1974-03 Lum Henry r -
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FATHf�>Et AND•DA�1aHTE$:DEAD. leaves a wife and a dat
+�'• PERSONAL. .- � - ' marriage. The tuner
Mrs.Albert Cain of Middletown is very -B:B.Lairs and JCiss Jlinute L.Laue day.
,, E'*_ '.. : :sick. . Die Within Twelve Hours. .IIre. Annie
Mrs.M.P.Sherman is visiting relatives H. B.Lum of Red'Bank died on Satur- Mrs, Armlet johnsot
day night at eleven o'clock. His daugh- at,Pine Bek last Tltt
e •"-: : in Paterson• Sundaywas the widow of Joe.
' _'. *•• Mils Ray Taylor is visiting her parents ter, Minnie L.• Lum, died on
' • at Middletown. • morning years was 02 yeaold and h
' , Dr. Elwood S. Morton visited friends Mr. Lunt had suffered with heart three weeks with tt
�;" disease far a'long time. He owned con- d•
:; : • at Orange Fisher Stutday property
ofu Nowa .York has been sideralived here for many years. Most of his William`N•
visiting Harry Hubbard. •
• • � ,,W, W. Letson of. Red Bank has been winters were spent in Florida, where he William A:Madde:
`- :t: - spending a week with his parents. also owned a large amount of property. on Monday of last
Misses Julia and Edna Smock spent Hewent South
that time uual lstriphealths was disease.been Haerwas 8
• •
Sunday with relatives at Holmdel. years. He leaves a w
;`,r - t
Mrs. Thompson of New York is visit- verypoor. _
F,. Taylor to daughter had suffered with�loco- ter.
ing Conover at Colt's Neck. •H
_ Mrs. T.J. Willett of Rod Bank spent motor ataxia for.some time. This is a Bra. �tarpar=
'' -
-' Saturday in New York with friends• disease which paralyses the legs and
'l'k:•-' Frank Whitman of Freehold is now lower part of the boc.y, and particularly Mrs. Margaret Joha
• ',:'• assistant station agent at Atlantic High- the lower extremities. It has many p(.- S. Johnson, died at
lands. culler symptoms, one of them being that of last week. Death
!: Jonathan Conk, who formerly was a a person afflicted with this disease is lie- she being 81 years t
iwas in town last ble to fall the moment he closes his eyes. who is 87 years old, g
residentsyf Red lank, AU control of the muscles seems to be --
Thutsday. they powerputMrs. Harriet Smith
• . Mrs. J. H. Friedlander of Manasquan gone, and have no to more C. Smith of J:
is in New York under treatment for their feet where they want to place
them. Miss Lum was first attacked died on Monday of
rheumatism. Smith was well km
Mrs. L. G. Reid of New York moved with this disease last summer. improve having apeut several
• • to her summer residence tit Locust !'Dint the cies d tiottiiiofl eitlur Mr.a did iLumot ur his d.
.... on Sasurday.
sties Bonnet!of Totes River has Ixern duughGrr, and both of thea! grew worse 815,000 of Sehoe
• making a visit to bars• J• \i'• J• 13ouuell I to thRe sprin k advancede .
la ttu eek. A special election w
of Maple avenue.
Miss Norma Swan of Navesink has They were then so sick that they en- yesterday afternoon
$13,000 fU b'
been reLtngagecl as teacher at Nutley at gaged
ti}dthctu tou)or andllisst Linne o the theraise
l school buil
ti; an increased s.Jme salary.E
Mrs.James E.Terry has been ret;lected trip North on a cot. She was very toash of votes cast was 1
president of the ladies'aid society of Cal= emaciated.
ated.B Retd(f Bank.ii 1san Luk nt y 17y 1a ordered The principal raised
ca is church,Emma Keyport. ler w:
Shephard of Asbury Park in a comatose state for up«ards of a day amount
itu be done. C
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thomas 11. before his death.
