1674-2 Mitchell Wolfson 1
Wolfson Chosen Mayor
Byuut ij 4intous Acclaim
By C.C. BERNI\G i and the citizens of Miami Beach
amu sure welt. II and want you to know that we in i
The new liami Beach council1 Miami are willing and want to co'
• ^' izeli Cednesday with operate with you in every way pos I '
t i ! isamayThyor Thy 'shale to make this entire area a± '
er r ran• as rice-mayor.
selections. i:v unanimous vote of better place to live."
the councilmen, were followed by Orli-BT WORK TOG F.T RER" •
of all department :....What hurts one of our cities
excepting the the chief. •
hurts the others and a e must there-
It wan apparent the council does tore work together in order to do i •
mot want to confirm any reappoint-
ment of Chief J.S.Stephenson and a fine job. At least a e can try."
be wants to resign as soon as his Commissioner Wallace A. Bell. .
!pension retirement rights can be representing the mayor of Coral •
protected. Gables• gave credit for the spirit
The council met at 10 a. in. to
'Induct the five winners of Tues- unity among the Metropolitan-
dav's election, and then. not yet a
lm' communities to City Man-
agreed upon the mayor hip, re• ager A. B. Curr}'.
cessed until 2 p. m. "I think this is a splendid be-
OPEN DIS.IGREFNENT ginning of a new administration."
The onl• ripen dtsa cement at be aid. "We are brought closer to-
7g^ gether through the efforts of City
the tsvo-session lovefest came when Manager Carry who has been!
\'al Cleary. retiring mayor. sec- strong for this unity." !
ended Councilman D.Lee Powell's Cleary. still acting as Miami t
-nomination of Ben Shepard for re- Beach mayor.replied:
appointment as city attorney. 'The co-operation in the past few
Councilman John Levi said fie years has been Al• and I appreciate
would not support the reappoin,-'it and hope it.will continue. I be.I '
menc because "I don't think it is Dere it will:'
Abe city attorney's place to organize RAISTOs PRAISED
a campaign fight on two or three •
councilmen:' Wolfson termed the visitation of
Shepard arose to tell the council the Miami and Coral Gables aft.
that"if you appoint me or not. Ichili"one of the finest omens our
shall continue to do as I please In l council and people have seen and I
any campaign in which 1 may be tam
ithankful for that.
nterested." Robert W.Ralston.who failed of
interested." ,
VOTE Ire-election. bid adieu and left the
Councilman Ralph C. Pole said'chamber after citing his record and
that In view of that statement he con behalf of the city as a
too would vote against Shepard'a "I know the city is going to con•'
reappointment "because I don't.tinue Just as it has in the past and •
think it right for the city attorney that you have a good council,"lie'
to engage in politics." 'said.-"1 wish everybody the best of'.
The reappointment followed by luck" I
32 vote- P.tillodtf Cleary stopped him at the door. •
/_ .. atlyit the councilnc of a unanimous
his list of reappointments Tor con- by on a resolution
thanking Ralston for his 10 yeari
tirma[ion, explaining that while'work as-a councilman. Cleary said
:tephenson's name was omitted he l a hment copy of the resolution
wanted to keep him on the Job for i1 would be forwarded to Ralston.
present.The chief,he said,"wanted SL GGESTS RESOLlTION
'to resign a month or two ago and •
asks for his release by June 13 or• Later when Wolfson assumed the
July 1," gavel his first act was to suggest
...----- The
LhT a councilueshied aouggestiion a similar resolution to be be sent
Stephenson e reappto Clean-.expressing the council's
i the understanding he would resign appreciation of Cleary's work as
by July 1. after Shepard advised mayor for the last two years.
that any appointment would be for It was Cleary who had suggested
k a two-year term. the nomination of Wolfson as
SERVED 20 YEARS ,mayor. Referring to Wolfson as
Councilman Frisk said he under.."the man who got the big vote yes•
stood that a newly-enacted state terday," Cleary declared that he
legislative act giving the council toe i"will be a top-notch mayor."
authority to lower the pension age` Wolfson.in response,said that he
from 63 to 55 would become deed-o-wanted It understood that Cleary
the soon. Stephenson. 59, has was retiring from the mayoralty '
served more than 20 years with the;voluntarily in the belief that that
city office should be given to the can-
j The reappointments include those dilate with Ute-largest number of
`// of Police Chi;f A. B.Simpson and popular votes. This is a precedent •
Daniel Galen as city judge.Appoint-!that has not always been followed
menc of an assistant judge aas held•by the council in previous years.
Harry Hice,reappointed assistant Councilmen receive 11.800 a year
city manager,also was named per.
and the mayor an extra 51,000 ex-I'
11 usonnet director and park supervisor,
1 taking on the duties of Park Super-rPen'e epmoard said that Pole.the new
v13Ur J.ry B.Lemmmice. n who Is In the member of council,replacing Rai-
�1 ditary actingsnvice. enRgineer was,aton,may continue in office as Jus-
oamed city engineer In thepilea of the Peace without conflicting
absence of Engineer Maurice LI
. also in the service. with any charter provision. Pole's •
ROOM CROWDED ijustice of the peace term continues
for another year.
The morning session was at-: He,like Wolfson won a four-year '
tended by Miami and Coral Gables',term on the council in Tuesday's •
officials who presented large bas- election. Re-elected were Cleary. ,
kets of roses and gladioli. •
and Levi. Holdover mem-
Sweet essence of flowers was in hers of the seven-man council are
the very atmosphere. An affable,i Frisk and William Burbridge.
smiling audience crowded the meet.;
lag room and heartily applaudedi Da Services
each honeyed speech. Y
Replying to Councilman Lesl'a Flag Day services will be conduct-
quip:"I don't know why you came ed by Miami Beach Elks lodge at •
over here.whether to-learn what 7:30 Monday night,June 14.at Fla•
to do or what not to do," Mayor Pingo Park bandstand. Music will
Leonard K.Thomson of Miami said be by the Army Air Forces Basica '
that"we want to congratulate you Training Command No. 4 bind. '
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