1674-2 Pioneers Of Miami Beach•
into Chats,'Will He Given Spe.leye . t:o.,K to liii 1 b.•i•iv)w answered, r..,.::,r •,•,:rt„.+,.,,n,.,.).
"You look awful young. mister." !I've been told."• The pope walked to the hall flanked 14otel truat and trust proper
rinl Training mild the enlistment officer 'topic-; "I Rues. I'm Just .lucky." sold by Swiss and noble guards and seated gotiate a loan of $80.000 w
,red porton. Ben Cooper. Charles lousiy. i Shuttleworth later, who prefers the'himself on his throne,while the papal In Circuit court yesterday
anion, John E. Norman. Don Mil- "So I've been told." was the luno. name "Jack" to Sterling Wilford.;master of ceremonies called out: "Ex- H. Y.Atkinson.
Lew Fields and.J. M. Niers have rent rejoinder. He was born on Sep- But I've never needed the money'Ira, omnen!" (Everyone out). About$10,000 of the loan
re.appointed members of the Miami timber 19. 1001. I and didn't look forward too eagerly Then the doors were locked on the repair of rugs and furniti.
mmittee,of which W.Keith Phillips Shuttleworth was assigned to the I to this bonus payment. I'm not even pope and his cardinals,with the Swiss hotel, a bayfront structure
chairman, for the Thomas Alva Fourth regiment.United States Marine l going to open It until tomorrow night guards In brilliant uniforms on sentry Beach, damaged during u
lion Foundation campaign. The corps, and served overseas for 21 when a friend will be here. Then it's l duty outside. years: approximately $37.1
Alone of the foundation,nationally months In France and with the army going•into the postal savings, every' His holiness used en ancient form- trustee certificates issued 1
ected, In to select and train youths of occupation In Ciermnny. He be- cent.of It.' luta In naming the new cardinals. mer trustees,Sol Meyer mut.
exceptional scientific ability as came a sergeant in the machine gun He has been a member Of the Tampa both of them close associates of the 630.000 is for a chattel mo:
dlson scholars" carrying out a detachment and clime through several post No.S.and West Palm Beach poet I pope for years and both now on duty the remainder is for broker.
,Jrrt begun by the famous Amert. encounters with "not a scratch." No. 12. American Legion. and plans in the VaUcan library. Judge Atkinson directed
1 Inventor before his death in 1931. Ile liken the marines no well he re- to join Harvey W. Seeds post in He asked: "Quid via vivitar7" loan be obtained"upon the
• least 100 youths front schools and :stained with them atter the war "to Miami. Shuttleworth reeldes at the In ancient times that was e, signal 'foie and reasonable terms
insanes will be selected each year, see the world," and did. I Pan-American Hotel. for the cardinals to speak up with din- The trustees are-required
Cl.C.EMU1 of Miami Is chairman of senting opinions.If they held any,but payment of the sum borru
custom held them to solemn accept- execution and placing of a
EFlorida staters Al•trlet. ante today. gage lien upon the trust •
tch state will haveits own COm- MAY W E PRESENT • Silently they raised their red hats of both rest and personal 1
titian and grantsill be of ntffl :In approval of the new cardinals,who the trust. .
•lit monetary necessary re-e I will receive their own berretta at a Richard H. Hunt. atto:
oration, training or scientific re- 1tpublic consistory Wednesday evening. &exited tile trustees.
arch work of the. individual, Mr.l •
C. W.TOMLINSON NSON The pope also made formal procia- _--_ --- __
�Illlps said. matlon today of three American and WOCLEA
-------mow--- two Canadian bishops.
113SEN'I'LL VOTES W. TOMLINSON. city clerk and They were Monsignor George L. OF AYA
CAST i iF RE F Y 161 CJ
• collector of Miami Bench, is - — Leech, to be Mahon of Harrlstirgh,
known all over the fires for two things, Pa.; Monsignor Hugh L. Lamb, aux11-
his height and his unfailing geniality. tory bishop of Philadelphia: Mon- Of firer slaking Chars
Mr. Tomlinson to a nativeof Kan- signor William Adraln, bishop of
urLry Ls Deadline Fur Abiding ` y •
•. Nashville. Tenn.: Monsignor Francis Appear Against
son,hiltago spentMstmt lf hisa Wirlyts
lite In ! Cnrrnl, Calgary. Alberta, and Mon. Two Miami women soh.
/inllots From Out of .Conte Chicago. Mrs. Tomlinson gam halms signor Patrick Bray,St, John, N. B.
