1674-39 Morris Lansburgh •
Lansht,r ,h's •
Personale tv--
All Extremes
mow nae avant quer holdings.n 019 to hop
• flowing low rain the the Strnhavrn WWI at the
g waist. flashing a taothfut Beath and prrneeded to put •
,mile and brimming with together 9 passel rd package
courtliness, !dptng_ m• tours pitied at white•calur
burgh made his way throng workers.Ile then hired his
fill pe'Taple•packed mom din. herd.selt promoters and the
• Ing room al a cruise ship. blot was on the Beath.
"How are you,So good to When World War It came
see you again."he purred as along,fansburgh leased the
• he passed by. At many ta• hotel to the U.h.Army and
isks, Lansburgh stnppe,l, red b n,list.A miser plata
greeted Ma guests by their In his head.the result of a
that names,exchanged a few layho d Mi ytk accident,
comments, bowed low and kept him nut.Ile bided Ma
moved on. time slung Swiss watches.
In 194S, lansburgh was
• 711E GENIAL last—and bank on the Beal h and,with
• owner—of Miami Beach's a partner.bought the Van. g
largest chain of Welt plug a .ierbdt Hotel. your years
couple In the Bahamas was later,at the ap of 32, ba •
making his appointed rounds. leased the hotel and an.
He was enjoying end bing nounced hl+retirement
enjoyed. For a year.he and his wife,
"Isn't he the skeet manr Jean, loured Europe, and
a bejeweled rd be•tmnked then returned In their dome
matron confided to her es. on Pine Tree Drive at the
cork"So cavalier." Beach.
A fellow hotel owner Is The father of three came
less kind to the Se-yeahoid out of retirement in HdiO
lanaburgh:"Morels U eat of with a vengeance and began
the shrewdest baiinesemen to acquire the hotels that
around.Mei gni a fantastic today make up the Asaoclat•
mind for facts and figures.I ed Hotels Inc.They Include
wouldn't de badness with the Eden Roc,the Deauville•
hum for any reason. I'd be the Sana Soud sod the Sher.
sure to maw out on the short ry Frnntenaa
While Lvuburgh has been HIS NEWEST acquisitions •
playing the convivial host to are the Kings Inn and the In.
his Beach botellub,a federal ternatlonal Hotel In Freeport,
Grand Jury in Miami has Grand Bahama bland.
been ins estigating him. The Ir,the process he built up a
Jury Thursday charged him, red:•of long•bme devoted
his partner Sam Cohen nod employ.%and a column or •
racketeer Meyer Lanky of two of devout enemies. ids •
ploUsng to skim more than also earned millions and took
• 511 m•iion from r ' as a two•year fling at a member •
casino of Miami Beach's Tourist De. •
velnpmenl Authority.
SINCE 711E evenly tanned, The strong, personality •
/ dapper dresser descended on cl sh of Lanseurgh and they •
the Beach in 1939 to make a T A Chairman Ben Norace,
market for LSe medium•ln- F .latreblau Hotel miner •
come vacationer,he has di- a d Lansburgh's biggest •
sided his arg.sa.nlanne. est eropetitor,evenlaaliy retull•
two camps: on, ed In the replacement of that •
him a se that hate hi porky with a sev:•n.^oem•
Wlleta Morris gh. porky
inada• •rom•Baiti• 1 larsburgh threw the same
more,is concerned,there is enormous tongy oto the
Bill,reiddkerouod.His is a TDA as he displays in open
oallgr of ea,emem. sting his hotels.Novak d:d
can be not de- the same.When the trots*,egna
mind esasper. clashed,the explosion virtu-
sting.He can also be witty, ally abut down all TDA open- •
generous,charming and pa- scions for slit nvmths.
tient. "He demands the impossl-
Leheheehh,who resemhk, ble. He wants tomorrow's
a tipsy cherub when he turns work done yesterday. He
on his full charm and widest thinks everyone should exist
grin,got his start in the II. on two hours'akep. Yet I
quo business as a eekeman wouldn't work foe anyone
for hi,father's small distil. else," SAYS Dow Lansbu gh
bray. employe.
. Dishesl5�ial:e ta c arperaters Roll Out of Town.
Earn willing In . with a public Is Mn .Mated when This Agreed to accept pm rated pay. ^f people were lured away fromsorar [w
I The Carpenter;ease Of the w. 1!,.�Inver charge I. hear tye:l or. s."said the learn',manag. client for the Iwo nights they per. the Eden Roc by dnnnnen who
[iMY 1 Ra. at thetwenk Cal Pren 4 or.Sherwin Rash "A very clear formed,car about 111,000. were Instructed to tell arriving pa-
cap singing acts,reneek-d *tare Saturday were told he lie and important clause in our ion• Vire President Stese Delmont I:^n.that the show bad been pw.
the remainder of their nine-day no were ill. trait rotab.ti sense Iona five s.el that on opening nicht Bash cete'd.
i engagement at the Eden Roe Hotel BRUNETTE Karen Carp ester minute%hef we she shc'o begins did rod want to pey the minimum lansburgh said he had no .
and nem bark to Cabinrnu Sun. complained.`I almost forgot se through the show,toed Weeds." for we guests and threatened to Plans to bring M substitute eater•,'
day alter ' e with hotel words during`(bite In You,"hs The problem was taken to cancel Ike second show. talnment this week.
car ns Iamnu rtnae a wader came up to a front I.,nabun.,who refused to stip I ansl.urgh said, "We don't Richard.youngest of Ihe three•
young bfhCZtranbsi.ter table and prewintcd a sheik sere .repine, hetween the first and have to he threatened to get an It IMO Grammy Awurd.winnlnt•
eank and their 11ns
ember Irnupe. noy to a run.After the mom .todlace arrond show
I pahe• est cm our Hirt.Not that man team,said:"We can corm In w
barged[anaburr,in:h fading to saw:to shear.I don't think he csurdej. pn.pl.seamed to bear Ihem any. noisy mom and it doesn't make
Ina op to the contra.t by permit. could es I^Y any omit' The grn•,p s emirs.) hat way." any difference to us.We still pee
ling pony lob's entre by waiters 'Tie Carpenters ate qu"te ruled for a$S0.000 tee.Snore s R11 ORE THE sslrculed n m. pad.But we honestly belles.ike
and bus boa during th.El, wol.Karen and Richard feel the said Sunday.hot the Ca p r.
rlrnlr f show bunchy,about i50 radnab people desenw better."
14?? 3 i972