1674-18 Morris Lansburgh r •
�dlll.l1111•g 4 .al ;Illlllleyll
1 n \r('gas 1�or IVl 1 =`.'laiunn
1!•rr.i I mil..r. h ha Rap.) nlyhvlob and dining room an.1
ill 7ifE 111A111 NESS. 1me..1 ltenh R. 1'001_ r a '•tar rl:;7,,...
ru l..n.lwgh non hnomrs t4
I^1 xi•h,,,,,,,,,,,,%,...:-
non,,%,.nt Ir.U:d ha tarp rt butte of earer6enrnl
J1. Pwl hast of tle Ybm:n•., I^lie wen N.)te
Hotel Dead ar On •vies a `•� a'pp~e.er
11!n4.7:q.Ire and partner Sam Ile Ikaunlie,lareadtn,&er•
(den altr0,1 tlr rutrarI and A fl eanrnr,CnahUra and
By RUM (LULLS a I.aruhwGh hotel, era In S•ie to ti a tie duel oil try, a are azar,.,[r!raranre e,!rte II. hani(-noel re Miami lash and
brut urapon. rrnv d.onge Ly Sr,rb slate har a tennrrlG01 a.�h tla
NO(lir Isnslvrgh b gong U mart la6ng:ea tots In a;.ra6rj _. _"— o1LNal+. tr"a n.
Lunch.II.and the Yremh earrement hoe put acute roer5•ka1 f M\i ���II Jerry Cor •
nrgotlet Ions ler him to take vier operation d I.o T<h:a son Ile The Ylam(nge la a ell roowl' �''nanapp"l t1,e
r1"a wail gambling c a sl a e, o ileo a, wodl le In. charge
Ill,leu• the Slartaus In Caen. and Runt m Site. Mud le o!the I'I.mingo.
WS tiled reached Miami Peach talay. ion........ .._._;_______:_...—
All that la repined iaelteg Is Ironing art a 1.. dr.
'deters and algaUg et tle ppm.if Mere Is u lad chew
hitch,the►react Rh Gra re le alert.d dui eke hotel MINI
an rte quid akeura of M.Meaner,a•eaa alit ha instated
lam the atmaephrre el NWd Reach.
/don',and his att.Jean..I:h one el his partneri,Sam
Cohen,and Jerry Gordon,maaag.ng drecta of th.Cuag:soea,
Lainsburgh: 44.,4 s\ i usy
Morris Lanabugh, saki to operate the
steles imaged chain d atrictty resort ....:., -r'`S '• ' r,";
bouts,Is a source of wonderment to penpia ,. .
who know him well and to those who know
him only by reµilallon. . •s' .
At the at111 young age of 42.he Is pend- ,,{I :•L• w•r.
dent d Miami Reach's Aaeieted Hotels, !*t
'''+ '
osiors and operators d the Deau,iCe,
Sherry Frontenac, Sana Soud, Versailles r -
ard Casablanca. Now, with his partners, r .4,,,,?t, .� .
Sam Cohen and Dar Utter,Mr.teoa'wgh be.? f w %-Jt,/'•d' -
ts branching out again. As of Jure I,tie t �* Gr js'/,t[1jg
NRAI(will mune control of!tie Flamingo
Hotel In Las Vegas.
_ A typical working day In the Ste el the • • �'. ,t, "'
i --- go-getting Mr. Lennburgh begins anti his ^'1.y .�� !L,
arrival at his headquarters in the Sana Send .y
Beach Pair I around s:IS a.m.it.chscks oavpancp fig.
, 7 fm
urea and the previous nijhlancml state. •, • t r L
Bus Vegas _M'
Y Then he makes the rends of his other `' yt'yie
•Flamingo i hotelsHe cotter,with various managers, :� .fit ,
and partners.on such,nmpleaitles as mall-
•1NUm1 Belch hotel inert Na- (mance. Furth.. of fixtures •rd furdsh. .
.a Ianabur+h"4 t",,am QTRI� lop and the "Ute"from nigh dub per- •
I burl
lewd:nark i forrrancra. ,t!! • .
' to Ineir Mtdinga Wednrdal Associates report that Mr.Uvbagh I, •
when they sure-hared the galosh: "met with a barrage of phone tells end'or.
Ttamingo stout for all million •
gent'meuagei'at each of his stops.In his s
tweet this.he outlines the dej a activitiesh
dollars. ' -'
• ?lie sales agreement signed; an!projects for the week with other menu .
Pert.provid-a that the present) bets d his staff. :
owners, retvcsented by L o a i Then be has■"quick lunch"at the Dear Morrie Lansburg11
Angeles dee/o for Al Po:vu+, with coffee slop,his last the atop( e mora �"'"� wr.Awwrw
veil turn tie famous 'Strip'i ing. Despite his heavy work load•Mi.Lacs
hotel over to it ret,ngh and;
He spends most of his afternoon at ba. burgh finds nim.for civic and oototsonity
• Cohen e,b. their new hotel.com1 y Sans Said where he U surrounded by k!e. work.He was rrtentty designated Fru-fent
obtains the nemssary line i
�nnr.sand M•trtainment licenses'
phones,amplifying systems,aides end vier of the newly formed Miami Reach Hotel
m'aeeooa. resides—answering questions Sod lasting Motel Conference and frequently Ls Mire
Ci) Instructions. In political campaigns and timd'rslstng
The 4I rarer remises M
ti famous for:t.casino ata the He usually jolty his wile Joon and elf!. drives.
Sane Trek and Homyviond. .I drew.Ellen,Leonard and Mickey.for din. Boating and fishing are his principal
e.•-1 pal erIettal.meol I(ntre ea. art at their Pine Tree Drive residence. reations and,when time permits,he likes
Uta he returns to one of his hotels for U fish the Gulf Stream.:here is a shy
C'= Lars urgh am' Coder own meetings or social getherinp.ilia day um to-shore telephone on his boat. a Int-tor
rwere,erate th ..e Denite.Cat. ally doesn't end before t a.m. • mute evidence of work-nway:rommwork.
_ a tr l e n e a. Sherry F•ronteree.
reruif:es sod Saris Roses In..
te,all or Miami &web.CO,.
Fen also mons the Crown Ito•ei I
on the Peach.
• Jelly G.rdon.not manning•
' director of the Casabi.nca.1.01
become ge.nerai manager of the
Flamingo,with no charira In
the rent of the lutein per.
sonnet.la••sixugh mid