1674-2 Pancoast Family • e • t ii iN° • IfERALD TELEFaolrs 2-7401 THE HERALD, MIAMI, FL'ORIDI>: iELALD lELEI•Ef)RE Numerous of Parties T y Entertained At Club MAY WE PRESENT MATERNAL AND BABY -c Mrs.Larry Preston Honored By 1 is Tech. Vanderbilt R. Edward Fdhnll:1 THOMAS J. PANCOAST INSTITUTES ARRANGED University and the Among the many parties Saturday By rAt'LINg COALRT —�-"�i L— tbam• are among night at the Royal Patm chin was that mart Writer far re. x.r.m - Lecture and Clinics Will Be u expecting large given by R.Edward EAhol m,who was rr•HOMAS J. PANCOAST arrived at Given To Decrease Mor. \' host at•farewell party for Mrs.Larry 1 what Is now Miami Beach in ieu ' be decorated in the Preston. Other guests Included MI'Stality Rate dani H tt represents and Lelt• ds Reese. Mrs. Wainwright more or leu unwillingly. Hs came is A series of t because his father-in-law, John 8. • itutes kl, - -'' „ ,' 'IS on maternal and t gInfantt careetto be Ad .reunion of alumni Ernst, Mrs. Earl Reid, Mrs. William "`� conducted during the first two weeks T7 es. Collins, refused to be deterred from s * Cane.Mrs.Jane Johnson,Mr.Preston, , s of June In Al.lami. West Palm Beach, Ac making • mammoth avocado grove • '•e4,',,• Neville E.Thomas, Patrick O'Sullivan, out of some 1.600 acres of land across • .,. , Fort Myers, Tampa, L•kelnd, Or- BI ' Munson Alberto Santos.Baron Ernest de Greve, the.hay from the up-and•ceming lit- ....as lando and Daytona,was announced by 'SP Harold Throm, Dwight Pntl. Mr •and tie city of Miami. This project a '^ ter Florid• Medical 1•ttoa en DI ains Sorority Rgeared fantastic enough In itself, but +• *•w. terday. The fncials'e or Ia Ila• Ps �_ Mr.. Peter Miller and Mrs. Marion Mr. Collins had further announced with health officials' effort, to re- Ot BlrAseye, that he was growing •vocadoes Just duce the high maternal and infant Ot •r Jean Sterner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bodem■n, to be doing something with the land r/ death rate. µ• •tta Leach whose marriage was a recent event. until the time was ripe for cutting it Courses will be conducted In co- L. were heats to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh up Into building lots. • , operation with local medical soctettes, unson entertained Barrett. Mr. arta Mrs. Ray Poston, Mr.Pancoast had been associated in ail . Igst each Institute luting two days, and ( ,rlty at a chile sup- Rucker Halley,Miss Mildred Bodem•n, business with Mr. Collins In Mer- consisting of afternoon and night IN 'T1dey night. OIlt, Mr.and Mn.B.IC•liahn, Dr. A. Eck- ch•ntvllle, N. J., for many years,and .r Q7J/Mer- sessions. Miss Jean Sterner, man,Miss Blanche White,Paul Bowen, he knew that when Mr. Collins had l Lecturers will he te•cheraof dist- four. the Horth, and to .► fe apps Miss Ann Quinn and the bride's made up hls,mind to a course of ac- rice and obstetrics and will be thea pis , n, who Is going to mother,Mrs.Kitty Judge. tion the rest of the family Could just I sen by the special committee reps- too. >rovlded entertain- Observing their thirty-first wed. make their pleas accordingly. So senting the Florida Medical Am.:xi•. role a family group, which Included Mr. tion. Used ncluded Miss Maryding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse f and Mrs. Pancoast,came down to see Dr. Barn Ravens! of Greensboro, N. Had, ss Rosa Lee Smith, P. Mentz entertained Mr. and Mrs. L. what was going on. C., considered one of the leading Smith, Miss Doris Maynard Smith. In a group with stiff Prank Haben were Miss Evelyn Cooper, As Mr. Pancoast uys, the story of autjest initles and try.has beenon that sub- sone el Btroman. Mimi Oene Allen,Miss Julia Cooper,Walter how Mr.Collins came Into has told ` Ject In the country,has engaged n. Miss Irene Les- Crossland and Miss Opal McKinney. of this tract of land been told to conduct part of the lecture tours, the Armstrong. Miss Oueats present at the birthday party man times and will doubtbe stereopticon demonstrations Illustrated plc- war. I hod.,tguest.