1674-16 Pancoast Family �� iU� , c /lay 1lth,"1920. i .. F r 1., 0l'. • ' 1 ' , I . � .r. Thomas J. Pancoast •• •.. Memo ... . Before I leave I w .nt to ask "?r. Brayton.to plant the , Pine reo Road'clear north to the north end of the pines and to put not less than 10 fine coconuts oeerylot d also attvv havvefsold . " r, . in your subdivision - and.I think youThis r coconuts on your hotel property, scattered about in groups. M' •F... � , Brayton has orders to go , t7::•;:; J•,,f planting should be sono at once, and ` . grab to spend can be V :''Al ahead with it. The amount of money you , f �, governed on your, own property by yourself - but it is v., ,• entirely --" a part of our duty and contract to plant in first class all of ;your . :. ) } .� , . . property which me recently- 8014c and ,to get this property in,' thoroly first class shape by next year. The road must be finisbPd and the bulkhead in and the property leaking right up to strunc1ard, ,or it will be very serious for us in promoting and pushing further sales to the north. ,` As I mentioned to you the other day, I think the Gleason proeerty should be oloared at once,. regardless of any request from 't wait for these architects to docile what they , fin. iwe can r i;:ial � hi • co lish t and a,c mP �'� want to do - we roast push fors�ard quickly . l., shore property asmoll as And for the future' of the Bay of your s 1 est that a lax number yourI would strongly las • , coconuts, $oyal Palms, Bougainvillea i . and ra fed Avocados be' re;�lac$d bythe ,.,. _ .�-� or other ornamental trees - particularly flowering trees like Bo invillae - so that people driving thru the trees will note 7 the beautiful vista of flowers and palms - and in the future, when your property is for sale, these trees will double the value. At the present time there is entirely too much protection to the Pear Orchard to furnish' sufficient ventillation thru to the Bay Shore , This protection property for the best results to everybody concerned. may be best for the Avocado Pear Orchard and I would advise leaving it. for this Sumner, but I' mould urgently advisenthat mosquitoes.' Cummer iVi • ' some of them be taken out to help get rid of ��. I en ,ander the impression that-we decided the other day ttb plant all of the cleared and prepared property 'in para-grass, , being,less dangerous from fire than Bermuda -. since we will have at least 150 nolo ponies to feed and can sell this hay to the players at a fair price. We will also have b0 or 80 caws to take care of fro the Dairy and we will need a great deal of.hay for thorn. I will locate with you tomorrow the Ernst house, which we , .. must start by fovember first on the Bay i-hore property. . $ T May 11th. ^f` xir. Pancoast #2. Se will pass on the "Lrns and Bird Fountains in the not few days, from the Geiger. sketches. And the_ place-where Sehillirg is now, should be fixed up handsomely by next season. The two bridges acsoss the canal should be made to lo.>k very handsome, with flower boxes on each end of the bridge, as they are the two most principal points on the Island, with the eiception of the Causeway entrance - and the impression mast be good. I would strongly advise that the smell cottage, which was moved across the road at the canal bridge, be fixed up, with a wide porch and all painted to rvke it first class - and under no circumstances should this be leased except from month to month - and I would advise that It be retained for golf club purposes, and that it should not pass out of the hinds of the Bay Shore and ;rami Beach Companies, other than as • stated. I have re quested t h ,t all Bay Sxore bills pass thr u Humpa.ge's hands as he will be oar Auditor Por both Companies this wi_1 save considerable expense and also give us the chock of an Auditor. After I have been in Indlana_nolis.for a short time I will ` write you about the financial situation. 'Before I leave I,"will try and see Mr. Gilman and arrange -that the Bay Shore Company aiu.make a loan with them - but if this matter should cowl up, take it up with Lr. Humpage, who is acting as our financial nau and who is thoroly familiar with all the arrangementS wo are prepared to make. - Carl G. Fisher. VU- +]F:R • • • 1