Golden at Locust Point. Mr. Lum's wife died two or three �,f votes only rix we:
Louis James, formerly of Key port, is 1 years ago. lie leaves but one other Races at
- -_----_ _-- -• now..electrician on the new steamship chilchild, Charles
(harl Grover who is on the`i livinge.`
` St. Louis, of the American line. There will two
Ft. Mrs. S. Adelaide Morton of Windom, •road. day at llbe C;
w�'• Conn,, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Jen-
iu+Lru,+�, .Ilatt/+r+�x, Sr. toile runningNavesink.race
' nig Radford of Riverside avenue. Atnb;ruse Matthews, tis. died at his other will be a rue•=
A. Emmons of Farmingdale has been home in Red Bank on Saturday niernitg1,• same distance. The
• appointed agent at Bay View station at at twenty' minutes to nine'o'clock, aged heat A Haute of 1
lr'I. Atlantic Highlands for the titer ofsummer. ,J years• The cause of death was chronic played.
e !
'blies Leonora Walsh,(laughter of Janice –+•
Walsh, who is attending school at New-
ark, which he for spent Sunday with per parents. the past year. He was born at Colt's
'peck and was the son of the late Sarah George A. Lung`
• Crawford Hendrickson moved to As and Charles '1atthews. Itis wife, who Borden have gone u:
• bury Park on Monday, where ho has
''`4' . - opened his livery stable for the season• is sRedliv Bank. s. Mich children also sur selves. They will u;
who is em )loyed in the in Red Bank about
.�. E. t Snyder,Middletown, , a ' vtve him), all of whom are grown up. under the firm lisp!
post-office •
at is spending, street.
week's vacation with his parents at Nave- Mr. Matthews was well known in Red
Batik and throughout the county. He sink. bad an natural talent for mechanics,and S15 Cleared
-- ? '—'– C:C. Clayton`and one E.Taylor were for many years did almost all the house a s*15.Cleared.fest:
elected fire ofssioners in the Nep
tune fire district of Asbury Park on Sat- g; in the county. All of his tsons Methodist church
inherit the some talent. Mr. Matthews ' About $15 was tie:
urday. a ><ttt several suntinera in tfie «'eat, and
Charles . Conover, son of Jacob B. one summer while there he built a vessel, w•tll be L•ehially d-
- . Conover of Mandl pan,hes won the third which he named Sarah Matthews in ladies., aid society
honor in the scientific department ofletigtte• y
honor of his wife. Ile brought this ves-
Rutgers college. eel East with hint and it was sailed on lluri t jury `2G cents
r.,tt„t.and Countess Piers of Itul, are •t,., vt... t,,,r. r.. e, ntttttls'r of years. 6. ./ .,,, nen tun
PERSONAL. �FATHER AND DAUGHTER:DEAD.�leaves a wife and a da'._,
:erns,etc. I marriage. The fuser:_
• Mrs.Albert Cain of Middletown is very M.$-Luail and Meg•Minute L.Luisa'day. .• • _
batter, .sick. . Die Within Twelve Hours. Jllrs. Annie
Mrs.b1.P.Sherman is visiting relatives H.B.Lam of Red-Bank died on Satur- Yrs.Annie•Johnsca:.
ay,etc. day night at eleven o'clock. His day h- atsPino Brook last The•
grabble; - , in Paterson. g y was the widow of Jos
v1e: Min Ray Taylor is visiting her parents ter, Minnie L. Lum, died on Sunda
i-t• mermen was(i'l years old and h::
k w-ap etc at Middletown.
• Dr. Elwood S. Morton visited friends Mr. Lum had suffered with heart three weeks with a
at Orange on Sunday disease fcr a long time. He owned con- dieases. —_
t, other liner Harry Fisher of New York has been siderable property in Red Bank and had
assure,hod the - visiting Harry Hubbard. • lived here for many years. Most of his William.Ii. ;- •
•.mo the chief M
W.W:Letson of Red Bank has been winters were speut in Florida,where he William Fir Madder
saW that Prs,- ; spending a week with his parents. also owned a large amount of property. on Monday of last '
band to play. Misses Julia and Edna Smock spent He went South on his usual trip last No-
disease. He was 48 a•
tine afterigthe. Sunday with relatives at Holmdel. vember. At that time his health was had been a resident o:
mel army that Mrs.Thomson of New York is visit- very poor. years. He leaves a wife
rebel we- lug Conover Taylor at Colt's Neck. - His daughter had suffered with loco- ter. _
tuna" t Mrs,T.J. Willett of Rod Bank spent motor ataxia for.some time. This is a Mrs Margaret
. i Saturday in New York with friends. disease which paralyzes the legs and
eh James Bus- , Frank Whitman of Freehold is now lower part of the body,and particularrl�y Mrs. Margaret Johns..:
o finest poem assistant station agent at Atlantic High- tcle lower uliur(symptom,eione of thotrtleing. It has that of last w- S. eek�iMDeflt}KWy;
the follo ".: lands.
