1674-38 Morris Lansburgh • • ` • :> . • /'4.A TE MA11 HA1D FrL,Much 26,1671 rs■ 26l91• 2 Hotelmen, Lansky Indicted in Gaining Probe The panel Jwy and Uat In Ute peat,ward off,, connected st the owners n• Leleure Cop.,and title trans• man who her Intern(' la • ClIZED Zee.ln end Puler !wiped cl.ls have speavleted that tuns"But en operator mid fared M 1667 to Kirk Keko• MGM studio, and Western pout tarp le eeftd a 49 hidden casks°per Ba Matte-I lee could be reached through nen,s Lea Angeles business. Airlines, • mime,'lIlOn Y said they alUmn+ed vont, to I, K• ally came beck to ted slab. another number which was I— _ • wen tonsldenng "poteibN total of the ad..,and mars,either through overseas answered by a woman wh( ,erjury chops' Wiest a investment Bank dSwitzer. Investments or Nmuglk a/ld the wr Poller',lough•\ • • one•tlma emote of the amp land whmb had bee,opened • ho 'Nana"from Swiss!solea V l to' ' toruof the Penin Fol,Albert 9. undation at the Miami Natioael Bank U.S.coryhntbnt roller U in !rail"fns a once beadedun Othat .mounu. Sari pant few weeks.'the woman saki. by Supreme said,went directly to Swtt. Pollees Miami eek phot, The hotel was puohated by • Court Justice WNiam 0. erla°d. has beta 'temporarily die-,lira Kerkorian Interoatbnel Deugds, Parrm testified before the ,... . Miami Grand Jury concern- ing the sale to 1660 of the' hotel to the nam Ca • ceded by Cohan and Lam. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT • • • attorneys MAS1naa of M• am!and Robert Thalia/of U, eggs,said Pantie tea • - • Verney hen contradicted his unsworn rtatenta to cow burgh, 4 grebnal Investlpmra wit, • • were chxkiog on Dougiu last year. , g« m • permission frau Cohen Free e U.S.U.S District t JudgeC . Cycle Atkins Thursday to re. vial Penrryy is', aateed/may 1 • Home the Moe 7f adIcWy`on. On Bond . mktea tavestlptor'-to When Pan mid the hoed for SI1 minion,Lasky got a . 62116,000•Melees fee."ant By MARGARE7'CARROLL j Fah used a portion of the P.M MM wenn.ra proaed to hely Mona the Dapper Morris tansbargh I. f I� and his f Sam -- JUSTICE,DOUGLAS hu seemed of cone Irl, denied that be knew Lanky Lia Vegas p g to hide that racketeer las V from Unek 3,6i a Sam,w 0 r• foundation that conoectIon wl.aor ith taw rendered Friday and were re. his 6200,000 or. Install- ,' hued on 6100,000 motel.• :sat bash. Lou bonds. _ . Linsley—,ad(di old pal The Miami Basch men Ne late Baty west.—had were Indicted by a federal as Interest In the corporation I Jury In • { that bunt the betel and ad I e dayalongwith Miami racketeer 4 and oar the vern . � n nye Lasky was•prv,cip.t Meyer[angry and tan W . Mai Flamingo Co.when the Vegas residents,Sam Betide alleged"'egal gambling and and Jerry Gordon.. • taidodetng took place. AU.ME accused of plot. • j T,lildd profits,according ting to promote Illegal pm• to government sour"west! king activities at ted Flamm• Into Swim bank acootmt; - p Hotel and Cadno during and went beck Into areata• the 19001., tics to this j country n tones• �, L 713 LYDICTM NT Is meat, r defendants antini to the govern. tics • • I. {[,ite�e i based on the we of 1 o t e r. Fleming*Co.,a Ono oniric! f 4 4;-. date travel and ammonia•I ca Lenbugh and Cohen('slid. • tion to promote a gamblingsecreted between 614 million enation considered Wept end 616 mI.11on In'profits • m Nevada.II oiled l anvtya• ' over a seven•year period • hidden Interests m the hoe. when they win running the es ntolatbn of Nevada Incswank casino,a - • at well es lwome unreported 7T.e skimming off of prof. to either the Nevada Gaming • It.to avoid U.S.and Nevada CcmmUnlon or the United - taxes,plus unskya hidden , State. ' The lndhtmeet said that I • among t on6mhlitht'ga �ereat In the niaw vlo- when L.nsbvgh and Cohen gallon alleged H De indict-. were selling lire FLmfap rent prepared by the U.S. Hotel m ted Ln 11100x.they Justice Department. Oras- . cat proept tlr.byes know{ n'md Crime Bureau. that"approdmetely 12 sone r • Bon yearly In unreported pro-i ON FRIDAY,U.S.Magi'• tads from the Flamingo...l trate Michael Caron told ' would be available atter Lao-; Lanaburgk and Cohen he wan • slay had b e e e paid" his• reducing the 6100.000 surety 1200,000 in tush i°sack set •iter the Indict. • TWO Pg�ppe Miamiwent to $100,000 ee ognl• men,Rubles Zero and(m once bond' —meaning a Pellet,both es•offkerr In the! es•m°nay-down release for Mums National Book,helped both men. ballyioc.the adwming peed Lansburgh,51.and Cohen, • bootee to get a better price 61,who dttllxA comment on for the hotel,the goverment the Irdktment on RmM''in• • eakL striation,have to limp their 'ZMIn end Potter were bury grave!to South rood,. Chen Imonmity from prosy. Both min have extensive • cation In calcars for tattoo- hotel interests. In Miami • • rayl the Grand Jury. Brack and the Dahamaa. According to the govern- ment.they had as Interest la Flamingo Co.The indictment listed Nem as •unindicted co-c°oapinmro'Cott with the tau Cheat.:Simms,wis • once managed the r tamiogo.