1674-7 Pancoast Family I
\6 q
' U. /
Directs Activities At Beach Pier
Herald Stitt [Bette,(,� -.� '
"R hT I'in only a one-job woma ,' Mrs. Russell T. Panco� ast_protested wh f informed last
"week that she is one of seven f ' e -Tel `B'2£a"Slgma Phi's "First Leidy of the Year
in Greater Miami."
That one job, any serviceman —between the thousands of only, however,' she never
who's ever visited•Miami Beach women w o held volunteer posts "practiced," she laughs.
Servicemen's Pier will tell you in theAr l4• a3'hid
l set-
is a "whop- up. � _, hid r) •• the Mrs. Pancoast and six other
.per." ., main office of the iet• /and women are being considered
President of tried "to look administrative." tills week by a committee of se-
the Pier asso- cret nominators appointed by
elation for the •'' LAST INTO NIGHT Beta Sigma Phi to select Greater
last three and j: All this kept her busy seven Miami's First Lady.
three-quarters day.s a week. Sometimes, her Beta Sipna Phi, international
y ear Jirs k. trouble•s'r.octinr dunes tasted h I ne<•, «•omen's or;anization,
j> « r .. l:or.0.• .':e woman named
,. n.,� n:, —,:ria th^ .
n: . .•r .. = a• ia'i,� :•c,=Poon. Loapters'
closed its uoot•_.
• title looks ,' : . of the organization are sponsor
"beautiful" in k•;,. `" Over four million men in - ing this event throughout the
print. But she :': uniform enjoyed the recrea• nation, as a tribute to women
• spells it differ- • ' = firm facilities of the Pier, from community leaders.
ently. For in- Mrs. Pancoast 1943. .
stance, the P is for push•and 1
perseverance. women Approximately 2,000 women '
In fact, her job was not on:v manned volunteer stations in the .
that of a public relations coun- Pier and its seven branches each TURNER'S SPORT SHOP
se! but also of private relations month. Closing day, their hard-
est task was to turn away the
crowds who had not learned 40 S. E. 1st ST,
Travel Light that the Pier's term of duty was
Consistently, Mrs. Pancoast 6
But In Stylehas refused personal recogni- SPECIAL !
• tion for her work. "We all
helped maintain the biggest
• recreation program for service- i.1HITED TIME
By JOSEPHINE LOWMAN men in Florida." she declares. OIL .'.t,
I am sure you have noticed Every woman who had a sug• e' . ,•: .
that the discerning, inveterate gestion or service to offer was Machineles$$ .,
traveler always has less luggage encouraged to put it into prat- PERMANENT h
lice, she adds. i- �,
than the novice. The latter Is Regular s><so For
•to take everything but PROVIDE HOSTESS SERVICE
the bird cage end essay-4eoii� -,- 3s.. addiil4n..,, q,,. lig. 3 '1:''''.
every type of recreation for e
overwrought as she does over • servicemen, as military installs- PETER` PAN N BA UT?
dressed-when she arrives at her tions changed in the area, so SALON
destination, did the Pier change Its program. • u a. R. 1ST AVE. mese 9-1os.9
Experience has taught the vet-
eranOVER the burden of too much centers moved in, tt,e Pier was
luggage and also many tricks in asked to provide hostess service
combining classic standbys with in many of the hotels where the
numerous accessories. men were barracked prior to re-
\o��, with expanding air assignment. This was a boon to
travel, light luggage will become those who felt themselves "lost" /�
even more + fashionable since,thein Greater Miami.
and must bees. r suit cases Now e her Pancoast and lighter ones. Rose Bamp- Job is ended, Mrs. Pancoast
tone operatic soprano, recom- plans to take it easy and de.
'mends light weight shoes and vote some of her sketching.
to Stria
hats, materials which do not her hobby-sketching. She, AIAAlf
' crush. She has found that silk her husband and daughter,
j>srsey is a God-send for South- Martha—all three are sketch- .
e ern climes, (day or evening), era. Mrs. Pancoast, incidental- 40, ..r
and that)ace packs like a dream, ly, is an architect,too, like her • r
She feel/that one should always husband—by college degree, ` :1,4:"41P..•