1674-28 Morris Lansburghimmismimpow $1.15,OOO C l.SE Beach Hotelman 1,, afellA Suit Perjury Suspected The' re far Morris wner. J yHotelmen Won't lou Bevil hold saner. r ed a Circuit Court suit , asa C motor, after'. Circuit Judge.Ray Pearson is studying An expert witness,Robr't Collins,testified • Reach n lmest refused a 16! whether to ask foe a perjury Investigation of during the nine-day trial that ended yesterday Be Investigate t,i million cut N assessments 4l testimony in a son is ahlch Robert Richter th. the stationery,,,,,de by his fano 11 6 KB Lansburgh's\Pflatel comms. lintel Inc,won $115.(O verdict Icm hotel operators Senrris lansb r d Uaniel Litter. Drew Co., was manufactured from hand- ors Lansburgh's ell are valued engraved plateslin me. • b on Ire city bwki al a total d1 Judge Parson said he asked the court re- For Perjury f7119,S.i4.Attorney(Dung pea - fo porter r a transcript of the testimony c1 In the suit,the Richter family charged th^t nsaiddhe w, ofn N✓9 cut to, Robert Cohen,a bookkeeper, and a nephew ' L nsborgh and Liner,who leased the old lade; • • Joseph A.Richter,before deciding whether at Scot Collins Ave., violated the IN. by Comm Judge Ray Pearson today refused to order a pettily • (here u[;rrumL to ask titans Attorney Rich- investigation against Miami[each hotelmen Morris LanaMrgh Rich- p,,,,4 exp,,,,,„. damnging furniture, im- j and Gerstein for an Investigation' properlroomm g g properly building a card room noel drama and Daniel Liter noel an <mpic}[of IhdrJ}"FlIE•111�•M71a► le•Itmony Ina damage vain. The pssfble Ie,estigatlen !s hc.d on and carrying away trees and shrubs. The Robert Richter Hotel Inc. Sa Irom the two whether letters by,often to lanabur w� years 1s71X'd,sbmen in a trial before Pearson{n Pebr (� Mee fa the 1711-t75t were urgh and Litter leased the hotel from �.1^; mot eoaadactared aatd tniw. flex.1 1:52 to Apri:m,1959. — damagedThe Richter family claimed this now demolished Betake. while under lease to Lambargt.and Lifter. Following the stormy,II-day trial,the Richter,'attorney, George Baja,sought a perjury probe or contempt enation. In turning him down,Pearson noted"the biWuness whirls has now existed for mora time between family mimbers.bull• nese associates and former close Wends.". • • • • ,"L__ A_1HE MIAMI NEWS. Friday, Nov:Y0. 1961 its 0t/ 2 0 1964 Beach Hotels In Jet ,Veal NWeBy LARR aB GER las jets will b In time for the be need to brio occupancy, wakeen LOW t9r7.<A wrote reason. t C Passenger`and Ass anbelkvpie"response b pancy,for eight days and r One of Mani Beach's top lot t mors Ikach,both summer AswrIMM's tow.coal. W '4.:'"'nights. ' lei:ren.....-ed t o d e y hi, P rr 'd t b[ Iwe DC2i w t in[hChe t`In tsar package'no. �nsbn'gh Said ht rY I LanshuPerot a I 1 group hat tinted an order.a y4'i� •°t" to acemvmo. shpt' operates catL,na be' sogd v rharfse i't•`' = 1s grcopSo mg the 'sore than Interp guests a) °k c y t''''an with en aortae,a m,Viat. pnaengen.w10 be fu the D<aurdle. Sam scud, groups over the page tee orotic, t7R u;,rnmng"Inter aeaw..at {,a-„ hey leo new aperjets to bring Iii rry Pm raenae,Crown, Ver- by sewn Miami Peaoh hok4 ty rt ,,r" - E lontej here. ,. Laruburgh sad his group,M sarllea. C'-'4."7'44"`,..,,._..:. satr:anra and sots.- o a lied 'aifimty" proup, "h14' the..(finny group plan. v '- % I • - and Rod's Associated Hotels My mels on Mian Bra h and such as Boat R'ril Flo ores, t�gfORla la our^h, president Inc.,is buying the aircraft v.sift the Flamingo rot Iso Vegas. Khs ant,rad Knigh:a of Pythia7, fo 4tsap(y for atsek a eharlrt, tel will be Sown to Miami P.exl a V:P'7,1"`tavern mtut be qil Sc.. raid delivery rat ire two Dor P Tract •International t oral Afrboea He said the cooperative p r• in thg,uprooming stasoo for a-'''''''';`—'''''"::""b7":: ou fide member of a poo .' ^s yr s8 w:h the ors standing they will chase was ceased by the'aF sow a 7179 per pions•dauSire prior ua orgknbarbo sop we 1 —_-__ Prfxlpal laonlw 4 oM kaveL It was indicated Lhat Assad- . ..ted ttotels In warkin g with TiI beaux, s t being in the an.- ,line business,it cannot,operate -the planes, • • • I The ao-ea➢ed"pj ^jrd not" ' MORRIS IAPIG*GIS. M now being dntgxd pf -monad Iltee Areead i L Dcvtptas oto that major ahtaes' and man-scheduled nen-len ens LANSBURGH- � � Cera a r Zoog. TOPS AGAIN l ice. raw . Ixa' ar Resist 7A eu carry 6 rY' Morris Lrmstereb. Miami o I paaaragety. By slmu'y anisates Tach hotel operator,today was ester mlasw rhos d ' . named one of the 74"bees:t , be awl dressed' raw in aloe Unr m. I le add �P tom[m mw>Hre she obd. States for the seand The list 4 leased yet. I Reportedly, the Mkup Ise-I ��` !tween Aaxrtted sod TIA Iv by the Custom Clothiers Awe-' I heeded by Kirk twit.eon,pas elation. Fansbnorgh won in the I been two yeas a the matin,I "business"category. 1 reported menthe bark,tt pad been The K-year-oldI reported that Lana'burgh was lysshtle0 I pleomog to purchase the ear• took the boniness category ice rte. il the errand earoevire time. N'ith Larashurgh a Aasodated Last November he replaced ace paelmsn Sam Cohen and }roger Blcugh,GS steel load not Liber and ILa ho S. chairman,in nkat division, Less r(AUGI hMeb ettratt,mot ae tourLct go UG 519.34 (t Miami Beach than any other 1 lintel group. >r vrrweaa. • • • p.