— uest. of Mrs.Jack Miller were Mr.and Mrs. ttld manymore. Fiver body knows by atereopticon sildea and motion 'Phrr I be at the home ofabout the New Jersey Investors who tore. will be Included In the Mall- flytl. 646 8. W First Blank Dr. and Mrs. I.. II. Flub, were going to mike enormous fortune, 8. bl turas, II• Mr. and Mrs. William Copland. Ma from thousands of •coconut trees Funds to make these institute,pos- rat, f and Mrs N.Williams. which would each drop one matured I s Bible were obtained by Dr. W. A. Ma. * tone Mr. and Mrs. F. Mergeu. Mr. and nut each day, though nobody stems 1 Is plain that his faith 1n the•future Phaul, •tate health officer, from the lion 'art0re(i Mrs. J. Anthony Bir, Mr. and W.I. to know where these statistics came 1 o Miami Beach has not faltered since children's bureau of the United States B. Parker and Mr. and Mrs E. J. C. from. Anyway, the fortunes did not I his first sight of that enormous po- Department of Labor.The state board ago. nrheon Doll formed another group. Mr. and 'materialize and most of the Investors I tato patch. Drainage and clearing Ella. of health acts as agent for this abeen ouii � Tarr gave a lunch- Mrs. (leorge E. Kehoe had at their laded out of the picture. hosed of the mosquitoes and the croco. money which Is earmarked in the arty at.the Latch table Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McMillen, Mr. Collins, a successful fruit Mies Alsappeared after • (while. • He budget for the new bureau of ma. thy Allay, compliment- Mr.and Mrs. D. E. Robinson.Mr.and grower In New Jersey. returned later chtcklel over the night a 14-foot ternal and child health, and sit aside they .rel Curry,whose mar- Mrs.T.H. Anderson, It. M. Neil. MIK., and planted avocadoes. By the time crocodile slid off the dock at his feet for • program of professional edu• stag, mix-Hay will take Dorothy K.Nell and Mr.and Mrs. M. Mr. Pancosat cant* down 1n 1011, he with • noise like the launching of cation. k res and white A, Wolfe, ocean had learned a good deal by the trial an liner and he covered the die- The first institute will begin •t torar osrr, ed In table decora- Mr. and Mrs. W 8. Itenry of Jack- and Trror method, He had learned to lance to his front door in npping flat. the nurses' lodge In Good Samaritan 1n ti sOnville entertained Nr. and Mrs, W. grow barricades of Australian pines According to Mrs.Pancoast,he locked hospital, West Palm Beach, June 1 star :ere Mre. Milton E. Kenton, SL Paul, MInn., and Mr. to protect his t from salt spray the door behind him, and 2; Miami at the Elks club, June rner Rogers, Mir and Mrs. W. J. $telnhiber of New and wind.and the magnificent double This would not seem so Incongruous 3 and 4; Fort Myers, Fort Myers hos- Peen Merton Brouler. yeti. W.Preston Ross of Hollywood avenue In Pine Thee drive stands as if they had been living in a makeshift pital, June 6 and 6; Tampa, /tunic!. tion, cy, Miss Nell Rose was host to Mrs.Waiter Citron. Mrs, one of his enduring monuments. He shack or tent, but the door In ones- pal hospital, June 8 and 