1674-13 Jake Schreiber GREATER MIAMI NEWS BRIEFS
Sejbç4. ets ff Easy�
In. Income TaxangIe _,;
"Silver Do ake Schreiber r
dispenser of bright, shiny one-
buck pieces, had made his peace
with the internal revenue col-
lector today. --
The retired theater magnate,
(oho makes his home at 298 S.
conut lane, Palm Island, said
federal income tax claims of$83,-
805 were settled for "not near
that amount." But he wouldn't
say how much. -
Federal Judge John W. Hol-
land yesterday dismissed a suit,
brought by Schreiber to prevent•
the government from collecting
- the taxes, after District Attor-
ney Herbert S. Phillips said
agreement was reached. It is
against government regulations -
to reveal the amount.
This was the second brush'
with the income tax men Schrei-
ber has had. Revenue officials,
said he was convicted more than•
a decade ago in Detroit on
charges of income tax evasion,'
fined and given a suspended sen-
nce. Lr
(iB ' •
•a Fit •
Stella Shawn, 4. year-old with blood-spattered bandages Within an hour, she was at
maid from Greenville. S. C., swathing its neck. police headquarters.
rushed into Miami police sta- The ,
tion Sunday and breathlessly • a.ilver Doll: Said Schreiber:
"I'm still looking for a maid, I
reported seeing a bloodied ber . -c ca-o-mg profession-
body in the home of her new. - do-gooder for blood donor but one who doesn't mind dum-
_ _ .. employer. drives and friend of thousands mies."
Miami Beach police were call- of World War II fighting men. Miss Shawn, unconvinced
ed. and Detectives John Mark- Schreiber, a retired theater and unpaid, was to take an
with and Elmer Dayhoff sped chain owner with a 30-year afternoon bus back to South
to 298 S. Coconut lane, Palm junk collection jamming his Carolina.
Island, and confronted the own- house, said Miss Shawn was •- -.
er. hired through a friend and ar-
"We're got a report there's rived by bus here Sunday
a body here." morning.
Doubling over with laughter, Re gave her a tour of the i
the man took both officers to house — including his garage _
a cluttered storeroom and point- stuffed with dummies and pa- i. : ` l
__- • - ed out a uniformed mannequin triotic paraphernalia—then left 'tM W. • !'"
lying face-up on a stretcher for a visit on Miami Beach. '