1674-6 Pioneers Of Miami Beach pf esent for the vo e. ersten was a.sent from ' ' ' „• • , catholic Church, anti sur- ;" ' �
Wednesday(Today).at Coral 2PM till service time 2:30pm, vived by daughter and son- Sea & Harvey Seeds Ameri-
hi- the meeting. In-law, Joan and Anton can Legion Post #29.He will
'-t. Commissioners did not consider Gersten's Way United Methodist (Tony) Hein Of Miramar; son be greatly missed by his wife
+ Church.burial Miami Memo- and daughter-In-law. William of 16 years Emma Lee Whet-
'n- proposal, also on Tuesdays agenda, to tial Park. and Leona Martin of New stone, devoted son Charles
ed amend his original ordinance by relaxing the York;5 grandchildren;and 5 A.Wetstone.brother William
great-granchildren. Prayer (Ina) Whetstone. step-son
restrictions on the commission's discretion. BROWN ..r„ice 7:30 PM , Wednes- Gordon K.(Anne)Riel.step-
of After the vote, Hawkins said in an inter- ESTELLE L., 78, of Miami, day, • FRED HUNTER'S granddaughters Valerie
away May 19 1992.view that he wished the commission had paShe is •survived by 4 daugh- MIRAMAR HOME,6107 Mira- (Bruce) Kendall. Cynthia
he modifed the ordinance as Gersten wanted, ters: Debra, Margaret, Max- mar Parkway,where friends (Kenneth) Brown and step-
"re instead of repealing it. ine& Julia; 5 sons: Charles, may call Wednesday(tonight) great granddaughters Emily
P g7-9. Funeral Mass, 11 AM, &Saran Brown,nephew Rob-
, rry:Richard. James, Josephr & Thursday. al St. Stephen's art(Marie)Whetstone,nieces ��q�
is, "We've untied our hands," Hawkins said, Gerry: 16 grandchildren andMargaret Groom & Miriam lrrJ
he "but we may have put the politics back into 6 great-grandchildren.Visite- Catholic Church- Burial Elias.Funeral Services will be
++ tion 7 -9 PM Wed(tonight) Southern Memorial Park held Thurs. 11:00 AM at the
the process, and services 11:30 AM Thurs. JOSEPH B. COFER MIAMI
• ETRO COMMISSION DID CHAPEL, 11220 N. Kendall PAUL F., of Miami Beach, 10931 N.E. 6th Ave. where
Dr. Burial Woodlawn North died May 18. 1992.He was a friends may call one hour pri-
Cemetery 44 year resident from N.Y., or to Services. Entombment
veteran of WW II and retired Southern Mem.Park.Contri-
f action for 30 days on a proposal to ask voters if CARPENTER from E.A.L. after 40 years. butions may be made to the
KENNETH, SR., 88, passed Survivors include his wife. American Cancer Society
:nal say on race courses, restaurants and any other away on May 18, 1992. Be- Patricia;daughter,Debbi-
'cts planned in public parks. loved husband of the late Starr Barfield; son, Casey WILCOX
Margaret E.;Father of Buzzy, Scott;mother,Lucy Sachet;2 WILLIS P. (BILLY), 71, resi-
ed consideration,at Commissioner Arthur Teele's Pattea, Margot. Doris and sisters, Elsie Masmann and dent of Dade County since
oposal to give commissioners the final vote on all Billie.He was the owner&op- Anna Stanton and 5 grand- 1922 Grew up on Miami
erator of modern housekeep- children. Memorial Services Beach where he attended
1st expenditures of$5 million or more. ing shop for 42 years;a proud 10:30 AM,Friday,at St. Pat- kindergarten through high
mason known to be a man of rick Catholic Church. Please
honesty, integrity & a dear omit flowers. Memorial con- school.Was president of Mi-
tribufions maybe made to ami Beach High School stu-
friend to all who knew him.
