1674-20 Louis (Red) Snedigar WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 19344
. _____ ..
. .
C o u n c i 1 President Dis»
qualified From Race by
•Charter Provision
Wtihdrawal of John H.,Levi as
candidate '.for mayor, of.-Miami
,$each and stl�>segiiint announce.
anent of'Louis F. (Red) Snedigar.,
last_night brought fresh complicaq
tions,to the political camp ,oppos •
ing the re-election of Mayor A.
Frank Katzentine.
Levi, president of the Beach
council, quit because of a charter
provision which precludesa coun-
cil' member from election or ap-
' pointment to any other city office.
Snedigar, boom-time mayor of the
Beach, indicated he would'run on
Levi's platform. The election is
set for Dec. 18.- .
Levi's withdrawal followed a se-
ries of political conferences after
he had received a letter from
Mayor Kntzentinc, telling him of I BEACHthe cis fete pxplann. The mayor
• In his letter explained ho was act-
ing in a sportsmanlike spirit by o (CONTINUED POOH PAGE ONE) o
notifying his opponent, rather than
take advantage of the situation by • run for mayor, but now "that he's
$ i waiting until the expiration of the . been forced out of the race by legal
qualifying period and so be unop- circumstances, I feel it incumbent
posed for re-election. on me to offer myself to the people
' Mayor Katzentine's comment on for mayor."
i the hasty change was that "it is Snedigar said he will "stand,
squarely on the principles of lib-'
within their province to make any
changes they feel are expedient. orality and progressiveness which
i I was actuated solely by the de- have actuated John Levi during his
mends of sportsmanship, for I felt entire term Of residence here."
it would bean unbecoming advan- Levi's formal announcement oI
tage to wait until the expiration his withdrawal read:
of the,qualifying period and then
tell my opponent that he could not
"It it with much regret that 7
find myself disqualified under the
legally compete." law from being a candidate for th(
Snedigar, announcing his Candi, mayor of Miami Beach.
dacy last night, said he "has an in.. MY attention was recently called
' sight"Into all the angles" of the ta Provision in the city charter
conduct of the mayor's office. He to the effect that no member of the
said he• city council shall be eligible for
had pleaded with Levi to
j (CUYTINUEll ON PAGE. FIFTEEN) ,election or appointment to any.
other office during the period for.
which he was elected as such mem-
ber. It seems that this provision
in the charter has never been ob-
served,nor Was I aware of this pro-
vision until my attention was re-
. cantly directed to it,
"In fact, a former mayor of MI-
. ami Beach was elected to that of-
five while a member of the coon-
cil, and Mr. Bankhead ran for
i mayor while a member of the •
council, so this antiquated clause
in the charter could have been just-
.'ly overlooked by me. Whether as
' a matter of public policy the su-
• preme court of the state of Florida:,
would sustain this portion of the i
charter, is a moot question, but
s rather than place the city to a dis-
advantage of having official acts
of mine as mayor attacked, and
rather than place the city and tax-
payers to the expense of defending
such suits, I am withdrawing,my
"In doing so I take this oppor-
t •unity of thanking my friends and •
supporters for their interest in my
behalf. It would not be fair to the
t public for me to remain in the race
1 knowing of the legal complications
that would naturally be involved in
=� my election:' S �