1674-14 Jake Schreiber AUG 151963
Schreiber Gets
Tailh jim t fiA Dollar
ver Dollar—MR -`
lv o pas s c• Jake' Dtes
sands of silver dollars'to service-
in this area during the war,. ,
has been granted a temporary in- , — .-.------'
junction to prevent the govern- •
ment from collecting $83,305.05.
The retired showman, 'who lives EX-Movie Mogul
at 298 S. Coconut;lane, Palm -
Island, famous for his practical
jokes and 10-gallon hat, said the t iliar Here
collector of internal revenue was
"arbitrary a n d capricious" in
sending him a deficiency notice at • 13rJf-Il4TWARDLOW
this time for 1945 and 1946 in- Bald Staff Writer
come taxes. OlMiami's most colorful
Schreiber got the injunction personalities, "Silver D o l l a r
from Federal .Judge Alexander
Alterman. Jake" died Wednesday.
Death came at 4 p.m. at
Benefit PartySlated �r ' trial tireHosd ml to
I Jacob Schreiber etired mogul "
The South Florida Cat club will o • ovies who never really i
I have a benefit party at 8 tonight retired from entertaining oth-
at N. W. 63rd st. and 11th ave. ; ers in all of his 72 years.
He died of cerebral throm-
Y bosis, but had been in falling
!1 health. since a stroke more
than a year ago.
"Silver Dollar Jake" was a
familiar figure to Miamians.
His big Cadillac convertible
was overly equipped to the
Leftover 10
Q point of including barometers
■ .00AL 7� and yacht wheels and he had a
bright-feathered macaw riding
i ' up in front.
Silver `Test. He passed out hundreds of
} - i ' the silver coins which gave
OfHonesty i
him his nickname. He gave
j i ✓� them to GI's stationed here
during World War H, or he
For whom? gave them to blood donors or
i those.who bought war bonds.
Silver Doll He frequently rode in pa- ;
said Tuesday • • ant- 1 rades, patriotic posters pasted
ed two specimens of his trade to the side of his car, and up
mark — big, tempting s 1 1 v e r 3 until time of'his stroke,"Silver
dollars — to test the honesty m�
Do d'ake"'. def i ttre..veter-
of a housekeeper. ans in hospasis rad enter-tain-
And, he told Peace J u s t I c e ment. He took troupes in to
Kenneth Oka, when he looked entertain them.
under the pillow,on his favor- "I never saw :anybody who
ite rocking chair, he found the loved humanity so," commented
silver dollars gone- his doctor and close friend of
But the housekeeper, matron- many years.
ly Mrs. Rosemarie Schanil. told Jake was tube-fed at the
Oka she had actually offered h o s pit a 1 for the last two
to give Schreiber $2 in hills in months and was in a coma for
exchange for the silver discs. more than a week before his
She wanted to send them to her' death.
granddaughter, she said. Jake Schreiber had made
Schreiber, who drives around his fortune as a theater own-
Miami Reach In a weirdly rig- er in Detroit before coming
ged automobile with statues, to Miami, first as a winter
battle scenes, recruiting and visitor then as it resident in
blood drive posters all over the 1938. •
hood and body, was in court Year by year his home at 298
because Mrs. Schanil claimed S. Coconut Lane,
he hadn't paid her enough , P a 1 m Island,
wages. , ,became a muse-
She charged he took two '- um with what
strings, of pearls belonging to ,, ;friends described
her, and that he took away the ,i S -as "thousands of
belts from all her dresses. She x, items, trinkets
called him "a house devil and ,• and history `
•a street angel." t, _ :markers -- even
Schreiber, on 'the other hafid, •°cannon and• old
professed to he outraged by a . flags — of two
long distance telephone call and :,:<.,_ world wars. He
a telegram that he claimed were SILVER loved that "mu-�
charged to his bill by Mrs. DOLLAR seum" and lived'
Schanil. there with his wife Madge.
Judge Oka •decided to take Born in New York City he
all the bills and invoices Inthe remembered his days as a
case under study,before dectd newsboy hawking headlines and
ing. At stake is a difference of he recalled, too, his trip to
opinion of about$30. California as a young man
trying to make his way up.
Forlorn and weary one
night he tried to mooch some
money from a gambler out-
side a casino and the gam-
bler placed three shiny silver
dollars in his palm.
From then on, said Jake
once, silver dollars meant "a
sensation of security" to him.
Services are being arranged
by Riverside Miami Beach