' Cedars Medical foundation dent bcdy and active in all
✓Quid be a ter- other choice,' Clemente said He once said,"I never meta sports.Attended Miami Univ.
government if later. man I didn't like." We will Cancer Fund, Miami, FL. Ar- in Oxford, OH and the Univ.
miss you,pop,Memorial Ser- rangements by WALSH & of Miami, served in the US
today. ' Tempers ran high during the vice 8 PM. Thurs., 3 at VAN AMI FUNERAL HOME,MI- Navy during WWII- While at-
-ward with the six-hour debate. ORSDEL KENDALL CNA- tended college he was sports
,isioners Dus- At one point. Hawkins ordered PEL, 11220 N. Kendall Dr. RUTHERFORD editor of the Miami Beach
Memorial donations to Amer- Tropic and Athletic Director
Hawkins and incinerator opponent Morgan ican Heart Assoc. HERMAN MORRIS, 65, of of the Coral Gables Youth
1" votes were Levy removed from the podium Marathon, died May 17, Center.After college his first
CHEN 1992. Retired plasterer, vet- Ob was as sports editor of
iarvey Ruvin when Levy,president of the West CHRISTOPHER, 78, passed eran of WW 11, U.S. Marine the local publication the
'Finn, Metro Dade Federation of Homeowner away May 18, 1992. Miami Corp..member of the Ameri- Home News. He served as
-k was absent Associations, refused to Stop resident.coming from Jamal- can Legion and the D.A.V.. administrative assistant to
talking. ca in 1977.He is survived by Survivors include wife.Addie his brother-in-law U.S. Con-g his wife,Ruth;children Doris. Lou of Marathon, ex-wile. gressman Bill Lantift,he later
than rollingA security officer grasped the Roy.Bently,Joy and Tony; 10 Ginny Big Sandy. TN: 4 worked as asst. cashier and
68-year-old Levy's arms, but let grandchildren; and 3 great daughters. Marsha (Floyd) assistant V.P. of Curtiss Na-
68-year-old Manager grandchildren. Visitation 7-9 Graves of Griffin,GA,Mary E. Bohai Bank, Miami Springs.
to told Por- him go after Ruvin, shouting. PM Fri. at VAN ORSDEL (Wayne)Spano of Marathon. Resident of Miami Springs
• won commissioners' consent to KENDALL CHAPEL. 11220 Sherry Richmond,VA and Di- from 1941 to present.Served
'antic flurry of N.Kendall Dr.Service 11 AM ane of Morgan City, LA; 2 on the Miami Springs City
hear him Out. Sat.AT ST.LUKE THE PHY- brothers. Jack of Hollywood, Council(1955-61)and Mayor
Hawkins later apologized, but SICIAN EPISCOPAL FL and Robert of for Dec. 1960 to Oct. 1961
t hat they don't Levy was not mollified: "I've CHURCH. 12355 SW 104 ST. Lawrenceville, GA: 2 sisters. when he resigned from office
n incinerator lived here 68 years, and I'm BURIAL WOODLAWN Mary (Ed) Abbott of to accept Kennedy appoint-
SOUTH CEMETERY Larenceville,GA abnd Louise ment as FHA Director for
utely have no ashamed to say that today." (Bonnie) Hudson Grove Hill. South Fla.In 1970 he became
DE GUMBAZ AL;1 brother-in-law; 1 sister- program coordinator for HUD
in-law; 6 grandchildren: 2 in Chicago. IL and Washing-
IIV virus wins suit aOCHOA,of41,a od M.B. great grandchildren, numer- ton, retired from the
Beloved wife.B Gerard Gum- ous nieces and nephews.
baz of M.B.; cherished Friends maycall MARTIN- Federal Government in 1980
dau hter of Mercedes Deo- Springs.and returnedurve to Miami
9 VEGUE FUNERAL HOME, Currently was serv-
-nu court,contends in bankruptcy filings that the cnoa of Venezuela:dear sir- 6-8:30 PM. Wednesday with ing on the Examining Corn-
Sonia Ochoa(Maurlclo) Funeral Services 8:30 PM, mntee - Guardianship Divi-
Icy ruling to reinstate and pay McAlhany was DeGiommi of Venezuela and Wednesday. Committal Ser- sion, Dade county Circuit
lid made without duerocess. Aura Ochoa(Antonio)DeBal- vice to be held Thursday, 3
p bi of Venezuela. Repose lo- Court. He organized the
• PM, Miami Memorial Park. I.M.A.S.O.B. and has been
IC•ts day(Wednesday). 9 AM to 9 Arrangements by MARTIN- active in the Hialeah-Miami
McAlhany said she lost not only her job in PM. Interment in Caracas. VEGUE FUNERAL HOME. Springs Lions Club,Hialeah-
March 1991, but her apartment, herphone 1-743-5177. Miami Springs Jaycees.
