1674-54 Morris Lansburgh .2-A THE MIAMi HERALD Saturday, March 17, 1951 ' Hotel Gambling Cases Heard By WILSON McGEI"s, nell adrnitied a bet was made on and paid $150 each for about 13 literati Stan Writer the sidewalkid d that,in his opin- days work, described Sherry bet-i Contradictory testimony of skier. Ion, the Rot y was one of the ting procedure. Efts deputies that,at times,was at "cleanest"op ations at the beach. Registered es a guest, she said.I variance with their written re- Schott said ' report to Tellahas- Ben Sherman "the bookie" and 1 ports, confused state beverage It- see indicated be bet was made at Jackie Allen"the runner"had in. •,t-"n cense revocation proceedings here the front d strutted her how to pick up al' c.,� Friday against six major Al 1 a rot house telephone,ask for"7•7'and Beach hotels at which gambling . The San 'tut ease trent out placeitheir bey. s'~ arrests had been made. when D'Don ell said he believed ( State Beverage Director L e w Is the borsebt" the) was a"float* Sherman,she said,was in the _.—• Schott who displayed annoyanceIng"bustle. and'thatthe man• habit of collecting for the pre. .r.„...)_. • and dismay,dismissed two of Usengemeut beno k owleilgeofIt. cloua day's racing each ptorning \\--AN defendants, continued two others ' behind the hotel's cigar s L a n d. and took two under advisement. In the Ski 'mtede case, O'Don• Alkali role,she insisted,was to neii and Ike;sty Jack L. Webb distribute Harvey A,Jr,scratch Dismissed were the ftm a couldn't age on what date they- sheets and circulate around the Plaza and the Ban Sons.' obs drved. r:;eflook operations lobby, cabana club and cigar „mil til Navel, 29 were there..Webb said ft was,Jan. 15. stand areas. bearings for the Shoremede Ho. O'Donnell sl' it was Jan.11.Both tel cocktail lounge and the Pres. insisted thelr.reports were correct. President Samuel Cohen. Mana- fdent Madison. Cases taken an. ger Bernie Bercuson, Assistant der advlaement were those of the - Attorney'B' F. P. Brigham Manager Lawrence Sherman and Sherry eeisennac and the Sot- asked for dismi:sal because of Secretary Ivar Blacker testified! rento. Feeete "Irreconrlla4le conflict." Schott they had never seen Sherman or I denied the,potion and after pro. Alien before the date of arrest. Schott•kicked out the Roney timely apol 'sing for the skier. They further swore they had no case after Deputy John D. O'D on- iffb office.:error, directed the knowledge of bookmaking there continuant' with an admonition and if there was, they would (1): ENIOY YOUR to iawreet W. Renfroe, Tana- oust the unwanted person or fail•I ' as hsee alto y for the commis Ing in that(2)call the cops. FALSE TEETH sloe,to am' the charges. Schot told Bercuson: Like A 3rd Set of "It apparently is en honest mix. "I'm not trying to intimidate ' NATURAL TEETH /\ take and lb dismiss this case you,but you know you're under by using .�/ wouldn't serve the ends of jun. oath don't you." COM-FIT PADS! <,r � tire.' Schottisaid. „ IA', 7 Sherry Frintenac hotel officials "It would have been more ap- e,ir c..ts', rat, 7 t, n, ,m,- •6,,un .r� solemnly ile'Ay1ng knowledge of prop Hate to warn those two w•om- u.s.. l natal v,tt. neons COof that," snapped Jack Kehoe.I t.u,a, of ..t bookmaking*filch two female PP Our eau ad Sla~.t.�,alas a. � "undercover"' agents for Sheriff defense atorney. M[.,wa, •t..n .note. Lull !Thomas J. Kelly swore existed In [rt Sanitay. Ueda. M Tub- "u.cpsIn lean w'wily. «r•.a...t the hotel. Stolen Safe n . prise•l,.n,t , r.. PADS. o. us. Isla!last.. cea.vir raps eau alb. � Mrs. WyidE Ai. Denman, who ! Mal teed that she and a companion, Ho at tyro lied Cross Pharmacy I Miss Margtitrite Misceaud, had Torch Found and other Drug Stores ly been hired the sheriff's of.'Ice I revs ems Adel tn.• a.mt•der.,