1674-10 Lummus John Newton • „waar--zrn-wwrqzuseminwrirvapiag,--tame rafts dm .
ar •er :r t. Loin• O. 7otktl, Jr.. it) $2 00 i 5-�ew limo!a Wiid• wiM4 take u about tl(1
tall Litt Gnarl Stades N . mid J. T. }Award" a he".0. • lot on wand Park. company'sp' l.. oft of the only Agit dlredwl) aa�Atal eon
1_L C'ordova street between nailera4Par• J.IK.Rober4 has aacured t permit to wciatbomoortu per,would compel hie with,flan d jtQ aa�Ck, ,
20�diatonic Complaint rot don. s for j8,twe (:ba ries and Rri[p tact a dwelling costing f2.1710 nes Avenue firm to observe the nota ret pint ruin 1n {,,, L-•
of the Toth; sold E. E. k'Irlahmann a let la Ranker'" K betw0.t Eleventh and Twelfth street.. tion euo■lrudlon and can of loardt I)ClnO><latZ'at�YC s�Jle
Park for )'tell. E. x. Norwood Is building • new home
of Tenth street,between Avenues P and platy Newspaper"011000.,
Hlrreldt Height.Sale/. � Mr. Y.IILt came W was engaged
troy (be in France are"Ft�ili
wklal without authority, • of 9 r ... $ ,6(10, H. n. Washbnm will ■nurille, where he engaged It the
Hovers! Lawrence Estate properties spend jl,(lo0• on a If,.
in "twilit •..
It m46t prove rather unhealthy hove been changing hands recently. Yea- P•rk• ume bunluer. ••[ lure been raving m7 tt► suaeleW Peewit
per... to •crena a coast tvaN terdba elle* h • house and lot 00 • J•n• lJt.John Yes taken rent • permit money for ]I/ years to nonce a 'distil," PAIN, o r.ti,, 0 p»pas•d I
performlo� a duty assigned to Thirteenth street between Areones 8 and 1n build a pnge for Ynnk If. Nhutts!n ,sid Le,"sod sow wises I come I fled tis,
T which a d It..(wevo o bought from •
Point View to coat newai t to lulu[ W ruin ml brrsltess. national demonstrative strike talb•.
1 the government," said Our,TY- y g.4,nue The F.nt I wept to a ys■terday but 'po•tpowed' by lb
chief potty officer of Vatted NteGe the I,awrenee.}:tante Lod company for Coat L°mMr company Is building s y. ived are that et herrl0.I fed* Boa a tet
$1.000. H.A. Ilelcher'■old J. M. McCue nix warehouse on. Avenue }; betvreen Lire neper rationed y flare tempt Io°have fully effective uyv
Gard tltatloa No 200, to Tht kill•lot on Eleventh street between Ave tllzl4 and Bev en th rter t•atln Witter cooperation anywhere than I titre is Enact.toeeedlag A* report" fro.
rolls yesterday when_ b handed la nun H and T for 1 ge>1I;NN)' In Miami, \Vllhodt eoceptleo the boat- Lid
lotI cities. "Strike morament.
t .61110. Y.A.P.Jona nese turn I have approached Law dried
aald tot to leave been fully orarwised
Mowing communication which le bought a,lot on,leifteenth street between Congregational Church me W 'come on in, the water'° file! I hamong'the ten rpore
by all tion mem ben of the crew of Lawrencat Drf+e and Avenue li for tl,Wp, ysee of corpse.
Amongyep want to stay here and help Miami grow, which expected their men to stop s.4•
the Miami Reach salts of Oulcial. Here to Help It Is am best city in the Kate, and poo- ,• lt.I, da head of the Aid .,.. t •
looking over The Metropolis of terday was the transfer of lot 4 of block dpleptlon, declared a would not
8 In the (keen Reach tubdlrlalen frompie are beginning to know It." •
8 it was noticed that the council J. IV. Corley to Ii. R. F. Cpl■tion for Select New Bldg,Site The trouble rct . the Biscayne
engagements which be knew could r
ml peach attempted - Drive alto will be over shortly, for Mr. ezecuted." In commenting a the I '
gated to bring to $0.600.• D. l.. Williams paid 10,1x10 for iter, George B. 'Waldron, A. D„ of Elliot told the tinter last night las Germ prior to the deWKurc trot, •
In of the public the fact that the
eight lots In block 28 of the stmt aubell- wuu1J G w"""ing to move it H the neigh- Germain, according to moenlag tow
u•rd mazy • practice of violet.
eightvisioWinter Park,this state,one of.the mere- Won objected. T.N.Meek,who lives next mss• Accordingto Bien reports, ev
o Law by riding on the sidewalks' Grin of the Congregational church so- door to the Itixayoe Dr/ye sltested against unhand of harden
xaeb town,and also does I[with- CUMMUS ,RESIGNS FROM cicty,le in Miami this week for the eratl a wan many....bon mads aping Austria and
pufller, Dae of advising the local church at to billboards being placed
strong objection to many.'
