1674-9 Jake Schreiber •
A Million Friends
• --And 27 . Mourners
By CHARLES WHITED - r•; 94''''''"' "Jake had a heart as big as
Herald Stitt Writer ''''` his mouth."
.) Silver Dollar Jake, a flam- He was credited with sell-
, ''' ing millions of dollars worth
hoyant 'Showman who rel- of war bonds, and button-
ished crowds, shucked silver holing legions of blood donors. •.
coins in a glittering stream, Among his mementos were
doted on the underdog and citations from U.S. presi-
had a million friends, went dents.
out quietly Friday. ' . Rabbi Mayer Abramowitz,
Twenty-seven peop ca
...(9i; ' of Temple Menorah, put on
his skullcap and mounted the
to his funeral. i— pulpit to deliver the eulogy.
•ppearance "Man is as a breath of
of Jacob Schrelbe wealthy ;„s;; .,rax ..: .. 4 air,” he said, "his days as a
ret feu-min-ft t eater owner shadow that passeth away
who died Wednesday at 72, Silver Dollar . • . It is.a sad moment for
had little resemblance to the the community in which
display which marked his • ••above his casket Silver Dollar Jake lived . . .
brassy, high-pressure life. . "I was s very young rabbi
of Jake's heyday as a cham- when I first met Silver Dol-
Instead of a Mexican ser- pion of war bonds, blood
ape and sombrero, he wore a drives and servicemen in lar Jake, In a little eynw-
white linen shroud and the World War II Miami. He gogue that was walkedpracinto y
drove, an outlandishly-deco- shed • . .n He into my
skullcap of his Jewish faith. carted Cadillac, a study and said, 'Hello chap-
In the big main chapel of pet macaw lain, I want your blood.'
perched on his shoulder.
Riverside Memorial Funeral : "It was a little temple, but
Ho e, 213•'thairs stood.emp- Sporting an eight-inch an awful lot of blood poured
`.// cigar, sacks of cash jingling forth."
Four sprays of flowers from his belt, oft-t Imes The rabbi spoke of Jacob
trailed by a retinue Or Schreiber the benefactor,
we.e banked around the blondes, Jake also waged who would turn his home
c a s k e t. Among the roses one-man warfare against into a shelter for strangers
nested Jake's favorite photo- slack morale in military hos- ' in need.
graph of himself, grinning Fltals. And then, as quietly as
out from under his sombrero. they came, Silver Dollar
The silver dollars, which he Jake's mourners walked out i
Pinned under the lid of the shelled out by the thousands, of the chapel, while the big
casket, on a red, white and won him his nickname.
blue pendant, was one silver grinning photograph among
t •dollar. It will be buried with As one old friend put it: the roses stood watch.
him in:L�etroit. --
His "Wife Madge,-a silent,.f
frail woman in black with
whom he spent his last years,
in theirmuseum-like home
on Palm Island, sat on the
front row of seats.
Beside her w a a Jake's
nephew, Edward Jacobson, of
The others included law-
yers, businessmen, three
women who were old friends
from Detroit, two officials of
. the Jewish War Veterans, a
publicist, a politician.
Lawyer Fred Botts, 78, a
friend of 20 years, didn't
seem surprised at the lack of
a crowd.
"Jake was a peculiar sort,"
he said. "A most generous
man. But it was the lonely
and downtrodden that he
befriended. Jake went into
the byways and hedges to do
As they gathered before
the brief service, th talked
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