1674-3 John H. Levivew -
Biographyp�� r��n H. Levi I
b Brief '
B JAa1f2g HODGE9 now lives In a big comfortable
y home, es well ae developing prop
MIAMI BEACH has no call- erty In the vicinity of Alton road
roads, but If it hadn't been between Fifth and Fifteenth
for a narrow railroad bridge streets.
which blocked Mayor John H. The town. of Miami Beach was
f.evi 28 years ago the mecca for Incorporated on March 28, 1815; It
fun and fun seekers might never didn't become a city until 1817.
. have blossomed Into the city It. Levi, whose name has become
its today. f synonymous with beach polhlc.,
John Uvl share. credit with ran for the city council on Cc -
the. railroad bridge for bringing tober 23, 1918, and was elected to