1674-1 Marcie Liberman T , . . . • ovérnor . . . • r �ee�es .. ,...... • . . • ifl.fi Cf-,/N j .. tins Sofia Cuts O „.:.________ . ff All Liberman . . . Is •Mayor �,/- • • Phones To Europe I: f ,,,, e Bulgaria Isolated After Peds AtC�1 1 ..i 8 burn Arrest' Leader of Opposition ; Klein Takes Post , .'• tined • As Vice-Mayor; i •IN tawsd Pram . ..,,,, Will LONDON—All main telephone connections with the Bulgarian . •Short Replaces ri ` • capita of Sofia were reported tact off early Saturday. inti than triinA eats . 24 hours after Bulgaria's CA uhistd . W. ottllnated government an• Simpson nounced it had arrested Its boldest political opponent in a sudden t • Lin move strikingly similar to the Red coup in Hungary. By WILIAli ifeGEE ;A ' 0 r A report from Prague. Creches. es'.M $a.K w'~" i. .;.1 'he 1947 Slovakia said .that all telephone Miami Beach had a new .'it bins with Sofia were cut Mf there :1 1�ourned l Tornadoes mayor. vice.mayor and polka , a single at I a. m., even the alternative chief Friday. ' hopeful lines through Ruchareat,capital M' • Romania, and Relgrade capital of City enufieil, meeting in a two. ! remain Yugoslavia. and a-half-hear aesalnn that was n levels Andkia said marked by two recesses • rents �C�1�lllllill„ When attempts were made 'to lr In order to Bettie at Mme • breaking book a call to Sofia from London named Mamie Liberman maser it at 2 a. m., the central exchange as Maurice lite" Kiel" vice-mayor. 111 torte A said It ate•coul "he done in about he L�j Stateshour. [.star the operator salA the spending relay operator at Zurich. Switzer- $!e Pietism* es Pere J-R • tt Irl con- lane: said no cella.could be sent the huge through before 7 a. in. and P. R. Short thief of pplke to ct whichsucceed A. W. Simpson. whose op-r without ,Thondllnds Routfd; WAR HERO ARRESTED pointment was not renewed. .4 • Nanning o1 Liberman and Klein, DamageDim �e Mounting This apparent isolation of 13u1 nest and second, tespective'I , in 'feria from the western world came shortly after dispatches an Tuesday's balloting for five cows mptr'011et aD its a— -a sews •' nounced the are et Nicole Pet- d1 members, was no surprise. Z� ) T 7111. attire Dot Raln+ ollen rivers flooded araskov, entstaedl ns �Inriche WENT O[r or war once barn and leader of the elite the Ftsaidint anti. a In the oa nadMissouri anduIowa Fridayiand clan National UnityBut Qty Manager Claude Ren itiottal or tornadoes struck In Ooloeabo and Aad party. H. show's appointment of Short burst World War 1 From Illinois, while meat of the nation was charged with cosnplkity in Staffs: Mayor Pierre G ! u 'cooMe like a-bombshell In the eighth. experienced m I I d and humid Pre er Giorgi the government elf floor council chamber. lot. naval attache to th weather. M w-b ekseel airy'•i° the The council affirmed Short's ap • cousin of the President ee M teat Residents of southeast Nebna Communist international. ,' pointtnen( by a 4-2 vote, with tory attache of the Frei weber « .o•southwest Iowa nothweat His. LLJiberman and former Mayor Her- and the President. rt state.. eosin and northeast Kansas were At the same time k res an- Dent A. Frisk dissenting. ''ePrMD gletted for "serious floods' by the nounced that Great Britain. tmov- 1 by dm weather bureau, which forecast Ing aganlst Rad domination to Bid- Seth Frisk aid Libnnism continuing rain oyer the week end. saw as President Trumanthat unan had stressed at they were Army Budd i moved against it la Hungary, had as potato Slraosew bemuse be ri request Tbwassa st iawa and His. protested us Sofia against the sup- was aeeterse. The sow(*kg to utak- wet Dowel eesifb eawen toned [roes premien of oppos `newspapers.ition wspapers• a ess.eetsrss. elislat°ra Ow beans se�dn rte. Greet T ru m r 15 set up en asci streams geed cwt ewer A British ass•r lb•/wdai s. b outcome ed to observ. II for the farm Mads. washed