1674-53 Morris Lansburgh 0
` , den p HocCasuu) 7f s
1 ni pr•oper�
C0ar .I ppointe"d-Receive
s?]r 1 ��(LyeS
By RICHARD MORIN dal '' •%
NICH N II WMMO lion, if accepted by the court, will Beach(resortYea has operated at a 10�
The den Roc Hotel improperly aseer
no rt the ottetheprreceivership
in recent years.
contribu•.d$49,040 to help finance for the amount of the donations.
the campaign to legalize casino Let's Help Florida records show
that the Eden Roc is theamong vas the fcur
gambling,the hotel's c°urt•cppoint. "THEY ARE improper. in my top Contributors to casino cart-
ed receiver said Wednesday. cpinion —no question about,fiat,^ tons from
m Gold Coast
by contriSu-
K- ncth Weil, a Miami lawyer. said Weil. who in ;97 was a tions October Gold i975,the Eden
saiu h.!has drafted a letter inform- pointed receiverorF• Since a ed the rRoc
ing the hotel's operators that those and other assets of the hotel's dthe Eden Rne- has Seen operated
contribclin ns "are not authorized time ownet,Barbara Garfinkle. called the by creditors
and requesting that no such pay- "Lansburgh group," in-
and r P 3 Hotel ofifcials declined to com- Lauding Sam Cohet and Mickey
Weil be
he will formally urge a d• oeat ns ns toW dne day pro-casino about Lcostrib Mickef r,sold
qederal bankruptcy judge to :We Florida committee. Mickey's fathtr,sold the Eden Roc
that the campaign payments from Inose donations, i•..,pcin a to Ga;tinkle in 1973.
Slingthe Eden Roc were improper oiler- for $17,500,ala•ere made even 1973 it the I 4-million Flamingo
expenses. That recommends- though Cie taut-fashionableionable Miami Hotel SAM
ast o sk skimming operation in
Las Vegas that was:inked to mob-
t7 ster Meyer Lansky. Skimming-is
the illegal removal of casino profits
before th ...are-tame
Morri lansbur h was con-
a 0 casino skim-
ming case.Both lforrtc Lansburgh
and Cohen served a year in prison.
Lanky, who became one of the
nation's most powerful organized-
crime figures after secretly invest-
r, ing in Las Vegas casinos, was 1.1-
dieted with Lansburgh and Cohen
on the skimming charges.But Lan-
sky, considered by authorities a,
the mastermind of.sophisticated cap
42.,p,,,..JfJ&Os ICY.
Eden Roe Pa. i let s_
Called Ulla ilt1 •�zeci. .
—�� - - I
-------------- � faUIN PAC A �
name'�grl,Jt`r;_.;•Oc to the r t.a.
s°no!cx frauds,escaped �sln.of`rx ' �s a legit mate opera n1
doctor testified thaetrialht not p
snows the stress of court proven improperly contributions
ut of Aotel revenues or 1
trtgs borrowing for the hotel*y the o
Lansburgh's son and his a i- eraors." Weil W.I. "Those contnii-
ates have been "caret iter buttons are r;
tors"of the hotel under t PEfa- logex x legitimate ' peri.
court-approved a re uiof a expenses- underagreement
terms of the
ing them to turn o m regtttr. operating agreement
from the S to to the eh l profit::
rfits "IT IS �,Y position !hat i?•,y
P• should nut be allowed to tack them
will bOdErrEtb RN to creditors eventually into any lien claim against
Y hetes of the eventual ethe the
hold more 15 million In liens hotel," he said. 'it is my
against the / tkt;t the contributions position
milit°n the el -- IncludinbgrSh right out of thr (the aeperaos)
to theme g own
(,,roup.coo records she w. Wefit also
ern urn Arty le nitrate operating losses Hyman to alb;act thefie ino con.ask
Wed to the hotel may be trans• tributions from anyfuture p
e Lansburgh gr••up into the hotel may earn while managed
liens alnst money from the eaen• profits }
fust le of the hotel. by the Lansburgh group.However, said he will ash But the Eden Roc,it 4525
f aaI however.
y court Jude As•e., apparentlyCollins
u1 a•mart to g nothing but red ik tom prOice.r-
lu disallow- the cam- ing to a sot.rce familiar with the hg.
yaign eontr,,/tlons made pp the tel's records