1674-64 Morris Lansburgh ran Ann -docks
f Friday Walkout
r---t By E.V.W.JONES Idxrs to prevent a loss of$30.-
Herald Staff Wray, , U00 a month, said owner Mor-
Economic losses from thelrlsLansbutgh.
LI Eastern Air Linea strike bl,t Other major developments in
heavily at Miami Beach's i16-the clouded aviation picture in-
sort industry Tuesday when eluded:
Morris h dosed twos A RESTRAINLYG ORDER
of his otels and blamed the!obtained in Federal District
strike. !Court at New York by P a n
The 278-room Sherry Fmnte• American World Airwato
nac, employing 185 persons, btxk a threatened F r i ys d a y
and the 252-room S4.1-11— -.0..".1$$ �'strike by maintenance work-
with 150 workers, dosed theVers. It prevents a Transport
Workers Union walkout until
<\t meat Monday, with an injunc-
tion hearing Thursday.
brief opposing the proposed
merger of Eastern and Amer-
ican Airlines on grounds it
would create a monopoly which'
would control one-third of the'
industry's assets and revenues.'
American is second and East-
ern the fourth largest domestic
Lansborgh said the two ho-
tels will be shuttered for at
least 14 weeks "because of
economic conditions caused by
the Eastern strike and t h e
reluctance of tourists to come
here because of continued un-
1 rest in the airline Industry."
' The cancellation of more
than 600 EAL "Happy Holi-
day"package tour reservations
in a single week by a Phila-
delphia travel agency prccipi- '
toted the closing of Lana-
burgh's two hotels.
A tentative reopening date
of Nov. 15 was given. Lana-
burgh expressed 'regret that
these employes mast be de-
o-prh•ed at their Jobs,"and thai
the ares will hose $85,000 a
month In hotel wages and
Other Important oceanfron•
hotels acknowledged that busi-
'ness was down 10 per cent or
more from last year, but nesse
announced closing plans.
IThe strike of flight engineers
dragged into its 39th day
Wednesday, with an economic
loss to Dade County of 9.1 mil-
!lion dollars in Eastern wages
and purchases.
Company officials and the
Air Line Pilots Associa-
tion met at Miami seeking
1 a three-way agreement, along
with flight engineers, on a
settlement proposal by Labor
Secretary Arthur J.Goldberg.
There were there additional
developments on the labor '
lENGINEERS argued in Fed-
eral District Court in New
York for an injunction to pro-
hibit Eastern from dealing in-
dividually with flight engineers.
Ior from assigning duties to
those who broke the solid
strike front.
flight engineers ratified a set-
tlement hammered out by Gold- '
!berg and his advisors, and
pointed to as a model for the
industry. Pan American em-
ployed the same formula to set-
tle with its flight engineers.
The falloff in tourist travel '
couldn't be reversed for two
'months even if Eastern resum-
led operations immediately,said
' He pointed out that the air-
line's sales offices are closed
and its eight-million-dollar ad-
vertising campaign, largely
used to promote this area, has
been canceled.