A total of 161 absentee ballots have Harriet Dodson, and their daughter. .moi,. Among the cardinals In attendance summons Saturday for
l en cut at the office of Judge W. Miss Bonnevtere F.Tomlinson.will be • was Dennis, Cardinal Dougherty of at N. E. First street and
1 -rink Blanton In County court by a senior at Florida State College for -, y Philadelphia. In an interview in Os- nue were dismissed on
wde county ejectors who will be nut Women at Talaahamsee next year. '?yf4l•.,. sI6eervatore Romano, the Vatican news- by Judge Cecil Curry '
' the county during toting at the Mr.Tomlinson.who came to Miami y 'vat .I _,',., ..r paper, Cardinal Dougherty today der court last night:
•cond primary, June 23. since the Beach in 1919, disclaims the title of -:.. r" , 1P scribed three-fourths of the motion Those dismissed were
Mots were received Saturday noon. Pioneer, but admits that he has had • ,H picture output as "an instrument of Spinney. 100 8. W.Thlrt�•
Ninety-four ballots were cast yes- the privilege of watching the growths ,i:' corruption: ? nue.and Mrs.N.N.Blake.
•achy and 67 Saturday afternoon, of the city during some of Its molt Tenth avehue.
The ballots may be cast untl 6 interesting stages, -''' ' SUSPECT IN MURDER Patrolman J.A.Bulbus
m. Friday. Today, however. Is the As office engineer for W. E. Brown, .•r► the summons,did not a1
saltine for mailing the ballots from he hada share In much of the early ;;'p FOUND IN IIOSPIT,4L against the women.
tat of the state. development work for the Carl G. since November, 1934,as the - -...me. Fisher Fisher Iriterests. mopping the shore ukiller Sought A.D.Schnee,November.
at N. W. (;.4PI'f.'iIr STOCK 7
line filling and draining, what might r r,,
;iIIF'7:� !N PERSONNEL be called the physical development of at•oF )"' r• Sixth avenue,between Fourteenth and LIEN IS VII
Ile was
OPPOE/CEA/ENPOE/CEA/ENMADE the city. Fifteenth streeets. Leroy Fowler, 31-
}loccupied with this work Aur- `s.• year-old negro. was found yesterday A federal lien for $
Shifts in personnel affecting elx p A.^` �(/tf r., In the Iregro tubercular ward at Jack- stock tax for the year I
'ohcemen were announced yesterdaytag his first year in the area. Ile took( y , / v. r '^(It
the naltln0 of city clerk in the nuns_ e - �.C+i, I son Memorial honpf sal. A relative of aeni net the Coral,-tt'a)
v John wasH.t ra na police elites John P ,. .,!7'A f , the dead man recogntred him on a oar poretion In United i
I Vrvrr ora nnf erred f the leaf- rnrr nI raid to fill Ill during vara uon r',,,-;4,,f4.. • {v, J '.Ytri visit to the ward and notified Joseph court yesterday.
IC'dlVlDen to the radio patrol and period and In Octiltl of oligo year ` t'' ♦ { {.Vit' • ttnrltlennnnn,' acting state inveatigs.
I. A. Denny from radio patrol to ran for the office nod wsa elected lie ' ..s1,4-,,,,1.1:14:•71
J,4d 1 1tU tor. Fowler, who wan in the hospital D
raffle. O. D. roan was transferred made another successful campaign in ,..'4.:4', a'1>� ,v .� I under the name of Harry Brown, ad- Stop rink
ram traffic duty to the radio corn- 1922, and after that time the office )41... ...:. s )i '�e,r4ry. 1r ."; matted the fatal stabbing to Conder-
nunlcations division nod T. V. Ox- was made nppolntive. Mr.Tomlinson z1 ,os, e • A: . : mann, The accused man to onme-
'01w from the radio room to traffic. hos filled It continuously and to sat- ,'2 tf. '` Jost trot food,tastelada CRAYCI(
a s'.'" ,,} • cal F,..':d.4. so the killer by a coroner's Jury in Iquor or Hs won't kr
A. D.Williams,assigned to N.W.See- Isfartlotl. �f,,, yyr+ar t December, 1934, which held the homl- caving for whiskq.bean,u.
-nteenth avenue and Thirty-sixth The growth of the city government ,. t.-- •7:„ .,,,,,a,..7.; `.✓ d: dde a case of manslaughter. •poser. Now,proven trx.tn
greet,was transferred to night patrol has been quite as interesting as the prescription. Tsar nerve.-
h physical development of the city, Tomllnson'a view that much credit - - habit.Safrdoean't upset will take C. is plplace. the night patrol. P Y P _ beneetod SaUdadbn ruse.
will nal which op Tomlinson has seen grow isci dire the offlcl of open-mindedness.
e because of their FLORIDAFLORSECRETARIES Said by •tad Cress Drag 0
from a population M 644 when he tank lIsant pt aircy of customs to stains, INVITED TO MEET 11 F:RF.