est,aaalley I B RI add flat �a pew s �. A� R n trues stall needed• il�we>X MaIsis Ise tfielaMp1 > ftp jn gannet!, wltlt the tortes Mileurt n It wtit• gneiss p may. by William Burbrittge. D. Lee heck-writ- A tornado at Julesburg.Coin.In- t 1Ky dames*berry dasge on the emu- Both the Bv1gir n sad Huns Powell. Loafs BeMigstr asd Mein ar ii. arsseisted Press ourt has munity. and several homes in "'erten Inter. Leftist moves weintefm control' y to tom. Champaign. In., were destroyed or preted here as indicating deter- Whether Ralph Pole. whose seat KANSAS CITY — Presi his name damaged by a similar twister. No minatlon by the Communists, with is being contested by Harold Turk Truman flew from Washin, fatalities were reported at either Russian support; to consolidate as the result of Turk's finishing to Jackson county Friday fr••, scene. complete control before Red army sixth last Tuesday. will vote with most oyexu hemecom•tnR ntad at a troops get out of those countries the Burbidge bloc it preblemtl a ournment RAH. YARD "TRUCE under the Balkan and Austrian til. He was still ill and not Pres- many months. a lv ant at I'rlda s meeting. , He found his mother ha t 1[eb The Union Pacific railroad yards alas. Y t revenue and feeling much better aftat Juieshurg were damaged and It was reported from Budapest OTIit11� RK%P?'0[!fTl� Id:a grove illness. His old oar i the station almost demolished. Ta AU a W. gal S All other department heads were rade• extended welcome r Telephone csbles and power LLnes reappointed for two ex- and noisy as halm. M both titles were broken. Tlft peeped, but it took a second years asex-ecess jar. Truman speaks Rahn eat Chalttpatge tornado struck a new. Dewey 'Holds for the reappointment of Jack J. night to the 35th division ly<iMeloped wbdlvblext, and most Rosen as assoc judge of the union. Friday. 'the ex-sold of the homecourt.damage was to newly-built �alYt municipal court. roared their applause when Conference Rosen was finally appointed, but arrived with Gen. Dwight The Army and Red Cres sent it was indicated that he will re- Eisenhower. help into the southeastern area of sign after one year and that Bee- He drove to his mother's Ve� hews,where the rapidly rising Des •}1h Stassen Moines river forced several W1th nerd A.for the n r yN�ill be appointed taffy In rural Grarxlvieo. sf•s t?Nom sa 41 rrsl•trnes nI •hr► w• e tena brief lunch in his hotf-i nn,, a singlet ii v j►a at 1 a. m" even the alternative chief Ftfday' r lines threes,* Buekar•eat,capital of s hopeful • Romania. and Belgrade, espial of CItY ceunctl, meeting( in a two Id retnaln I • Yulosiavia. and-e-half-hour ae•aton that was Avid Flt • marked by two recesses • , Ong kinds t�l •When attempts•were made'toapparent- :,t• book a call to Sofia from London 1Y In oder to mettle arguments. !breaking I named Mercia Liberman mrrer. ,1 ;'' at r a.•ns,-the ventral exchange as ltiaurice, `Doc' Klein vera mayor, frit frnret wld•lt could be done In about an hour.•later the operator said thei spendingt 41 SthICS relayoperator at Zurich, Switaer- .a rage 1•d ' 'b it hcoti lanQ saki no cauls could be sant and P. R. Short chief of pollee to * which through before T a. m a�,� A. W. Simper. Whale spy . without Thousands Routed; WAR mmo AaatrTED pointment was not renewal. 