Resolution 5584 7 RESOLUTION NO . 5584 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA : SECTION 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 5-B-b of the Pension and Retirement Plan Ordinance No. 498, the members of the Employees Retirement System of the City of Miami Beach are hereby classified in three groups, as follows : GROUP 1. POLICEMEN, FIREMEN AND LIFE GUARDS Adams, E. L. Jackson, R. R. Anderson, Nils E. Andrews, C . B. Kelly, John J. Armstrong, A. d. Kendrick, Theo Askew, J. W. Kennett, D. C. Klein, William H. Baber, B. B. Knight, B. C. Ball, F. Kraft, G. Bowers, Barney Brennan, Joe Lampley, A. L. Brown, George Levin, Nathan Loveland, R. B. Cahill, Richard V. Carpenter, B. D. Mackey, E. Chrisman, V. C. Magee, A. Cosper, J. W. Marshall, A. Cox, 0. G. Marshall, David Craig, A. J. Martin, V,. L . Mathewson, J. H. Dabney, R. E. Miller, V. G. Dayhoff, E. R. Miller, Wayne Dillard, A. R. Miller, W. M. Dozier, N. C. IvMorrison, Henry Drosdick, Ernest Mottayaw, J. C. Etzler, W. H. Murray, William McCoy, Thomas Faulkner, J. W. McGee, A. T. Ferguson, A. J. McKin, J. Fitzpatrick, F. Fitzpatrick, P. Norris G. V. Fleming, J. A. Norris, Joseph F. Fontanella, G. J. Nunn E. T. Frederick, S. Nunn, Thomas Gabler, George E. O 'Farrell Kenneth Gardos, Ernest Osborn, F. S. Gateley, J. J. Owens, G. W. Green, George J. Page, G. R. Hakam, Albert Park, H. L. Hamilton, D. W. Peoples, I. S. Handberry, J. E. Pierce, G. W. Harrison, Ernest PinderEarl Heimach, F. A. Porter, Thomas Heyl, F. W. High, Paul Redules, A. Hoover, J. L. Riggs, H. L. Hovelsrud, J. W. Roberts, G. W. Huddleston, C. W. Root, C . A. Hukle, J. RoseB. C. Rothwell, 0. T. Rudman, Herman 2. GROUP 1. (Continued) Sacher, Paul Taylor, J. D. Seiler, C. E. Thompson, R. P. Selby, J. Tinsley, J. D. Shecter, Alvin Shepard, H. J. Wade, J. C . Short, P. R. Wages, James D. Siegel, Aaron Wichman, W. C. Siegendorf, N. J. Wiese, Ernest S. Silver, Mary V. Guilbanks , F. F. Simmons, Bruce Willis, Aubrey C. Simpson, A. W. Willis, J. Y. Speer, Arthur Wills , W. C . Stephenson, J. S. Wilson, Robert F. Stewart, P. Wood, S. 0. Stewart, H. B. Stokes, A. E. Yocum, H. V. GROUP 2. MEMBERS HOLDING CLERICAL OR EXECUTIVL POSITIONS Alderdice, F. Mackay, irargaret L. Askew, Newton Martin, Francine Mauch, C . W. Barry, R. A. Miller, Ray S. Becker, Rose Mizell, Earl Bell, Martha B. Bell, Thomas J. McCready, H. G. Bennett, Clara McKee, C. J. Bennett, Eula McKeon, Rose Brown, Lincoln Burke, Vincent Nunez, Paul Childers, Doris Platt, Murray Cleary, David J. Pohzehl, Lurana Cobb, Charles A. Crossland, Pete Quigley, Ellen Dougherty, E. Reese, C. B. Doyle, Ethel Renshaw, C . A. Roberts, W. M. Early, Lois Robillard, J. H. Eastman, a""illiam J. Roth Dan Elsener, "Darren A. Roth, J. D. Erskine, Barbara Saperstein, Albert Farrey, J. J. Sathre, Floyd Flook, Janet Shepard, Ben Sills, V. W. Gleason, Arthur Simmons, Robert C. Green Frances Smith, Ruth R. Greene, Arthur Smith, Thomas F. Spitzer, A. W. Hancock, E. IY. Spring, Annis Harvey, June Sullivan, Monica E. Harwood, W. H. Sutherlin, Roy Hice, Harry Switzer, W. J. Hills, R. W. Horn, H. H. Thompson, Kenneth