Atli TR11'N LUVUI:N NOW office to RR present permanent pop- It line been their custom to study
CHICAGO, June IS. (UPI—Air pan. Illation of 13.300, with a winter every system of city government which An invitation to the Florida Com-
t sengers •re taking longer trips there population which' is estimated as hats come under their observation and mercial Secretaries Association, COM-
days as well as making them more somewhere In the neighborhood of to adopt ouch features an appeared posed of necrelorles of chambers of
frequently, a survey discloses. A few 50.000. The office of the ejerk In the suitable for their purpose.The results I commerce in the state, to meet in
II years ago the average flight on United little old city hall had -Dunt three Jristlty Mr. Tomlinson's attitude, Miami Beach on June 27, has been
Air Lines was 400 miles, Now it 1a printed forms, a letter head. a bill Miami Bench has never had a default extended by Mrs. Agnes Purnell, sec-
I 6l1• form and a single sort of tax receipt In its bonded tndebtednrn' and tax.retery of the Miami Beach Chamber
jj '. The present system of collecting and collections for 1935 totaled 08 per Of Commerce. Mrs. Purnell. who Is a
aecmrntlnR is modeled on the must c°lit, member of the board of directors of LEC_AL NOTICESMr. Tnrnllnsuiii is a Senfllsh Rite,the nssoclatlon. also is chairman of
modern i e .lei hilaved 1„„met ,sen.
IN COUNTY )LDG t'A t'o UKT nowt The llnnnrlAl pool Llan of Mlnml afnnnn and a Shriner. a na•mb0r of 1 the pranMinn arid nvmbrrshlp Com-
COUNTY.YI.OKIDA. NO. :eta. Llonn Inlrrultnnnl,. and list Weal-(miller for district four.
He.d kalsts ul Yr.nce• A. lt.mlllon. De. Bench In oirtslnndlnily sound, snots P I
while many factors have undoubtedly dent n! Mu.n11 11.003 Lions club
NOTICE IOPO INTENTION TO MAKE AP. -1'hmorrayh by Photo Reflex studio.
PLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. contributed'to this result. It is Mr. tturdifle a. ,�•_
Nonce is hereby siren that 1 hare filed ------- ----- ,7 '.:�;'.'
me rural Report and vouchers. and that ARE YOU GOING• ..
I will,on the Nth day of June.A. D. 1036. ----- TI-IEl'r1. OF LIQUOR °• ,�
oak far the approval of the same, and �;:r
wall apply to the Hon.W.T.Blanton.Judge A free dsas 1e.converse Clonal Span-
of the County Judge's Court. for final IN THE CHURCHES . REPORTED I-[ERE'rah for advanced onverpupils,sponsored by
duchane In the Estate of Frances A. ,�.
Hamilton.deceased. the Instltueldn Washington Irving, � �s
Laud Jula 1st. 193e Westminster Presbyterian Business w11t inert at 7:30 p. m. today In the >�:�>
Rono'rar e, ssTstriON. Jackpot and Slot ,t/melissa Also iucutna. Womrn'a circle will mart at a p, m.i 1I lobby of the Dallas Park lintel. ;,• ,
1.1IlnIT E PAI NE. ._ _ _ to
Alturnr sur iaeeuul:. GuLy with Ur. Martha Cox auA Mr.. •Ira if start "-
i a 7J-iba� 'lav mid AK. I•rr:.rion Assnrlsllnn
Corn ClearyYla. , 205 N. E. Twenty•mi xth Falling to smsah a slot Inna•!tllir, will meet at 10 n. m. todayIli the
S.Sealed8bids, iEngineer dupOfflicate.
