1674-6 Louis (Red) Snedigar /• Q 44
Eastern Air Lines. Her husband is
also employed by E A L and entered
the University of i\lianai in June. r
ix y
Harlan S. B. Sutton. Ex. '45, mar- '' ,•+ , ' ``
vied Lillie Margaret Gibbsou of Bar- ,r ^,
tow, Fla. this spring.
Virginia Ann Gilbert, A.B. '45, was "- ` .' '+
a June bride of last year. Her hus- •
` ri
baud, T. Morrison Jelks, is now em- I. -.,
pluyed with the Naval Air Station a.t
Jacksonville, Fla. •
Gordon Carlson, Ex. '45, has been ''
named assistant principal of the Cecil ,
Business College in Asheville, N. C.
Hazel Jolley, Ex. '45, is now Mrs. '. ' I
Earl Runtsey Boyce. Married May 3,
she and her husband are living in •, •
G::ine:v lie, Fla.. where Boyce is a • ` " / .�4T
stat:est at the University of Florida. r
41:. 4
1946 a N�
\ t
Frances Alberta Mills, U.S. '46, and '�,tt t
Robert Eu0ene Jones, A.B. '4S, were '`
married at Oklawalia Bridge Baptist t.
Church, Conner, Fla., June 5. They are '
living at 952 Wyomina. Street, Ocala. t' •
ifkw- • .
Carol Emerson, R.S. '46. is engag-
ed to marry Leon Whitehurst, Jr. No
date has been set for the Iteddittz. Connie Mack, "Grand old man" of the Athletic, and Red Snedigar, meet-
Carol is at present accountant for J. ing at the annual Baseball Beefers' dinner at Macfadden Deauville., Miami,
Emerson and Sons, building contrac- •for the first time in 35 years. were reminded of the time Snedigar was a
tots in Brooksville, Fla. Stetson University student and tried out with the A's.
"Better go back to your law; you're not a natural ball player." Connie
Two students who received their Mack told the Stetson student back in 1913. So Snedigar took his advice,
A.B. degrees in 1946 were married became a lawyer, and was four times mayor of Miami Beach.
December 27 in the First Baptist In a story written by Guy Butler, Miami Daily News Sports Editor,
Church of eBeach. Fla. Snedigar is quoted as telling how he was a rookie on the Athletic squad
Theyhwere aJacksonvillels and RevPaul in 1913 and "won the pennant for them because Mr. Mack kept warning
his famous $100,000 infield that if anybody bogged down, in would go
D. Carmichael, Jr. Snedigar." (Miami Daily News Photo)
Mary Cleo Johnson, Ex. '46, and Henry M. Burch, Spec. '46. has en- nell University, Ithaca, N. Y. He was
Richard Edward Casey were married tered real estate brokerage business married to Ruth Frances Ostrander at
December 27, 1947, in Brunswick. Ga. in Orlando, Fla. P;ttsfield, Mass., February, 1947. He
April 18, 1948 marked the wedding attended the University of Pennsyl-
date of Edith Louise Fugate, Ex. '46, Sonya Eleanor Wentz, Ex. '46, be-
vania to 1944-1945. also the University
and R'eh•trd Collins Woodbery, Jr. came Mrs. Frederick H. Owen, Jr., of Chicago in 1946-1947.
at her home in Tampa, Fla., June 10.
A summer wedding is being plan- Owen is a senior st Stetson and press- Marjorie Scarborough, Ex. '46, be-
ned by Kelley Moore, Ex. '46, and Nick dent of the Student Body. came the bride of John Harvey Phil-
Billeris. She received her B.S. degree
in ecolaomics in June of last lips in a home wedding at Yalaha, a
year at Joy Lee, Ex. '46, became the bride suburb of Leesburg, Fla., May 29. The
Florida Southern College. Billeris is-
attending medical school of North-
James Fred Rhodes in a June wed- couple will live in Jacksonville follow-
western University. ding. She and her husband are now ing Phillips' graduation from the Unt-
living in Homestead, Fla. versity of Florida this month,
Marjorie Elliott, Ex. '46, was mar-
t-led to Albert L. Hunecke May Millicent Anne Schaeffer, Ex. '46, Clement Paul Wilcox, B.S. '46, of
24, 1947, on the campus of Emory and Robert Rosborough, II, were mar- Atlantic Beach, Fla., graduated from
University. ' ried at Atlantic Beach, Fla., Ma.y 15. the Emory College of Denistry, June
Eleanor MacKay, Ex. '46, was mar-
'They are making their home at 210 4. 1948. He was elected to meutlier-
ried September 5 in the First Presby- North Street, Neptune Beach, Fla: ship in Omicron Kappa Upsilon, lion-
terian Church in Tampa, Fla. Her hus-
orary dental fraternity.
' band, Robert Guy Shinn, is attend- Robert Craig Howes, Ex. '46, is a
ing the University of Florida. graduate school of linguistics at Cor- Ruth, Curnick, A.B. '46, is working
,; ,• r,. , 17 .. ....