmaiden issue.
Due to the stress of organizing, Massachusetts publishes a
;1 On its maiden voyage, composing, editing, and supervis- story concerning the heirs of
Laden with entertainment ing volume one, number 1, pleading come Skinner who have inhi
.1,:1 with temperamental artists, stern land on which former leaseh(
Reminisence, engravers and implacable printers, spread a lake to be used
1And harmless fun. getting across the causeway at the auxiliary reservoir. The
wrong time, suing the telephone adopted a law prohibiting th(
��'' May its cargo bringconferring with adver-
icompanies, ing, and the present owners c
1: Happy thoughts, tisers and photographers, instruc- land, who are ardent sport
:,� ing night shifts in the absence of and keenly desirous of fishi:
g1. Pretty phantasies, foremen, attempting to cope with their own lake at their owr,
! such Miami problems as embar- venience, now demand tha
And, buried deep
.' goes, insufficient equipment, state remove the artificial,
4°: Perhaps the sparkle shortage of help, and diverse other from the land, as without fi
,..i.I Of a tiny gem, unexpected and delicate duties, we permits, it is useless to the of
completely forgot to insert the Undoubtedly Florida has k'
;G If you search! magic words "By courtesy of—" a big influence, perhaps si
1`1' clay the tinkle of la,tyhte, under the inevitable palm picture, sciously in this little tale,
!!r . and we hereby render public where else have lakes been
tl; And music follow it apology in the hope that Mr. Fiske and lakes been removed wits,
PI, As it glides forth may understand and forgive, inas- ease and celerity as in this i
11'..1 .1 much as he shares, in common ible state.
'i On its peaceful adventure.
11iwith us, a multitude of similar
i •
, And may there be griefs and tribulations. ON CORRECT NAME:
- P. S. Request was made by
Little after-ripples young business manager to insert Nothing in the world a!
',i' "and editor" along with "tempera- our ire more thoroughly t)'
Of pleasant memories
mental artists." have our name misspelled,
;ii,L,: '; Of a pleasant season evitably happens. One fe(
'i — suited, somehow, and such
i�'j ; In its wake. take assumes the proportion
;iii,I THE ULTRA SMART personal affront.
1, According to the opinion of the So, when The Gondolier, tl
�!..� { society reporter on one of Miami's compulsory haste or typogr;
,,, ; The Gondolier will he distrib- local weeklies, the ultra-smart error, misspells a name cE
:I: uted gratis to every guest room people are those who "Know how personage on the register of
i,,,,;,: in the four Fisher hotels. to drink the most and wear the social columns, the humilia
1:,':',1 Additional copies, wrapped for fewest clothes in the nicest way." felt even more keenly on o!.
1 ,:i!� mailing may be purchased at the —Possibly the acceptance of this than on that of the innocel
:l hotel newsstands at twenty-five definition is largely accountable tim.
I , cents per copy. for what's wrong with Miami. Which doesn't help an i,�l,
1:1Page Eight
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