4 a , • Namingof Liberman and Ki. . k Damage Mounting This aPPan ""t laoiaii of ad' first an •tsKiehl. resPectivrty, In t from the western world Tuesdays ha iei ng for fire w couo- carne shortly after dispatches an. ;Ilelptztintr Or ma 44.44i44.4 teas.. nounced the arrest of Nicola Pet- Cil members, wsa ne surpria.. T}usre not Ralnowollen rivers flooded areas kov, outstanding walgarian reef. T MAY01 0 fT• LO. I d EL'1tB! LGE mom aft the President arrived 1 lr or war- of Missouri and Iowa Friday and once Mrs and/ IMder of tad M in the y But City llattarpttr Claude Reit• stimuli or tornadoes struck in Colorado and Marian National Unity party. He show's appotntnsent of Short buret In States; yore(. From the 1 4 as •coo- Illinois, while meat of the nation was chit-Aad with vornplielty In thk. a.bombshell In the eighth Mayor Pierre Lavallt experienced m 11 d and humid Pt•em a�ilnet the goverritpsent of floor council tttambi • lot, naval attache to the Fro weather, ler Georg Qimitrov. former lot, of the President and .M h Mt Residents of southeast Nehru- Mo«'ew' wry of the The council affirmed Short's ap Communist tnteem/tlotwi.communist by a 42 •oto, with tory attach* of the French t saw* ' Its,southwest Iowa.northwest Els- nLiberman.and former Mayor Her- and the president. e► exper sour( and northeast Karin were At the mune time It was an hen A. ?elm &wnang. fegwi.ety alerted for "seriow mode by the nounced that Groat Britain, mot il by tel weather bureau, which forecast Ing aganist Red domination In Rul• nett Prise and Liberman continuing rain Over the week end. garia as Provident Truman had nee..aN ogle they were ewes ' Army Budd;0!� moved again t it in HungarM Siea Honest-Y. had retain pn becomes be Is request T cocoas& .flearn the a 2f. sew emelt ie a and Mfr► protested to Sofia against sup war e.teees. 4ihgtu kh was anvil reteideata were faired from megaton of opposition newspapers. ei .."..,.e.. Greet Truman , . ialare their here.as rapidly riming f+.- . is set up ere and str+euu spread ant ewer A Brftlah note le the Nbereins The outcome permed to ebeert- Ii for the tart. lards, washed .we Mtgtaed government emM tont the !M• ors to eagdiath i$ew vatill11 211011, ,tress. add Deeded lllettraga. Pelmet*Mw tr1ldMMw it tlNtlirW up in reuse(%, with the f Iiti At r.i47 ' iv la writ- gadaa pease trinity. by Witile n iturtritiee, D. Lee 'teck_wrtt- A tornado at Julesburg. Cole,. In- • Pewe1L Louts rptrotlar's flirted hstavy damage on the corn- Both the Bu/*arprfh and Hun- to control. fMssdfgar and Klein m ttw 4....14444 .. ourt hos munity. and several homes in Arlan Leftist moves were inter- to con• Champaign. Ill., were destroyed or prated here as Medicating deter. R'hecher Ra)ph Pole, espies. seat I:A\SAS CITY — I' et '^ t pits name damaged by a similar twister. No mit-union by the Communists. with is being enn4..ted by Harold Turk Truman flew from Wait ,�r 'n i fatalities were reported at either Russian support. to consolidate as the result of Turk's finishing to Jackson county Frill') "r nu. scene. complete control wore Red army sixth last Tuesday, will vote with most joyous hornernmieR in it'd at a troops get out of those countries the Rurbridge bloc Is problematl nrrnment RAiL YARD ItTRCCW under the Ralkad• and Austrian cal. He was still ill and not pew many momma. agreeably The Colon Pacific railroad yards treaties. ant at Friday's meeting. , He foilnd his mother happy lesbur were damagedand It loos reported from Ruda pest and feeling much better after a e revenue at Ju "l- g theeshu stationg almost demolished. R REAPPOINTED grave Illness. Him old ear r..m Tam M Para 4-A. Oat. f) All other department heads were radrs extended welcome arms Telephone cables and power lines a reappointed for two year* as ex- and (toiay acclaim. • In both 'cities were broken. The Ilatported, but it took a second recess Mr. Truman speaks �f Saturday Champaign tornado struck anew- Dewey•Holds for the reappointment of Jack J. night division ly-develgped subdivision, and most +� PPe Kitt to the RSth rt- M the ddsamage was to newly�ttUt Rosen as amocfate Judge of the union. Friday, the ex•sc;idiere tam horn". municipal court roared their applause when be Conference Rosen was finally appointed, but arrived with Ctn. Dwight D. The Army and Red Cross sent It was Indicated that he will re. Eisenhower. '. help into the southeastern area of sign after one year and that Bee He drove to his mother's