aril, 1961, that r Jonathan Conk, who formerly was a a person at licted with this disease is ha- she being 81 y' old.
e Marylander, •
resident of Red Bank,was in town last ble All to fail the
moment mhees�nig ehis yes.s. who is 87 yearn old,Sur
ad"An Exiled• Thursday. powerputDirs. Harriet Smith, a+
er state to oast • i Mrs.J.IL Friedlander of Manasquan gone, and theyhave no to
.Ing common- is in New York under treatment for their feet where they want to place inure C. Smith of Jen,.
Steal feeling in rheumatism. them. Miss Lunt .was first attacked dyed on of
Intouso. The Mrs.L.G. Reid of New York moved with this disease last summer, l hals
Smving spent Mondayth was ow:
m Mlles Cary to her summer residence at Locust Point the-Condition
The tori ofFlorida r didfnot
m or ova
.ifs of eConfect-lement on Saturday. a•
trtel n element !!s� --Miss Bonnett of Toms River has been i daughter,and both of them grew wore rned 813.000 of School
tel portion of $ making a visitvrw Mrs.J. W. J. lionnell 'to the spring
{iB ink advanced.
to rmiddle fofe They
ttweek. . A special electionµsr.
O was
b• y with l of Maple avenue.
t was hero, one +b Miss Norma Swan of Navesink has 1 They were then so sick that they en- yesterday afternoon to a
lug the moat % been redngagccl as teacher at Nutley at 1 gli�dth.mohvutctor 111et)Iissl I.se made the tto accoms o raise
l scl l to all
.at\Ilse Nettle an.increase d salary. P. ) .
, suggested that Mrs.Japnes E.Terry has been reelected. trip forth on a cot. She was very much of votes cast was 162. .
rid"should be ,f , • president of the ladies'aid society of Cal= emaciated.
d. Bog tha of Rank them)ank rapidly ws was ordered The principalised b
�,<order to make >; .airy church, Shepherd Keyport.
-essivo she re- ,Cblies Emma Shephard of Asbury Park in a couuttelu state fur upwards of a day'curktrt to it e done. Of t'
moment Miss s ' is' visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thomas 11. before his death.
'aimed as if in- I's Golden at Locust Point. t Mr. Lunt's wife died two or three I of votes only six were r.
Sus:" the well 1Louis James, formerly of Keyport, is years ago. Ile leaves but one other I --•-•-•••-
tRaces at a,
has resounded now electrician on the new steamship child.Charles Low. who is living on the s
•f almost every %,s;_ St.Louis,of the American line. James Grover place on the Leelsville I will be two ran
tds found voice if; Mrs.S. Adelaide Morton of Windom, road. -- I day at There be
One has since been •1 Conn.,is a guest of her sister,Mrs.Jen- a,11L,oK, Matthews,.Sr• mile running race put
nee Radford of Reversed.avenue. Ambrose Matthews, Sr., died at his other will be a race f. -
nemorable scone A.Emmons of Farmingdale has leen borne in Rad Bank on Saturday learning bu ,rune ihdistance. The rye
While visiting• appointed went at Bay View station at at twenty minutes to nineo'clock,aged heats. A t e of ba.•
two sisters were " Atlantic Higulands for the swimmer• years. The cause of death was chronic I played. _-
•rated Washing- • Miss LeonoraWalah,(laughterofJames atritis,from achich he Lad suffered for — �•"
:os. When the r; 'Walsh, who is attending school at New- tie past year. He was twin at Colt's A New Fi,
of the"ofIIoora ark,spent Sunday with her parents' Neck and was the son of the late Sarah George A. I unp^stra,•'.