and electricity. She moved in with one f her MEMORIALRUBIN-ZI CHAPEL Hialeah-Miami Springs
its other sons in Oakland Park and recently 1701 ALTON ROAD Chamber of Commerce and
lis" found a lower-paying job as an assistant ""'B 5384371 Miami Sass American si-
gion. He was the first presi-
housekeeper at another Fort Lauderdale ESPOSITOdent of the PTA at Miami
ne, hotel. i f Springs Jr.High School&the
%mfirst male PTA president In
l 18, 1992. Mr. Esposito had Dade County. He was also
ing "Maybe there's a chance somebody out made his home here for the the first president of the Mi-
-ul- there who's ignorant about the HIV infection past 50 years. coming from a arni Springs High School
of might see this and think twice before they fire NJ.A member of the I.S.D.A., ...;,, ,:?,,,,,. .:0)0.T..;.,1,,,..,;
Boosters Club. is survived•
it. someone just because someone in their fam- heis survived by his wiavid, c by his wife of 50 yrs.,Donna Elsie; children, Rita (David) adean; daughters, Donna
it," Perlman, Frederic (Linda) THOMPSON g
las fly has she said. "That's all I want out of Sibley,Towson, MD;Deanna
tCV it •+ Kohn,Jody(Abe)Salstein;4 JAMES. The Ron Thompson Wilcox. Miami Springs; son-
brothers.: 1 sister;grandchil- Story is a chapter out of Ho- in-law,Robert Sibley;grand-
dren.Wendy(Peter Antoszyk) ratio Alger.He is the embodi- daughters. Dorian, Amy R
vale services.Alligood Carroll Funeral Perlman. Jonathan Perlman, ment of the American Sue- Amanda Sibley: sister Betty
arilyn. Helen, 9 Andrew Perlman. Elaina cess story. Lantaff:sister-in-law Barbara
`d; and four Home. Kohn. Seth Kohn. Erika Sal- Allen. Nephews Court
Meeks,Margaret.77,of Miami.Ser- great-grandchildren, He came from Tennessee and
9 stein: g 9 joined the Lantafl. Kent LantaH and
as a young man
vices in Fort Wayne,Ind.Florida Mortuary Daniel and Matthew. Crypt- Richard Allen. Nieces Cathy
Services. side Services and interment United States Air Force and Lantaft Simmons.DarcyAllen
INIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN will be held 2 PM, Wednes- was honorably discharged in
Metcalf,Michael F.,33,of Miami. Heinzman and Elizabeth Ai-
Memorial services 7 p.m.Friday,Joseph day(Today),at Lakeside Me- March of'69. len. Memorial Services
B.Cofer Miami Shores Funeral Home. morial Park,10301 N.W.25th He began his career with the Thurs., May 21 at 1:00 PM,
St., Miami. Donations in Family Finance Corporation First Presbyterian Church of
78,a leading
Miller,Anthony,49,of Miami.Services memory may be made to as an assistant manager and Miami Springs, 301 West-
ador, 2 p.m.Thursday,St.Luke Cousin Memo- Multiple-Sclerosis Fund,Uni- then later became involved in ward Drive. In lieu of flowers
)overning party;In rial AME Church.Poitier Funeral Home. versity of Miami Medical
o,after atwo- ear School. the health care field for the the family requests donations
Y Moon,Bruce B..39,of Miami Beach. rest of his life.He was associ- to:Miami Beach Sr.High Ath-
3acked by the cen- Services 7 p.m.Monday,arrangements by RIVERSIDE-GORDON ated with Mount Sinai Medi- letic Scholarship Fund. 2231
n Fatty,he ran 18St MEMORIII,L CHAPEL
Body Positive. a cal Center. the Ochsner Prairie Ave..Miami Beach,FL