cot- yes Iowa, where the rapidly rising Des • yds A• Frank will be appointed mgt In rural Grandview, after a ��•�`77 Moinestl river forted several �i s Ben for the final year. brief lunch In his hotel suite. thousand residents of three tbwris, , to evacuate their homes. . Frank hlasael was aette/4W He found 04-year-old Mrs. Mar. han; 1p Rath water marts et as ling, les Pane fur the emamem. mem weld tha E. Truman smiling her own • NEW YORK—Gov, Thomas Z. piN reached her Oar remmest- welcome "quite avid and alert." andnM the age as INS were th .aesas to quote Brig. Gen. Wallace H- subw the gad teat, id river esaIna: Dew" and Harold E. hassan sera over this `locally heavy mad" Iut at, !erred Friday and afterwards both Rosen appppointment was Kleie n who clan. the hant, the President's ph)'d-. ern. the weather bateau said the.rfv laid there was no domestic pond- mid: esi0ent of •w wevld rivet at moiety n•$'i, .teal significance to their meeting. "I declare for Hylar* Kout.' ' err union it Met aheve blahs. at Iwfy Masson, only announced txndi Kout is a Miami Beach attorney. Army, Navy vele, n miles asetbesat ef Dee date for the 1841Republican Klein offered no reason for his r encliman. prs■- re on the )Nolaer. dentist noenittatbrr, talked with failure to supportRosen. and the Al! the 1.000 Fddyville residents Dewey for an hour and minutes in the governors hotel site. Rosen appointment carried on a Ground C-54s ;R parlay- abandoned their homes when a Dewev, a front runner for the 5-to-1 vote. the rub- railroad dike broke. All residents ii to trot- of the small community of Red GOP nomination next year, met • . WASHINGTON — (UPi -- All Is.n- TWU Rock left their homes, end more Friday night in Albany with Gov- Provision On Rent Army and 1avv. C-54 transport slowdown than 1.500 persons were removed Earl Warren of California, who • • subways from Ottumwa. also has been mentioned as possible planes—the military version of lvn with standard Dearer for the party to Curb Elunlnated commercial ships which c•rai.hed)n, hiding by l •19441, WASHINGTON — (L'P) — Con- New York and Maryland Ia•r week iude "'eh Toe�ay's Chuckle Warren arrived here be plane gresalonal conferees on rent con- —were grounded temporally Fri. red limits �`ee4.J Friday afternoon and told news trot legislation Friday eliminated men his meeting with Dewey day for inspections for "loose and The returned veteran's wife: would he - rap.•aortal." a house provision athoAstng towns sheared" fittings in their }ail as- 'N.II VII has "Honey, darling, since you had and cities to end controls at will. semhlles. tently for three 'helpings of my first his- Asked If M wield talk They also agreedto Extendray the TWU cults. I'm going to bake some Hee oaring ids Pew country-wide The Civil Aeronautics author of Trans- mon for you tomorrow. Won't the stats aa iitai.Warren r at il next Dec. 31 under the howl- ecirdtrol at least encsed at atle same wtiere alar all • •d "split that beJust too . . , darling. is P cerQlast al airlines to mak I similar'r' the Issdt- �and cel/ k wesM N r11• Ing expediter, as well as to author- ed last January make slmitar speak to me. please darling. flash ter him and Dewey to tads Ise landlords and tenants to ar inspections of their DC4s. but that ' the clue's open your eyes." `withwat diereesing peptics. I range "mutual consent" rent In- no grounding order had been or —Ts. Abbott th■naAerssu. gwess.` creases of IS per cent. will be issued. Both Dewey and Stasseo said in The senate conferees agreed tan- Shortly afterward, the Na.1 d,.- „'e separate news conference after ativety to accept a house decision closed that between and tic Are Running their meeting that they discussed )sinking all federal construction C-54a In naval setk-e ha.e b•.•n only Stetson's recent inweek friao mntrars except on amusement I ordered grounded for ri..,.';