TN;writer wishes to alar the selection of a site for the new house dl°lrict■. The`boards nota ovlhe �art toRl
believes no citizens whatever an '
ed from their righttoue sleep byre BEACH of worship. The Contrerationaliets pro- the breeze from the hot✓■, he said. but W118on Better Today;
dens caused by aforesaid const C� CO N Dose to build a new church on Ilix•yee are exceedingly unsightly when viewed
and alto that neat but • chronic s Drive, from behind through the window,of the Resumes Conf
taker would ever have brought Dr. Waldron occupied the pulpit of the adjoining home.. erenec
itteatloa of thecity council suck IS GOING T0. "LAB *emiConts n noel church at the morning "Women Don't L'adentled" With the Republica
'portant matter, especially-Kate service en Sunday. Guy W. Livinptor, secretary of the
be regulation,of the coast guard Chamber,reported tl at he had had a tele-
that Ir petted■be made a near Evans Opinion phone menage from lin. A. L, Andrus, bmf Aa.Mntw Mss.)
h eel/at all possible.Also it•p p• on on the WASHINGTON, July
,f the amends,be
In rprerideut of the W.C. T. U. duringthe Wllaoa wan enfflcientlyy recoverled I.
regard to First Mayor of To 'Water Case Be
<the toot guard by referring the sen Pti.;ntnlia Given •Ile oa'ni for the 1121 disapprobation of from his ladiap°eltiov to resume co.
billboards the 20 members of that
o the commanding officer before Secures Lute Interests in Oil A carefully worked out opinion on the organization. Mr. Elliott admitted that linen with the republican senators at
C is made. most women's clubs were "iciest bill.
White }louse„ without objeetiov I
a be meld In retard to disturb- T'iell Properties i>t An- water company cane and the method by board, he thought, because "they do pot hl• twnowl ant wentn.
ma asleep by the noise made on
which the city may aevprire the water- understand the sign The president into Loafer ii
patrol , that the guard leaves other .Stile works system without long litigation, by t P (bo 10 o'clock with Nestor }'
5 of beach at 8:30 and prepared by Attorney Evans, will be gin- ( D. Leffler staid all that he thought the to fill other a '` and D
e ends the the D111b,a rets were right, and suggested °gntestI°ta which be
eery decrepit are ideal)* le foe Ci'•t tonight's meeting a the Vote n• to epr. Elliot . 'b go he billboardht ead with forced to defer yesterday, beMuse of
tat hour, Also, that on the sec• the great development of Miami ibBeacV Clete league in the Ak•$ar-Rev inn on I proposition. \I'ben the man acute attack of latntlnal troubles
ole a little noise Is made •sEleventh street. Other matters.will be hi, tto
and that veryand the first mayor of that municipality, brought u for Jiausebo before the asked the secretary what he thought
rum. v
from if soyD> fpe� has tendered his rnlpatloa u a member league, said If. \V, :Mott. secretary, about the proposed Miami Tin tum. Marion, Ky., Loses Ill
riding awakenedn the walk, that V of the council of Miami Beach and learn _ buoy's sign Mr. Livingston aid: 'You
a distance of only about 300 tonight fur ALWma where he has become Guiltyhad better not ask me my opinion about
BUsin ,0 District by.
.d se to c, of no t°tere'teu In large oil well properly.Thin Pleas Be Made 1 billboard,. I r. Livingstont any use for them Q 0f�0 0/)0/)0�
entered on that cular alk business is each that It will ention much whatever.'• air. qualified hG epi W,VW Fire Tod:
our local 'fire-eaters'istrian of Mr.Lummui time and attention,hence Criminal Court Today remark by eying that be thought mat
s cause to complain, Perhaps' his resignation from office •at Miami
of the objection to the boa rda came from
omitted those "Beach' their being placed In the wrong location.. (17 Awdeted Press.)
quiet little beach aWhile much of his time will be required Guilty pleat In the Dade courtly trim- When Mr.Elliot lauded Los Angeles al Lino MLLE,July__, The btop
'couples*tattered all along the elsewhere, Mr, Lummus will continue to foal court of record will be heard through Ithe most beautifully ,actin■of clarion,started was wiped ow
330 in the mo»Ing. Of course make his home at Miami}teach. Ile will the remainder of this week by Jude W.I rnuntr-, with artistic billboards levevy. Jay by lire which early this v,.
