1674-3 Whitman Family if- 136
FFIRST of a series of weekly N- -
luncheons in the brand .
new Whitman will be given Tues- we r ''.�,� H.
day in the main dining room of the • ' r °' F.
hotel. Christine Smith, bridge ex- ,. s� ar
pert, will direct the affair. �}! 3�. `° ,,,,.. 1 wi
The Whitman, one of the most +!>t qf. �� Oi
elaborate hotels to be opened in t • •,-
Miami Beach in several years, is or 0�' . .
already the popular rendezvous for �y9 = �„
many. Early arrivals include Mi.
SC s
and Mrs. Robert Mains •
and Mr. \// «- ,. ••. Jr
and Mrs. Laurence E. Falls of r ;;.-,.•
Maplewood, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. �"' 01
1 G. F. Lang, Philadelphia; Mrs. — to.`." ,. r ai
Ralph E. Porter, Boston; Mr. and — .�, M
Mrs. L. A. Cooksey and Mr. and ji , t t` i B
Mrs. John T. Holme, St. Louis; 71 (i i i�
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gilmore, Mead- I 0
ville, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. An- n "..
derson, Kansas City; Mc. and Mrs.
R. G. Lydy and Mr. and Mrs. C. ;i,
Hunter Lindsay, Chicago; Dr. and
Mrs. L. 0. Ashton and Baron and
Baroness Valdemer Kuhn von itiif Illi A
Poushental, New York Ci.y; James --� p
Lenihan, Lakeville, Minn.; Mrs. C. 5i,,;tl, Gardiner J
Nellie Gilchrist, Thomaston, Me.;
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Flynn of Silken purple bougainvillea climbing over the creamy walls of
Olean, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. the Lincoln hotel forms a tropical background for this interest-
E. E. Johnson, Toronto. ing family of Canadians. Mr. and Mrs. B. Perry Shepard of
Hundreds attended the open Toronto are shown with their sons. Michael and Donald.
house arranged by the manager,
Fatio Dunham last Sunday to in- IR. A N D MRS. H E R M A N INNERS in the Monday bridge
spect the beautiful new hotel and GOEDEL, Mrs. Mary ReillyN `�r Wtournament at the Hotel Good
its spacious surroundings. and Mrs. Florence Reilly arrived were Mrs. J. J. Freeman, Maple-
* * * the end of the week from Jamaica, wood, N. J.; Mrs. Whiteford Mays,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Elwood Hof- New York, for a sojourn at the Bronxville, N. Y.; Mrs. Myron C.
mann of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln. Other New Yorkers who Perley, Coral Gables; L. L. Nie-
J. H. Dabey of Montreal, Mrs. R. have joined the Lincoln colony are drach, Baltimore and J. P. Carr,
Benson Phelps and two sons of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Lersner, New Chicago.
' Baltimore, and Mr. and Mrs. Her- York City; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. * * *
bert E. Whiting of Hatboro, Pa., Gregory, Bay Shore, L. I.; Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill E. Major
are enjoying the season at the C. McLean and John McLean of of Chicago, frequent visitors to
Utica. Miami Beach in previous seasons,
Barclay Plaza. * * * have returned and are guests at
! * * ' the Fleetwood, centering their at-
-- -- Mr. and Mrs. George Frederick The Indianapolis colony at the tetion t golf and swimming.
Jewett of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Nautilus has been augmented by
who generally go to California for the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. ,,,,nu in 11.:uwm
, 1 umenmu
,unumu;unnenannm a1nnu 1im,Y.,mom
their winter vacations, are guests Helskell and Mr. and Mrs. Russell
at the Pancoast hotel, coming here L. White while the St. Louis group 0from Washington, D. C., where is welcoming Mrs. John B. Strauch
Mr. Jewett, who is president of the and her small grandsons John and
Western Forestry and Conserva- Andrew.
tion Association, had important „ "'t
mmeetings with government officials Mrs. R. Thompson, Miss E. M.
regarding the activities of his or- Thompson and Miss Gertrude
ganization. Wayne form an attractive Balti- = F
* * * more group at the King Cole. _
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Mayer, Jr.,
of Pittsburgh and their daughter, MIAMI BEACH
Antoinette Mayer, are guests for SCHOOL OF MUSIC
a few weeks at the Pancoast. (Affiliated with the University of a
* * * 431 W. 41ST STREET _