9; Lakeland, Cull. u and Miss Rita Allen Wasrsnfells and Mrs. D. W. had learned to Irrigate,but It was only lion belonged to the beautiful real- Lakeland hospital, June 10 and. It; Lure Hammond,all of la Fayette,Ga. later understood that the water should deuce 1n Collins avenue which Is still Orlando. sen Juan Hotel, June 17 Mltc ' * * * * be applied about the roots instead of their home. They brought the floor and 13. and Daytona Beach. Halifax Patr. Ynl'\CP.D sprinkled from the top. He had plant- plan for this house P down with them hoe ltal, June 16 and 16. Miss Sara K.Heck- ed Irish potatoes between the trees but at that time they were too un- .Stephana Hecker, ersonal Mention and they were beautiful planta,grow- familiar with the climate to lan for I t took place Thurs. Ing even and luxuriant in row on row. proper exposures. Mr. Pancoast saysCASINO CLUB'S ` `I Vhtts with "It was•wonderful sight!"Says Mr. they"didn't know how to put an out. i� Plat es to TemplelMr.h Miss Peggy Jackson, daughter of Pancoast, who was born on a farm. side around it." but theyPOLICY IS TOLD dant sir,and Mrs. W.D. Mrs. A. M.Jackson, 1803 8. W. Nine- Apparently hla antagonism to the nate in their architect andrheogt lit tie c. Cl. The couple will teenth street, has returned from Tat- project died right then' and there. cannot think of •n 'milli:: s th labau•e where she has been attend- They shipped 77 carloads of potatoes would add to their comfort. that Opening Tomorrow aright Will 'lits log the Florida State College for from Miami Beach that winter. "And ' Thomas Jessup Pancoast was born f PdfNrl 1lnnv Election Parties Hue, Women, She Is a member of the PI such potatoes!" Mr. Pancosat says, July 13, I863, at Moorestown, N. J. The Town Casino club, land re )0 YOUR Beta Phi sorority. On the way home almost regretful that such potato The Pancossts ars birthright Warn] moor she visited In Gainesville and J•gk- land had to he divided into building and he was educated at the Friends the c ummere ason.°underwthfehum• years r sonvllle. sites worth thousands rat dollars Pel High school at Moorestown. He mar- management which TH E front foot, the the kind that are tied Katharine Rogers Collins, also sort during the past wwinterr. the re- leads. j T E. L.Stuntman of Miami fa •guestsoggy y are cooked, but of Atooreatown. Janus.ry 17, 1860, and. Operating on a Burt 1 WAY Y, at the Sevilla Biltmore Hotel !n'Ha- mealy and f•tling'to pieces under your they have three eon, Josiah Arthur, which will g Include Whole in oche i 1 �j • vans. fork!" Russell Thorn and Norman Laster, Here, I• carte service, and the co other The story goes on with the account Mr.Pancoast has been active In the tlnentalll cafe bar,the club will main. her WASH of the auction on the shore, when development of Miami Beach since tame an atmosphere of smart gayety. Pant I 1E NN H Mrs. Wona 0. Henning of Miami 3.000 persons were brought across the 1017. He 1• president of the Miami Cold buffet dinner and supper will I Beach Is stopping at the Hotel 8t. bay in small boat,and prizes of china Beach Realty Haug and of the Miami be • feature every Sunday night. West SVICE Morita in New York, and glassware added greatly to the Beach Chamber of Commerce, and tlreday night's open!r t will be more . 49c success of the occasion. Collins served u mayor of Miami Beach, marked by a number of', tes ti could bridge was started and halted at Belle 1016.20.its Is a member of the execu- tits. Arrangements ha ',action par- lestu Dr. and Mrs.M. Francis Wfelage of Isle for lack of money until Carl G. th'e board of the Committee of One P Assn tom- 1DaIfri� Mtaml Shores returned yesterday fromfeted to announce the retina rat- --- ID. 3! an airplane trip to Havana, Cuba, Fisher came to the rescue. 