I.omen's voice." A Crawford Hendrickson) moved to As- Borden have gone m l,t:
ng, in the tent ''- bun• Park on Monde where he has and Charles Matthews. Ibis wife,who
.is; is still living, was Miss Sarah Noa•ling seises. They „.iii olx•r: ..
My Maryland." y,. opened his livery stable for the season. of Red Bank. Nine children also sur- in Re<S BanL alwut tea
.ken ler up and bun-m Ei A. E.Snyder, who is employed in the a iwc him,all of whom are grown up. under the firm name of
Idlers, from 's post-ollice at Middletown,is spending a det
1 g Mr. Matthews was%veil known in Red t
ved and grew ID- week's vacation with his parents at Nave- Bank and throughout the county. He —••+-
of the song in •
-. sink. i had an natural talent for mechanics,and $13 Cleared wt r..
' may not now be C.C. Clayton and Wm.E.Taylor were for inane}ears did almost x11 the house
hey ire repeated .elected fire commissioners in the Ne A seraµbeen festival ••
^ ; :; > niocin in the county. All of his Eons
tune lire district of Asbury I ark vn Srit- inherit the same talent. )Ir. Matthews Methodist church on
, thy shote, ninny spent several summers in the West,and About $15 was cleared
Charles •Conoacr,son of Jacob B. one summer while there he built a vessel, will be• equally divid,
•ale door. Conover of h enalapan,has aeon t e thiel 'which he named Sarah Matthews in ladies'.• aid society an,'
- 'r honor in the scientific department of honor of his wife. Fie brought this vcs- league. ,
Sc rc Rutgers college. •�
is of Baltimore,or,, fr j� Count and Countess Pier{of Italy are He
East with hint and it was sailed on Don't j say 20 cents px•r
n of yore. E'" visiting I1. C. J. Schroeder on }road the Shrewsbury for a number of years. tx•c•f. ou can buy Il ,,,
aryiandl -- street, Countess Pieri was formerly The funeral was held yesterday after- for leas money and get f-
noon front the house at two o'clock. count at that.—Adv.
q son's appeal. ptec.J. IC. Manning conducted the ser- -- - ..
Miss Kate Ormesby of New York will vice. and the burial wits e at Fair View -
thea l kneel. be married to William A.Wednesday
of cemetery. The pallbearers were taw It-- ----
," the tel township next at S
L.Chadwick,T e George Straker, iWm. tttc'tIMUN m.--.at Port M,:::.
r woe and weal. the home of the bride's eluents. u.r 17th.Mrs.Louts ivabaron:7
Ilm• ul, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bow
luud of As_ J.Sickles and Henry Jackson' ROBERTS.—At Louts
R Sonia,- yese with steal., • — lilts,Mrs.Win.S.Roberts,of r
. .rylanal • _ bury Park will nary.celebrate their have fiftieth
They five ii'wiam (a?iW. etTnt'CS.—At Red Bank,on wedding anniversary.whoryMrs.Jae b Straus,of a son.
in oho dust, children,all ofµ'hone are living. William Cahill died very suddenly' at WILLIAMS.—At Mwdtww,<::-
Next Tuesday Miss Elizabeth Carman, Navesink on Sunday from an attack of �� Mro Charles Williams.M81.
I never rust daughter of Thomas Carmen, will be heart disease. Ile was first taken sick s
'ta married to Wm. F.Durham. The wed- about a year ago and his heart had been ]MARIA(::
sacred treat. CA3eBART�'oOl'63t.—At Kt
<warlike thrust, ding will take place at Trinity church. affected more or less ever since. n
-•-,.with the Sunt i' ! Matthew Hollywood, Jr., who was,Sunday lie was standingtalking to his may as by ties. h Grant,
'-4-:_ - see he e• es E. r�-" attacked sa Alf ,both of 1;•
i' ...._ corm^-hs'or?rusr,at 9t.Jeri e's chi. . t w. T.,