1674-2 Whitman Family 2_11 13ta 11
' ..,,
-IAT keenly competitive game x-+ -. »`'m"" AT SMART NEW !!��
• r -s.' I
of keno which each week has a � �- � ���� � � '
.cial night of its own at the Fla- ....:;•,',:-.'..z "°1s HOME 'i si i
, U
ngo was preceded this time by '', l
neral dinner parties. Mr. and i :fi`"� .x..' �r•,, w �;,y . - for 41
•s. Charles A. McGuire enter- ` , L:; ;r.g K Ili
ned Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hol- ,M c "� �r.; MIAMI BEACH
ok, Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Lindback "' it c.; 5° :t`
d Mrs. George de Benneville ' tea
iim. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. +►` VACATIONS � '
om had at their table Mr. and M
rs. Emil G. Veith, Mr. and Mrs. ! sa ihw.''.._
hn E. Haslam, Mr. and Mrs. k' �, ,,'• '
iomas R. Shipp, Mrs. L. A. Hall yt 441, may
id Mr. Charles J. Root. w The Whitman-by-the-Sea
Dr.and Mrs. W. E. Lester, South y
is the hotel you dream of
:rolinians, and Mr. and Mrs. J. when you think of Miami 1
.Chase of Des Moines,Iowa,havex B.ach. Smartly appoint- h i
iken bungalows at Archway Y ,
cean Villas. ۥ
: ; ed, luxuriously furn- I p
- ,...-t.: fished, conservative—yet t
SHAT new and modernistic hotel, M^ ,F affording all the gay II I
the Barclay-Plaza, during the ' ; j
ast week welcomed a number of f \ pastimes of carefree re- a
'inter visitors. Included in the; sort life. Private bathing
st of those registering were Misstii tiI
beach—deck terrace for
lildred Webster of St. Petersburg, I
'la., J. A. Vinson of Goldsboro, N. �: � r, games and leisure mo-
A. C. Shannon of Pittsburgh,
ments. Two entire floors I?i
4r. and Mrs. V. R. Miller of Kan- devoted to lounges and +`,
as City, Paul B. Smithson 'f Van Dyke o
:vanston, L. F. Schmidt of Chica- Dr. Charles E. North, who rank) as the country's f oremort bac- public rooms; swank ;Pt I
VtS.o M. Williams, jr. of Newark, cocktail bar, and terrace P
Nalter Wagner of New York City, teriologilt. is pictured at the home o f the C. R. Lrrrdbackr on 1 P I
'rank Kiernan of Montclair, N. J., Pine Tree drive where he vacationed before returning to hir cafe for bathers; spa-
N. L. Avrett of New York City home in New York City. i
cious lobby and wide (I
:he Missesokl , N. and May Conklin verandahs virtually sur-
sickA Brooklyn, N. Y., Mrs. L. P. Cu- A DINNER PARTY followed by MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK
of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. bridge in the lounge of the H. STRAWBRIDGE of Phila-
rounding the lower floors.
of Buffalo, Daniel S. Mil- Boulevard was enjoyed by Mr. and delphia, members of the well-
known familyof that name, are Seventyper cent of all
ler of Rochester, Lemotto Smith of Mrs. A. C. Hoyt, and their guests i
Cleveland, and Mr. and Mrs. A in observance of Mrs. Hoyt's birth- spending a month at the bay front guest rooms with direct
H. Canfield of Fairfield, Conn. day anniversary this week. Guests Flamingo. ocean view . all with
* • * included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
PRINCESS H E N R I E T T E Chaffey, Point Pleasant, N. J.; tub and shower, and 11
SAVA-GOIN of New York, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Turney, Yonk- ifA� �AMI� steam heat throughout.
who has so many friends in the ens, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 1
winter colony, is planning to go Robb, Adrain, Mich.; Mrs. R. S. er,u.e,..a...'.,O1 V .• Oceanside dining room,
to Havana for a brief visit and McManus, Buffalo; Mrs. A. W. �
then to return to the Pancoast for 843-845 Lincoln Road I featuringexcellent cui-
Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I
an indefinite stay. A Roumanian W. Howe. sine and service.An ideal II
-by birth, the princess is a United " FINE APPAREL place for entertaining.
States citizen by choice. She has Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Lang,
a Ph.D. degree from the Sarbonne Maplewood, N. J. are at the King for th'
University in Paris and has eight Cole. .i
books of poetry to her credit. She * * a WELL DRESSED CHILD I11
speaks eight languages fluently Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hagner and FATIO DUNHAM, Manager !1,
and has written a number of es- attractive little daughter Allison. Boys and Girls ;i
says, have arrived from Washington and a a a THE
have taken a cottage at the King Infancy to Sixteen
• Mrs. W. T. Grant of Malden, Cole. t I I I
Mass. will spend the rest of the '� `t
`season at the Lincoln. BY THE SEA
a * ,_
: ,Mrs. Frank Hoover and son, N e le n 1 F
I e m I fl g
ii:RaY, accompanied by Ray Ellis, all FOX TROT WALTZ TANGO RHUMBA
-Evanston, Ill., again are at the Arthur Murray Method, New York COLLINS AVE. AT 33RD ST.
autilus, where they are annualPhone 5-1271
rar guests. Cabana Walk, Roney Plaza