1674-9 Marcie Liberman *
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Aa\ , ExBeach Ex-Beach Mayor
iPR 6- 1966 ``� . ( i
,... Mayor Marcie Liber 2an
�,: ies at Dies70Dat Age 70
(rcie Liberman is dead
From Page. 1
at 70. ,
For 20 years, after a flip
of the coin made him a pub- he miss a meeting. That was $
lie servant, he served as a because of chronic bronchial •$ os, le
Miami Beach city council- trouble.
And there, as he put it When he lost the election• ,
himself when he became in 1963, he sipped orange •'' .. '..
mayor of the Beach in 1947, juice, brushed a tear from '' 4
he reached "the pinochle of this eye, and said, "It was '
success." probably the best thing in %':
He died Monday nightof a
the world for me. In a whilez''
chronic bronchial disease at it won't matter any more." x� /
Mount Sinai Hospital, a hos- As mayor, he led the
pital to which be had donat- Beach's St. Patrick's Day , 1
ed more than $100,000 ten parade on heavily Jewish
years ago. Washington Ave. as "O'Liber-
Marcie Liberman died as a. man.' His malapropisms,
Marcie Liberman
rich, retired banker, a philan- some of which were delib- . . . bronchial disease
thropist who gave away erste, brought him laughs,
hundreds of thousands • of and more important,votes. "to make their bad taste
dollars to charity without "I move we abdicate for complete."
perceptible plan; and a repo- today," he said once. "I got
tation as' the "watchdog of work to do." Liberman was born in
the city treasury." New York City on Jan. 24,
In wartime 1943, Liber On the council, he fre- 1898, and after years of
_ mans then vice president offs quently took his own route schooling, he worked as a
)ds_•father's Mercantile•;lea on:_pnblio i clothier and ran a soft drink
•i' '"`� —r-f-
nobody that runs me," he `business. He moved to Miami
t�onal�Bank, firs��took a seat
' on the City Council. s a i d once. "There isn't Beach in 1931 and took over
"I was like a girl going to enough money to buy me." his father's bank upon his
a wedding. They phoned me•
People believed him. - death in 1937.
to come down to City Hall He kept his father's motto
and the first thing they said He voted as he pleased
when I got there was, 'Put and he was generally consid- on his desk: "Where there is
your right hand up."' ered as prime force behind faith, there is love. Where
;t the establishment " of the there is love, there is peace.
RHis appointment had come Beach's metered and off- Where there is peace, there
- = from bickering councilmen , street parking system. Right- is God. Where there is God,
by flip of a coin. Reelected ly he took some credit in the there is no need."
again and again, Liberman Beach's excellent financial A memorial service will be
stayed on the council until rating among U.S. munici- held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday
1963,, campaigning hardly at palities.
is all. at the Beth Jacob Syna-
Seldom did he become tru- Bogue where he was treas-
Not until his 19th year did ly outraged. When he was, urer for many years. His
he never lost the subtleties, father helped build it.
I Turn to Page 2A Col. 1 Californians ' for example, Liberman was a bachelor
A Vic Polk LIVE WAR complained some years ago all his life and lived for
Pool. 661-1659. 5 phones.—Adv. about a. three•cent stamp years at the Albion Hotel at
honoring the Everglades Na- 1650 James Ave. His only
S' tional Park. Liberman sug- survivor is a sister, Mrs. Ber-
gested Santa Monica resi- tha Miller of New York
dents be sentenced to lick City. Burial will be in Long
the glue of the 100,000 issue Island,N.Y.
c-- -