of want to he disturbed•but aHunt Harris of Key West, the first see•'wLerc, Mr. l,fvinpton added, "\'ct, they
pct of the twat also retain his bwlnrsa Interest. 1■ !ll• lug. The damage 1■estimated at t1W.•
guard Angina-" ami and at the Reach, lion being called at 3 o'clock this after-Ibaee ruined the aptv■rrnte of the moue- s
: young girls,and women from When the project of developing Miami O°fO' A number of petty c•ers are imbed-'Win ddn with them."
It lad its results that has get• }each war started five or da uled fur this •(terutou. If any of theIn would look much bet.er lying with a ban.
°charged agaiat■n uniformed years ago case, requireA. he telt, al r, Elliot referred again in front of thaw thanoo open and
la found to be the o by al r. Lummus and a few other far• vie- trial, a jury will he em• to ry Le eV evening.
lie and its bllllturd article posed to view,as now in some lnstu.
it of uses—ape civilians sighted men,he became bead of the tom-)DIJud s)mrrls .winome titne ced the
the•cit Tale
y of last evening. ca!lint it "the moa me- Au especial appeal that thin
coast [wed to neglect It,du• luny and a general manager of the nom• y lirious attack on a men's business I ever form of publicity•Kurds was thpantie,
(act t
tach a psny brought about the gent dtrelolr-p yesterday afternoon and et times. when raw."
purposes. Tperson,. mens that Aa made •
Nlaml fiearh one of court duties do nut demand his atMntiva l • great many of these bulletin signs
don't seam to be [Irev may the most coaspfcudw places in America. expects to enjoyRIIILearrer Dictates toStatement. he illuminated. The Idea that we n
by the city council, number of Miamifriend..with his large )t°Ilowitg the publication of last eve- to express is that we heartily esrin
-tally, It G believed that Its was the first mayor of Miami Beech
rein;;.. •tp rt:�golis, "'resident Elliot of the with the city beautiful idea aud ea
it would • the and declined to be • candidate for the
Dprove of riding on office in the election tut year, but in. billboard sonnet Calle' •t the office of to do our part."
ilt.of walk, se the beach can. stead ran for the council and war one of President Wilson'Gets Dutllra4nn and JlrrteJ the following
a Irom the rod at that statement: a7 Club N Act.
the ,brubbe point, the high,or four-yearmen,the other Real Blackthorn StickmajorityThe billboard quewtlon wall be brat.
e-7 and windbreaks being Captain Meloy. Mr. Lummus has 'That in coming to>fi■ml the to the attention 4f the Rotary club st
of the Dusinee. men of this city were in- regular weekly luncheon eople's property in that neigh- Imo a good land foul citizen, and while of
on Thum,
terriewrJ and naked if they would sup-
thousands [ret that Dwioer interest(' (CeereaNadea,e Aswelete4 Press.) and members of that orpnizati4v decal
n we have a very efficient call him elselehert,they are glad that he 'DUBLIN.—}f lcLael Buckley of Clara, !"'rt a bukine,s of and in not a
I,but it I.suggested ILthat there will be no "sidestepping
t taking will continue to make hie home here. who recently presented to President R'it.1 Binge instance was there a Miami bust-i propaitiou. The Rotarians ti ,tatted
into consideration they should A mune to air, Lummw will be son a number of Irish biaektbon, st rks,i nets man toMiami
interviewed who did not invites : n egg non for a ,tit y txi ugla, upon
e of the rnmmnn acne, and named by the beach council at the meet• barreceived ■ letter le which the 'nes to theyms eg aWm l and tgor Into ti•i g•s
rent for which many of theta lug two weeks hence. dent expressed tired- II/stogies
of E. B. Douglas, and
gnat regarded omediu aApublicity
a staled in an interview tha • few coul
D his •pprreiatiou of the Ione of the foremost mediums of parhll;itf Kate) emphatically that little could
s of the crew of U. 8.C. G. Electric Light IlalDs.—ILlley-Milani donor's thoughtful friendship sod „1a of thio age. A great many men cape-seed done to improve Miami's appearance
J'•. Hardware Co. that be will prise the sticks as a eery to-!the thought that the Anuh and wells, the errrtlon of billboards throughout
tere"ting souvenir. ff tlu cans and tracts on some 4f the iota city is to be allowed, •
x/ 1/ 7