1674-31 Morris Lansburgh • -t
Bandits Invade Lansburgh
0 T 3 1955
ry MILT n(MI. 76.7 44(1 hod much. ('vert .Mwtly alter tt p m, door of h4 I,nm spored,kwl7. pl.lod w h4 hurl and Its mlw
.w..+'n raw.w'.. '(hey oe belineA a fay.ran Two men walked in:ones big r d a swltcM�iade kohl.in a
W.lvah. prnidrnt d Ural by facing 4e,a beds( me.M ler(mhand -
7.e_ ._,hanAde ievand Mand Nacb AtaaUled Hoe4 glass dvre(wing o.dr wake mnon—eh sot a feet UIl art ., ,ariwore•heal rtonak tht
�/k Ihr hnm�.f MaafiL CiS U H W t'eaw,ahem IAt lug •ay. other a l tie sit vo pod l g oe ; 1 to 7, male foam a
lyi+] Mlam Oar nd�--lug 1�Kar an Merest U the Plamfnaa other a little shorter And L(Mer. m 0 II.Y.a�h mn.k hwt
�aala Irl m.el m ekreL Foweth.yea-a41 Ate key a {allow e p
'k✓ '� hit a!ar.t.mDlyhanlyd dun Lambeth we.wwhmg tekvl- The hemr47 man,the boy told OM rW.for eyeholes.
.• (,, Jy horn= mm 1sn.brel mod he I•.holdup men got into slop le his ram err the toy Detective Sgt.Jack Webb and , Ial and 1 da a
' *.,. two eadd-,m caps:..w tory the mmetory oat.rlron4 Nan. of IM Mau., he Mid Miami Detectives Kenneth toning and ...= rye floe wdF .,
Ellen to.lembsr noel.!rho Mm..la etre. at KIM Poe Tres fit.on ladtan Beach detective., when the nonny Schoenberg.hada Mark 1;;,..,Ih Utgor of tit.two rtwn
_.._._--___.----_--- — -- —. T— 1,44 Mickey.Ht.cnmpankm left
OA room and returned momenta
Lb with the[my.Mater,Lb •
t le.,A,in night attire,
I Whole one of the men re.
matted on guard In Mickey's
roes, the other went to the
newer bedroom in which Mra,
WMurgh wag asleep. .
A for m menti later,apps•
may following • timetable,
Wkk.p and Ellen were adapt
Ito their mother's bedroom.
W..Lanthorgh and he chg. -
• dm nor.told In tie far.um; •
u s bot,Then ora of the ben
ding asked, "Withy are the I .
. *vele" `
lira pointed In■ i -;i:•`',.. `
dieser on rhirfi were a Ming •-
of cultured porta and gold IS, < -
bottles,Agate the bandit re- r „ r
raced,"No,the Jewel.”Mrs.
fralurgh told him her vain.
.tk gems areiea sot dm. i ":' :.
w .' •
A sea at the Edon itae lkdei, -
Then the intruders parched a
. the drew.drawers sod imp. I
Eking About YO or cash,The 1
Mwi'd with lb.knit.carefully ;a,
sot the cord of the telephone on
Mrs Lanabrglia night fable, reverts..h.,
but left Intact another tela Orme 1 MORRIS LANSBUROl4
a Ito leer away, .I .lJ,1�.1 11
They left at mom alat r y/y ✓.
wsrrJlrR tee"le any Uro.A t O fici ra�
I lar minw+a Wcr yMrs.h Lan' l/I, HY /C
t tes()g satiated they had kik '�f t�• '
eve bar,I.l.piwncd palm. • In Fair ax. o
(Junket Plan
I By KennethM..nBpid
Co.tno magnate Morel.Lan'
b.p...etend uvt VOFT'
• an expense-tree trip to Lae
�Vege.W•gram of Fairfax of.
LBeall,Mere of whom accept'
1,e4 his ho•pitatity Wt torero
Bet pp.rre J rite public
ttIe that followed that tour•
•time-Jau.e hn male officials
t ' or .
basitatt.' '. ''
Last,,ear's deligation In
eluded four County .upert4
ca,:the Fairfax City
{rCemy ehltY oanolem,mone
city maagir -
,• 'wraith e sttornry.• nburgh told reportm-.
las fite.ember than he defib '
crater ehoaee-paddle Mfg
I,Is all ever the eonntr for
his peblktt7 Notate because1-.
•lpeople 11te le go when their .
ead., are going" • I 'a ..
The.eteey:Meufa engraved.
. - tnvlLa W tbthe-"Fabulous
�tplarttup Ione 4 with are for 7•chartour er I
.-Dells Jetliner out of Fees3
IIaldp\trpert at 6:43 p.m.
if they go Nle teeny;Fair
foo Cly Mayor 1 Pr 0i o0
t predicted to
lase nine eo -
( Pehluod raid i polliry ee.
.!ether., adopted by
jailer last year's eronimlon,
prevents pubik otfklsU from
areenM tiany
gift that coal •
"Forget It,"sold Supenis
"Joseph Alexandre. lie sod
naldrratinn of the county'.
jb Agra end •"henry season
;for Maine's"at his hardware
'tore are forcing him to de •
'cline to repot his lost year'.
�tCSupertlame Sloert T.DrBell,
who went Inst time,raid he er
not eeived an Invitation.
Supervisor John P.Parrish.
Ia veteran of two Los Vega.
trips et 1.:neburgh'.exprnio,
(said be would"find It dlfii-
1cult-to make this one,
Other. who Jolned let
rep's delegation could not he
'erohed for comment ynter-
• "1