Howe, Kenneth Tomlinson, C . W. Traurig, Dorothy Imatt, Rae Troadway, Mildred R. Inman, H. C. Valentine, George James, Phil Johnson, R. W. L. Wagstaff, V. E. Johnston, John R. Webb, William H. Weiss, Mrs . Rose Leddy, W. B. Wheeler, Byron B. Lipp, M. N. White , Rose E. Locke , James W. Wolz Gtace Wood, Marian Woolley, Charles J. 3. GROUP 3. ALL OTHER MEMBERS OF RETIREMENT SYSTEM Adams, Jack Eisenhower, C . Albury, E. W. , Sr. Elias, Frank Allen, H. M. Etzler, Frank Ambrose, E. C. , Jr. Eubanks, Raybun Ambrose, E. C . , Sr. Evans, George W. Anderson, C . A. Evans, J. 0 . Andrews, Frank E. Fielder, Robert E. Bailey, Reginald Feinswog, Louis Barber, Harry C. Fleisig, Nathaniel Barron, Robert Florence, S. , Jr. Bennett, John Florence, S. , Sr. Benson, Charles Flowers, Ben Bingham, David Foster, H. Bird, E. H. Frey, ttobert Bird, 14. T. Black, P. F. Gardner, Albert Bornstein, Sigmund Garey, W. D. Brauer, S. Gauvin, Leonard Buckhalt, W. F. Gellen, Stanley H. Burbridge, Farber Getlin, Louis Burchett, Elmer Gibson, L. Burmester, E. Glassman, Mandel Burt, Jack Godfrey, Jack 6v. Busch, Leroy Goldberg, Charles Buttler, Alfred Goodson, J. C. Goodson, V. E. Call, H. F. Gordon, Gilbert Cameron, James Green, S. B. Canady, W. L. Gueth, Joe Carey, Herbert M. Gullickson, J. A. Cash, E. C . Chabot, William Harmer, Louis Chaffin, E. C. Hanson, Henry Chapman, Oscar Hantman, Max Child, H. E. Hart, Joseph Christmas, W. H. Harvey, W. Clarke, D. W. Hayes, Howard A. Cobb, Y. E. Hayes, M. C . Cohen, Nathan Helms Phil Collins, Leo F. Herman, Ralph Collins, William A. Hill, Will Converse, C. H. Hoban, E. Cooke, B. E. HobanFrank Cosper, M. H. Howe, C . H. Cosper, Thomas Hyamson, James Crist, Raymond Hyman, Benny Crosby, R. G. Crossman, Howard Jacobsen, Oscar Crouse, Pete James, Edwin F. Culkin, Matthew J. James,' Fred Cunningham, J. Jeffcott, Robert Jennings , T. L. Daley, John M. Johansen, Christian B. Dansky, Harry Johnson, Marshall Danziger, Harry Johnson, W. B. Devine, George Johnstone, R. H. DiGhilini, A. E. Jones, Samuel P. Dixon, R. W. Jones, William H. Dodge , R. E. Dodson, C. J. Kelpsh, A. E. Donaldson, J. A. Kent, Mrs. B. D . Dorsett, Tom King, Guy Dravet, Joseph King, Joe Drury, J. M. Kotch, JRhn D. Duffy, Joseph 4. GROUP 3. (Continued) Lamb, Remer Saier, Ralph T. Landis, J. Y. Sammons , H. L. Latour, Harry Sampson, Ralph Leitz, H. R. Sanders, James A. Lewis, Edward Schaeffer, Henry J. Lister, James Schellenberger, F. Lloyd, Y. J. Schenck, Frank Schleicher, W. F. MacKnight, E. S. Schmidt, Austin Margolis, Arthur Schuyler, Karl E. Margolis, J. L. Shapiro, Samuel N. Marks , Aaron Shaw, Harvey B. Marshall, Bertrum Sheffield, James Marshall, Harry Shippy, Wilmot W. Michael, Ralph Simons, Percival K. Michaels, Morton Smith, Thirlee Miller, E. L. Soutar, Jack Miner, Arthur Spell, H. L. Mizell, W. K. Spring, R. E. Moore, Benny Staub, Harry Morris, Carl E. Stern, Jacob Morrison, F. R. Stevens, Joseph C . Muth, Arthur Stockton, Thomas Strickland, James H. McCarthy, C. M. Stroble, Lonnie L. McClellan, J. M. Supplee, Furman B. McGrath, Robert Mclnvale, Charles