, ibrilre.received i
bids. I0 o'clock
D. will be terrace. burglars early yesterday took with'assembly hall of the Halcyon Hotel,
here until pub o'clock e , I July 7, 19]6I
and then publicly opened. for furnishingthem n Cede of gin. 12 half pints of I Elwood Thorny prenldent of the seaCO
' all labor and materials and performing aWillisO.Garrett Bible Class of First wine and eight cartons of rlRnrr to I elation, said.
murk for cleanna and dredging aneroid. from the H. unch, 1 r N. W.I
meanly 144.000 Co. yds of material from Presbyterian Church will meet at 8
Taylormouthf Creek or ku Fl rid from SevcnG, avenue STOP PAIN QUICK
mouth al Taylor Creek to Pier at• Etat m,with Mrs•-Lelia tutee 21 N.W• At M. T..Sw'ift's barbecue stand at i
Coast Hallway I... a Ya bridge at Okee• p•
rnobee City. FL.. a distance ofapproxi-
mately I Fifty-ninth street. Miss Jennie Gilson 2700 Coral Way burglars smashed a I
i o meta. Further information on I slot mpchlne to get the jackpot and WITH CAP U DINE l linUcauon. will conduct the class.s. at Guy Sullivan's store at 25 N. E.
NOTICE, • i Fourteenth street they stole one• Headache,neuralgic,and periodic
(I THE Orrice Or DADE COUNTY.PUR- Luther League of First Independent I machine.
CHASING AGENT. ROOM 1300. COURT Lutheran Church will meet at 8 p.m., pains and other inorganic pains CI
!IONS[. MIAMI.FLORIDA. J. it. Chatln, 119 N. W. Sixteenth field •almost instantlyt0 C8 Udine.
1 Sealed bids In du Mlrate vitt be received at the church. Y p
In tau office until l0 .. m.. TUY.YUAY. avenue, 'reported burglars had ran-
11,JUNE 30TI1. nn Ills followlns: sacked his home and stolen $7. This Is because Capudine is liquid,
t: GROCERIES I Calvary Baptist Missionary arielety and its ingrediehta are already dos- '• You will fin
MEATH will meet at 10:30 a. m. Luncheon solved—all ready to act.
iso i)DOIL . will be served at noon. Capudine relieves pain by sooth- and coach
I.AMPL. BRIDGE ing the tense nerves. That is why
s IIAND rANIraf[R•MACHINE Robertson Memorial Men's club will it is so gentle and effective. It is observatior
WAPnrLr ROCK • meet al tl p. mL Bridge will be played at the Corey nPprOv.d by many physicians and
•t lice, ou lila in Turehaling Mml'a Hotel at 8:15 p. in. tomorrow and druggists. Capudine contains no Fred Harve;
., Dads County Pur hur.aT•Agent. St.Joan's Circle of Trinity F•piacopal Haruirdsy and at 2'15 p. in. T1lurarley Opiates. At all drug stores; 60c,
a16. Church will meet at 12:30 p. m. for with Mrs. Myrtle Alexander an charge. 3IIc, IOC aizea.—Adv. With the c
luncheon at the home of Mrs. J.•A.i
e=PIMPLES• ILA[KNEAD5• Wright, Jr., 1221 Borons avenue.Coral, ysrl t thing of the
Gables. C. m B S .y f�,�L—•s4� �r�t adRw r Pullman CO:
115ilES•ITOIIN6.9URMIN6� TrIRRy Methodlat Young Matrons'; i���:_ dude ranch,
CIasA will meet at 8 p. m, with Mrs.' Funeral Service `'5 Stip' 1� .. •�, ea d•
....oft= • Virginia Thorpe. 2130 S. W. Twenty.- • . —� f . s or in Colifc
Cher day without trying the Cuticurs third terrace.
,sooty. In a week you'll see • Change,
arrangements by wire .
crated qts continue, you'll be amazed. , ' SNEEZING? SNIFFLING? a«.....t a.rsN«Islr In tIs•NMI...
qualities at Cudeurs.8oap, plus the It majr be Raw Fever--e.u•e•l .i Y 1 A••erlal stn a. aur. L8 visit
,,ata alba of CYUcnn Uletmeat ,�_�
now by Irritating pollen nl •« In e.nuet with res•uaN rmne.l •ted•T•ias C•o-
Soap She. Ointment - — - grace.,tree..harem 5:yre itch Isom.• tbr• tb• N•rtb s•• Cauda.
p I �iic,,, sed smart.n,..water.--m..fall. t•enlal,also the
.ark Pu FF.. Add,. , pe. sliami—Tel, 3-2701
salt. s, Maldsn, Y.•s. �,,,. `II P'. 1•elindTak•aAr.enfDr.Plan. • Est. 1539 N. I. see.nd Ass Now San Diego
Ju . RINEX Prr.eripunn quhkir-
)IiITP$INTY ar','at'' II.haw muck better you feel la • 1 a(�C Miami Beach—Tel,5-2101 • Exposition
ksb S•OAP + r minutea.All druggists. 896
tab• •11$. teal
, : A� is u,fro h� t a �'' r iL' �r 3 •