1t I■ a Hundred and a director of the Miami turns throughout tae evening sad where Dr. Wielage attended the con- greet saga,as related by Mr.Pancoast, Beath Rod and Reel club. He Is • esriy morning, oned Ib. g though he does not give himself as member of the Rotary club and the Music for dancing will be0 0 vention of the East Coast Dental As- much credit as the record shows. It Surf club• by provided sift rn soci•tlon, Manny Oates' orchestra, directed td, !a. 11� by Porter Thomas, lata 'Entries ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Slater and Atlantan•Are Hosts Mrs. Mercer P. Moseley are among At Miami Beach Dance TILE DAY IN SOCIETY C tt_A the m! Hench residents who will rd R 0 Y • A L :r Laundry salt 'from n m ides 'YetiFriday aboard r REVUE the syr Miami Ml. ChedHr, Nalbul Del. t. Pb.Cam10r7x - Mr.and Mrs.R.A.Marshall En- lintel Everglades.rata^ satiety wool's' le a. m.. is C PUTTY P A)•tr.-ire 11lra."W. A.eanderk,former terrain Their Friendsnl.c.,n• C•.•m... O. r.., a., me•tiae 191$ e d. m.. In nl.ceyn• Temsia ALSO ra residents of Miami who have been Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Marshall of All a ' L ' ! n l/ living In Key West, are house guests Atlanta were among hosts entertain- t•rd cies meeting t a.m. BOB, aUagi U 6 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Oerald Penney. 2238 tog Saturday night at the RoneyPlaca ie aini Gabler ler• ars• bar••d • • Corel oe Garden flus .eel ••• W ANDt K. W. Fourth street. During their Cabana Burt club,where another dance ser.lsw e■ nt•la abet s, far ...semi visit here they' have been honor in the summer aeries took place In the end their guest.. t d. m. WANOA JO's la.Ors a� guests at a number of small polies. palm gardens. •N'•ne l•Csseetl. D f Peoh•a- DAWSON Legal Palm°rehears They anti leave today for Augusta, Guests In the party were Miss Mable tar. •iectlon •t officers arta ...resew 81■•.auger Ke Oaarerl--Ne Adm. LS Oa.,where they will make their home. Pritchard. Wilton Kirkland, Desmond •"'•Ire•, 5 e. m.. In a•dm•n'• bell. t Kelly. Miss F.lofs Smith,Mr. and Mrs. WO !teeth Miami oven.•. AAT EION M Lus $1.50 � a0 (tees Marshall,Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Stu- Tap Relief Ae.selell•■ mr•llnr DINNaa.,....S a art Wright,Albert Palmer,Miss Laura s r. 'a• al Dar N t7 N. w, Tae Ducar. Pb.., t-tl7t Dr. Leonard W. Hoskin glTheme Marshall and Durant Welch. Theme Upsilon eaans 'reedier see■ Specializing In the Scientific One of the larger parties was corn- Examination of the Eyes paled of MUM Runty Cha mn, Pat nal at h'a's parts nae. Miami ami ' (. a P ltaa Pennert. acnes Mlml I ,6 rA1WAU T E (V/�re j and the Cesarano,Hartwell Hunter,Rudy Wal- Meeh, a P. w., to midnights Lsmse• Proper Fitting of the Classes • ters. Mise Rosie Lewis. Miss Maria thalami., •t Nestd• stats relies. re. ALWAYS THE BEST A.r•Condttlo. Pb...lee Fickleeshne . Mies LOUBetty Herbert, Stuart semen and Miami air A.oel•u•■ OLYMPIA lel N. K. not al.. ► a •s-said. ahney, Miss Betty Herbert, Stuart ha .' 1.122 Patton, Miss Ruth Delselhorat anti M••• rout Ledford st,tse mleeelisn. • J. R. Lyons. •S's. 'bans and arida• 5 d. at., a•m• -C. 1l nrvev n Payneat hit mat A•r. IA"' 1.. a, nor, bra•,- ' ..yam,..... ...•.^,.�,.,,.w,•„ ,,,�„v.,.+r..- .� wee h,Mt et w t ' , A �e ■. eNnd Tnmarl M.