Talley, L. T. McKinsey, A. F. Thomson, Albert McKinsey, Smith Thorpe , Roland McMullen, H. W. Tuckman, Louis Nagel, Paul Wade Jimmie Norris, Albert Ward, Edward J. Norris, Charles Warren, Osmund Nuce, E. H. Waters, E. D. Webb, J. F. O ' Dell, Benny Wells, Guy G. Wells, Harlie M. Peerless, J. Wells, W. S. Petrie, H. C . Wheeler, J. L. Pickhardt, Charles Wilkinson N. C. Pierce , Walter Wilkinson, Theo L. Pottmire, G. J. Williams, C . A. Prather, Fred Williams, C . C . Price, David Wilson, George S. Price, Leland Wingard, John Pridgen, J. V. Wollner, C. E. Pursley, Frank Wright, Ralph Pushkin, James Wynn, Y. A. Rexford, Albert Zadorin, Alex Reynolds, L. D. Zoller, George Richards, J. M. Zumsteg, Bernard Richardson, W. G. Zweigenthal, Arthur M. Rigsby, Otis Riley, Charles Riley, Tom Rivers, M. E. Roig, Reynold Rooney, Willard A. Rosselle, W. A. Roth, Adolph Ruppel, N. H. SECTION 2. That, further pursuing said provisions of said Ordinance No. 498, a Primaryand an Election is hereby called to be held, in Group No. 3, between the hours of 3:00 P. N. and 7:00 P. M. , on August 21st, 1942 and August 28th, 1942, respectively, for the purpose of nominating and electing, within said Group No. 3, a Trustee to represent said Group of members on the Board of Trustees, and 5. SECTION 3. That, for the purpose of holding and conducting said Primary and Election, the following members are hereby appointed to serve as Inspectors and Clerk: Clerk - Paul T. Nagel Inspectors - M. E. Cobb C. E. Wollner SECTION 4. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby appointed as Supervisor of said Primary and Election, and is hereby further instructed to provide ballots and all necessary paraphernalia to the Inspectors and Clerk hereinabove appointed, to enable them to properly hold and conduct said Primary and Election, and SECTION 5. That the two members receiving the highest number of votes cast at the Primary on August 21st, 1942, shall be the only candidates for Trustee at the Election on August 28th, 1942, provided, however, that should any member receive a majority of the votes cast at the Primary, he will be thereby declared elected as a Trustee and the Election as herein planned be omitted. SECTION 6. That immediately after the polls are closed in the Primary and in the Election herein called, the Inspectors and Clerkshall proceed to open the ballot box and count the ballots cast, tabulating the result, and upon completion of said count they shall promptly certify the result of said Primary or Election, as the case may be, to the City Clerk in duplicate on forms to be supplied them by the said City Clerk, and SECTION 7. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to .present to the City Council, at their first meeting follow- ing the holding of said Election, the certificate of said Inspectors and Clerk, as to the result of said Election, whereupon this Body shall declare the Trustee elected as indicated in said certificate. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of July, A, D. , 1942. _ / -mak. . egA7116.- Acting Iayor Ci y Clerk 41 0010 to0 0 H H 0 1